Störsuchmessgerät 67 state of affairs of: 1 September 1938
(more or less equivalent to STMG 1867 and Type Su.G. 1868)(also similar to Siemens STMG 33)
For this occasion we use the Siemens catalogue to STMG67 and the illustrations are based on STMG 1867/1868, which belong to our archive displays (regard also Na-Liste)
The main difference between the versions is, that STMG1867 and Typ Su.G.1868 is having an aluminium housing sprayed in Luftwaffe grey, whereas the civil types STMG 33 and Siemens type 67 are fit in leather-look. They all employ the same valve types and batteries(similar concept). Regarding the schematic shown in the last illustration of this page (very down), we see the difference between the 1867/1868- and the lower numbered sets. As type ... 1868 is equipped with two build-in antenna loops. Not shown in the illustrations, having on one side of the receiver unit Typ Su.G.1868 attached an additional aluminium cover-box open at one (small)end, as to allow electromagnetic field components to reach the antenna loops directionally. Siemens used the word "noise search receiver" which really covers the purpose of this set ("Störsuch....").
Keywords: Bedienungs-Anleitung; instruction manual; Wirkungsweise des Störmeßgerätes; Technische Daten des Störmeßgerätes; Anwendung des Störmeßgerätes; Bedienung des Gerätes; Reihenfolge der Bedienungsgriffe bei Messungen von unmodulierten Hochfrequenzspannungen z.B. an Antennen, bei der Eichung von Geräten; Ausbreitung der symmetrischen Störströme; Ausbreitung der unsymmetrischen Störströme (common mode interference like on power cables); Prinzip der Meßeinrichtung; Messung der symmetrischen Störspannung an einem Gleichstrommotor; Messung im Faradyschen Käfig (Faraday cage); Der Frequenzbereich des Störmeßgerätes ... erstreckt sich von 150 kHz bis 400 kHz and 500 kHz bis 1500 kHz (thus the regular long wave and medium wave bands); measuring range 1 = 10 - 10,000 µV and for range 2= 100 - 100,000 µV; Die Werte sind deshalb mit den Angaben des CISPR und des großen Störmeßplatzes nur unter Anwendung eines Korrekturfaktors (2.5) vergleichbar; Gemäß den Empfehlungen des Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radiophoniques (CISPR) vom Dezember 1937 beziehen die .... ; Störsuchgerät 68 ..... ; RE034 Röhre (very old valve types being used); Störspannungs-Messung nach CISPR ..... ; Tragbarer Eichgenerator Rel send 12a ... ; Empfänger-Prüfgenerator Rel send 7a (see S&H Catalogue 1940)
STMG 1867 with attached Type Su.G.1868
Receiver section being opened, at the bottom we see the battery cables with their contact screws, as to prevent instable contacts. The brown haft on top of the box, has in its front section an integrated loudness control wheel, which was very convenient to operate
The same module as previously, but shown from the opposite side. The valves does not use fixed mounted valve sockets, but the valves are being carried in rubber strings. No valves are shown, as we do not possess these odd, though rare, types. The black empty box on the right is to store an additional battery
The so-called: Störmessteil inside. On the right-hand side (a bit down), we just see the input terminals. The meter and valve stage of this unit is fed from the measuring receiver type Su.G.1868. See next illustration
Explanation of the noise measuring (interference) section STMG1867
Schaltung des Störsuchgerätes Type Su.G.1868 (the receiver) is of quite straight forward design. We can see on the right, that it is fit with two loop antennae (Rahmenantenne)(see text in the introduction paragraph)
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