Inhaltsverzeichnis (Index) 

(integral Na-index or group list)

MN Ars. stood for: Marine Nachrichten Arsenal

Mid 1944, this office was located in Thale/Harz

Once Klaus Herold called them: the lunatics of Thale

Viewing the content of this list one get the strong impression that they might have lost the feeling for reality of July 1944. All type number derivates being noticed, but some of these were already for a long time replaced by different types of gear.

Nevertheless, for those recovering the origins of KM type numbers this list is very informative. The German would say: Eine Fundgrube


Page initiated on 11 February 2014

Status: 7 May 2017


Like, for example, some of the contents on the next page


Let us consider the above page


Please consider also the NTM article on the same apparatus   


Please let us consider the content of, for example, Na 390 000

Kombinierte Richtblinker Seehund II-Anlage mit P 4/10 / A 18 LT 41

Some of you may be acquainted to the way the Germans created their type numbers.

Reading: Seehund II-Anlage ... A 18 LT 41

What can we learn from this magic code?

A stood for: AEG

18 might mean 18 cm (or 30 mm) lens aperture and/or signal-lamp aperture

LT most likely meaning Lichttelegrafie

41 means 1941, the year of its system acceptance, not necessarily equal to the year of its actual employment.


Na 390 025 Seehund III ... A 30 LT 43

'A' stood for AEG

30 might mean 30 cm, as 30 mm is unlikely (however, after consideration it could well be a value given in mm).  Whether this is true for the IR signal lamp aperture (used for infrared Morse signalling)  or the optical vision system I don't know.

LT stood likely for Lichttelegrafie

43 means 1943, the year of its system acceptance. Most likely not long thereafter also seeing service.


Finally a photo of the Seehund II system. On the right-hand side the IR signal lamp, on the left the IR vision apparatus

They used this sensitive IR* night vision system as to enhance the operational range of their 'invisible' longer distance optical signalling system. At sea operating wireless was rather dangerous, and optical communications being favoured. 

* The Germans called this spectrum UR which stood for Ultrarot.


Please notice that this chard is dated: January 1945

An additional thought, this list apparently dates back to January 1945, but I obtained it in the 1970s in Denmark. It is thus quite likely that this list was used by the German KM services in that area. Their services maintained operationally until the bitter end in May 1945.


Please consider the above chard for what the content of the NA stock serials means

It was found that once for practical reasons the divisions were not really accomplished as the chapter numbering does suggest. I therefore have to add additional differentiations.



Geräteliste covering the ranges: Na 300 ...  319 ... (new on 14.2'14) Running from Na 300 000 up to Na 311 920


Geräteliste covering the ranges: Na 300 ... 319 ... part II (new on 17 February 2014) Running from Na 312 100 up to Na 336 916


Geräteliste covering the ranges: Na 320 ... 399 ... Running from Na 337 000 up to Na 391 701


Another practical matter, our main Na list starts with Na number 200 000 and ends up with Na 278 455, does it really make sense to copy all these pages? Are we really interested in stock numbers on: generators - batteries and typewriters (like Erika M), locks or bureau punchers? At least demanding several days of copying. I strongly doubt that this is worth it.



Please notice the brief short listing:

UT stood for Unterwassertelegrafie

Peilanlage is related to wireless DF

S-Anlagen (I guess) can be compared to Asdic (by the way, hardly used in U-boats as this would have given away their existance)

Lotanlagen, to my understanding, sonar echo-ranging. In German language Echolot

GHG, Gruppenhorchgerät

KDB, whether belonging to the Balkongerät or a rotating microphone array

UT, Unterwassertelegrafie. An emergency under water sound telegraphy system. I guess, that it could also listen to sound signals arriving from outside.

Funkmeßanlagen stood for radar systems

FuMO stood for Funkmeßortung (radar)

Some open queries:

NH and FH systems

On 7 May 2017

On request of Remco Caspers, I have copied the Na 240-000 - 240-996 pages.

Maybe some of you would like to have this information as well.


By Arthur O. Bauer

