German manuals
(Started on 16 May 2009)
Status: 12 December 2024
Most manuals originate from our own archives though, it is nevertheless very important that we get support from those having material that is worth being made public onto the web. We would be very pleased when someone is willing to support us. Please, don't hesitate to contact us; our account is to be found at: About us
This symbol is indicating that it has been newly contributed, at least since 24 September 2024
AN301 m.n Gruppenhorch-Anlage, mit 2 x 24 Kristallempfängern mit Rumpf- bzw. Balkon-Einbau Anlagen in A3 liegend
APZ6: Frieseke & Höpfner Werkschrift of March 1942
AS2: Ansteuerungs-Sender AS2 Geräte-Handbuch, D.(Luft) T. 4452; Schaltbild des 120-Watt-UKW-Ansteuersenders AS2 size A 0; this is the complete schematic; which is in the pdf manual split over two pages, now being combined into a single A 0 page. (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A0 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
AS4: Anflugführungssender 4, Gerätehandbuch; D.(Luft) T.4456, Juni 1943 (PDF 2.6 MB); Schaltbilder in A3 separat. (The schematics are being kept separate as their size landscape A3) You, nevertheless, can print it when you reduce its size to so that it fills the screen or not just, and select then the printing option print what is actually being showed
AS60 ≈ M1K: Kurzwellen-Sender 1,4 kW AS 60 Ln21210 mit Netzteil Ln21211; the latter power supply is different from what the Swiss Army finally purchased. Maybe because using semi-conducting rectifiers might have been one of their requirements. However, the German wartime manual can be used in all circumstances where the pure transmitter is concerned. Using the Swiss schematics is rather clumpsy, because these a rather large.
BOA12 - MEK8 - MG15; Tfb1 - 5: Brief desciption of the most used German Carrier telephony systems, prepared by Helmut SchickeD 762/1: Feldverstärker a (The two-way field amplifier for Field telephone (FF33) communications over longer distance. D762 Schematic diagram, size A2. Its internal cable wiring D762 Verdrahtung, size A2 (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A2 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 015-1: Instandsetzungzungskraftwagen (KW) für Fu SE 62 (= AOB: Würzburg related systems)
D 51/5: Gebrauchsanleitung für englisches Gerät Heft 5 Funkgerät vom 15.2.41 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 762/1: Der Feldverstärker a vom 1.9.41 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 763/1: Das Trägerfrequenzgerät a 20.5.40 Unveränderten Nachdruck Berlin 1942 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 763/2: Schaltunterlagen für das Trägerfrequenzgerät a und b This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 763/5: Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Trägergerätes a (FTa) vom 10.5.39 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 788/1: Vorläufige Bedienungsanweisung für MEK-Trägerfrequenzgeräte der Fa. AEG, Vom 17.12.1941; Die MEK-Trägerfrequenzgeräte (Mehrfach-Einzelkanalgerät für Kabel und Freileitungen) der Firma AEG ermöglichen über eine Doppelleitung bis zu 8 Gespräche zu übertragen. An Stelle eines Gespräches kann Wechselstromtelegrafie (Vierdraht-WT*) eingesetzt werden. *Fernschreiber or telex; carrier-telephony; This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 789/5: Merkblatt für Einsatz und Bedienung des Trägerfrequenzgerätes b vom 17.6.40 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 800/2 Beladeplan für den Kraftwagen b Kfz 72
D 877/2: Das Lichtsprechgerät (80 mm), Vom 8.9.38 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 878: Das Lichtsprechgerät 60/50 mm, vom 1.9.44? Zum Einlegen in das Gerät This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 903: Die Meßgeräte der Funkgeräte, vom 9. März 1934, Gerätebeschreibung This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 915/1: Tornister-Empfänger b, Vom 21.9.39, Berlin 1939, Bernhard & Graefe, Berlin SW 68 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 916: Der 5 Watt=Sender, Type Spez. 469 Bs, Vom 23.12.33, Berlin 1934, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 917/1: Funkgerät Der Tornisterempfänger Type Spez. 445 Bs Vom 23.12.33 Berlin 1934 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 940: Funkgerätebeschreibung Das Tornisterfunkgerät A, ? S.E 2/203, November 1932, Berlin 1932, Gedruckt durch C. Lorenz A.G.
D 940/3: Entwurf Tornisterfunkgerät b1, vom 7.5.37, Unveränderter Nachdruck, Berlin 1940 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D ?? Tornisterfunkgeraet b1 (Torn.Fu. b1) Prüfvorschrift Ausgabe 1941
D 940/5: Merkblatt zur Bedienung der Tornisterfunkgeräte b1 und f, (Torn Fu. b1 und Torn Fu. f), vom 1.9.1938, unveränderter Nachdruck This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 948 /6 Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Feldfunksprechers a1 (Fusp. a1) und des Frequenzprüfers d1 (Fprüf. d1). Vom 18.1.39 Berlin 1939 Gedruckt bei Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn Buchdruckerei Berlin.
D 949/1: Der 10 Watt-Sender ("a" 27,25 bis 33,35 MHz) oder ("b" 30,30 bis 33,35 MHz) Vom September 1937 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 949/2: Der 10=Watt-Sender 10 c, (27,2 bis 33,3 MHz), Vom 15.6.39 Berlin 1939, Gedruckt bei Ernst Siegfried Mittler und Sohn, Buchdruckerei Berlin This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 963/8: Merkblatt für die behilfsmäßige herrichtung von handelsüblichen Kraftwagen als Ersatz-Funkkraftwagen vom 1.11.1941
D 970/1: Der 1 kW-Sender b, bishertiger benennung: Schwerer Kurzwellensender b, Frequenzbereich: 1090 - 6700 kHz (275 - 45 m), Nachdruck mit eingearbeitetem Deckblatt Nr. 1, vom März 1936, 1940 Gedruckt im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
D 970/2: Der 1,5 kW Sender a (1,5 kW S. a) Diese Beschreibung gilt bei denen der Betriebsartenschalter im Gleichstromteil untergebracht ist. Vom 15.5.41 Berlin 1941, Gedruckt in der Deutschen Zentraldruckerei This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 974/1: Gerätebeschreibung zum Einlegen in das gerät. Der 30-Watt-Sender (30 W.S. / 24b - 120) (AOB: Pre-war Wehrmacht designation) May 1937 Berlin 1937 Gedruckt durch Telefunken G.m.b.H.)
D 974/2: Der 30 = Watt = Sender a, 30 W.S. a, (1120 bis 3000 kHz), Vom 26.2.41, Berlin 1941 , Gedruckt in der deutschen Zentraldruckerei. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 978/1: Der 80 = Watt = Sender a, (1120 bis 3000 kHz), Vom 6.8.41, Berlin 1941, Gedruckt in der Deutschen Zentraldruckerei. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 979/2: Merkblatt für Tornisterfunkgerät, Nur Hinweis! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 979/8: Merkblatt über die Nacheichung der Funkgeräte This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 982/1: Der 20 = Watt-Sender c (27,2, bis 33,3 MHz.) Vom 26.4.1939
D 987: UKWE c1; The predecessor receiver type of the later type UKWE d1. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 988/2: Der Ultrakurzwellenempfänger e UKW. E. e (27,2 bis 33,3 MHz) Vom 15.6.39 Berlin 1939 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 990/1: Das Röhrenprüfgerät a (Rprüf a) Vom 24.6.1939 Unveränderter Nachdruck 1942 Berlin 1942 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 991 10-m-Steckmast (Stm.10) Vom 1.11.1939 Unveränderter Nachdruck 1942 Zum einlegen in das Gerät!
D 993/1: Die Ultakurzwellen=Empfänger f und f1 (42,1 bis 47,8 MHz) Vom 1.10.42 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 993/5: Merkblatt zur Bedienung der Ultrakurzwellen=Empfänger f und f1 (42,1 bis 47,8 MHz) Vom 24.11.42 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 998/1: Feldfunksprecher b1 und c, mit Anhang: Feldfunksprecher b2 und Frequenzprüfgerät f Vom 1.8.44 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 998/5: Merkblatt zur Bedienung der Feldfunksprecher b und c (Feldfu. b und c) Vom 17.3.41 Berlin 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1003/1: Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, Das Funkgerät im Panzerwagen II (Sd. Kfz. 121) Ausführung A - f Vom 1.10.42 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1008/1: Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, Funk- und Bordsprechanlage im Pz. Kpfw. IV (H) und (P), Vom 1.10.42 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1014/1: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät, Das Tornisterfunkgerät h (Torn. Fu. h) (24,95 bis 23 MHz) (Frequenznummern 241 bis 280) Vom 9.4.42 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1020/1 Das Lautsprechgerät (Fu) b LSG (Fu) b Vom 17.11.1941
D 1021/1 Entwurf zum Einlegen in das Garät Funkgerät 01 Vom 1.10.1941 Berlin 1941
D 1025/1: Vorläufiger Entwurf, 15 Watt Sender-Empfänger a, 15 Watt Sender-Empfänger b, Prüfgerät SE 15 b Vom 9.1.44 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1030/1: Vorläufiger Entwurf, Tornisterfunkgerät g, Frequenzprügerät g, und Prüfgerät TFuG g, Vom 1.3.44 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1030/5: Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Tornisterfunkgeräts g (Torn.Fu.g) Vom 11.4.42 Berlin 1942 Gedruckt in der Deutschen Zentraldruckerei
D 1032/1: Das Fequenzprüfgerät e (Freprüfg.e), Vom 15.12.42. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1033/5: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät, Bedienungs des Tornisterfunkgeräts k, Vom 1.11.43 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1034/5 Antennenanpaßteil a für Antennen zur Verbesserung von Kurzwellenverbindungen Vom 1.8.1944
D 1034/8 (D 1034/1 ?) Merkblatt über Aufbau und Ausführung von Antennen. (Einschlielich Behilfsantennen) (AOB: Merkblätter sind immer X xxx/8!)
D 1052/1: Funk-Horch-Empfänger a, (Fu.H.E. a), Gerätebeschreibung, Vom 1.10.42 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1053/5: Zum Einlegen in dag Gerät, Merkblatt zur Bedienungs des Funk=Horch=Empfängers b, (Fu. h.E. b), Vom 23.3.42 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1054/1: Funk-Horch-Empfänger c, (Fu. H.E. c), Gerätbeschreibung, Vom 1.10.42 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1054/5: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät, Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Funk-Horch-Empfängers c, (Fu. H.E. c), Vom 1.10.39 Unveränderter Nachdruck Berlin 1940, Gedruckt im Oberkommando der Wehrmacht This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1055/1: Funk-Horch-Empfänger d, (Fu. H.E. d), Gerätbeschreibung, Vom 10.9.44, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1055/5: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät! Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Funk-Horch-Empfängers d, (Fu. H.E. d), Vom 1.10.39, Berlin 1939 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1056/5: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät! Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Funk-Horch-Empfängers u, (Fu. H.E. u), Vom 4.6.40, Berlin 1940, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1057/5: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät! Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Funk-Horch-Empfängers v, (Fu. H.E. v), Vom 1.2.42, Berlin 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D1070/1 Lang=Mittelwellen=Peilgerät Vom 5.12.1936 Unveränderten Nachdruck Berlin 1940 Gedruckt in der Deutschen Zentraldruckerei
D 1351/5: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät! Merkblatt zur Bedienung des Funk-Horch-Empfängers f, (Fu. H.E. f), Vom 1.2.42, Berlin 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 1790/1: Merkblatt für den Aufbau von Truppenfunkgerät und Behelfsantennen in ständigen Anlagen der Landesbefestigung. Vom 1.10.42
D 1790/6: Richtlinien für Einsatz, Bedienung und Aufbau der Festungsantenne alter Art. vom 1.11.1944
D 9012/1: Feldfunksprecher f mit Anhang : Feldfunksprecher f1 und Frequenzprüfgerät h Vom 1.11.44
D 9018/5: Ferntastgerät zum 15 Watt Send-Empf. a und b. Gebrauchsanleitung. Von 10.2.44
D 9023-1: Die Funk- und Bordsprechanlage im Panzerkampfwagen Tiger als Befehlswagen. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D 9035/5: Bedienung des Frequenzprüfgeräts i, Vom 10.9.43 his data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 1408 (=M.Dv.Nr.279): Richtlinien für den Einsatz von Funkmeßgeräten (Flak), und die Zusammenarbeit mit schweren schweren Flakbatterien und Flakscheinwerfern; Mit Anhang: Einrichtung von Umwertebaracken (computing the radar data in relation to the data at the Flak site. (5.6 MB), November 1941. FuMG Kommando-System-Übersicht, in A2 (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4003 Heft 4: Fl-Bordfunkgerät Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise und Instandsetzung. Heft 4 FuG. V, FuG Va, FuG VaU. (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4003 Heft 5: Fl-Bordfunkgerät Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise und Instandsetzung. FuG. VI, FuG VIa. (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4003 Heft 6: Fl-Bordfunkgerät Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise und Instandsetzung. FuG. VIII. (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4005/4: Fl-Bordfunkgerätesatz Fu G 10 K 3, Gerätehandbuch, 10 September 1943. Schematic of the FuG10K3 receiver (Empfänger-Schaltbild) (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4006: Notsendegeräts NSG2, Ln 27091, Geräte Handbuch, February 1941. This famous transmitter was copied in the US and was substance of many aircraft since for decades! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4008: Fernantrieb FA 16 Fernbediengerät FBG 16, Geräte Handbuch, Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise, sowie Bedienung und Wartung, September 1941. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4011: Zweirasten-Fernsteuerung FB7 zum FuG VII (FuG7)
D.(Luft) T.4052: Einstellsender PSUo-A, Betriebsvorschrift This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4053: Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift Frequenzprüfer PQK 0 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4054: Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift für Fl-Bord-Zielfluggeraet Peil G IV (mit Verteilerdose VD 3) This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4057: Peil G V Geräte=Handbuch, Beschreibung Wirkungsweise und Instandsetzung sowie Bedienung und Wartung, Juli 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4058: Funklandegerät FuBl 2 (Blindlandeanlage), Geräte Handbuch Februar 1943 (please notice that its data content surpasses 12 MB) This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4059: Elektrische Peilanlage mit elektrischer Peilung (Patin V25), Anlage-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung und Wartung. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4060: Bordpeilgerät R.C. 5 B (RC5B). Automatischer Funkkompass (Radio-compas automatique de bord) Deutsche Übersetzung, Geräte=Handbuch, Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung und Wartung, Januar 1942. This is most likely similar to Busignies' DF technology, which he brought to the US and where the French were so proud of. He was engaged at: a subisdiary in France and later in the US of I.T.T. (I.T & T. also Standard Electric)! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4061: Automatischer Peilzusatz APZ 5 (APZ5), Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise und Instandsetzung sowie Bedienung und Wartung, Januar 1942. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4062: = FuG 101a
D.(Luft) T.4063: Funk-Peil-Gerät 141, the DF aircraft receiver meant for DFing upon the emergency transmissions of NS4. Please notice: D.(Luft) T. 4101 NS 4 down this page
D.(Luft) T.4065: Funk-Landgerät Fu Bl I, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschrebung und Betriebsvorschrift, April 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4066: Elektrische Fernbedienung EFB 2 (für Peil G V), Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung sowie Betriebs- und Wartungsvorschrift, Juli 1942 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4067: Bordfunk- und Zielfluggerät FuG 17Z, Geräte-Handbuch, Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, März 1944 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4068: Fl-Bordpeilgerät Peil G VI (EZ 6) mit automatischem Peilvorsatz APZ 6, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise und Wartung, Juli 1943 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4069: Bordfunkgerät FuG 16ZY, Mit Aufbauvorschrift für Antenne des Ziel-Senders. Schematic of the FuG16ZY main block and mounting frame (Geräteblock FuG16ZY, AR16Za and Verteilerkasten VK16Za). (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4100: Kurzbeschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift für Fl=Bordfunkgerät FuG 25 (Thus the old version!) This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4101: Notsende-Gerät NS 4, The breast emergency transmitter This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4102: FuG 301 Fl.-Bordfunk-Gerät, Gerätehandbuch, April 1942 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4103 (FuG202): Liechtenstein type b/c (PDF 6.5 MB). FuG 202 b/c schematic, size A1 (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4104: Notsende-Gerät NS 4, Geräte-Handbuch, Januar 1943 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4109: Bordfunkgerät FuG 212, Geräte-Handbuch, September 1943, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4111: Bordfunkgerät FuG216. Stromlaufplan des Sichtgeräts SG216, size A2 (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A2 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4112/1: Bordfunkgerätehandbuch FuG 220, Gerätehandbuch, Heft 1 Kurzbeschreibung, September 1943, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4116: Bord-Funkgerät FuG 302 Geräte Handbuch, the famous floating short-wave wether-transmitter! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4117/1: Bordfunkgerät FuG217, Heft 1: Geräte-Handbuch, Juli 1944
D.(Luft) T. 4117/2: Bordfunkgerät FuG217, Teil 2, Betriebsund Einbauvorschrift; airborne radar; This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4200: Prüf-Quarz-Kontroller PQK 16, Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, Februar 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4202: Abstimmanweisung für Funk-Landgerät Fu Bl I mit Einstellsender PSU. O, Februar 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4203: Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift für Röhren-Prü-und-Meßgerät RPMG 2, Februar 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4204: Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift für Frequenz-Kontrollgerät PQK 10, Februar 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4205: Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift für Einstellsender PSU 0-B, Nur für den Dienstgerbrauch!, Februar 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4206: Prüf-Quarz-Kontroler PQK 4, Geräte Handbuch, Beschreibung und wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung und Wartung, Mai 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4211: Röhrenprüfgerät RPG 2, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung und Wartung, September 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4216: Funk-Prü-Gerätesatz FuP 10 Geräte-Handbuch, Mai 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4217: Frequenzprüfer PQK O a, Geräte-Handbuch Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise und Bedienung, Juni 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4223: Meßgerätekoffer MK217 und Prüfkoffer PK217. Test set for the FuG217 radar. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4303 (FuG16ZY): Prüfvorschrift für Bordfunkanlage FuG 16ZY. Schaltbild zu FuG16 ZY, size A0 Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany. Please notice pdf page 13, where some aspects of communications is being discussed, like Reichsjägerfrequenz - Gruppenbefehlsfrequenz - Y-Führungsfrequenz - Nah-Flugsicherungsfrequenz.
D.(Luft) T. 4401: Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift für Netzanschlußgerät NA 6, Gerät Nr. 124-4503A (= design drawing number), Ln 27466 (= GAF stock-number), März 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4403 Kurzwellen-Empfänger KWEa Geräte-Handbuch Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung und Wartung
D.(Luft) T. 4404: ER 1a Empfänger (Rundfunk) Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung und Wartung, Mai 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4407: Dezimetergerät, Tragbar, DMG 2T, Geräte-Handbuch Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise und Instandsetzung, sowie Bedienungsvorschrift, November 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4410/1: Marinesender (Kzw) 0,8 kW 3000 bis 23000 kHz, Type S 23 615 L Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, Juni 1943, Ehrenmahl Sender, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4411: SARAM T-20 Allwellen-Empfänger, Geräte-Handbuch (Übersetzung) April 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4415: Krzwellenempfänger Ln 21021 (Schwabenland), Geräte-Handbuch, August 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4417: Sender 1-SS-250 (Kurz/Lang) Geräte-Handbuch, November 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4420: Luft-Boden-Einheitsempfänger E 52 (Köln), (vereinfachte Ausführung) Geräte-Handbuch, Mai 1944, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4422/2: Luft-Boden-Einheitsempfänger E 53 (Ulm) Teil 2, Geräte-Handbuch, November 1944, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4450: Funkfeuer-Kontrollempfänger, EBKS, Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, Februar 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4451: 5-Watt-Ultrakurzwellen-Einflugzeichensender EZS 2, Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, Februar 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4452: Ansteuerungs-Sender AS 2, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise, soiw Bedienung und Wartung, Mai 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4453: Boden-Peil-Empfänger Fu Peil E 3, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, April 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4454: Antenne AFFA 2, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung Wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung, September 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4455: Befehls- und Überwachungsgerät BÜG, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Wirkungsweise sowie Bedienung und Wartung, Oktober 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4456: AS 4, Anflugführungssender 4, Geräte-Handbuch, Juni 1943, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4457: Peil RA 7, Einheits-Peilrahmen- und Gonimeter-Antrieb, Geräte Handbuch, Januar 1943, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.Luft) T. 4458: UKW-Landefunkfeuer 120 Watt und 500 Watt, Aufbau-Anweisung, Juni 1943, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4502/3: Funkmeßgerä FuMG 40 L, Geräte-Handbuch Teil 3 Instandsetzung, Oktober 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4505/4: Fu S E 64, Funk-Sende-Empfangsgerät 64, Bedienungsanweisung, September 1943, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4506/3: Funk-Sende-Empfangsgerät Fu SE 62 C, D (Funkmessgerät 39 T [C] und [D], Geräte-Handbuch Heft 3, Bedienungs- und Wartungsvorschrift, April 1944, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4507/6: Funk-Meßgerät FuSE 65 E (Eisenbahn) Geräte-Handbuch Heft 6, Aufbau- und Bedienungsvorschrift, März 1944, 20 MB! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4550: Rahmengestell R Gst 3, Beschreibung und Bedienungsvorschrift, Ln 28055, November 1940, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4551: Rahmengestell RGst 4, Ln 28056, Bedienung und Betriebsvorschrift, November 1940, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4700: Funk-Peil-Anlage Fu Peil A 70 ortsfest, Telefunken 351 bF, Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, Februar 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4702: Fu Peil A 60a, Funk-Peil-Anlage, Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, Juni 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4709: Fu Peil-A 70b, Funk-Peil-Anlage, Anlage-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, April 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 4710: Peil-U 1, Peil-Umformer, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift, Juli 1942, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4852: Dezimetergerät DMG 5K, Geräte-Handbuch, Beschreibung, Wirkungsweise und betriebsvorschrift (PDF 10.1 MB) Also known as 'Michael Gerät'. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.4853 (DMG3aG Rudolf): Dezimetergerät DMG 3aG, Geräte-Handbuch, April 1944. I have re-combined the TX and RX schematics from each 6 x A4 page sheets into two single A1 pages. Doing this, is creating sometimes mis-matches, as the previous copy machines might have distored the horizontal and vertical scale. I have thus to appologize for the minor mis-matches. Please notice the following red instructions. Anlage 1, Schaltbild des Senders, The receiver section: Anlage 2 Schaltbild des Empfängers. Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T.5404: K 4ü, Siemens LGW Kurssteurung (gyro-system), Geräte-Handbuch (Stand Januar 1943)Ausgabe Januar 19, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
D.(Luft) T. 8800/1: Bodengerät Teil 1 + Teil 3 (partially) Versorgungs- und Wartungsgerät
D.(Luft) T. 9000 (TFb): Tragbares Trägerfrequenz-Fernsprechgerät TFb; Portable carrier-telephony apparatus. Capable of handling two or four wire operations. Schalbild Anlage 4 size A1. Schematic number 4. For simplicity I have only put this rather complex schematic together, which still is being built up from 6 A4 separate pages. This apparatus was designed by Siemens & Halske and is handling two-way telephone signals in SSB mode. Say from A to B is in LSB and from B is USB mode. The same carriers is being used twice in each apparatus. It was possible to stack TFb apparatus on both cable ends, as long as they did not occupy the same frequency spectrum. The spectra were given like TFb1, TFb2 .. TFb4. Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
D.(Luft) T. 9103: Luftnachrichtentruppe, Wartung und Instandsetzung des Fernschreibanschlußgerätes G. Sadly of the text pages quite some are missing. However, all schematics are available.
D. (Luft) T. g.Kdos. 9105: see below for M.Dv. Nr. 35 IV
D.(Luft) T. 9200 (Entwurf): LuftnachrichtentruppePrüf- und Wartungsvorschrift für Rahmenpeilanlagen, Ausgabe 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
D.(Luft) T. 9201: Vorläufige Richtlinien für den Aufbau einer Funksendezentrale z.b.V unter Verwendung des Gerätsatzes "Funktechnisches Aufbaumaterial für FuSZ z.b.V., Juli 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
D.(Luft) T. 9204: Siemens, Schnellmorsegeber, Gerätebeschreibung und Bedienungsanweisung, Februar 1942 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
D.(Luft) T. 9210: Der Schnellmorseschreiber MS 5, März 1942 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
L. Dv. 946 Gerätenachweis und Beladeplan für einen Fernsprechanschlußtrupp (mot) Aufgestellt durch R.d.L. und Ob.d.L. (= Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe) Chef des Nachrichtenverbindungswesens Abteilung Draht (2a) Berlin den 15. Oktober 1938 Unveränderter Nachdruck März 1940 Ausgabe 1940.
DMG3G (alt): Older version of the modernized set DMG3aG. Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A3 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
DMG3aG Please notice above D.(Luft) T.4853
DMG5K: Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift für das Dezimetergerät DMG5K (Michael). This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
DR38 (FR38): Philips/NSF Car- and stationary radio-telephone
DR42: Philips/NSF VHF portable transceiver
DR78: Philips/NSF portable short wave transceiver DR 78 missing pages
Dv. g.7: Allgemeine Schlüsselregeln für die Wehrmacht
Dv. Nr.534 = Dv.g.7: Allgemeine Schlüsselregeln für die Wehrmacht
EB 1/3a: Siemens & Halske Seitenband-Auswahlgerät, 9 Funk 144 K1, June 1950 (Code-name: Käthe); Schematic to EB 1/3a (9Funk str 144K1)* and Adapter (Einbauskizze zu 9Funk.bk.2a; 9 Funk.bk.2,Tz10)* (this latter drawing shows how the adapter is being sized), which acts as an interface between all Köln E52 xx versions and the EB 1/3a single sideband module. *I have to apologize that for both the schematic and the adapter drawing - that there is at some places a bit mismatch, albeit of only a few mm. This is caused by the fact that, for instance, the schematic is being build up from 10 A4 sized sheets. All together necessitating a paper size of A0! Have you every handled such a huge screen size at an 21 inch monitor? Consequently, it becomes impossible to monitor (watching) all parameters of the sometimes three fold overlapping copy sheets. The adapter has been put together from 6 A3 sheets. All being victim of the same nuisance. (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A0 an A2 size files will be now converted into an A4 print!
ekm- und hm-Rechner II am Fu.M.G.39TD (Flak) Firmenschrift Elt508: for the schematics please click on: ekm-Rechner and scroll a bit down the page (Anlage 1 - 11ab)
EO281: UKW=Überlagerungs=Empfänger; Superhet-Empfängers 20 - 3 m
EO509, Allwellenempfänger, Lorenz, Beschreibung Nr. 78/43-3.Auflage
EO4139 (Na708 116): Beschreibung Nr. 75/669. Lorenz-Kurzwellen-Superhet-Empfänger. Code-name: Möwe
EZS2: Beschreibung und Betriebsvorschrift für 5 Watt-Ultrakurzwellen-Einflugzeichensender, D.(Luft) T.4451, Februar 1941. Anlage 1(Attachment) contains two schematics (1+1a), landscape size A3 EZS 2, 5 Watt-Ultrakurzwellen-Einflugzeichensender EZS 2 (Foto & Schaltbild)
Flum-9: Arbeitsunterlagen für den Nachrichtentechnischen Unterricht, Flugmeldedienst Heft 9, Einsatzfibel für Funkmeßgeräte, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
FuG16ZY please notice D.(Luft) T.4303 above
FuG25a (D.(Luft) T. 4010: code-name Erstling, the GAF standard IFF airborne equipment; D. (Luft) T. 4010. FuG25A schematic in size A2 (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A2 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany.
FuG101a: Elektrischer Höhenmesser, FM-radar-altitude-meter
FuG102A: Elektrischer Großhöhenmesser, Geräte-Handbuch, D.(Luft) T.4113, Mai 1944, Nur für den Dienstgebrauch A1 version of schematic 5 (Anlage 5) this is the complete schematic of the new version; which is in the pdf manual split over several pages, now being combined in a single A1 page. (the old version is available in the main FuG102A manual, but is not being implemented into a complete single file) (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany, I also have to thank Günter Hütter for sending me kindly additional information.
FuG103 und FuG103A: Elektrischer Höhenmesser (aircraft altitude radar); Vorläufige Beschreibung, Einbau- und Betriebsvorschrift. blc 454101-6, Ausgabe 1.9.1944 (blc = Carl Zeiss Jena) Schaltbild (schematic) This schematic had to be modified as our copy was lacking most of the display section (Sichtgerät). As to counter this I have implemented the one that was used at pdf page 30. It proved to be not too difficult to match all three pages together. We may regard this apparatus being a last attempt as to simplify set design. Especially considering its date of introduction, a time where the American stood already near the Rhine. That may be the main reason why so little is found on FuG103. The only known display unit (SG103) is possessed by Horst Beck. I guess, that only a few sets had actually been installed in German aircraft. Günter Hütter kindly provided me a copy which I have converted into pdf documents.
FuG200, Hohentwiel Fibel: für den Funkwart und Bordfunkmechaniker, Trainings manual Luftnachrichtenschule, Halle a/d Saale, Flum-11 Anlage 71, 2. Auflage, April 1944 PDF 1.8 MB
FuG220 Leitwertmesser S750c, D027: XX/44, Matching test set for the electrical antenna cable lengths, PDF
FuG224 Werkschrift g. 4119/1: Bordfunkgerät, Geräte-Handbuch, Teil 1: Allgemeines, Juni 1944 (Berlin radar) PDF 1.5 MB
FuG224-FuMO81: Navy (KM) and GAF trainings and instruction course!
FuG 224, (Berlin radar) circuit explanation: Marine -Ausbildungsstelle (NT) Zweigstelle Thale a.H (pdf, 3,7MB) Best technical description ever, in German language! (date 21 February 2016)
FuG 224 Berlin radar receiver alignment fabrications Telefunken Berlin Prüffeld-Prüfvorschrift Original paper!
FuG227: Flensburg Bordfunkgerät, Geräte Handbuch, Juli 1944
Fugb-S XVI Z/ZY: Fachgebiet Fugb, Funkgeräte (Bord), Bordfunkgerät FuG 16 Z, ZS, ZE und ZY November 1944, Arbeitsunterlagen für den nachrichtentechnischen Unterricht
FuHEb: Funkhorchempfänger b
FuMB 4 Samos: Funkmeßbeobachtungsgerätes Fu MB 4, (Samos), Typenbezeichnung RS 1/5 UD/42a, Frequenzbereich: 90 ... 470 MHz, Na 305081, Werkschrift mcv Marine-Nachrichtenmittel-Kommando Oslo, Plankammer, Zeichen G6, Nummer 234, Pause, Abdruck 6, CD 5/07 The schematic in PDF: FuMB-4-SB
FuMB 5 Fanö: Funkmeßbeobachtungsgerrätes Fu MB 4 (Fanö), Technische Typenbezeichnung: Dezimeter-Überlagerungsempfänger RS 1/20 DM 43, Frequenzbereich: 400 ... 1600 MHz, Na 305082, Werkschrift mcv. Marine-Nachrichtenmittel-Kommando, Zeichen G6, Nummer 234, Pause, Abdruck 6, CD 5/06 The full FuMB 5 Schemiatic: FuMB-5-SB
FuMB 7: Funkmeßbeobachtunggerätes Fu MB 7, Vorläufige Kurzbeschreibung (früher Tarname "NAXOS", 2. verbesserte Ausgabe, Für die Verwendung in der Kriegsmarine. Telfunken Gesellschaft für drahlose Telegraphie M.B.H. Lit/Nr 1849 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
Fu MB 9 Wanz g 2: Beschreibung des Funkmeßbeobachtungsgerät Fu MB 9, Frequenzbereich: 250 ... 166 MHz, 1. Ausgabe November 1943, Marine-Nachrichtenmittel-Kommando Oslo, Plankammer, Zeichen G6, Nummer 236, Pause, Abdruck 6, Werkschrift obn, CD 5/03 FuMB 6 full schematic: FuMB-9-SB and FuMB-9-block-diagram FuMB26/24-Tunis: The famous passive submarine S- and X-band DF set
FuMB 26: (U-Boot) Funkbeobachtungsgerätes FuMB 26 Anlage Tunis (AOB, this concerns in particular the Antenna arrangements or S- and X-Bands) 2e erweiterte Ausgabe November 1944 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany. (NEW)
FuMB28 Naxos ZM4: Is more or less equal to GAF type FuG350Zc. Especially concerning the power supply, whereas the FuG350Zc is fed from a rotary alternator type U10E, supplying a.c. 333 Hz and HT. This navy version is having a build-in transformer with an additional two-wave rectifier
FuMG 62: Akustische Kennung. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany. (NEW)
Funkgeräte der Luftwaffe: Übersicht über die ... Arbeitsunterlagen für den nachrichtentechnischen Unterricht Fub-2, Heft 2, Luftnachrichtenschule, Gr. NTU, Halle (Saale) November 1942
FuSE62 (FuMG62), Akustische Kennung Blatt C002: early IFF
FuSE62, (FuMG62) Blatt C003-1 + C003-4: Impulskennung B für FuSE62 und 65 Blockschema (XIV/44)
FuSE62 Blatt D015-1: Instandsetzungskraftwagen (IKW) für FuSE62 (type Renault)
FuSE62 (FuMG62) Blatt H006: Impulskennung B für FuSE62 Nachrüstung (XIV/44)
FuSE62 (FuMG62) Blatt H009: Einbau des Breitbandkabelzuges und der Dipolstütz in die Anlagen FuSE62
FuSE65E (FuMG65E), D. (Luft) T.4507/6: Würzburg-Riese Eisenbahn; Railway version of the Giant Wurzburg; This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
FZG64 +D001-2 + D001-3 + D001-4 + D001-5 Rehbock: Funkzielgerät, Beschreibung und Bedienungsvorschrift; Elektrische Prüfung; Elektrische Stückliste: Bedienungsvorschrift
Gema Sammelmappe für Fu.M.G. - Spannungswerte Mappe Nr. 325 - 25/Ln.Rgt. 201
H2L7 (H2L/7): Universele ontvanger H2L/7, Beschrijving 2527, Order 4593, N.V. Nederlandsche Seintoestellenfabriek Fabriek voor Toestellen voor Draadloze telefonie en Telegrafie Radio Hilversum Holland
Ha5K39 (Ha5K39x): Hagenuk 5 Watt-Sende-Empfangsgerät
H.M.Z.L. 34 OKM (HMZL 34): Kurzwellenempfänger Baumuster H.M.Z.L.34 OKM, Gebrauchsanweisung
JUMO 205C Baureihe 4: Betriebsanweisung Wartungsvorschrift
K126SII - K126Rö - Fremess a: Röhren-Frequenzmesser Type K 126 S II, code-word: nuxhd. This apparatus is more or less equal to Fremess a. It covers 30 kHz up to 30 MHz divided into 20 ranges (bands) and it provided an accuracy of 2 ‰. Our device differs in respect to the valves used, which are being replaced by US steel valve types, which was done by Telefunken Röhrenwerk Berlin
Kzw.-Lgw-(Fu 6 III)--Kfz.305-18 Leichter Funk Kw. (Kraftfahrzeug) Vorläufiger Beschreibung Ausgabe Januar 1940 Generalflugzeugmeister. Gedruckt bei Bernhard & Graefe Berlin SW 68
L.Dv.61/1: Diensanweisung für die Bauaufsichten (BAL) des Reichsluftfahrtministeriums; Neue Auflage 1. August 1940, Teil 1 Aufgabengebiet. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 275: Fl. Bordpeilanlagen Muster Peil 1/Peil 2, Beschreibung und Bedienungsvorschrift, Ausgabe 1935 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
L.Dv. 340: Prüfgerätesatz FuP. II, für FuG III und V, Beschreibung und Bedienungsvorschrift This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
L.Dv. 400/8 Beiheft: Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Flakartellerie (A.V.Flak) Heft 8 Beiheft, Richtlinien für die Ausbildung an den Funkmeßgeräten (Flak), Februar 1944 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
L.Dv. 419/7a: Nachrichtentechnisches Merkblatt für Flugwachen (Fluwa), Berlin 1937 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, German
L.Dv.702/1 Heft 35: Luftnachrichtentruppen Ausbildung am Gerät, Teil 1 Gerätebeschreibung, Heft 35: Mehrfachfrequenzanlagen für Freileitungen, March 1941, Such as: MEK and MG15 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 151: Luftnachrichtentruppe Ausbildung am Gerät, Teil 1 Gerätebeschreibung, 5 Watt=Sender, Berlin 1940 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 152: Der 100 Watt-Sender (100 WS), 200 - 1200 kHz This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 165: Luftnachrichtentruppe Ausbildung am Gerät, Teil 1 Gerätebeschreibung, Der Tornisterempfänger b 100 - 6670 kHz, Ausgabe 1940, Gedruckt in der Druckerei der Luftnachrichtenschule Halle a/d Saale This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 166: Luftnachrichtentruppe Ausbildung am Gerät, Teil 1 Gerätebeschreibung, Der Allwellenempfänger Spez. 860 Bs, 15 - 20.000 kHz, Ausgabe 1940, Gedruckt in der Druckerei der Luftnachrichtenschule Halle a/d Saale This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 167: Luftnachrichtentruppe Gerät Teil 1, Der Empfänger E 52, August 1943 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 168: Luftnachrichtentruppe Gerät Teil 1, Die Funkpeilung, Juli 1944 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 195: Luftnachrichtentruppe Ausbildung am Gerät Teil 1, Ausbildung am Gerät, Das Funklandegerät FuBl I, Juli 1941, This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 205: Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, Luftnachrichtentruppe, Ausbildung am Gerät Teil 1, Gerätebeschreibung Das Bordfunkgerät FuG 17, April 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 287: Luftnachrichtentruppe, Ausbildung am Gerät Teil 1, Gerätebeschreibungen Die französische Sende=Empfangsanlage SARAM 10-30, Januar 1942 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 288: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät, Luftnachrichtentruppe Ausbildung am Gerät Teil 1, Gerätebeschreibung, Die französische Sende=Empfangsanlage SARAM 0-12, Januar 1942 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 289: Zum Einlegen in das Gerät, Luftnachrichtentruppe Ausbildung am Gerät, Teil 1 Gerätebeschreibungen, Das Netzanschlußgerät SARAM 3-10 / 0-12, November 1941 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 702/1 Heft 301b: Luftnachrichtentruppe Gerät, Teil 1 Ausbildung am Gerät, FuG 10 mitPeil G V und FuBl I, b) Exerzierordnung für Bordfunker, März 1943 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 704/9 Heft a: Luftnachrichtentruppe Betriebsvorschriften Teil 9, Der leichte Richtverbindungstrupp (mot) Heft a Einsatz und Ausbildung, Dezember 1943 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv. 704/9 Heft b: Luftnachrichtentruppe Betriebsvorschriften, Teil 9 Der leichte Richverbindungstrupp (mot), Dezember 1943 This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
L.Dv.706 Die Sammler: GAF service manual on wet battery maintenance, like Pb and NiCd units (Blei und Nickel-Cadmium Sammler). We believe that this manual is quite informative and should be regards; as there is so much nonsense around! For instance, instructions about changing the battery electrolyte liquid
L.Dv.T 1352/1: Kommandogerät 40 (KG_40), Nur für den Dienstgebrauch! Teil 1 Beschreibung, Theorie und Arbeitsweise, Juli 1941. Kindly provided by Günter Hütter and supplied by Marc Simons By the way, most interesting gear !
L.Dv.T. 4051/1 (4051) Libellenoktant mit Mittelungseinrichtung Fl. 23750 Geräte-Handbuch, Ausgabe Juni 1944
Ln20242: The spinning Würzburg antenna dipole
Ln20978 + Blatt D017-1 + D017-2/3 + D017-4 + D017-5: Leistungsmesser Allgemeine Angaben; zu Würzburg FuSE62/65, Mainz FuSE63; Mannhein FuSE64
Ln21012, Schwabenland: (Lorenz Schrift) Beschreibung Nr. 75/628 Ausgabe 2 April 1943, C. Lorenz Aktiengesellschaft Berlin Tempelhof
Ln21210/21211 = AS 60 see for it up this page
Lo40K39: Beschreibung für Funkgerät Lo 40 K 39d und Lo 40 K 39f, 4. Ausgabe Januar 1944, Beschreibung Na 703145 , This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst S. Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
Lo70KL40: Marine Gustav; Naval 70 watt transceiver, 1943. A very beautiful made apparatus. Schematic principle of the Lo70KL40 receiver (Empfänger); Schematic of the receiver section (Empfänger komplett); Transmitter schematic (Sender Schaltbild); Lo70KL40 Bedienteil (Control section); Lo70KL40 Antenne-Abstimmteil (Antenna-tuner; Lo70KL40 Netzteil (mains power supply) (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1-A2 and A3 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
Lo150FK38a (main manual): Nr. 75/728. Because the attachments (Anlagen) are bigger and/or having a different size, these are being attached each separately: Lo150FK38a-Anlage-1, Lo150FK38a-Anlage-2, Lo150FK38a-Anlage-3, Lo150FK38a-Anlage-4, Lo150FK38a-Anlage-5, Lo150FK38a-Anlage-6, Lo150FK38a-Anlage-7, Lo150FK38a-Anlage 8
LRH, Selbstinduktions - Messgerät, PTE, Physikalisch.techn. Entwicklungslabor Dr. Rohde & Dr. Schwarz
M.Dv. 32/1: Manual to the 4 rotor Enigma (Schlüssel M4)
M.Dv.Nr. 34: Funkverkehrsheft für die Küstenverteidigung Ausgabe: November 1943 Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine Berlin 1943
M.Dv. 35: Manual to Siemens & Halske G-Schreiber (Geheimschreiber or secret teletype) SFM T52d Including: OKM NWa 1785/44 gKdos
M.Dv. Nr. 35 IV D.(Luft) T.g.Kdos 9105d: Die Siemens-Schlüsselfernschreiber SFM T 52d (t type 52d)
M.Dv.Nr.291: Funkmessgerätekunde. Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine, February 1944; NWa 090145; German Navy radar descriptions [FuMO2 Drehstand Calais, Seetakt, Radatl = MR-Gerät, etc., FuMO30 Seetakt Für U-Boote, FuMO214 = FuSE65 (Flak), WPG Wärmepeilgerät Zeiss] This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
PG105: Das Prüfgerät PG 105 dient zum Prüfen und Abgleichen von ZF- und NF verstärkern. On behalf of: 25. (techn.) Ln. Vers. Regiment Köthen Anhalt Fliegerhorst
Phi1UK43 (Ph1UK43) Baumuster DR25B1X: Kriegsmarine Stocknumber Na703656; Beschreibung 2747D Ausgabe 300/801. I strongly believe, that this set is technically of inferior quality, as is the case with most of the NSF/Philips portable apparatus of this period. Schematic of Phi1UK41, which differs only slightly in details
PRST S 62, D 005-1 + D 005-2 + D 005-3 + D 005-4 + D 005-5 Würzburg Prüfgerät
PRST SÜ 62, D 006-1 Test set a Würzburg Prüfgerät
PV62: D 011 X/43; Prüfvoltmeter PV 62, Ln20998; Allgemenine Angabe. Prüfvoltmeter für folgende Anlage bzw. Geräte: FuG25 - FuG 25a - FuSE62 - FuSE65 - FuG200 - FuG203 - FuG212 - GPG212 - AAPG212 - FuG213
R IV Siemens & Halske communication receiver manual. Operating a concept that is some respect equalled the HRO principle. Although, Siemens used it own made tuning dial. The coil-boxes were to be plugged-in at the top of the receiver. This receiver is rather rare, as is this manual copy. This is the best copy we could trace.
Rel mse 124a: Dämpfungsschreiber nach Neumann 30 bis 20.000 Hz
Rel.mse.2030a Siemens & Halske description Rel.beschr.755a: audio spectrum analyzer, 1935/36
Rel send 7a: Beschreibung des Empfänger-Prüfgenerators
RPG 1 Röhrenprüfgerät: (Tube tester). To my knowledge, the only German one which allows you to read directly the value of 'S' (mutual conductance)
RS44: Schlüsselanleitung zum Rasterschlüssel 44 (RS44), Ag WNV/Fu I Nr. 3000/44 geh
Schwabenland, Ln21012: Beschreibung Nr. 75/628 Ausgabe 2 April 1943, C. Lorenz Aktiengesellschaft Berlin Tempelhof
SE499A: Tragbare 1-Watt-Kurzwellstation Type SE 499AFrequenzbereich 3000 - 5000 kHz
SRV: RC - Summer Frequenzbereich 40 Hz - 250 kHz, Na234100 PTE Rohde & Schwarz, MN Ars. Thale Harz
T8PL39: N.V.K. Kreuzrahmen-Goniometer-Landpeilanlage nach Bauvorschrift der Kriegsmarine NVK-GL/39, mit Telefunken-Peilüberlagerungsempfänger T8PL39; N.V.K.- Beschreibung Nr. 8 (Code-name: Martin)
T 200 FK 39: (Brief manual)
TB SIG E12 (US War Department Technical Bulletin 15 May 1944: Feldfunk b and Feldfunk c
Tonschreiber b: Bedienungsanweisung für Tonschreiber b, incorporating a vey extensive schematic diagram.. Tonschreiber-b schematic: Tonschreiber-b-SB
Tonschreiber b: (British report)
Torn Fu h: Das Tornister Funkgerät h, manual; D.1014/1. Its schematic in A3 (Please notice, that Acrobat-Reader has an option, which allows you to print what you actually see at your screen. In the case that the complete schematic is not being fully visible on your screen, scale down or scale up until all is appropriate) → The A1 size will be now converted into an A4 print! This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
UDN: Taschenvoltmeter für kleine Spannungen. B.N. 1015, PTE, Physikalisch-techn. Entwicklungslabor Dr. Rohde & Dr. Schwarz München (later R&S)
UDP: Kompensations-Röhrenvoltmeter, B.N. 1021, PTE Phys.-techn. Entwicklungslabor Dr. Rohde & Schwarz, München
UDT: Taschen-Röhrenvoltmeter, B.N. 101/1021, PTE Phys.-techn. Entwicklungslabor Dr. Rohde & Schwarz, München
UKH: Spannungsteiler für Hochfrequenz, gedacht für UDT & UDL, PTE Phys.-techn. Entwicklungslabor Dr. Rohde & Schwarz, München
U.O.R.I-C (UORI): Ausgabe Januar 1943, 1209, Universal Netzspeisungsgerät Baumuster U.O.R. I-C, Nur für den Dienstgebrauch, Beschreibungsnummer 2613 D, Ausgabe 4791/4832 Januar '43, M4695. Universal power supply for ac and dc mains and battery and was meant for HMZL/34 OKM - Phi 1 UK41(DR25 b1X) H2L7
UTKT: Taschenröhrenvoltmeter, B.N. 112, PTE, Physikalisch-techn. Entwicklungslabor Dr. Rohde & Dr. Schwarz, München
VR 27B/II: Bedienungsanweisung für die Sende-Empfangs-Anlage Philips VR 27B/II
Wellenberatung der Truppe durch die Funkberatungsstelle: Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe Rechlin, Abteilung F; Erprobungs-Nr. 38022/38017. 2. Auflage, Frequenzberatung der Truppe durch die Funkberatungsstelle Rechlin. Wave propagation and how the associated phenomena interact. This data has kindly been made available in digital format with courtesy of Ernst Wagner, Kemnath, Germany
WID, UKW Frequenzmesser, BN 442, PTE Physikalisch-techn. Entwicklungslabor Dr. Rohde & Dr. Schwarz, München
WT40 (Siemens & Halske): Fernschreibgerätelehre (Brief explanation), multi-channel FSK telex interface, which allowed to send 6 telex signals at a single telephone-speech-channel
Würzburg Werkstattbuch FMG39T, FuSE62, FuSE65 Completed on 24 May 2012
Würzburg related docs, like Dachsigel (Dachs-Igel) and Freya-Laus - Würz-Kröte - AEG Würzburg-Riese (Giant Wurzburg) antenna steering - Steinhäger - Goldammer EFB62 (all based on Heinz Trochelmann's archive
ZFV62 (Zobel): Würzburg IF amplifier
ZFV62 F 003-1: Brief schematic of ZVF62, the IF amplifier of the Würzburg apparatus
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