Please bear in mind: The purpose of this historical contribution is for studying purposes only, therefore, do not multiply it, as still Crown Copyrights being valid, partially!




                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

KV 2/1727


Alfred Ignatz Maria

PF 600278


AOB: my introduction comment:

This file came to my attention due to some references in other files; some time ago.

It differs quite much from the foregoing KV 2/76 Schurch (Schürch) file series.

It is in someway connected onto the Victore and Carré extensive file series; which file series being related to matters in respect to France:




Page initiated on 3 October 2024

Current status: 6 December 2024



                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

KV 2/1728-1, page 29

Please notice the black line above Kraus's right-hand ear: this implies that this photo had been once taken at Camp 020!


Chapter 1  (since 5 October 2024)

Chapter 2  (since 11 October 2024)

Chapter 3  (since 16 October 2024)

Chapter 4  (since 21 October 2024)


KV 2/1728

Chapter 5  (since 22 October 2024)

Chapter 6  (since 27 October 2024)

Chapter 7  (since 1 November 2024)

Chapter 8  (since 13 November 2024)

Chapter 9  (since 17 November 2024)

Chapter 10 (since 30 November 2024)

Chapter 11 (since 6 December 2024)





KV 2/1727-1, page 2     (minute 1a)

                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

18.3.1937.    From M.I.1c (AOB: a forerunner of S.I.S.) re Alfred Kraus                                                                                                1a.

25.3.1937.    To M.I.1.c. in reply to 1a.                                                                                                                                                       2a.

4.3.1938.     From D.C.V. re Alfred Kraus                                                                                                                                                 3a.

7.3.1938.     Telephone inquiry from N.I.D. re Kraus                                                                                                                               4a.

.    .    .

11.3.1938.   From Air Ministry re Kraus                                                                                                                                                   6a.

23.3.1938.   Cross-Reference to Minister of Labour Permit re Kraus                                                                                                       7a.

29.4.1938.   A.2.c. (typical Home Office serial number) asked to Obtain H.O. (Home Office) for Kraus                                            8a.


    B.2.b. (M.I.5)    You may like to see the papers re this Austrian who got a German passport without any difficulty, presumably because he is employed by Siemens - Schuckert.

B.2.a.      13.5.1938. 

?5.5.1938.    H.O. file for Kraus returned minutes as 6a. (11.3.1938)


KV 2/1727-1, page 3 

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Krauss Alfred Ignatz Maria  

PF 600278

Interesting is, that this old jacket is even not carrying the obligatory post-war (ca. 1950s) new serial designation KV 2/.... but its "personal file" designation PF 600278 singly, which is even going back to the old days before the Great War (World War One).


KV 2/1727-1, page 4

                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

23.3.1939.    B.2.b. (M.I.5)  note re Kraus.                                                                                                                                                                          11a.

23.3.1939.    H.O. (Home Office) papers for Alfred Kraus.                                                                                                                                              12a.

20.4.1939.    I think this man is probably identical with subject of L.260/70 (AOB: this very file is carrying a sub-number L.26/070)                

20.4.1939.    To S.I.S. (= Secret Intelligence Service) re ??     Kraus       B.2.b. (= M.I.5)     20.4.1939                                                                            13a.

                     A.2.c. (likely section of the Home Office)

                    Please insert a Green Card for Alfred Kraus.    B.2.b. (= M.I.5)    20.4.1939.

22.4.1939.    Draft for Minute for H.O. (= Home Office) file                                                                                                                                            16a.

Pleas digest the rest of this page yourself

KV 2/1727-1, page 5

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.    .    .

.    .    .

undated      Extract from Carré summary mentioning Freddy Krauss           (M2188     M2188return)                                                                       29a.  

.    .    .

11.11.1942.    Extracts from Conclusion of Comments on Part III of "La Chatte's" memoirs, mentioning Engineer Kraus.                                        30a.  

KV 2/1727-1, page 6

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

28.12.1942.    Copy of note from B.1.a. (M.I.5.) Capt. Harmer (Victoire -Carré's) case officer at M.I.5. (AOB: not directly a gentleman) to Mrs. Barton (AOB: she managed the household of Victoire - Carré when she was still at liberty. But she treated Victoire-Carré whom she trusted. Mrs. Barton was deliberately betraying her!) re Information from Lt. Broad on contacts in Paris, mentioning Kraus.    31a

.    .    .

16.9.1944.      Telegram re report of attempt by Freddy (Alfred) Kraus to come to U.K. to join Parachute Regiment.                                               34a.

18.9.1944.     From S.I.S., re Kraus pending in this country.                                                                                                                                             35a.

19.9.1944.    Minute from B.1.b. (M.I.5)    to D.4 (?) re arrival of Kraus.                                                                                                                          36a.

.    .    .

5.10.1944    From B.1.L. (M.I.5) to B.1.D. (M.I.5) attaching report on Kraus and Capt. Lee.                                                                                          39a.

5.1.1944      Copy and original of letter from Mrs. Kraus to Kraus.                                                                                                                                  39b.

AOB: Those familiar with the many documents I have dealt with since Spring 2015, will be more or less acquainted with these kind of Minute Sheets.

KV 2/1727-1, page 7

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5.10.1944.    From London Region to B.1.D. (M.I.5) enclosing copies of statements made by Capt. Lee and Lt. Birtwisele. also not on the daughters of Hon. Mrs. Fellows. 40a.


7.10.1944.    W.S. From 4b? for Alfred Kraus, re his arrival.                                                                                                                                    41a.

10.10.1944.   Immigration officers on the arrival of Kraus.                                                                                                                                       42a.

10.10.1944.   To Oratory Central School (= Camp 020) re Kraus.                                                                                                                             42b.    (filed 2.11.1944)    

12.10.1944.  Trace from for Alfred Kraus                                                                                                                                                                    43a.

? 10.1944.    Documents voluntarily surrendered by Kraus.                                                                                                                                      44a.

13.10.1944. Secret Cross Ref. for Kraus                                                                                                                                                                         45a.

? 10.1944.   R.V.P.S. (LRC) report on interrogation of Kraus.                                                                                                                                     46a.

.    .    .

.    .    .

KV 2/1727-1, page 8         AOB: This page I prefer to skip transcription, but will provide at least its content so that you yourself can digest its content.

                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright  


KV 2/1727-1, page 9

                                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

To Colonel Stephens, (AOB: by then the Commanding Officer of Camp 020)

Camp 020                                                                                                                                                                        from B.1.b. (= M.I.5)   Mr. Wilson


                    I attach a copy of a voluntary statement by Lord John Mankers, prepared for the purpose of Captain Lee's Court Martial.    I should be grateful if you would return it in due course, and if you are making copies for your purpose I should be glad be glad to have 2 copies.

                    I presume that the girl referred to at A in this statement is Victoire.  (

31.10.1944.  PF 600278


(2)   (since 11 October 2024)


KV 2/1727-1, page 10

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

Statement of:    Colonel Willliam Edward Hinchley Cooke who states??-:

            I am attached to the Directorate of Military Intelligence, War Office.

(AOB: we encountered Hinchley Cooke in the various case of the sad, but intriguing, Dutchmen (and a Frenchman) landing op 4th September just south of Dover; as well as in the Jacob cases: and  and  series.)    

            From the time in the courses of my duties, I have had my attention drawn to the activities of Alfred Ignatz Maria Krauss  Fredie Kraus.

            This man is a German, originally of Austrian nationality.    He was born on 28.11.1908 at Sarajevo (by then Austrian ruled), and his family are well connected in business and social worlds.    In particular, he had relatives who were highly placed in the Siemens group companies.    He was in this country from 26.3.1938 until 23 6? 1938.    He attended to land again in this country at Folkestone on 18.3.1939 but on the advice of my Department he was refused leave to land.    Subsequently the German Ambassador raised the question of this refusal with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, but was informed that permission could not be granted to enable Kraus? to enter the U.K.

            The exact nature of Kraus' activities since the outbreak of war has not yet been fully ascertained but it is known that at least during the second half of the year 1941 he was employed in Paris by the Counter-espionage (Abwehr III) Section of the German Intelligence Service and that he played an important part in the penetration and break up of an extremely valuable Allied Intelligence organisation in France.

            As yet, the case of Kraus is by no means complete; it is subject to further investigation, and until such investigation is completed, it is impossible for me to give further information about this man.

            I am unable to say whether or not Captain Lee knew that Kraus had been connected with the German Intelligence Service.

Sgd. W.H. Hinchley Cooke


M.I.5. 29.10.1944

KV 2/1727-1, page 11 (minute 54a)

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B.1.b. (= M.I.5) (Mr. Wilson).

Lee    -    Kraus.

                    Thank you for your minute of 27.10.1944,  which will be of great assistance to me at Captain's Lee's Court-Martial.

                    I attach herewith copy of my statement of evidence as supplied to JE??G.

                    I also attach herewith copy of my statement which was taken on Saturday 28th October by G.2.    I(b)    London District from Lt. Lord John Manners.    I would, particular draw your attention on the passage at 'A" where Manners states that at a diner? party prior to it being decided that Kraus should be brought to England by Lee? the former gave it out that he wished to go to England:-

    (a)    to get hold of a girl who had caused him and his friends in France a great deal of trouble.

    (b)    to do a bit.

    The girl at (a)    I think you will agree is unquestionably Victoire. (   

S.L.B.1 (Special Branch related to prosecution)    30.10.1944.

KV 2/1727-1, page 12    (minute 53b)

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

Headquarters Í'(b)


London District,

25,    Kensington Palace Gardens,

 London. W.8.

29 October 1944.


Dear Colonel,

            Reference this office LD/IB/PC/2667  dated 5 Oct. 1944, subject Jack William Lee.

            1.    Lt. Lord John Manners, 2nd S.A.S. Regt. was interviewed by this office in connection with the above, yesterday.    In the course of conversation he said that he believed that the Maquis de Casteja, whose name occurs in connection with this case, was at present employed in some capacity by 21 Army Group in Holland.

            2.    In view of the Marquis de Casteja's connection with Capt. Lee and Alfred Kraus, you may like to consider whether the Marquis de Casteja is a suitable person for employment by 21 Army Group, particularly if his duties are of a confidential nature, and advise 21 Army Group accordingly.

Please acknowledge receipt on enclosed A.F.A.16.

Yours Sew???


Lt. Col. P.R. Barry, M.C.

Room 055 (AOB: the reception room for all people from outside the M.I.5)

War Office,

Whitehall S.W.1.

EW (E.Walli?er)/JMS/2


KV 2/1727-1, page 13

                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

From S.L.(B). (Col. Hinchley Cooke)                                            To B.1.D/UK  )Lt.Col. Baxter

Freddy Kraus.

                    I now return with thanks your report sent with your internal memorandum of 18.10.1944 - RVPS/PR.521 (Y.B.5557)  as I have since received a copy from B.1.b.

Sgd.? Hinckley Cooke?


                                                                                                                                          Crown Copyright

KV 2/1727-1, page 15   the foregoing is succeeding this page page 14    (minute 52a)


                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


S.L.B.1.    Colonel Hinchley Cooke

                 As arranged, I am sending you a brief note on statements which might be made at the Court Martial of Lee about this Department's knowledge of Alfred Ignatz Maria Kraus @ Fredie Kraus.

                This man is a German, originally of Austrian nationality.    He was born 28.11.1908 at Sarajevo (by then Austrian ruled), and his family are well-connected in business and social worlds.    In particular, he had relatives who were highly placed in the Siemens group of companies.        He was in this country from 26.3.1938 until 23.9.1938.    He attempted to land in this country at Folkestone on 19.3.1939 but on the advice of this department was R.L.L.  Subsequently,   , the German Ambassador raised the question of his refusal with the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs but was informed that permission could not be granted to enable Kraus to enter the U.K.

                The exact nature of Kraus's activities since the outbreak of war has not yet been fully ascertained but it is known both from his own statements and from other sources that at least during the second half of the year 1941 he was employed in Paris by Abteilung III F (Counter-Espionage) of the Abwehr (C.E. section of the German Intelligence Service) and that he played an important part in the penetration and breaking  of an extremely valuable Allied Intelligence organisation in →

France.    For your own information a copy of the L.R.C. report on Kraus is attached.    The inconsistent story told therein by Kraus about his activities is clearly not acceptable and cannot be relied upon as being an accurate account, and we suggest that it would be sufficient for our purposes to state? that the case of Kraus is subject to further investigation that until such investigation is completed it is impossible to give the tribunal further information about him then is contained above.

                    We have no evidence that Capt. Lee was aware that Krause had been connected with the German Intelligence Service nor have we any evidence on the motives which lead Capt. Lee or Kraus to cooperate in bringing Kraus irregularly to this country.    While we doubt if any good purpose would be served thereby, we have of course no objection to your referring to the attachment Kraus has made to the L.R.C. on the subject of his meeting with Captain Lee in Paris on 29.8.1944 and his and Kraus' movements after that date.




KV 2/1727-1, page 16  (minute 51a)

                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Camp 020.

                                                                                                                                Report dated 26th October,    1944.

            D.B.                                                                                        Kraus, Freddy.

                                        With reference to Camp 020 Report of 25.10.1944, I now enclose a set of all the papers copied from PF 600278, and as requested send you herewith ten additional copies of the L.R.C. report dated 8.10.1944.

        M. Danison

For Colonel R. Stephens (AOB: head of Camp 020)


KV 2/1727-1, page 18a + 19b     (minute 49b)

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


The Cases of Kraus and Lee.

1.            Mr. Milmo and Mr. Wilson (both M.I.5) conferred with Colonel Hinsley Cooke and Mr. Sinclair  (War Office) regarding the case of Kraus this morning.

2.           Colonel Hinchley Cooke asked what the position was regarding Kraus, as it seemed to him that until the investigation into the case of Kraus was completed, it would not be possible for the Court-Martial of Lee to proceed.    Further, he was more than anxious that Kraus should not go to Camp 020 until the Court-Martial of Lee had taken place, as the solicitors to the latter, Messrs Cordon Dadds & Co, had written to London District requesting that Krause should be made available at the Court-Martial.

3.            Mr. Kimo stated that the case of Kraus was one of extreme complication and that it was impossible to complete it under a month spent by Kraus at Camp 020, but that he agreed with Colonel Hinchley Cooke that Kraus should not be brought out of Camp 020 for the purpose of giving evidence at the Court-Martial.    In other words, Kraus's departure to Camp 020 must be delayed until the Court-Martial of Lee had taken place.    For this reason Mr. Milmo requested that the Court-Martial of Captain Lee should proceed at the earliest opportunity, that Messrs Gordon Dadds should be informed that Kraus would be available, and if necessary be allowed to see him at the Oratory School where suitable facilities could be arranged for any interview.

4.            A general discussion took place as to the advisability of Messrs. Gordon Dadds being told that they might see Kraus.    It was pointed out by Mr. Wilson that this might arouse suspicions and it was accordingly decided to defer informing Messrs Gordon Dadds through London District that Kraus might be interviewed, leaving for them to make any application for an interview.

5.            Colonel Hensley Cooke asked how far he might go in his evidence about Kraus.    Mr. Milmo stated that a final opinion on Kraus could not be formed until he had been to Camp 020, but he thought Colonel Hinchley Cooke might properly say that Krause was an Abwehr agent before the war and even later/ On the information available it seemed clear that Kraus was responsible for breaking up the effective Victoire organisation. Previously Madame Carré (= Victoire) had been suspected of this (AOB: they knew this but M.I.6 was refusing to take notice of this!), and whilst there was no reason to alter conclusions (within M.I.6) reached in her case, there seemed no doubt that Kraus was also responsible for the effective organisation being betrayed/    Colonel Hinchley Cooke asked that he might be briefed as to what he could properly say in his evidence on this point and Mr. Milmo agreed to provide him with a note.

S.L.B.1.     20.10.1944                                                                                                Sgd. D.H. Sinclair


KV 2/1727-1, page 21a + 22b  (minute 41a)

                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

Alfred Kraus @ Freddy Kraus.

                    I Send you herewith our file relating to Freddy Kraus? with the request that you would have it copied and let us have back, in addition to a duplicate met of all material documents therein, teh copies of the 68 pages L.R.C. interrogation report at serial 46.

                    As I explained to you, it may be some little time before we will be in a position to transfer Kraus to  Camp 020 as Court Martial proceedings are pending against the officer who was responsible for according him to this country, and we have already had notice from defending solicitors that they wish Kraus produced to give evidence at the trial.    This will doubtless mean that they will check an opportunity of  ??? a statement from Kraus in advance, and it  would obviously be most unrince?? to commence the further interrogation of the man. or even the effect his transfer to your establishment, until the Court-Martial proceedings have been terminated.    I do not think. however, that the inevitable delay is without its advantages, for it is evident from the L.R.G. interrogation report that a great deal of work will here to be done at this end in the way of looking up and briefing before you will be in the position to open the case, which I think will probably be one of the heaviest that you have tackled.   

                    I think:    that there are strong grounds for suspecting that Kraus's pre-war visits to this country were made partially, if not wholly, on behalf of the Abwehr, and I suggest that this is one of the suspicions of the cause to which you will doubtless give detailed attention.    In view of our interest in Victoire's and Walenty it will be important to get to the bottom of Kraus's activities on behalf of Abteilung III-F (Counter-Espionage), and to obtain full information of this particular Allied organisation.    It may be that Victoire  has been held be responsible for some, though I am sure not all, the sins which were properly attributable to Kraus.    Perhaps the most important topic of all to be investigated is what Kraus was doing in Paris at the time when he was picked up by Captain Lee.    The story which he has told of severing his connections with the Abwehr after a very successful coup in penetrating the Walenty set up is wholly unconvincing, and one is left with strong suspicions that it may have been the intentions of the enemy that he should operate as a stay behind agent after their evacuation of Paris and once more exploit the qualifications and connections that on a previous occupation had enabled him to achieve such success amongst the English speaking community in that city (Paris).

                    It is felt that there is no evidence, and it is highly improbable that Captain Lee had any real idea of  Kraus'? true character when he sent the man over here.    It is also felt highly improbable that Kraus has in fact and espionage mission in this country, or that he was intended by the Germans to come here, however, this is not to suggest that there matters should not be explored.

                    It is right to state at this stage that neither Walenty nor Victoire will be available for a cross check in the course of the investigation.

                    The secret cross-references which appear on the file relate to information derived from Most Secret Source which will be in due course incorporated in the trace ???? which we ?? be ?? to jews?? we have had ? opportunity ???.

                    I know, that our ??rotorial staff is at present  ?? prepared, but I would be grateful if you would let us have the papers back as soon as possible as we are anxious to press forward with the Court-Martial in order to get Kraus to Camp 020 at a reasonable early date.

                    This case is regarded as a domestic one, and it is not proposed to handle it on the lines of SHAEF cases.


20.10.1944                                  Sgd. H.P Milmo (M.I.5)


KV 2/1727-1, page 24x

                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

The quality of this copy is so poor, that it does not make any sense trying to transcribe what its content is. This is not an exception, but let us hope that the rest of the file(s) will provide some better quality copies; as I otherwise have been forced to cancel our 'Alfred Kraus' endeavour.

KV 2/1727-3, page 2

                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

How is it possible, that an archive is providing such a poor quality copies? I know, the state of their materials weren't better.

KV 2/1727-3, page 8a        (minute 39a)


                                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

Captain J. Raymond Lee


Alfred Kraus.

     (AOB: I don't understand the context of: Yesterday evening at about 6.30 p.m. ..)

            Yesterday evening at about 6.30 p.m. a friend of mine (Capt. Lee?) named Lady Mary Swinfen, who I know well and who knows I work at the War Office, telephoned me to say that there was a matter of urgency about which she would like to see me and she would bring with her two people who were involved.

            A little later Lady Swinfen? came to my house and brought with her Captain Ray ? Lee of Special Air Service and Mr. Alfred Kraus, who was in civilian clothes.

            Lady Swinfen? said that, in the course of conversation, they told her story which she should make known to the proper authorities and about which she had advised Captain Lee and his friend Mr. Kraus to make a full confession.

            Mr. Kraus told me the brief outline of the story which is as follows:

            Kraus says he is an Austrian, born in Vienna (Wien?) (AOB: actually has been born in Sarajevo)  aged about 36-38 of Austrian parents with some Yugoslav blood.    In 1941 he went from Vienna to Paris as technical manager of one of the Departments in Paris of the German firm ot Siemens & Halske.    In Paris he made acquaintance of a French girl, with whom he lived.  I did not question him closely in any detail of his story.    I gather that he is married to Jacqueline Feilions, a daughter of Mrs. Reggie Fellions?    I could not be clear as to when he also married this French girl as he was rather vague on the subject, but she had introduced him to contacts working in the cause of Allied Intelligence Services in Paris.    He says that he got closely involved in this work and among other things he had to pass between Occupied and Unoccupied zones. (AOB: hence: German military controlled and Uncontrolled Vichy France)

            I did not ask him to give me any names but he did mention that he had been in touch with a Frenchman, Michele Con?ges?, who appears to have been his master in his Intelligence work, Kraus said that after some time he was arrested by the Germans, questioned→

KV 2/1727-3, page 9b

                                                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

about his connection with the Allied Intelligence Service and released.    Some time after he was re-arrested and again released on the condition that he worked for the Germans in the penetration of the Allied Services.

            Kraus then was proceeding to tell me a long story about this work, both of the Allies and of the Germans, but I told him it would be better for him to keep this story for the proper authorities, who would interrogate him, and particularly as I was going out to dinner and I had little time to listen to the whole story.    However, he did say when he promised to work for the Germans he did not in fact help, but continued to help us entirely.    He was put in touch with a girl, who he thought was Polish but subsequently proved to be French. He evidently confided in this girl and he says as a result he, and a number of other people working for were arrested because this girl was, in fact, working for the enemy.    Incidentally he says he knows that she is in this country. (Victoire/Carré

            The entire story is spread out actually over the years 1941-1944 when Paris was liberated and the people released.    The circumstances of Kraus' release were not made clear to me but I gather that Lee, is in the course of his duties with S.A.S., was dropped in Paris in advance of the liberation forces and that he certainly made contact with, and passibly released Kraus whom I gather he had known before the war and on the Riviera.

            According to Kraus' story he asked Lee if he could join the British forces and Lee took him to a Depot and there produced in some way a British uniform for him.    It appears to have been irregular as no papers were provided and, I gather the methods of obtaining the uniform were illicit.    Lee then put Kraus in charge of some German prisoners and got him on board a ship bringing these prisoners to Southampton.    Kraus thus passed through entirely without papers and without examination, disposed of the prisoners and mad his way to London where he joined up with Lee who had come over by air.

            Without taking any steps to regularise his position Lee secreted Krause in his flat at 61 Christchurch Street, Chelsea (Tel. No. Flaxman 3304) and kept him there nominally as his  → batman,

KV 2/1727-3, page 10c +11d

                                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

batman, providing him with food and making it possible for him to live without normal ration cards, registration certificates etc.

            I gather from Lady Swinfen that she thinks Lee and Kraus have been here about a month, but she, of course, had no idea of the position until yesterday.    It appears that there was some slight rumour of what Lee had done, which had reached someone in this unit and with a result that a report was made to London District who yesterday send a F.S.P. Detail to Lee's flat inviting him to call at London District Headquarters and explain the suggestion that had been made to London District.    Lee apparently went to London District Headquarters and explain the suggestion that had been made to London District.    Lee apparently we went to London District Headquarters and denied any knowledge of this matter whereas in fact, Kraus was looking through the letter box at the F.S.P. detail who was inquiring about him.

            The way in which this story came to Lady Swinfen's knowledge was due to the fact that Lee had arranged a lunch with her yesterday but was being detained at London District Headquarters which prevented him from keeping his lunch appointment.    He managed to get away to lunch very late and explained to Lady Swinfen why he was late.    He was obviously very agitated by his questioning at London District, realised that he had told him how foolish he had been and insisted that he himself make a confession to the proper authorities or she would report it.    Lady Swinfen did not know who to approach and therefore rang me up and brought the two people along with her to tell me their story.

            On reaching the office this morning I spoke to Major Langdon and I gather he had already been aware of the questioning of Lee by London District and had information that Lee's real name is Couraud.    

I also informed Colonel Baxter and D4 (Miss Macer). As a result of this Major Langdon arranged with London District to collect Lee and Kraus this morning at 61 Christchurch Street, I having instructed them that on no account were they to leave the flat today.    Krause is to be taken to Ibex House, refused leave to land and handed over to the Oratory Schools (= Camp 020) and disciplinary action will be taken against him.    S.C.O. Ibex House was warned to expect Kraus and I also warned Col. Baxter.

B.1.L. (M.I.5) 4.10.44                            Sgd. J.R. Stopford.

KV 2/1727-3, page 12e   (minute 38a)

                                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

Freddy Kraus.

Victoire ( knew an Austrian engineer, employed by Siemens in France, who in 1941 was assisting the escape of Prisoners of War.   His name was Freddy Kraus, and he was married to an English woman, formerly Mrs. Fell.    Kraus was in touch with, although not a member of, the Interalliee organisation, and was a friend of Eve and Richard D'Harcourt.    He was arrested at the beginning of July 1941 after a forged telegram had been planted on him by Victoire.     At the same time Eve and D'Harcourt were arrested. and Victoire in interrogation attempted to justify her betrayal of Kraus by saying that she believed him to have denounced them, but in fact Victoire is thought to have been directly responsible for all three arrests.    Kraus was taken to Germany and thought to have been shot.

Brutus ( when questioned early 1943 about the Interalliee? organisation, stated that he had never met the Engineer Kraus.

Miklos @ Jerome stated in March 1944 that although he did not recognised the name Kraus he had heard from Mme. Dampierre of an Austrian who was employed by the Gestapo (July 1941), and who concealed valuable papers papers for her in the Gestapo safe.    Mme Dampierre was working with Victoire and also Eve and D'Harcourt.    



KV 2/1727-3, page 15f    (minute 18a)

                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

D.4.    Colonel Burne.                                                                                                                Copy to Colonel Baxter.

            We have a report that one Freddy Kraus, son-in-law of Mrs. Reginald Fellowes, may shortly shortly arrive here from France.    He is reported to have been captured by the Gestapo in 1941 and then become a German agent.    He may be coming to join a parachute regiment.

            This character should be sent to L.R.C. for interrogation.

B.1.b.  19.9.1944.            Sgd. H.A.L. Hart


KV 2/1727-3, page 16g    (minute 35a)

                                                                                            Crown Copyright

                                                                      (Originating from S.I.S.)                     


            Dear Baxter,

                    A reliable report just received from Paris states that a certain Freddy Kraus, who is married to a daughter of the Hon. Mrs. Reginald Fellowes, is trying to leave or already has left for the U.K. to join a parachute regiment.

                    Kraus was arrested by the Gestapo in September 1941 and was forced to become a Gestapo agent (?).    He should therefore be treated as a subject.

                   Micheline Carré (KV 2/926 ... KV 2/936),  now under detention in the U.K. is said to be acquainted with the activities of Kraus.

                    There are traces of two 'Krause's in Paris in our records, but without further particulars it is not possible to state whether they are likely to be identical with the above individual.

Yours sincerely.

B.H. Townsend

Lt. Col. Baxter   M.I.5.


R.S.S. (Radio security Service) map showing the most relevant Abwehr W/T communication lines

R.S.S. (Radio security Service) map showing the most relevant Abwehr W/T communication lines

Since 2015 I have reconstructed and extended it west wards, as Russia was not directly in Britain's scope also for practical reasons due to the long ranges concerned.

KV 2/1727-3, page 18h

                                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

III/2. (I don't know)

 II/1 (= 2/1) = Berlin - Sabine (Madrid = Metro)

                                                                                        Kurt   @ Kraus

                                                                                                Alfred Ignatz Maria

1.7.41 (7226 deciphering serial number; likely an early Isk serial)    Wiesbaden (= on the map noticed by its cover-name: Wilja) - Toulon    No. 137 (current message number).    from Paul for K.O. (= Kriegsorganisation = Abwehr office situated in friendly neutral countries) Marseille (belonged to Vichy France).    On 3/7 Alfred Kraus is arriving in Marseilles. Identity Card (= Ausweis) in this name. It is urgently necessary that he should be received by someone at the Armistice Commission building.    In immediate W/T replay is requested stating in which present proof ro R.N.D. (F.N.D.?) that he was concerned with the installation of technical Apparatus at the Armistice Commission.

(Sgd) Rudolf (= Leiter Alst Paris = Abwehrleitstelle Paris)

5.5.1942 (7535 isk serial number?)    Berlin - Madrid (= line II/1).    Theodor (is likely Berlin I T/Lw = Berlin section I military intelligence Technology/ Luftwaffe related) to Schubert.    Kurt (= Freddy Kraus) in phone call from Paris of May 4th (1942) enquiries whether ?? ? is known at III (= counter-Intelligence) and states that the affair is known to you.    Private letter from K. to you not yet arrived.    Please reply as the letter is stated to be urgent.

5.5.1942 (7435 isk serial number?)    Madrid - Lisbon.    Message next above relayed.

11.5.1942 (8182 isk serial number?)  Berlin - Madrid (line II/1 = 2/1)     ? to ? for Schubert.    Kurt (Freddy Kraus) not in Paris from the 17th to 23rd May.

17.7.1944. (107551 icos serial number?) 166 (message reference number)  From Bigano (?) for Wega for Madador?? Schubert.  Ref. (Teleprint) (= FS) regarding Gast?? (or Pasteja)  which was discussed.    Has not arrived in Parkstadt (= Paris) up to now.    Kurt took whether this will be attended to from your end.    W/T message no. 10418 text doubtful)  1.7.44 secret - -T-P?E-J. ????     Hydra (Wolfgang von Abshagen Leiter III?)  

20.7.1944  (107899 isk?)    Madrid - Berlin.    529 (message number).  To Theodor for L??A/    In Castelja affair Schubert handed in an FS (= Fernschreiben - Telex message; but likely it concerned a regular W/T message) personally in Zeppelin (AOB: The huge communication bunker complex of Zossen; where also partly the Abwehr was situated, though also at Belinde about 15 km to the south).    Will be repeated from this end.    Please inform EDS Parkstat (= Paris) that after oral report from Kurt (Freddy Kraus), Theodor endorses the release of Castelja in the Castelja affair.    Castelja was, unknown to himself, working for Theodore via Kurt.    After settlement, please inform Kurt that after Kurt's visit, Theodor semt? he? agreed FS to EDS (in Paris).    K.O. SP. (= Abwehr in Madrid)    Schubert - Vega  1400/440.

22.7.1944  (108333 isk?)  208. Secret (Geheim)    To Elcano (AOB: Cover-name of the Leiter K.O. Madrid = Spain) for Vega for Matador for Schubert. Juno? and Kalif cannot arrive for Vega for Madador of next week owing to difficulties with entry permits.    Kurt affair settled.    Indra 210 Theodor 0182.    


(3)   (since 16 October 2024)


KV 2/1727-3, page 19i + 20j   (minute 33a)

                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

    Original    in PF 64216 V.6  (minute 397b).

    Carp, Mathilde.

                    Extract from Interrogation of Miklos @ Jerome by Represenative of M.I.5. dated 23.3.1944.

.    .    .

I.    Austrian called Kraus of the name bf? Kraus?

M. I did not know of any Austrian by that name, but from the Comtess Dampierre I heard about an Austrian who had been useful to them.    He was a male employee of the Gestapo.    After the arrest of a man whom I knew in peace time time - Michael Coulon, the son of a lawyer friend of mine, Mme. Dampierre found herself with a lot of precious documents.    She was frightened and did not know what to do with the papers, so gave them to the Austrian, who put them in the Gestapo safe for a week.    This was in June or July 1941.    Then Mme. Dampierre got in touch with Micheline (= PF 64216 Volume 6  Carp Mathilde) and got the documents back from the Austrian to give them to Micheline.    I think that Micheline and the Austrian saw each other that day and that they were very suspicious of each other.    After the meeting the Austrian told Mme. Dampierre that he did not like Micheline's face and wondered if he had not seen her in the Gestapo hands.    Micheline said to Mme. Dampierre that she was stupid to have dealings with dealings with German officers.    Mmr.? Dampierre repeated the conversation to me and said that she had known the Austrian before the war and trusted him absolutely;    she would rather mistrust Micheline.    I agreed that Micheline had not a very good appearance, but said that I thought she was a true agent.    I think she was all right then.    It is possible that she betrayed before, but I do not think so.

.    .    .

KV 2/1727-3, page 21    (minute 32a)

                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

Original in PF 65363 V.3 (minute) 103a  Walenty, Arman. (a cover-name)

                    Extracts taken from Minute from B.1.a.  (Captain Harmer (M.I.5. Micheline/Carré's guiding officer) to B.1.b. (also M.I.5)  (Mr. Day) re Szumlicz and the Schwerbel Organisation.

.    .    .

                    Brutus ( thinks that the Schwerbel organisation were looking for Interalliee   (N2190   N2190return) Organisation from about October 1942.    Theirs was the only Polish service working in the Occupied Zone (German military controlled part of Western France), so that the statement of Szumlicz to which you draw my attention would would appear to refer to Walenty.    Brutus (= Valenty) had heard the name of Father Wiatr but could not remember in what connection.    He also knew Father Cegielka, who he said was arrested just after  the armistice.    He believes that he had a house at Neuilly and was chief of the Polish Church in Paris.    Brutus never met the engineer referred to in the Brutus case as Kraus and the Szumlicz case as Krause.

                       The statements made by Szumlicz are very mystifying to me.    If Brutus' was the only organisation working for the Poles in the Occupied Zone (German military controlled), then presumably Szumlicz' statements referred to him/    On the other hand, Father Wiatr was ot apparently in any way connected with Brutus' Organisation, yet Szumlicz infers that he was.    I think it would be profitable, therefore, to try and probe that matter a little further and the most hopeful way this could be done, in my view, would be to examine Szumlicz  about the engineer Krause.    If you agree, therefore, could ask Camp 020 to interrogate Szumlicz very carefully about Krause to find out, if possible, his description, what he was doing officially in France, what activities he carried out unofficially, who his contacts were, and everything  he knows about him.

B.1.a.  3.8.1943                                                                                                                    Sgd. C.H. Harmer.


KV 1727-3, page 22    (minute 31a)

                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

Original in PF 64216 Volume(minute 278k)     Carré, Mathilde.

Mrs. Barton. (AOB: for a while Mathilde Carré's house keeper, and someone she trusted, but she betrayed Mathilde, as she was paid for by M.I.5 as to spy upon her)

                    Reference your note, Lt. Broad, Seaforth Highlanders, was in Paris during 1940/41, and I believe escaped.    While there he came in to contact with Victoire (= Mathilde Carré) and also a man called Pierre d'Harcourt @ Pierre Richard.    Victoire refers to this man and her memoirs as Richard d'Harcourt, and describes him as being tall, short-sighted and very intelligent.    He was evidently her lover. (AOB: whom was not having an affair with Mathilde?)  He acted as a liaison between Victoire (= Mathilde Carré) and the Deuxieme Bureau (AOB: French Secret Service) located in Vichy (AOB: capital of the un-occupied France, lasting to November 1942, after the Allied landed in Oran in Algeria, on 10th November 1942).  In January or February of 1941 (Mathilde by then lived in France) apparently he because suspicious of Victoire (Mathilde Carré) and in ? summer was arrested.    Meanwhile Lt. Broad had tried to get a wireless message through to London via Victoire's W/T transmitter, but without success.  

                    If Stella (whom is she? Stella Barton?) has any information about d'Harcourt, and particularly about his arrest.    It might help us considerably in assessing the gilt or otherwise of Victoire (= Mathilde Carré).  d'Harcourt was a friend of an an Austrian called Krauss (Kraus) and a Compt and Comtess Dampierres, all of whom were arrested in December 1941 as a result of Victoire's treachery.    ? any information about these people would also be valuable because Victoire (= Mathilde Carré) herself bismed?? the arrest of d'Harcourt on to Krauss (Kraus).

B.1.a.    28.12.1942  (AOB: Mathilde Carré had been imprisoned in England in the meantime)                    Sgd. C.H. Harmer.  (AOB: the latter also had an affair with Mathilde! Whether considered professionally?)

KV 2/1727-3, page 23   (minute 30a)

                                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright


Extract for File No  :  PF 600278                                                                                                            Name  :    Kraus Freddy

Original in File No  :    PF 65363    Walenty  V.1        Serial 16a                                                        Dated 19.11.1942.

        Extracted on  : 21.9.1944

Extract from Conclusion of Comments on Part III of "La Chatte's"  (AOB: she is Mathilde Carré) memoirs.

.    .    .

77.            Engineer Krauss (Kraus) probably EVE's betrayer and EVE himself were known to the Germans. according to La Chatte (Mathilde Carré), through Richard's dossier; Richard was a French Intelligence Service Officer. The Germans said that he supplied some data about our Organisation (AOB: S.I.S. or M.I.5).

                It is interesting that apart from this one instance La Chatte (Mathilde Carré) does not mention EVE.

.    .    .

KV 2/1727-3, page 24a   (minute 29a)

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

Original in PF 64216 (= the 11 different KV 2/... files on Mathilde Lucie Carré) Extract taken from the Summary of the case against Carré, Mme Mathilde Lucie, Important Member of the Walenty Organisation. (German Intelligence Organisation in France).        

(AOB: I have checked against what is being reproduced on our website on: ; ; . What they did was, what I consider being:  very selective "cherry picking" here and there - but not really reflecting where the genuine files being about!)

                                    It is worth recording that in the summer of 1941, both Eve and Richard D'Harcourt were arrested.    Both these men were in touch with the Comte and Comtess Dampierre and also with an Austrian engineer named Freddy Krauss (Kraus), who was married to an English woman (formerly Mrs. Daisy Fellowes) and had been living for several years in France as presentative of Siemens.    Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré) also knew Krauss (Kraus), who she says, helped escaped prisoners of war and generally was pro-Ally.    Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré) saw Eve for the last time on June 30th and as she said he would meet her again on July 2nd, but he did not turn up.  On the 5th July Richard D'Harcourt was arrested and Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré)  was told by Captain Danielle that Krauss (= Kraus)  had given him away.  She was also told by the Comtess Dampierre that Krauss (= Kraus)  had seen Eve on July 1st, from which she has drawn the conclusion that Krauss (= Kraus) also betrayed Eve.    Months after the arrest of D'Harcourt she learnt from the Germans that the only photograph he had on his was one of her with her address and telephone number, and she marvels that the Germans did not arrest her at the time. 

.    .    .

The arrest of the Dampierre and ??

                        Neither the Compte nor the Comtess Dampierre nor ??, who was an American engineer living in France, had anything to do strictly with the Interalliee organisation. Krauss (Kraus) as explaining before, appears to have occupied himself, among other things; with helping escaped British prisoners of war, and he had also been a friend of Eve's and Richard D'Harcourt.  Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré) had told the Germans about Krauss (= Kraus) (which she justifies on the grounds that she suspected him of betraying both these men, and they decided to try and obtain evidence against him.    They made a list of his friends and cross-examined Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré) about them.    She says that throughout her association with the Germans it was the only hostile interrogation with the Germans she ever had, and she finally agreed to help them through the Comtess should bbe saved. This is a  good example of the way in which Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré)  justifies her actions by the combination of the discreditable conduct of Krauss (Kraus)  and the hostile interrogation, plus the conditions she imposed.

                    Propst?, who had been in England a long time, faked a message which was supposed  to come from Eve addressed to Krauss (Kraus), saying that he was in a camp near Fongeres and was trying to save himself.    Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré)  then telephoned to the Comtess de Dampierre and asked her to tea, and to bring Krauss (Kraus)  along.    Bleicher (an Abwehr/police man) went to the tea party and posed as a friend of Victoire's (for some time later becoming his mistress). He discussed with Krauss in English's scheme for saving Eve, and when Krauss (Kraus) had committed himself sufficiently he was arrested and later sent to Germany, and, according to Bleicher, shot.    When he was arrested he gave away not only Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré) but Walenty and Comte and Comtess de Dampierre, who were also arrested contrary to the promise made to Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré).    His conduct is thus said by Victoire (= Mathilde Lucie Carré) to have justified taking action against him.    The Comtess de Dampierre, being a Jewess, was put into a concentration camp with her father. 


KV 2/1727-3, page 32  (minute 20a) may the white curved line being traces of a film-emulsion eating creature or is this the negative image of a black wire?


                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright


Home Office.

                    It appears inconceivable that this individual should be sent over to the country of carrying out a form of re-organisation on behalf of the head office in Berlin without their representatives in this country (Messrs. Siemens-Schukert (G.B.) Ltd.) being aware of the intended visit beforehand and applying for the necessary permit for him to land.    It therefore seems probable that the reason given for this visit at the port were not the reasons for his desire to come to this country.

M.I.5.   16.6.1939            D.y? B? for approval.


(4 (since 21 October 2024)

KV 2/1727-3,  page 33a + 34b

                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

Port of     Folkestone

Subject    Alfred Kraus                                                                                                                                        R.L. 44/39

    Reference to files    K.10064

??            H.M. (His Majesty's)    Chief Inspector,

                            The above named alien arrived in the s.s. (steam ship) Biarritz from Boulogne on 19.3.1939.

                  Nationality German.    Occupation Manager,

                 Date & Place of Birth 28.11.1908, Sarajevo (by then ruled by Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy).

                 Passport No. 587, Bentheim (AOB: Bad Bentheim is a bordering town between Germany and the Netherlands), 5.3.1939.  Instructions R.4.A. (R = Registry?)

                Proposed address 74 Belgrave Road, S.W.1.

                Wished to stay six weeks on business with Messers. Siemens Ltd., 34 New Bridge Street, ?.C.    He is employed in their Berlin office and has been sent to find a British firm which will represent them as selling agents for radio components in which Siemens, London are not interested.   

                His instructions instructions also require him to visit the firms client and to control the London office.    On being asked to state what exactly was meant by the word "control" he first said that he would take charge of the London office but hoped that we would not mention this to the London manager.    He later modified this by saying he would examine the firms books and enquire into the state of the branch's business.

                It was noted that alien (Freddy Kraus) had been landed conditionally at Harwich for two months on 26.3.1938.    Kraus stated that this M?.Labour had been granted on the basis of an exchange.  A. Mr. ?.H. Metizen (Br.) had been sent to the Berlin office and has since returned and left the firm.    Kraus was on that occasion employed in the London and during his stay made a number of acquaintances on whom he now proposes to call.    The following addresses were obtained - Miss M. Hutchinson, "Brendon",  Bovey-Tracey, Devon and Mr. Tony H. Rupert, telephone number Western 8221.

                His means amounted to 18/- but he also carried a note from his firm instructing the London office to advance him 2100 for expenses.

                It appeared to be unlikely that such a large firm as Siemens should be unable to find a representative in the U.K. without the help of the alien (= Freddy Kraus). (AOB: I am again wondering that a British servant is judging as to how a big company should be ruling, factually directing their business organisation).    With regard to his instructions to control the London office were able only to speculate on what form this control would take but considered that it would be most probably be an investigation to discover if the business was conducted in accordance with Nazi principles.

                In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the case H.M.C.I.O. directed that the alien should be refused leave an hotel.

                Reference was made by telephone this morning to H.O. (Home Office) who after consulting alien's file and referring to M.I.5. directed that the refusal should be maintained.

                During the course of a conversation with H.M.C.I.O. (?) this morning alien volunteered the information that he had been warned by the German Secret police about too freely expressing his views on the Nazi regime.    It was only the fact that his father is a director of Siemens that he had saved him from a concentration camp/    He had joined the overseas branch of Siemens in order to escape as of the as possible from Nazi conditions.

                Alien telephoned to Messers. Siemens in London who telegraphed £10 to him and said they would make representations on aliens behalf to H.O.

                Kraus returned to Boulogne in the s.s. Biarritz this evening.



KV 2/1727-3, page 37     (minute 18a)

                                                                                        Crown Copyright

For Official Use only

19th May 1939.

Alfred Kraus.

            A German, born 28.11.1908 at Sarajevo, Manager, who was refused leave to land at Folkestone on 20.3.1939,    previously landed conditionally at Harwich on 2.3.1938, under a Ministry of labour permit.

            He travels about on mysterious missions, as a commercial traveller, is a fully qualified Engineer, a brilliant linguist, and is believed to be actively engaged as a Nazi Agent.

            He should not be granted a further visa for the United Kingdom.

            The following entry should be made in the Suspect Index:

Kraus Alfred.

                1908?   -   M. Ge. Agent He? RD  S.C 10?21?

H.J. Ralfe.

H.M. Chief Inspector Immigration Branch.


H.O. for information.

Scotland Yard for information.

Pass Office.

Military Controls.

India Office.

Passport Control for General Circulation.


KV 2/1727-3, page 38    (minute 18a) (AOB: apparently for them quite a hot item)

                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Tele.    Victoria 8585.

Telegrams:    Passic.   

                                                                                            Immigration Branch

                                                                                            Home Office.

           Reply should be addressed to H.M.

        Chief Inspector, Immigration Branch,

        Home Office, Stanley House, Marsham

        Street London, S.W. 1 and the following

        reference quoted:-

       S.C. 10621/K.10064/H.O.


            To the Immigration Officer.

Alfred Kraus.

                    A German, born 28/11/1908 at Sarajevo. Manager, who was refused leave to land at Folkestone on 20/3/1939, previously landed conditionally at Harwich on 26/3/1938, under a Ministry of Labour permit.

                    He travels about a mysterious missions, as a commercial traveller, is a fully qualified Engineer, a brilliant linguist, and is believed to be actively engaged as a Nazi agent.

                    He should not be allowed to land again in the United Kingdom.

                    The following entry should be made in the Suspect Index:-

                    Kraus, Alfred/1908/M/Ge/Agent/UC/RD/S.C.10621.

F.J. Ralfe,

H.M. Chief Inspector

Immigration Branch.

All Ports,

Scotland Yard,



KV 2/1727-3, page 39    (minute 13a)

                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

L.    158/1163/B2b (= M.I.5)                                                                                                                                        20th April, 1939

            Dear Vivian (AOB: engaged at S.I.S.),

                    With reference to your (= S.I.S.'s) CX/12650/3785/V? (AOB: CX/ .../.. reference were 99% of the case being made invisible!) of the 18.3.1937, it has been found that Alfred Kraus was in this country for some months from the 26.3.1938, employed by Siemens-Schuckert (AOB: Siemens-Schuckert was the Siemens Branch dedicated to high energy industrial (power) requirements), Ltd. He was in possession of German Passport No. 587, issued at (Bad-)Bentheim on the 25.3.1938 valid until 24.3.1939.

                    He gave his birthplace as Sarajevo, 28.11.1908.     He attempted to land again on the 19.3.1839.    He attempted to land again of the 19.3.1939, with the same Passport extended until 15.6.1939.  He was refused leave to land.    He carried a note instructing Siemens-Schuckert to pay him £10, and they paid him £10, before he left the country.

                    We have nothing definite against this man. but in view of your report emanating  from your informer (likely a German traitor) who had been in Spain, and his general demeanour (character). we are representing to the Home Office the advisability of issuing an exclusion Order.

Yours sincerely,

(addressed onto) Major V. Vivian, C.B.E.


(AOB: I am quite sorry

but the next page to be copied is of such poor reproduction quality that we have to skip it)


KV 2/1727-3, page 41   (minute 8a)

                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

H.O. (Home Office)  File No. K.10064.

re Alfred Kraus.

Summary of Contents.

Alfred Kraus -     Born 28.11.1908 at Sarajevo.

                             Passport"    597 - Bentheim - 25.3.38.

                            Occupation:    Manager.

                            Address:    Park Lane Hotel.

Landed at Croydon on 3.1.1938. on 3.1.1938.

14.1.1938.            Kraus called at H.O. to enquire zeeut? with Siemens - Schuckert, who had been refused a M/L (Ministry of Labour?) permit.

7.2.1938              Austrian Charge d'Affairs written to Foreign Secretary to support the application for a permit for Kraus.

16.3.1938?          Kraus landed at Harwich.    Address:    74 Belgrave Road, S.W.1.

                            L.G.'s remarks.

                                        M/L Permit No. 4692 dated 17.3.1938   

                                        Permit shows alien as Austrian and at the time of issue, this was a true description. (AOB: the so-called Anschluss happened on 12th March 1938, when Austria and the German Reich were unified by Hitler's pressure)  de  (Österreichs)   en   ( He stated that the Dutch authorities would not allow him to pass through Holland and gave no reason for refusal.  He applied to the German frontier police at Bentheim who granted him a German passport without further question and the Dutch then withdrew their objection and allowed him to proceed.

(AOB: we may consider for 99.99% certain: - that the Dutch had been strongly advised/informed by the British - that their Services - should refuse his (Kraus') entrance. Please bear in mind, on the other hand - that the Dutch did everything to cooperate on friendly terms with the Germans, and a refusal would be considered certainly as an un-friendly act; because "The Netherlands" kept their Neutral Status rather strictly!  There is another aspect, not often dealt with: - the British had certainly influence on the Dutch Government as the British were, in some way or another, facilitated with Dutch censorship/intercepting mails entering from outside the Netherlands addressed to whom - the British - considered being suspects!)

Sgd.  ? McLean 26.3.1938

16.3.1938.            File returned minuted (number 8a) "Seen, thank you". 

KV 2/1727-3, page 50     (minute 2a)

                                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright


                                                        25th March, 1937.

            Dear Vivian (= S.I.S.),

                    With reference to your CX/12650/3785/V  dated 18.3.1937, regarding Alfred Kraus, we (= M.I.5.) have no likely trace of this man on our records.

Yours sincerely,

Jce (Ice)??

Major V. Vivian, C.B.E.


KV 2/1727-3, page 51a  + 52b     (minute 1a)

                                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

                                                                                                                                                    CX/12650/3785/V    dated 18.3.1937

My dear Liddell (= M.I.5),


            We have recently been in touch with a source (AOB: the latter individual was, most likely, of German origin) who had emerged from Spain after an attempt at joining Armed Forces on one side or the other side, and in fact. merely succeeded in getting himself into prison in Pamplona.  According to his statement (betraying the Germans) which here is no reason whatever to doubt he was for some time during his imprisonment (AOB: by whom, the Communist or the Fascists?) in Pamploma in a cell with Austrian Nazi, one Alfred Kraus of Fremdenpass 7/8, Vienna (Wien), aged about 31, a brilliant linguist (AOB: ah - ha, from here originate the expression - a brilliant linguist!!) speaking English, Italian, Spanish and his native tongue.    At the outbreak of the Spanish revolution Kraus was employed as a commercial traveller for an Austrian or German firm in Pamplona. About a fortnight after the commencement of the revolution he returned from an evening stroll to find his hotel room being by rebel authorities (= Communist), who asked him to accompany them.  He acquiesced and was taken to prison and subsequently sentenced to four years imprisonment for "rebellion", (AOB: by the communists) this, he asserted, on the evidence of being in possession of an old revolver which belonged to his father, killed in the war (WW I?)   During talks in his cell, he gave source (= the one betraying him to the British) the following particulars of his previous history:

        (a)    He was a fully qualified engineer, but had become a commercial traveller on account of the scarcity of positions in his own profession.

        (b)    When visiting England as a youth he had attempted to photograph some British warships but been 'moved on' by a dockyard official.    This, he said, was only a boyish prank.

        (c)    He was a great advocate of Hitler and possessed a Nazi card (Partei-Karte?) (AOB: I am quite sorry, but the tone of this statement points more into resentment than on actual truth) (AOB: an this kind of (what they considered there after reliable source) statements - they judged their future policy upon?)

Kraus was in possession of passport No. 766, International Commercial Traveller's Card No. 434 and Nazi Group No. R. 393840.  On his return to England, the source (the one betraying Kraus in Spain) duly communicated with Kraus' mother and later received a letter, dated 16.2.1937, in acknowledgment from G. Zander Specialhaus für Büroartikel. 1 Biberstrasse 22, Vienna (Wien), who stated as 'patron' of Alfred Kraus he was very glad to hear of the latter's state of health, etc., and that he had been → doing everything possible to get him released.   

        (2)    It seems just possible that you heard of this man Kraus before, and if so, I should be very grateful for any information you may have.   

Yours sincerely,

Captain C.S. Liddell,




To be continued with KV 2/1728


(5)   (since 22 October 2024)

KV 2/1728-1, page 1

                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

KV 2/1728

Kraus, Alfred Ignatz Maria

PF 600278/V2 (= volume 2)


KV 2/1728-1, page 2

                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

Supp. Vol. for Prosecution.

Please notice that they prepared the KV 2/1728 serial about 18 July 1957, before they used still the PF 600278 V2 reference. These documents had been given free for publication about, say, the year 2000.

Then the state of which it has been micro-filmed and its being recorded (filmed) never can be more than thirty years difference. Considering the status of the material, one might expect that they didn't gave much care to such kind of serials.

But we must be grateful that something did survive, so that we can ourselves get an glimpse of what M.I.5 was thinking and doing.


KV 2/1728-1, page 3        (minute 56x ...)

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

            Last date in Vol. 1  31.10.44   Ser. 55a.

1.11.1944    Copy of note re discussion with J.A.G. Original in PF 407683 Lee.                                                                                56x

5.11.1944    From Camp 020 enclosing statement made by John Manners mentioning Kraus.                                                        56a

?.11.1944    To S.I.S. re Kraus                                                                                                                                                                  57a

6.11.1944    B.1.b. (= M.I.5)   Note re Freddy Kraus                                                                                                                              58a

6.11.1944    From Camp 001 re questionnaire given to Kraus                                                                                                             59a

6.11.1944    Copy of letter to J.A.G.  re appearance of Kraus                                                                                                                59b 

?.11.1944    To Camp 001 re questionnaire given to Kraus                                                                                                                   60a

.    .   

.    .   


KV 2/1728-1, page 4 

                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

9.11.1944    To Colonel Stephens (heading Camp 020) forwarding trace summary on names and addresses given by Kraus. - as at 61b         63a

9.11.1944    Note by Mr. Wilson re Kliemann (Leiter I-L Paris; KV 2/278; PF 600252)  having been interrogated about Kraus.

10.11.1944  From S.I.S. (= M.I.6)  Re Alfred Kraus.    filed 18.11.1944.

.    .   

11.11.1944 Note from S.L.B.1. to B.1.b. re the court-martial of Capt. Lee.                                                                                                                    65a

.    .    .

.    .    .

16.11.1944 To the Home Office re transfer of Kraus from Oratory Schools to 020.                                                                                                      69a

.    .    .

.    .    .

KV 2/1728-1, page 9a    (minute) 69?

                                                                                                Crown Copyright

PF 600278/B.1.b                                                                                                                    6th January 1944

Dear (H.R.)  Prestige (Home Office),

                    As requested in our letter, K.10064/2 of the 6th December, I am sending you a further report on this man.

                    Alfred Ignatz Maria Kraus is a German, originally Austrian, nationality, as was born on 28.11.1908.    His family is well-connected and in Austria is known to everyone of importance.

Since the death of Kraus's father in 1914 Kraus and the rest of the family have received assistance from, and been in close contact with, an uncle, Dr. Ernst Kraus, who lives in Vienna (Wien).    The uncle is General Manager of Siemens & Halske A.G. and is on the board of a large number of companies.    Before the war Kraus worked on various sections of the well known Siemens combine (Konglomerat) and in 1938 spent some six months in England on the business of the firm.

                    In March 1939 Kraus endeavoured to return to England bus was Refused Leave to Land.    This refusal formed the subject of a protest by the German Ambassador.

                    From the outbreak of war until January 1941 Kraus remained with some of the Siemens enterprises in Berlin.    From November 1940 onwards he was assisting Schade, another member of the Siemens firm, to complete a dossier on the British electrical industry for the Technical Air Force Branch of the German Intelligence Service (O.K.W. Amt Ausland/Abwehr).    In January 1941, through the influence of Ernst von Siemens Kraus was transferred to one of the Siemens' companies in Paris where he met a lady whom he subsequently married.

KV 2/1728-1, page 10b

                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

Through this lady he got into contact with, and was confided in by members of the French and British Intelligence Services.    Kraus realised that his fiancé was? in danger for her activities for the Allies.    He took services from Schade who introduced him to the branch of the German Intelligence Service (Abwehrleitstelle, abbreviated: Alst) in Paris which was particularly concerned with penetration and suppressing Allied organisations.    Kraus was pr??? no attention would be taken against his fiancé  condition that he was?? instrumented in tri?? about the arrest of a spy. Kraus played the the role of an agent provocateur and successfully and successfully gave the impression to his fiancé and her various friends that he was prepared to assist? them and to give them information.    This information was supplied to Kraus by the German Intelligence Service in the form of reports and Kraus kept the Germans fully informed of his contacts with the Allied agents.    He offered his services to the British agent as a courier to ?? some valuable reports to Marseilles, and caused these reports reports to be doctored by the Germans before forwarding. 

                    At this stage the Germans decided that they had >contained? sufficient information and decided to arrest its chief particular British organisation and decided to arrest its chief, who had been betrayed by Kraus.    This took place in July 1941, and from then until September 1941 he continued to "plant" material on the Allied agents and was responsible to a greater or lesser extent for the arrest of other agents.

                    Kraus states that from September 1941 he ceased active work for the German Counter Espionage (Abteilung III-F; the S.I.S. Counter Service was designated Section-V)  and there is no evidence to prove that he remained active on their behalf.    He admits remaining in touch with his friend Schade and endeavoured on Schade's behalf to arrange through his wife's relations ...

AOB: here this briefed reports ends quite abruptly


KV 2/1728-1, page 11

                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

H.R. Prestige, Esq., (Home Office),                                                                                                                                                        6th January, 1944.

for setting up a cover address in Lisbon to which letters from German agents in the U.K. might be sent.    Kraus alaine ?, and there is no evidence to the contrary, that during this letter period? he used his contacts with the German Intelligence Service for his personal advantage? and did very little for the service in return.

                    In augment? said Kraus went into hiding in Paris pending?? the liberation of that city.    On the 29th August he got in touch in Paris with a British officer who had been given an introduction to his wife.    One of these officers agreed to take? Kraus back to England with him (= Captain Lee) and Kraus was landed illegally in the U.K. on the 7th September 1944. This officer has been court-marshalled and cashiered?

                    At his preliminary?? interrogation in ??land he wished??? the more incrimination facts egui?????? himself, and it is only after difficult and prolonged interrogation that he has come forward with anything like his proper story.

Yours sincerely,


H.P. Milmo (= M.I.5)

H.H. Prestice,  Esq.,

Home Office.

KV 2/1728-1, page 12            (minute 108b)

                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

B.4.b.  Mr. Graufurd. Miss Clay B.1.c  (AOB: All  B... related reference being of M.I.5)

                    I send you a copy of the Camp 020 Interim Report on the case of Alfred Kraus which may be of interest to you because of the numerous references to companies of the Siemens group.

                    I suggest that if you regard it as of interest, the whole of Apendix A should be filed in such file as you consider suitable as I have not suggesting and carding of this Appendix in the Kraus file.    As regards the references to the activities of Siemens either in the main body of the report or in Appendix B, which ought never to have been included in the Report, I suggest that you give such directions for the extracts into the Siemens file, or such note thereon as you think suitable.    It is, however, I think undesirable that the whole of the main body of the report should appear otherwise than in Kraus's own file which is an R.B. file.

B.1.b. 5.1.45                (Sgd)            D.I. Wilson


                    Please see above minute from Mr. Wilson. The whole of Appendix A and B should be file in the Siemens & Halske (combined series) (KV 2/3313 ... KV 3316; PF 49483) also the attached extracts we have made from the 020 report.    The extract from Appendix A page 1 attached should be filed in PF 56888 (AOB: this file no longer exist)

B.1.c.   11.1.1945

KV 2/1728-1, page 15a + 16b   (minute 106a)

                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

PF 600278/B.1.b.                                                                                                                            5th January, 1944.


Dear Du Couedic.

Freddy Kraus.

                    I refer to my letter to you about this man, dated 20th November, 1944.    An Interim report on his interrogation has now been issued and I enclose a copy.

                    I think the story he has now told is substantially true although there may well be items on which he has not told the whole truth.  I should be much obliged if your would let me know whether any of the persons closely connected with Kraus have been interrogated and if so I should very much like to see the results of the interrogation.    In particular I think it might be worth while to interrogate on Kraus's story the following:-

                                        (a)    His wife, Jacqueline Kraus  nee Broglie

                                        (b)    The Comtesse Colette Dampierre

                                        I do not? suggest there is anything seriously against either of these ladies but I think the Kraus case is of sufficient importance to justify ascertaining whether the accounts which these Ladies might give are consistent with Kraus's own story.

                                        Do you know if the Comtesse Dampierre has carried out her allegedintention?? of reporting adversely on the Polish girl, as set out on page 42

Captain Y.A. Du Cousedic,

Room 8

Duke Street.

of the Report.    The Polish girl is of course Victoire, on whom I have given you a lengthy dossier.

                                        I should also like to know the results of the interrogation of the Comte de Gagteja.    I was informed by 21 Army Group (concerned in the British occupation Forces in Germany), and was to be interrogated by the French authorities, but I have seen no results of this interrogation.

Yours sincerely,


D.I. Wilson (= M.I.5)


(6)   (since 27 October 2024)


KV 2/1728-1, page 18a   (minute104b)

                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

B.1.b. Mr. Milmo.  (M.I.5.)

                    I have so far distributed this report only for Look Up purposes, to B.Inf., B.1.a and A.D.B. (AOB: likely Mr. H.L.A. Hart, often concerned with Look ups), and Dunderdale of S.I.S., who ran the agent Eve and the S.I.S. end of Victoire ( case, and from whom I am endeavouring to get particulars of the "plant" material which I know would be of great interest to B.1.a. and A.D.B. (AOB: like Mr. H.L.A. Hart)    A number of of points arise:-

        (1)    In the Yellow Peril (risk) Stephens suggests that Kraus might be prosecuted by the French, but the French have not got the body (= Freddy Kraus in person) and I don't expect we could easily return him to France.    I imagine, therefore that the Yellow Peril had better be omitted from the copies circulated; anyway where they might reach the French or the Americans.

        (2)    There is a great deal in Appendix A and also in the main body of the report, about the activities of the Siemens group of companies, which perhaps Graufurd of B.4.b ought to see. Is there any objection to my sending a copy of the report to him, suggesting that he should tear out (rip) Appendix Appendix A if he wants it filed in the Siemens file (KV 2/3313 ... KV 2/3316; PF 49483), and to make his own note on any references he wants to have from the main body of the report for the Siemens file.    I don't think the main body of the report should appear otherwise than in an R.B. file such as Kraus's own.

        (3)    On page 8 there is a reference to Foreign Office correspondence and for some unknown reason this is set out in Appendix B.    It seems to me that his had better be deleted from copies which are being circulated as I doubt if we have the right to circulate Foreign Office papers.

        (4)    I have asked Commander Dunderdale to let us have all "plant"material supplied by Kraus to Eve, and the doctored reports sent out, firstly, through Marseilles, and secondly, through Victore (=   Micheline/ Mathilde Carré)  immediately after Eve's arrest, because I know A.D.B. (AOB: likely H.L.A. Hart of M.I.5)  and B.1.a. (= M.I.5).    Whether I can get this material is another matter.

        (5)    Do you think the Air Ministry through Charles Cholmondeley would be interested in the passages marked on pages 36 and 40 and page VI of the Appendix?  The last mentioned item was passed to M.I.19 but I don't know what they did with it.

                A great deal of what Kraus now says is independently corroborated and I think the story is now true as far as it goes although it may not be quite the whole truth.    In particular, I don't think we need fear that Kraus had any stay-behind mission.    On the other hand, it would be more satisfactory if the story he has told could be compared with reports on the interrogation of Jacqueline (= Kraus's wife)  nee De Broglie, Comtesse Dampierre and the Comt de Casteja.    As regards the latter, MacDermont had him removed from his liaison job with a unit of the 21 Army Group because of Kraus's information and he has presumably been interrogated by the French.    I have seen no report of this interrogation and I don't know if anyone interrogated the ladies, or whether the Comtesse Dampierrre has carried out her intention of reporting adversel??? Victoire (= Mathilde Carré), as set?

KV 2/1728-1, page 19b

                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright


                    I had asked Du Couedic for information about members of Kraus's wife's family and have passed him what we knew about Casteja.    I have not given him any full report on Kraus, explainig that such reports as we had at that time did not seem to me to be sufficiently reliable to be worth passing on.    I imagine that I should now send Du Couedie a full reprt except for the Appendix which sets out Foreign Office papers and the special Appendix dealing with Kraus's relationship to the Lees.

                    This raises the genera question of distribution, on which presumably we have a fairly free hand, as Kraus is not an ordinary SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary  Force) case.    I imagine, however, that with the omission of the two Appendices referred to above there is no reason why this report should not be circulated through the War Room in the ordinary way, and I think MacDermont should also have a copy as some reference to the case has already has already been made to him.    MacDermot might be asked to pass a copy to Major C.H. Harmer (AOB: by the way within the M.I.5 context Victoire's /Mathilde Carré's case officer) who will be interested in the references to Victoire.    With the same omissions I presume the F.B.I. should have a copy.

                    I think the War Room might well be asked to ascertain whether the French have interrogated Kraus' wife, the Comtesse Dampierre, and Casteja, and if not, to try and do a brief interrogation of each themselves to see if the stories conform.  They might also be asked to try and collect the papers and file of Kraus which he says are all in his apartment at 3bis Boulevard de la Saussaye, Paris.

                    According to Kraus he has never met Richard Broad, whom he describes as a captain as he was in 1941.    He is now a colonel and is in Paris.    According to information received indirectly from him it would appear that he had met Kraus and knew him quite well.    Do you consider it worth while trying to get S.C.I. Paris through the War Room, to interrogate Broad on the relevant passages of the report?

                    The special Appendix dealing with the arrival in this country is really only of interest in so far as it concerns Captain Lee and Mrs. Lee.    It is inconsistent with Captain Lee's statements where, for example, he claimed that he had met Kraus before the war on the Rivièra  and had contacted him in 1942 when he went to France on a mission, and contacted him again when on a mission at the end of July 1944. (AOB: the Allied were still mainly bound in the Normandy and did not arrive in the Paris area before 24/25th of August 1944)  Kraus says that he never met Lee before 29.8.1944 and on this point I think Kraus is more likely to be right.    On the other hand, Lee has has been cashiered and when last I heard of him it was proposed that he should either be sent to France or should join the French Forces here, the French being given a warning through M.I.L.  You may, therefore, think it unnecessary to investigate Lee's misdoings any further.

                    Kraus' statement on page 4 of the special Appendix that Lee had previously brought over a Portuguese girl to London is possibly worth a little further investigation. and if his statement is true, throws a sinister light on the activities of Mrs. Lee, as does Kraus's account of the discussion in Lee's flat, reported at the end of page 5 of the special Appendix I should like your view on what action, if any, should be taken on these points.

                    Finally, there is the question of giving further information to the Home Office.    Do you think in view of the references to Mrs. Lee in the special Appendix it should be sent personally to Newsam?    In any case the Home Office have asked for a report on Kraus.    In any case the Home Office have asked for a report on Kraus.

You should see Newsaw's letter to Hinchley Cooke at minute 119a of ??? files.

Photograph of Kraus see KV 2/ 1728-1, page 29 (poor quality)

                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright


           KV 2/ 1728-1, page 29:    The next page reproduction truly originates from KV 2/1728.  

                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

I truly consider this is scandalous; the way these papers had been taken care of by the British  section R 5 (Registry section 5?) is scandalous!

Maybe the origin of this failure may go back from earlier date.

About 50% of the file reproductions are of about comparable quality.

KV 2/1728-1, page 49

                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

A real drama, seemingly, without an end!


KV 2/1728-3, page 1a

                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

Please read digest all the Personal Particulars yourself

KV 2/1728-3, page 2b

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

KV 2/1728-3. page 3c

                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

21    Occupation            Department manager

        (b)                          Siemens Konglomerat


        (d)                        Name of the Proprietor, Director or Chief

                                    Ernst von Siemens

+++    See over.    Brothers            Fritz Born in Zagreb.    Has Austrian nationality.    In 1938 was in Buenos Aires with the German, (former Austrian) firm Scholler Bleck,amm.    Last heard of him 1940.

                                                                                                 Is now believed to be in Oaraguay, probably assisted by a certain Karl Kaizer?, former Paraguayan Vice Consul in Vienna (Wien), and friend of the

                                                                                                 Kraus family, who left Austria at the time of the Anschluss.

                                                   2. Herbert                            Born 1912, in Zagreb.    Journalist with "Wiener Journal" until Anschluss.    Dismissed and joined "Süd-Ost Echo".    Was sent to Berlin, lived at

                                                                                                Keithstrasse 10. Joined Rüstungskommandantur on outbreak of war.    Has been in Kiev since 1942.  A brilliant linguist.

                                                   3. Günther                           Born 1913.    Has been with Siemens & Halske since 1927 in Vienna (Wien), Berlin, Nürnberg and München.  Is now head of Caloric Instrument

                                                                                                department of München branch of firm.


KV 2/1728-3, page 4d                             transcript completed on 28 October 2024

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

22    Father's Full Names    Maximilian Kraus

        (a)    Nationality-Hungarian.    Native of San Rejano, near Trieste.

        (b)    Age, if alive; if not date of death        Killed in action December 1914.

        (c)    Occupation        Austro-Hungarian regular officer, Chief of Staff of 28th Division.


23    Mother's Full Names            Marie Gabrielle Kraus

        (a)    Maiden name        Baroness Klekler Schiller von Herdern

        (b)    Former nationality Austro-Hungarian,    Born at Innsbruck.


        (d)    Residence            Beckerstrasse 3, Wien (Vienna).    Has lived there since her return from Berlin in 1942.    Until 1938, when she went to Berlin, she lived at Türkenstrasse 10 Wien (Vienna).

24        Brothers & Sisters giving names, ages, and addresses

                                         3 brother - - see +++

                                         1 sister.    Dorothea (Thea).    Married to Count Ledohowski, Antoni Austrian.    Later works with Siemens & Halske in Berlin in X-ray research department.    In Berlin lived

                                         at Keitherstrasse 10.

25        Wife's full Names    Jaqueline Marguerite.

        (a)    Maiden name            Princesse de Broglie. Daughter of Hon. Mrs. Reginald Fellowes by first husband, Prince de Broglie.

        (b)    Former nationality    French

        (c)    Age                            Born 1918

        (d)    Residence                3 bis Boulevard de la Saussaye, Neuilly s/Seine, Paris.

26        Children, giving names, ages addresses, occuparions

                                                    Rosamund, Aged 2.    Born in Paris. Has French nationality.

27        Any additional information

                                                Kraus's uncle, Dr. Ernst Kraus, is General Manager of Siemens & Halske A.G., Wien (Vienna).    He was a member of the Board of the Credit Anstalt, Wien (Vienna), and director of approx. 50 other companies.   


KV 2/1728-3, page 5    (minute 29a)

                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Note for Kraus file.

                    Colonel Richard Broad enquired from Mr. Astor. B.1.a. what was happening to Kraus.    At my request Astor asked Broad for certain information, the result of which is set out in my note to Camp 020 at (minute 88a).    In addition Broad stated that he had been asked by Jacqueline de Broglie before he left Paris on 16.11.1944 to discover what had befallen Kraus.    She had hear rumours of Kraus's arrest and was seriously alarmed by the thought that he may have been a German collaborator.    Broad was advised that when he returned to Paris on 19.11.1944 he should give a non-committal reply, merely saying that Kraus irregular arrival in this country (England) had resulted in his detention and that this connections with the Germans were still being investigated.

B.1.b.   27.11.1944                                                                                                        Sgd. D.I.W. (= D.I. Wilson of M.I.5 B.1.a)      (AOB: apparently letters (mails) were sent between offices within M.I.5)


KV 2/1728-3, page 6a

                                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

(7)     (since 1 November 2024)     

  To: Colonel Stephens (AOB: head of Camp 020)                                                                                                                        From Mr. Wilson (M.I.5)


                                        Further lok-ups on the summary of the interrogation on ??.11.1944 have produced the following:-

 Bern or Ernst?berg - Gos??er.

                                        Heinrich ????nevers???-Gossliner?? may be connected with Baron Cornelius von Gossler? of Hamburg, is a well known banker who is known to be very honest and disentwined individual and who is said to have been the only Aryan in Hamburg who dared to help a Jewish refugee after his release from a concentration camp???.

Abshagen.  ( is not known but she?? may well be conherated?? with Major (Wolfgang) von Abshagen and? Dr. Werner  (= Wolfgang) Abshagen well known Abteilung II officer who in 1943 was Adjutant to the head of Abwehr II, and was in Paris in 1944. ? This man is said to have been employed in civil life in the film industry and may have been arrested as a suspect. (He actually was engaged in the failed assassination attempt on Hitler of 20 July 1944).

Major Giskes {PF 601712 = KV 2/961 .. KV 2/962 ... KV 2/963)

                                        Major Giskes @ Dr. Gerhardt? is no doubt the man whose name has been hitherto to spelt as Abshagens? or Giskes a German? and Gerhard, who is known from various sources including ? Damen, Lindemans and Verloop as having been head of III-F (= counter espionage) in Holland and later in Belgium. We have not hitherto had an address for him in Paris but he may well have been in France before going to Holland. 

Continued on 28 October 2024

Kreutz, Graf.

            This man is well known on account of his counter? espionage activities in Paris, although our previous?? reports on him do not go back before July 1942.    He had? been variously described as Comte Vor Kreutz?    He has also been described as a Major according to one report to another. Major Kliemann (KV 2/278; PF 600252) of Eins Luft (I-L), Paris, now a P/W describes him as a Sonderführer (AOB: Sdf. these men were generally not militarily trained, but most often a specialist with wanted skills or professions) Graf Kreutz, and says he is of Baltic origin, married to a French aristocrat, and this is probably the most reliable description.    He seems to have been principally used as an intermediary? who fixed rendezvous with agents, etc., for which purpose he is known to have used a flat on the ground floor of 2 rue du Girque.  

            He is described as fat; aged about 38; height 1.68 m/    Round face. clean shaven going bold. Speaks with a Russian accent.

            Schneeweiss or Schneefuss AOB: (P2194 ↓↓↓  P2194return)  ←  ups and downs → (Q2195 ↓↓↓  Q2195return) (in Schürch's recent file series) (

            Possibly Major Schneeweiss of Schneefuss, who went to Italy in 1943, arriving Merano (west of Bozen / Bolzano) to take up duties in November.  Became Leiter Waldemar III-F (counter-espionage) ??.    Still in Italy (but likely imprisoned) in September this year.    His home address is Bonn.    No indication what position he held before 19???, so may well have been III Marseilles.

KV 2/1728-3, page 7b + 8c

                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright

            A little further information about Kraus has been obtained from Colonel Richard Broad, who first met Kraus in Paris early 1941.    At that time Broad, Pierre D'Harcourt, Jacqueline de Broglie and Kraus were all on the most intimate terms.    D'Harcourt had become Deputy Chief of the Deuxieme Bureau (French Secret Service) and had formed some sort of intelligence organisation in (by the Germans) Occupied France.    Assistance had been given by Kraus who knew all the details of the work undertaken by D'Harcourt and Broad?? as a business connections with the Germans enabled him to obtain certain facilities for travel etc.    Broad formed the impression that Kraus was a shrewd business relations with the Germans for mercenary motives.

                    Broad took the view that D'Harcourt was for too trusting in his dealings.    D'Harcourt's greatest difficulty was that many people were volunteering to work for him, representing themselves either as being British agents or as heaving means of communications with England, and this was exactly what D-Harcourt required.    The danger, however, was that these people might include imposture and agent provocateur, and broad therefore assisted D'Harcourt in interviewing some of them to determine whether or not they were genuinely in touch with the British.    Nothing was withheld from Kraus and he was aware of D'Harcourt's and Broad's connection with various Americans in Paris, including jerry Stringer, of the American embassy in Paris.

                    Shortly before D'Harcourt's arrest he had told a friend that if anything should befall him it would be due to Kraus, as apparently the two men had fallen out.    On the night of his arrest D'Harcourt had dined with Jacqueline de Broglie and Kraus and had again squabbled with the latter.    On his way home through the Bois he was stopped by the Gestapo and shot in the kidneys while trying to run away.    Matters were aggravated by the fact that he was carrying a hand grenade given to him by Broad.    So far as Broad is aware, D'Harcourt is still alive in Germany and he thinks that this may be in part due to Kraus.    Jacqueline de Broglie was undoubtedly very fond of D'Harcourt, and the Germans may have thought that D'Harcourt been shot he might have severed her connection with Kraus and thereby interfered with his work.

                    As regards the reliability of Jacqueline de Broglie, Broad says that on several occasions she saved his life and he would be prepared to stake his life on her reliability. Her only failing seems to lie on her beauty.  As an example of her reliability, Broad told me that about a year ago (1943)  the head of the B.C.R.A. was on a visit to France with a senior member of his organisation and that they were dining together at Maxim's (one of the best Paris restaurants). Jacqueline de Broglie was dining at a nearby table and come over to speak to them.       Had she she been ill intended, she could easily have denounced them to he husband, Kraus, who was dining with her, and it is unlikely that the Germans would have missed this opportunity of picking up the head of the B.C.R.A.

                    Broad states that Kraus was in possession of 300,000 French francs whom he left in Paris, of this money have had at least some part in providing Lee the motive for Lee seeking to bring Kraus to this country (all is guessing).    Lee's reputation is a thoroughly bad one and how he came to be engaged on work for S.A.S. after he had been dismissed from S.O.E. largely because he had no regard for the lives of people working under him is hard to understand.

B.1.b. (=M.I.5)  27.11.1944                                                                                                                                                        Sgd. D.I. Wilson (engaged also at M.I.5.)


KV 2/1728-3, page 29a + 30b                                                                                            (T2199        T2199return)

                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

Copy of Statement written and signed by Kraus during interrogation on 21.11.1944.

            1.    Erster Kontakt mit der Abwehr. (AOB: officially O.K.W. Amt Ausland/Abwehr) (AOB: curious is, that apparently this interrogation did take place in the German language, why?)

                                            Schade  Theodor, Diplom Ing. (KV 2/1974; PF 602763)    Berlin Siemensstadt, im November 1940.

            2.    Veranlassung:

                                            Nicht verhaftung von Jacqueline de Broglie.    Ich verpflichtete mich dafür einen englischen Spion zu liefern.

                                            Ich verriet Courtois Coloms) an Major Giesges (KV 2/961 - KV 2/962 - KV 2/963; PF 601712) von Abwehr III-F.    Er wurde verhaftet verhaftet Juli 1941 in Paris.

                                            Schade versprach mir zur Einstellung von Militärdienst zu verhelfen in alle dass ich aufgerufen wuerde.

            3.                            Ende 1940 unterschrieb ich in meinem Berliner Büro einen Verpfichtungsschein zur Geheimhaltung lautend:

                                            Ich verpflichte mich zur Geheimhaltung von Personen oder Dingen die mir in nachfolgender Unterredung zu Kenntnis kämen.

            4.                            Schade frug mich über Radiofirmen? in England.    In der Zeit von November 1940 bis März 1941 gab ich die Informationen über Namen, Stadtbüro, Fabriken, Besitzer. Bankverbindung und Herstellung über ca 30 verschiedenen Firmen.

            5.                            Mein deckname war Kurt, ich erhielt ihn von Major Giskes (AOB: Giskes was the one who introduced the word "Nordpol" which also got 'der Name' "Englandspiel") the  in April 1941 in Paris.

            6.                            Ich wurde bezahlt durch Kreuz im Auftrage von Major Giskes in Höhe von ca. 2300 frs als Reisespesenabdeckung für Reise nach Marseilles.

            7.                            Ich telefonierte mit (Major) Schade in Berlin von der Kriegsmarine in Paris, glace de la Concorde, wie folgt:

                                                            1941    ca. 10 mal

                                                            1942    ca. 10 mal

                                                            1943    ca.  5 mal

                                                            1944    ca.  2 mal

                                            Letzter Anruf war Juni 1944?  (Fernschreiben = Telex)

            8.                                Ende Mai 1944 sah ich Graf Kreuz von Hotel Lutetia (in this premises was located the HQ of the German Abwehrleitstelle Paris) und hat Schade zu verständigen mich nach Berlin zu berufen.    Am 24. Juni 1944 ffuhr ich nach  Gehren. Ich verabredete dass er an den S.D. Amt IV/1 (AOB: R.S.H.A. Amt IV dealt with security matters and police matters in foreign countries) Sturmführer Palland) ein Fernschreiben richtet darin gebeten wurde Casteja aus der Haft zu entlassen da er unbewusst für I/T L.V. (AOB: old O.K.W. Amt Ausland/Abwehr designation: I T /Lw T/Lw was a section focussing on Technical intelligence on behalf of the Luftwaffe meant is also on Allied Air Forces)

                                                Im Jahre 1943 gab mir mein Schwager (= brother-in-law)m Gastejam, eine Adresse einer italienischen Gräfin in Lissabon, die ich an Schade weiter gab der eine Deckadresse in Lissabon suchte für Abwehrzwecke.    Ich sagte Casteja seiner Schriegermutter zuschreiben  und ihr mitzuteilen dass er (Casteja) Briefe erhalten könnte, wenn sie ankommen die angegebene Lissaboner Adresse schrieb:

                                                Meiner Schwiegermutter Name und Adresse ist:

                                                             ?? Reginald Fellowes.

                                                             31 Chapel Street, Belgravia.

                                                Schade's Idee was falle diese Adresse für London-Lissabon Verkehr auf bona fide weg errichtet würde er annehme dass Briefe die an diese Adresse kamen nicht besondern von Britischen Geheimdienst überwcht würden. (AOB:  sweat dreams! all mails addressed to Portugal were censored extensively!!!)        Schade beauftragte auch Casteja zu sagen dass die Briefe von einen Lufthansapiloten geholt würden, der diese dannnach Paris weiterleiten würde.    Mrs. Fellowes schrieb nach Lissabon. da ?? jedoch nicht erschien wurde der Brief zurück nach London gesand.

            Schade ahndte am ???schreiben an  (R.S.H.A.) Amt IV - S. ?? ca. ??7.44 das verloren ging.    Auf meine Bitte sandte er an ca. ??? ein ????? Am 29.7. wurde Casteja  entlassen. 

Sgd. ?? Kraus

25 Nov. 1944.

Copied Camp 020/21/11/1944

AOB: why is this document written in German language?


KV 2/1728-3, page 33a

                                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

Summary of interrogation of Kraus at Camp 020.

By Captain Speyer.

                    Present:    Captain Brown                                                                                                                                                            Time:    11.40 - 12.30 hrs

                                                                                                                  Date:    11.11.1944

-    -    -   

                                        First Contact with the G.I.S. (German Intelligence Service) (AOB: officially: O.K.W. Amt Ausland/Abwehr) through Schade.

Nov:    1940                                In November 1940 Kraus, who was then working at Siemens in Berlin, met Theodore Schade (KV 2/1974; PF 602763), a former employee? of Siemens in Montmartre? whilst on on his way to the ???.     Kraus asked him what he was doing and was told?? Schade            At the same time ??? asked Kraus ????????? on him at his ??? at Siemens the following day.

                                        During the interview the next day, Schade told Kraus that he had been asked to compile?? a dossier on British Industry and as he had never been to England or knew anything about that country, whished Kraus to assist him.    Schade had been promised the rank of Fliegerstabsingenieur, if he made a success of the job.    In return for assistance from Kraus, he would see that the latter was exempted from military service.


                                                Kraus agreed and singed an undertaking?? by which he promised not to reveal anything he might learn during the schenes? of his work.    This undertaking was signed in the name of Alfred Kraus. Later, in 1941, Kraus learned that Schade was attached to Eins T/Lw I  (Technique Air Force Industry generally).

                                    Work for Schade.

Nov: 1940/ 3. Jan. 1941

                                    From this time until about January 3rd. 1941, when Kraus left for Paris, he met Schade about five times, and together, they compiled a report on British electrical and radio factories, their output, position, head offices, workshops, etc. taken from reports previously made by Kraus for Siemens when in England, and from Kelly's Directory.    Kraus was not paid for this work, his only reward being exemption from military service.

Jan:    1941.                On about 3rd January 1941, Kraus left Berlin reaching Paris on 5th January.    He gives as reason for this move, the fact that he had got into some trouble with the Gestapo and Ernst Siemens arranged for him to be sent to France, to work for the firm there.

                                    At the same time, however, he continued to work for Schade.

feb. 1941                    Meeting with Jacqueline de Broglie.

                                    Some four weeks after arrival in Parism in February 1941, Klaus met Jacqueline de Broglie at the house of a Mme. Suel/ This was entirely a chance meeting and was not arranged by the Abwehr.    He was told this girl was living at the Hotel Bristol, where she was kept by a "wart", having no money of her own.    Kraus kept her for a month or six weeks, at the end of which time, they became very good friends.    During the first fortnight of their acquaintance, Jacqueline stayed at the Hotel Bristol, after which she went to her home. It was that Kraus learned who she was.


KV 2/1728-3, page 34b

                                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

                                    Introduction to Pierre D'Harcourt: Heinrich Bernberg-Gossler.

Approx.  March 1941.

                                            In about March 1941, Jacqueline introduced Kraus to a certain Pierre D'Harcourt. Within five minutes of their meeting, D'Harcourt asked Kraus if he would like to work for the British Intelligence Service.    Kraus did not give a ddefinite answer, but afterwards asked Jacqueline in what way she was? connected with this man, far it ???? extremely important so put??

Please clear this puzzle yourself as it is too difficult to read.

The printed copy is of so extremely poor quality that I have no other choice!

 .    .   

 .    .   

                                    Meeting with Schade in Paris.

                                            It was about this time, when Kraus was wondering what he could fo to save Jacqueline (by now his fiancé), that he was visited by Schade; this was the sixth time they had met since their first meeting in Berlin (blackmailing). Kraus confided in him  ??? knw a girl who had assisted? British officers to escape, and was also connected with various members of the Resistance Movement, and asked whet??? in could be possible to bargain with the Abwehr; he want Jacqueline to be spared in return for a British spy.    Schade thought this should be arranged, and it was agreed that to ??? the case in a favourable light as regards to Kraus, it was stated that Kraus was volunteering this information through patriotic motives.

                                  Introduction to Abt. III (counter intelligence)

                                           The next day, Schade took Kraus to some Luftwaffe officers in the Faubourg Saint. Honoré, next to the (former) British Embassy.    He was taken to the office of Oberstabführer Siens which was unoccupied (unbesetzt oder frei) as this officer was away.    There Kraus was introduced to Major Giskes   (KV 2/961 KV 2/962 and KV 2/963; PF601712) @ Dr. Gerhardt and a man named Herbert, whose surname he never learned. It is not certain if it was now or at a later date, that he also met Graf Alexander Kreuz @ Alec.    This man originally came from the Baltic States, but lives in Hamburg.    He also had another alias a Polish sounding name, which Kraus has forgotten, and is married; when Kraus telephoned Kreuz, whom he usually called Alec, he occasionally spoke to his wife - the conversation was then in French.    In 1943 or 1944, Kreuz @ Alec held the rank of Sonderführer (Sdf.) (AOB: an individual possessing at least a special skill, he obtained a military rank additionally to his Sdf.; such as Sdf. (K) (AOB: Sdf. (K) stood for Kompanieführer which equalled a Hauptmann = Captain).

                                        Kraus told Giskes that he suspected Jacqueline de Broglie of being mixed up with a spy-organisation, and invented a dark-haired man as a leader.   He offered his services to break up this organisation, and suggested that if he was instrumental in bringing about the arrest of a British agent, Jacqueline's life should be spared.    Giskes did not take him serious and pointed out that he required concrete results.    The next day, Kraus learned through Schade that the department he had visited was Abt. III of the Abwehr.

KV 2/1728-3, page 35c


                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

                                   Work for Giskes.                                 

                                               From now on, Kraus kept in touch with Giskes.    He claimed that Inge Abshagen ? (Wolfgang von Abshagen's wife or relative? sent in a report on the  ??, but he did not know the details.    ??? he ?? very little French at this time. he mixed with pro-American? sympatr??sers.

AOB: The way these documents have been saved the decades after the war being so poor, that its historical relevance is strongly reduced; whether deliberately or due to ignorance - I cannot judge.

                                Spy Name.    

                                              At about this time ?? Kraus was given ?  named Kurt.

                                Attempted escape of Jacqueline de Broglie?? to America.                

                                              Still facing?? or?? fearing??? for Jacqueline a

AOB: please try to read this rubbish yourself, for me it constitutes a real torture

.    .    .

                                              On the morning of his departure for Marseilles, Giskes told Kraus to call in the afternoon for his passport and papers to cross the demarcation line. (AOB: On the one side the German Occupied military zone and the Vichy France territory up to November 1942; afterwards the Germans occupied all Vichy French kept territories due to the American landing at Oran in French Algeria) The same afternoon, before seeing Giskes he was handed a package by Colombes addressed to Spolding, in Marseilles.    When Kraus saw Giskes he handed over the packet which was immediately taken by Giskes to the Hotel Lutetia (AOB: Headquarters of the Abwehr Leitstelle Paris [ALST] in casu France).    On his return, he was extremely excited, and stated that he would first have to get permission to allow the package: through in its present state.?

KV 2/36d

                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

(AOB: I will copy the reference, but due to its, time and again poor condition (status), I become a bit disgusted to have to guess what might once have been reproduced, so frequently).

KV 2/1728-3, page 37   (Minute 81a)

                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

Camp 020.

Report date 22nd November 1944

D.D.B. (= M.I.5; Mr. Dick G. White)


1.                    I saw Kraus at 11.00 hours on 21.11.1944.    My impression was that he regards his incarceration as a trying incident in his whirl of social griety??.    The meeting was, therefore, abruptly? terminated and there was little doubt that Kraus felt at last his neck was in danger.  

2.                    Later during the morning Kraus was seen by Captain Brown and Speyer, and satisfactory progress in the investigation, which is represented by a summary attached hereto, was made.

3.                    I took the case a step further between 17.00 and 19.00 hours.    Progress in this instance is set out in a document signed by Kraus.

4.                    It was clear that Kraus was "on the run:, and I therefore saw him again from 2100 hours to 00.30 hours.    This part of the interrogation related to Kraus's journey from Paris to England until he was finally arrested.    I am not reporting on these incidents at the present time, but it is squalid tale which in a novel would fail for improbability. (AOB: but actually did really happened)

5.                    I thought it well to deal at this early stage with the issue of Casteja, mentioned in paragraph 19 of B.1.b's (= M.I.5) memorandum of 16.11.1944.    A special note is attached to this present report.

                      My view is that Casteja should be removed at once from his employment on the grounds of unreliability.     In the first place he was used as a tool by the enemy to establish a cover address in Lisbon.  In the second place, on 27.8.44 Kraus told him that he may conceivably be accused on the grounds that Kraus was his brother-in-law.    In the third place, however, Casteja was fully aware that Kraus was sent to England to join the British Forces.    As Casteja, himself is now in the British Forces, and I believe commissioned, there is now no excuse whatever for Casteja's silence.


(8 (since 13 November 2024)


Enc:            Summary of Interrogation of Kraus by Capt Speyer on 21.11.1944.    Statement written and signed by Kraus during interrogation on 21.11.1944, together with translation. 

AOB: this might prove that Kraus had been interrogated in German language! By the way, unbelievable nowadays: that the British Secret Service Servants generally did not speak nor read German language. They were fully relying upon third hand translations! Which, sometimes lead to confusions, and wrong assessments, as was in the case of Wolfgang von Abshagen.    (S2198      S2198return)     (T2199  ↑↑   T2199return)

                  Internal Memorandum from Capt. Speyer to Col. Stephens (leader of Camp 020) dated 21.11.1944.


KV 2/1728-3, page 38   (minute 80a)

                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

                                                                                PF 600278  Kraus.

Original with photograph in PF 600695, Casteja.

Copy of Press cutting from the Evening Standard.

Dated  22.11.1944.

She drove by night.

            From Mrs. Reginal Fellowes I have been hearing about the adventures of her daughterm the Comtesse de Casteja.    The Comtesse was a member of the French Forces of the interior.    She drove a car, helped to despoil the Germans of ammunition and equipment.

            'Most of it was navy's work, says Mrs. Fellowes, 'it was all done by night'.

            The Comtess's husband, Count Alexandre, was held by the Gestapo for six months.    Then he get away.    He reached a town in North-West France.

Face He Knew.

            There he saw a woman; her face was work-strained, but he thought he knew it.    He looked again, and recognises his wife.

            The Comtesse de Casteja is the daughter of Mrs. Fellowes by her first husband, Prince de Broglie.    She was at school in England.    Her marriage was one of the social events of Paris in 1932.


KV 2/1728-3, page 40     (minute 19a)

                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

Copy in Victore file PF 64216   (= KV 2/926 ... KV 2/936)

        ditto Kraus folder

PF 600278 (= Kraus's file reference number)/B.1.b. (= M.I.5)                                                                    21st November 1944.


Dear Townshend (= S.I.S./M.I.6)

                    Thank you for your CX/12727/44 (AOB: CX/ is always pointing at a S.I.S. reference serial) of the 20th November, 1944, re Kraus.    In connection with the Victoire case, I have seen the results of the interrogation of the persons you mention after their arrival in this country.

                    You refer to the penetration of the Interalliee organisation by Kraus but I imagine is a slip.    There is no evidence that Kraus was responsible for the break-up of this organisation.    What he was responsible for was certainly the "planting of information of the organisation ??run by Eve, and probably he was a less in part responsible for the arrest of Eve and of Richard D'Harcourt.   The Interalliée organisation appears to have broken down when the (Abwehr) III-F (= Counter-Intelligence) officer Bleicher ( got on to Christian, and through Christian got on to Violette and Victoire.    With the help of Victoire and papers captured at Walenty's (  flat the almost complete round-up of the organisation followed Kraus was not responsible for this.

Yours sincerely,

D.I. Wilson (= M.I.5)

B.H. Townshend, Esq.,



KV 2/1729-1, page 12

                                                                                                                                                                                    Crown Copyright


18.4.45.        Press cutting from the Daily Mirror re Kraus.                                                                                                                                185a.

19.4.45.        Extract from Common's notice of questions to be brought up in the House (of Parliament) concerning Kraus.                       186a.

21.4.45.        From S.I.S. enclosing SCI report from France dated 11.4.45 re Countess Dampierre.    File 29.4.45.                                         186b.

24.4.45.        To 105 SCI Unit re interrogation rpt (report) at 186b.    Filed 29.4.45.                                                                                           186c.



                                Yesterday afternoon Sir Frank Newsam discussed with him the answer which may be made by the Home Secretary to Parliamentary Question No. 58 filed at serial 186a.    A form of answer which appeared innocuous (harmless) to both of us was agreed for submission to the Home Secretary.                                                       

B.1.b.     25.4.1945                    H.P. Milmo

26.4.45.        Copy of Hansard with Oral answers re Alfred Ignatz Maria Kraus.                                                                                             188a.

26.4.45.        Note from Mr. Stamp W.R.C1/A (War Rooms) to Mr. Milmo re Kraus, and Mrs. Fellowes.                                                      189a.

27.4.45.        To Captain Ponsard re Mrs. Reginald Fellowes.                                                                                                                                190a.

27.4.45.        Note by Mr. Milmo B.1.w. re 190a.                                                                                                                                                     191a.

29.4.45.        Press cutting entitles "Kraus Sued for Divorce".                        Filed 4.5.45.                                                                                     191b.

KV 2/1729-1, page 13

                                                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright


D.B. (AOB: is likely? Brigadier Sir David Petrie Head M.I.5)

                    Please see 184c from the French which I have not yet andwered.

                    I think that we ought to give them facilities to interrogate Kraus in the presence of one of our officers at the Oratory Schools, but I feel very doubtful about the property of our facilitating any interrogation upon Mrs. Fellowes.    Nothing has come to light in the course of this case which suggests that this lady is of any security interest, and I can conceive that we might be open of serious criticism if we were to put ourselves in the position of having made her available for interrogation by a foreign power.

                    Mrs. Fellowes may be proceeding to Paris - she appears to have applied for a visa for the purpose - so presumably the question will not arise as this will give the French the opportunity to ask her any questions which they whish while she is on French territory.

B.1.w.   30.4.45                                                                                                Sgd. H.P. Milmo

2.5.45.        To French agreeing to have Kraus brought to 001 for interrogation by French.                                                                                            193a.

2.5.45.        B.1.a.  note re Kraus.

15.5.45.      To the French re 193a                                                                                                                                                                                            194a.

16.5.45.     From the French re further interrogations of Kraus.                                                                                                                                            194b.

24.5.45.     Internal memo re 194b.                                                                                                                                                                                           194c.

28.5.45.     From S.I.S. enclosing report by Pierre D'Harcourt.                                                                                                                                              195a.

29.5.45.    To S.I.S. in reply to 195a.                                                                                                                                                                                          196a.

6.6.45.     Extract from report on Giskes re Freddy Kraus.                                                                                                                                                     197a.

KV 2/1729-1, page 14

                                                                                                                                                                                        Crown Copyright

20.6.45.        From V.B.5. (AOB: V.B.5. being the code of the handling officer at S.I.S. - files were looking, for example: CX/xxx/xxx/VB5) enclosing report on Robert Ivernel.            198a.

3.7.45.          From Camp 020 return of Klaus and enclosing property.                                                                                                                                                       199a.

8.7.45.          From Camp 020 re Kraus.                                                                                                                                                                                                           199b.

12.7.45.        Letter to H.O. (= Home Office) re money belonging to deported aliens.                                                                                                                                200a.

25.7.45.        Copy of letter for H.O. with enclosure re policy on surplus money belonging to deported aliens.                                                                                      201a AOB: thus being conveyed to France

25.7.45.        Extract from Interim report on Giskes mentioning Kraus    (filed 8.45.)                                                                                                                                 201b.

30.7.45.        To Camp 020 re Kraus' property.                                                                                                                                                                                                202a.

1.8.45.         Memorandum from Camp 020 concerning Kraus.                                                                                                                                                                     202b.

17.8.45.       Letter from Home Office further to 201a New in SF.85/2/12(8)                                                                                                                                              203a.

31.8.45.       Note sent to 21st A.G. (= Army Group situated on the European Continent)                                                                                                                          203b.

7.9.45.        Letter from S.I.S. regarding Kraus.                                                                                                                                                                                               204a.

26.9.45.      Telegram from W.R.C. (War Room) to21 A.G. to have Kraus questioned.                                                                                                                               205a.

27.9.45.      To Home Office forwarding money belonging to Kraus.                                                                                                                                                            206a

17.12.45.    From M.I.5. Liaison Section, Paris, outlining recent developments in the Kraus case.                                                                                                             207a.

KV 2/1729-1, page 15

                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

31.12.45.    To M.I.5. Liaison Section. Paris, in reply to 207a.                                                                                                                                                                            208a.

                B.1.b. Major Vesay.

                            To see 207a.

                            I do not think that nay action is required, but you may think it desirable that D.B. and A.D.8.?? should be very briefly informed of the possibility that yet another daughter of Mrs. Reginald Fellowes (this time Jacqueline de Broglie) may be arrested by the French with all the resultant alarm and ??curcsions to which we may reasonably look forward.

E.J.P. Cussen.

            S.L.B.3.  31.12.45.

6.2.46.       Short summary of information on Princess J. de Broglie.                                                                                                                                                                     209b.

11.2.46.   From Major Nott dated 8.2.46. re Krause and J. de Broglie.                                                                                                                                                                  210z.

12.2.46.  From M.I.5 Liaison Section, Paris, regarding meeting held with the French police concerning the Kraus case.                                                                               210a.


KV 2/1729-1, page 16

                                                                                                                                                                            Crown Copyright

25.2.46.    From M.I.5. Liaison Section Paris, enclosing draft statement which Colonel Broad may send as defence for Jacqueline de Broglie and giving

                report of interviews which have taken place in Paris.                                                                                                                                                                                           212a

1.3.46.    To M.I.5 Liaison Section, Paris, in replay to 212a in regard to Colonel Broad's statement.                                                                                                                                213a

6.3.46.    To and from B.1.b. concerning Kraus whereabouts.                                                                                                                                                                                               214a

13.3.46.   From Liaison Section, Paris re Jacqueline de Broglie.                                                                                                                                                                                            215a

15.3.46.  From SIS re Alfred Kraus ???                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     216a

15.3.46.  Copies of letters between C.I.B. and Paris Liaison Section re Kraus.                                                                                                                                                                      216b  

18.3.46   To S.I.S., that their representative should apply to British Zone for enquiries concerning Kraus.                                                                                                                      217a

19.3.46.  From M.I.5 Liaison Section Paris, regarding Colonel Broad's statement.                                                                                                                                                              218a

KV 2/1729-1, page 17

                                                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

26.3.46    Note to Major Hughes from Lt. Col. Cussen re a statement being taken from Lt. Col. R.L. Broad in connection with Jacqueline de Broglie.                                                219a

11.4.46?  Copies of statement in French (with English translation) of Lt. Col. Broad.                                                                                                                                                           220a

4.5.46.     To Major Kope, with a request that the original statement attached be given to the French. (see 220a)                                                                                                             221a

17.7.1946 Enquiry re Traffic Index card for Kraus.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  221b

8.8.46.    Memo from B.1.b. to C.1. re Green Card for Kraus.                                                                                                                                                                                                  222a.

14.8.46.  To Immigration Branch Home Office re Kraus                                                                                                                                                                                                          223a

14.8.46.  Minute from C.1/S.I. to B.1.  re 223a                                                                                                                                                                                                                           224a

2.9.46.    From I.B. Home Office re Kraus in reply to 223a                                                                                                                                                                                                       225a

        B.1.b.  (Miss Joan Chenhalls)(= secretary).

                                please see 225a.    This is quite definite! (AOB: likely pointing at the fact the Alfred Kraus had been rejected for entry in England again)  However, I do not think we need worry as the present refuse visa and R.L.L. (AOB: = likely right on "leave to land" on English soil?) instructions are remaining in force.

C.1./S.I.    4.9.46.                        Mary E. Hobkirk.

21.4.47.    B.2.b/4  report re Dr. Maurer.  (AOB: notice my notes: Amt I?)                                                                                                                                                                                          227a

KV 2/1729-1, page 18

                                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

28.4.47.        Copy of letter from Kraus to Home Office re return of his property                                                                                                                                                                        228a

4.6.47.         To American Mission    ??    Section? enquiring? about (Werner) Mikkelsen and Maurer                                                                                                                                     229a

4.8.47.        To Home Office Whitehall giving information on Kraus property and currency                                                                                                                                                     230a

18.7.47.     From American Embassy re Maurer.     (AOB: it might have been that Maurer's whereabouts since late 1944/1945 was not known)                                                              231a

1.12.47.     From the Under Secretary of State re Kraus'property and currency                                                                                                                                                                            232a

            SLB  - Mr. Hill.                                 

                            You will see from letter at 232a that the Foreign Office have failed to trace the property of Alfred Kraus in Germany.

                            Our very full answer to this original is at 230a on file but I see from the Foreign Office file that, when passing on the information the Home Office told the Foreign Office to make enquiries of Intelligence Division in Germany.    I do not think this reply was sufficiently detailed for them to trace the luggage and I would suggest that there is nothing more that this office can do but reiterate that enquiries should be made to discover where Kraus was moved when he left Driest, which was a camp in Belgium. as we must presume that the property and the body (meant was Mr. Alfred Kraus) travelled to another camp together.

B.1.d.   5.12.1947.            Mss. Joan Chenhalls.

13.12.1947.    To Home Office re Kraus's luggage.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            234a

KV 2/1729-1, page 19

                                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

26.1.48        From Home Office re Alfred Kraus.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    235a

30.3.48.      Telegram from Int. Div.  re Josten, K.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  236a

 7.4.48.       Telegram to Int. Div. in replying to 236a.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            237a

21.2.52.       From S.B. re arrival of Kraus at London Airport in transit to Canada.                                                                                                                                                                            238a

20.2.52.       To R.C.M.P. re Kraus.    ↓↓↓↓                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            239a


KV 2/1729-1, page 20

                                                                                                                                                     Crown Copyright


Our reference PF 600278/B.2.a/4.??                                                                                                                                                                                    20th February 1952.

Dear Commissioner,

                    I think you may care to have the following summary of our records on Alfred Kraus, i? came to our notice?.    He is Austrian, born 26.11.1908 at Sarajevo, who was refused leave to land in the United Kingdom in January this year and is resident in Canada where he is employed as a director of production  ov? ?? Co. Ltd., Import Merchants. Montreal.

                    He was returning to Canada after having visited France? and Austria?, where he has been purchasing and optical equipment.    Kraus was brought to our attention in 1938 because it was thought that he might be engaged in activities on behalf of the German Intelligence Service.

                    His family was well connected in Austria and after the death of Kraus' father in 1914 he and the rest of his family received assistance from an uncle who was General Manager of Siemens & Halske A.G.    Before the war Kraus worked in various sections of the Siemens "Konglomerat"       and in 1938 spent some six months in England on the business of that firm (= Siemens).

                    In March 1939 Kraus endeavoured to return to England but was refused leave to land because the above mentioned suspicions.    The refusal from the subject of a protest by the German Ambassador.

                    From an early date in the war Kraus was connected with the ??.    He served off by helping the Eins (I-Tw/Luft) to prepare reports on radio firms in England.    Early in 1941 Kraus was sent by Siemens to their office in Paris, where n he made the acquaintance of the Princes Jacqueline de Broglie whom he subsequently married, but who has since divorced him (after the war ended), thus obtaining entry into her circles of friends which included allied agents.

                    On the instructions if Abteilung Luft Eins (I-L) he penetrated successfully this Allied organizations which ??in the arrest of two members of that organisation.    After this Kraus continued to live in Paris as a V-Mann of I Technik Luft (I-Tw/LW)  but without any specific work.

                    In 1944 he contrived to get himself to England, probably hoping thereby to escape the consequences of his activities, and was arrested shortly after.    He was interrogated and went in internment until deportation shortly after.    He was interrogated and went in internment until his deportation to Germany in 1945.    He was not since come to our notice.

            Yours sincerely,


Commissioner ??  ?? Royal Canadian Pounted?? Police  Justice Building, Ottawa.    for Sir Percy Sillitoe  Copy to ??? Patterson Esq. British Embassy, Washington D


KV 2/1729-1, page 21

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London Airports.

Metropolitan Police

-    -    -

                    Special Branch.

Alfred Kraus.                                            16th January,        1952.

                                        Alfred J. Kraus, Austrian, born 26.11.1908 at Sarajevo, passport No. 687 issued in Zürich on 16.9.1949 in which he is described as a director, arrived at this airport  on transit to Canada at 7.30 p.m. today.

                                        Kraus is the subject of Home Office S.C. 10621 in which he is referred as a German Storm Trooper (??) and agent.    It is learned that he attempted to enter the United Kingdom at Folkestone in 1939, but was refused leave to land.

                                        He is now resident in Canada and employed as director of production by Webb and Co. Ltd., Import Merchants, Montreal; he is now returning to Canada after having visited France and Austria where he has been purchasing mining and optical equipment.

                                        He was refused leave to land and kept in custody at the airport until 4.30 p.m. on 17.1.1952, when he left for Canada.





                                                                                                                                        Chief Superintendent.

(9)     (since 17 November 2024)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     



KV 2/1729-1, page 22

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                    With reference to this enquiry about a Green Card for Alfred Ignatz Maria Kraus, I would say that in our opinion we should ensure that there is adequate procedure in operation to prevent him re-entering the U.K. at any time.    Kraus visited the U.K. in 1938 and 1939 and as you know a Green Card was issued by the Home Office on 12.7.1939.    This man was the subject of a personal leter addressed by Mr. Milmo to Mr. C.P. Hill of the Home Office dated 16.11.1944 (K.O. reference Kl00064/2) and he was interned at Camp 020 under the Royal Prerogative.    A further relevant letter about him was sent to Mr. H.H. Prestige on 6.1.1945.

                    Kraus was deported to Germany on 3.7.1945.    He is connected by marriage with persons of some social standing in this country, and it is therefore likely that he may attempt at some future date to enter this country.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sgd.  J. Chenhalls

B.1.b.  8.8.1946                    Joan Chenhalls.


KV 2/1729-1, page 23a + 24b

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                                                                                                                            Salzburg, April 21st 1947.

To the:

            Secretary of State for Home Affairs

                                                Home Office.


re:    return of deposit

        Alfred J. Kraus

        Oratory school (Camp 020)5.X.1944 (= 5 October 1944).


                                On October 5th 1944, I have been interned at Oratory School, Steward? row Chelsea.    At my delivery I had to deposit my papers, money and various articles with the authorities there.

                                On the first of July 1945 I got a part of my cloth back at Camp 020, Latchmere-House, Ham Common.    A part of my property; one wallet (green crocodile leather on pen-knife (Swiss officer service knife) and one fountain-pen (System Waterman) has been taken way (been stolen) on the 2nd of July 1945 by Sergeant Edward at Diest (Prisoner of War Camp), Belgium.

                                On the 1st of December 1946, I got the equivalent of 16 Marks in Camp 373? P.o.W. Wolfsberg, Corinthia, Austria, as the amount of money which I had deposited at Oratory School, London.

                                On the 22nd of December 1946 I received my wrist-watch my wedding-ring.    On the 16th April 1947 at my release I received my check book, passports and some papers.

                                             At my delivery at Oratory school I deposited:

                                                    approximately:                    33 English Pounds

                                                                                                  800 French francs

                                                                                                  60 German Marks in one note of 60 RM

                                                                                                                               and one note of 10 RM.

for this deposited money I received as above stated 16,- Austrian Schilling.

At my release on the 18th of April 1947 the sergeant in charge told me that the depera? he gave me are all the property of mine he had,. As there must be searched? a mistake I ask you to go into this matter and to forward me the amount deposited at Oratory school.

                            At the same time I would like to inform you that the following articles have not been returned.

AOB: in the days before and after the closure of the hostilities, thefts were quite commonly committed, apparently also by British personnel.

one wallet                                                            green crocodile leather

one pen knife                                                       swiss officers service knife

one fountain pen                                                 system Waterman

one table set                                                        french officers campaign set in leather case

one manicure set                                                leather case. with tortoise handle

one lighter                                                          Dunhill, silver

one safty razer with 100 blades                        in leather case gift pac? info Kitby

one blue dress                                                    worsted yarn suit from Gartmann, Paris

two shirts and pents                                          from Sulka, Paris

one pair of brown shoes                                    from Bunting, Paris

one pipe                                                              From Dunhill

If any of this (these) should still be at Oratory school or Latschmere house I would be thankful to recover them.                                                                   

                                My address is:    Alfred J. Kraus. Salzburg, Hellbrunneralle 48   Austria.

Respectfully Yours

Sgd. A.J (Ignatz). Kraus.


KV 2/1729-1, page 27    (minute 235a)

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Telephone: WHI (Whitehall) 4477 Ext. 406

Our Reference:    F.10/21

            Foreign Office

                        Norfolk House,

                            St. James Square,

                            London, S.W.1

1st January 1948.

            Dear Miss Wise,

                                                            Thank you for your letter I/P 7961 of 14 January, 1948.    About the personal property and currency claimed by Alfred J. Kraus.

                                                           Our people in Germany are already aware of the place to which Kraus was transferred from Diest (British P.o.W. Camp in Belgium), namely No. 5 Civilian Internment Camp, Paderborn.    We have been Assured that full enquiries have been made at this Camp, but that there is no trace of the missing luggage.    I think you will agree, therefore, that there is no further action we can usefully take on Mrs. Chenhalls' letter.

                                                          I have noted your remarks about nominate a Bank to which he wishes the money transferred.      (AOB: this might point to the fact, that Alfred Kraus possessed a copy of his deposited belongings, as when they agree to transfer money to him (which was a rather delicate matter in these post-war days, in England), they must have been convinced of the correctness of his claims)

        Yours sincerely.

(Sgd. C. David Potter

C. David Potter

Miss G.P. Wise

Home Office,

Whitehall, S.W.1.


KV 2/1729-1, page 32   (minute 231a)

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                                                                                                                                                71 Grosvenor Street (= U.S. Embassy)

                                                                                                        London, W.1

                                                                                                        July 17  1947

Mr. Fred G. Beith


Subject:    Werner Mikkelson???

Dear Fred:

                                        Reference your letter of 4 June (your reference is:  PF 600278 (= Kraus)/B.2.b./JC (= Miss Joan Chenhalls).

                                        We have been informed by our representative Germany that SS Obersturmbannführer (= Obstlt. = Left-Colonel) Gerhard Maurer  (AOB: Later noticed reference is pointing at another person see: C2205    C2205return)       Maybe was arrested in March 1947 in Nürenberg (within the U.S. Controlled Zone)

                                        He is not believed identical with Werner Mikkelson??.

                                        Gerhard Maurer was formerly chief of Amt III. (R.S.H.A.) (AOB: curious because R.S.H.A. Section Amt III concerned Police related commitments inside Germany) according to our report.

                                        He was born on 9 December 1907 at Halle (a.d. Saale).

                                        He is presently being detained at Nürnberg and should you have specific questions to be put to him we shall be glad to attempt to get replies for you.

(AOB: the red stamp is informing that the genuine paper is being retained under Section 3 (4) of the Public Records Act 1958. March 2004 is providing the period this document had been prepared for publication)

KV 2/1729-1, page 35a +36b + 37c + 38d   

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Property of Alfred Kraus.  (AOB: selection of the properties retained in late 1944)

AOB: please digest this quite impressive summary yourself

Someone travelling in those day with such a wealth of personal belongings, must be considered being of the upper-classes of human society!

 KV 2/1729-1, page 39a

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                      Blank pages with only a minute reference do always keep information hidden.

Sometime these were related to US Embassy related persons.

KV 2/1729-1, page 18ax

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4.6.47.         To American Mission    ??    Section? enquiring? about (Werner) Mikkelsen and Maurer                                                                                                                                     229a

We may consider it more or less equal to the next page copy:


KV 2/1729-1, page 42  (minute 227a)                                                                            (C2205    ↓↓↓↓   C2205return)

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                                                                                                    21st April 1947.

Dr. Maurer.

                    German papers recently published a notice to the effect that two high SS officers were arrested in Nürnberg.    One of them is called Dr. Maurer, an officer of the SS Chief Administration Office (Beamter des SS Verwaltungsamtes) ( R.S.H.A. Amt I?).

                    In this connection I should like to draw your attention to the fact that the German agent Werner Mikkelsen, alias Morz, alias Novak, who before the war worked in Czechoslovakia, Holland, Belgium, France, Switzerland and also London, often used the cover name of Dr. Maurer.    The arrested SS officer may therefore be identical with this agent.


(10 (since 30 November 2024)


KV 2/1729-1, page 50a

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                    In the undersigned, Richard Braod, Colonel of the Seaforth Highlanders, resided in London, 120, Winchster House Old Boad Street can vouch for the following:-

                    I was a captain in the Unit up to the time the Armistice of June 1940 (AOB: the French/ British surrender of troops to the German Forces in France as it was impossible for me and 7 of my men to get back to England, I remained hidden with them until the month of November in Normandie.    Having been put in touch with Comte d'Harcourt by Prince André Pontitowaki who was concerned with one of the main "channels" of resistance, I was taken by him to Paris in December and there he introduced me to the Princess Jacqueline de Broglie.  She hid me for the first day at 19 rue St. Ja,es Neuilly in the house of her mother (at that time she was a refugee in England) the Hon. Mrs. Reginald Fellowed: later, as a result of certain complications at rue Chauveau, also in Neuilly, at the house of one of her friends, a nurse at the American Hospital , Mile??  Josephine Lanova, where I spent several weeks. I then left for Normandie to look for my men whom Pierre d'Harcourt and Jacqueline de Broglie were still helping to hide.     She was still giving very efficient help in the activities of the resistance as a secretary, informer, etc.  She helped me to get my men through Paris under the nose of the Gestapo (when their ignorance of the French language threatened to reveal their nationality), when they had to go to a photographer and make certain arrangements in connection with our escape.    When we got back to England I put an aged Canadian woman, Miss Parker and an Australian nurse, Miss O'Neill, in touch with Jacqueline de Broglie, and she assisted them in getting inside the free zone (Vichy France) in April 1941.

                    With the help of the Austrian Alfred Kraus, she obtained certain papers which were necessary for my compatriots.    I found myself again in Paris at the time she made his acquaintance and allied sympathies in favour of an Austria supposedly anti-German and anti-Nazi were such that I can remember perfectly the interest with which her friends in the resistance encouraged Jacqueline de Broglie to see Kraus again, whom she had met at the house of an American woman. (AOB: Germany was not yet at war with the US and US citizen could move quite freely around)   Belonging to a family of officers and related to Austrian Hungarian aristocracy, it was easy for him to pass himself off →

KV 2/1729-1, page 51b

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as an Austrian patriot - which perhaps he was fundamentally although he lacked the courage necessary to resist the demands of the German Secret Service (Abw.) Jacqueline de Brogielle and her friends immediately hoped that the information  rendered of the occupation authorities  by Kraus, would be extremely useful for the resistance movement.    And when I saw her after the liberation of Paris and Kraus' and Kraus' departure for England, I found her still as devoted to the Allied cause and, in spite of her marriage, still as ill-informed concerning the true role of Klaus, which was two years of ill-informed concerning the true role of Kraus, which two years of illness had hidden still more.

                    given the hesitation which many people had in 1940-41 in helping British subjects hidden in France, it is only fair to acknowledge the courage with which a young girl took so many risks for my nine compatriots and for myself.    The patriotism of which she gave proof at this time and the illusions that anyone could have had about Kraus, make indisputable, in my opinion, the good faith which she always had and which made her ignorant up till the very end of the true role of her husband.


KV 2/1729-2  ↓      (minute 218a)

KV 2/1729-2, page 5                                                                                                  (E2207    ↓↓↓↓↓    E2207return)

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Subject:        Kraus, Alfred Ignatz                IB/B3/PF 2517

To:                Major Peter Hope.

                     c/o British Army Staff.

                     Paris                                                                                                                                                    March 46

                    We have been informed. through M.I.5 Liaison Section, that the French are anxious to have Alfred Ignatz Kraus transferred to them for trial.

2.                The policy is that until all war criminals charges against persons held by the occupying powers, have been correlated through CrowCass channels, bodies may only be transferred to powers other than the holding power on loan.

3.                Until this policy had been reversed, as no doubt it will be, there would seem little point in handing Klaus over to the French for trial and then handing back to us until he can finally be re-transferred for retention by the French in order to serve his sentence.



                                   Head of Intelligence Bureau.

Intelligence Bureau,


Bad Oeyenhausen.

'Phone: 2842/60

Regd. SDS



KV 2/1729-2, page 14

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C/O British Army Staff

M.I.5.  Liaison Section.


TR.   Ref:    7/4/A(11)                                                                                                                                    19 February 1946


Captain Raymond Lee.

                                I was lucky enough to contact yesterday Colonel Broad who was on his way through Paris to the U.K.    His address in London is 148A Queens Court, Qeens Way.    Broad produced the following information about Lee.

1.            Lee from time to time appears in Paris in British officers uniform - a most improper act, if I may say so.

2.            Broad heard from Mrs. Kraus (=Jacqueline de Broglielle that Kraus left Paris with 300,000 francs in his possession. He went to the U.K. with Lee and, when Kraus was arrested, the latter was destitute (penniless).

3.            Mr. Morel, 25 rue de Villejuste, was an S.O.E. officer at Gibraltar during the war and interrogated Lee in 1942 when the latter left France via Spain after a mission.    As a result of this S.O.E. were merely sure that Lee had made away with 4,000,000 francs.    For reasons of security, they did not then prosecute Lee.

4.            Broad is prepared to state that at some later date Lee when drunk that he had purchased a farm in France with some of his money.

                                    Parlous ? S.L.B. might be interrogated in these facts and might care to take action on them.


Major T. Berridgs,

HQ British Army Staff, Paris


KV 2/1729-2, page 15a   + 16b     (minute 210a)


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Yr. Ref:    PF 600278                                                                                                                                                                                                    Secret Personal.

M.I.5. - S.L.B.3  (Lt. Col. Cussen).

Frederick Kraus and Mrs. Jacqueline Kraus nee De Broglie.

                                Together with Audcin? I was present at the meeting under his chairmanship, at the Prefecture yesterday evening  between Major Little, M. Deveaux of the Police Judiciaire, Inspector Facqet? of the Sureté Nationale. and Mr. Pietri, secretary to the Directeur of the Sureté, all of =whom had an interest in the above case.    Captain Charleton, representing S.I.S., B.A.S was also present.

2.                            Based on a complaint submitted to the Sureté by Captain Balsan and Coco Dampierre, two of Tom Green's agents, in which Kraus and his wife were categorically denounced as agents of Abteilung III - F (Counter Espionage), the Sureté have interrogated Jacqueline de Broglie at length and compared her interrogation with the Kraus (Camp) 020 report.    I have given as opportunity of akiming ?through the SDEureté file and have been promised a closer look at it in due course.    The following points were brought up at the meeting and decisions were taken on them:

(i)                           Jacqueline Kraus' interrogation shows that she is not as yet telling the Police the entire truth.    She has distorted her earlier association with Kraus, has concealed the part she played in his evacuation to the U.K., and claims never have known that he was an Abteilung III-F agent.

(ii)                         Failing further evidence, the Sureté are inclined to believe at the moment that she was an innocent tool of Kraus until the date of her visit to Berlin with him.    (see the Camp 020 report).    This means that the losses in the Courtois reseau?, to which the plainte made by Balsam and the other refers, were due to Kraus only and not to his wife's complicity. The Sureté, however, reserve the right to amend their view.

(iii)                      The Sureté are convinced that Mrs. Kraus had access for a period of time to the Camp 020 report, as her story is almost word for word identical with that report.    They have not yet accused any individual British Officer of showing her the report, but they refer to help which was given to the lady by Colonel Broad when she visited him at the British Embassy in his capacity as Military Attaché.

(iv)                      Mrs. Kraus is to be interrogated again next Monday to get further information from her to clear up the points referred to in Paragraph 1 of the above, and the Sureté will then probably ask the Prefet? to apoly?? to us to make Kraus available in France.  (AOB: poor guys - it wasn't that simple:  please see:  E2207      E2207return)   Following my conversation with Guy Liddell in London, (at M.I.5) I informed the meeting that C.I.B.?, British Zone, Germany, would almost certainly be prepared to loan Kraus for interrogation to me in Paris.

(v)                       The Police Judiciaire, after studying the case, may possibly consider that because of his nationality as an Austrian they will consider that no charge lies because he was acting as a loyal national of his own country.  Major Little and I feel that this is a rather delicate point and that Kraus should be made available only on loan for interrogation, at any rate to begin with.    If the Police Judiciaire have a case against him for trial, they should, I consider, submit such a case to us so that the Foreign Office may have a  chance of examining the matter in view of the Austrian provisional movement and any possible international complications.

(vi)                      The matter of Captain Lee's criminal? activity (yr. ref. PF 407683) was gone into and it was agreed to investigate this in jurisdiction with the enquiries into Kraus.    Lee's alleged crimes are divided into two categories - the currency smuggling matter of four million francs against £20,000 (which is an internal French affair), and the allegations of payment for transferring Kraus to England and the misappriciation? of S.O.E. funds, in which S.I.B. should play part.    I have promised to obtain from you Lee's case history so that S.I.S. may go into the ??? matter/    I imagine it may be necessary for them to interview Colonel Broad who was the source of certain information - against Lee.    I shall write to you?? again on this matter as soon as the French have made up their minds on the various points outlined in this letter.

Paris M.I.5 Liaison Section.   6 February 1946.                            C.P. Hope Major.


KV 2/1729-2, page 22   (minute 2?89a?)            AOB: whether the following denunciation is reflecting a state of a human mind, or should be considered purely as a matter of facts, I cannot judge.

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                                Princess  Jacqueline de Broglie.

                                Born about 1919.    Never got on with her mother.    Was fiancé and mistress of a man named Louis de l'Epee in 1939. Joined "ambulanciere" in winter of 1939 - 1940.    Remained in France after mother (Mrs. Fellowes)  left in June 1940.

                                Joined American Hospital, Paris end of 1940.    Became engaged to and mistress of an American Doctor.    Broke it off.    Went to live at Bristol Hotel.    Met Kraus.    He went to live with her at her flat (at Bristol Hotel?).    She became ostracised? because of his relationship.    Became pregnant by Kraus, married him and had "7 month child".

                                Pierre d'Harcourt claims he always suspected Kraus but Jacqueline calmed his fears.    After Kraus departure for U.K. she became mistress of a Dane (? Ogiden)  alleged to have been a collaborator.

C.P. Hope,



M.I.5. Liaison Section.    6 February 1946.

Source: Pasise.

Copy to Major Little.



(11)   (since 6 December 2024)


KV 2/1729-3, page 3

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Original in PF 601712 Giskes 18b

Appendix II.

Ref:    Kraus, Freddy.

(Statement handed in by Giskes.)

            In April or May 1941 I got to know Kraus through Hptm. (Capt.) Schade of the Luftwaffe. If I remember rightly, the two men knew each other from their previous employment with the Siemens firm. In the course of a conversation with Kraus, I got the impression that he had asked his friend to put him in touch with an officer of Abwehr III (III-F was counter-espionage).        Kraus made rather confused statements about alleged espionage activities of one or two persons, who were in the habit of visiting the house of his fiancé. Daisy de Broglie in Neuilly.    At this. or a later conversation, he informed me that a certain Sonderführer (Sdf.) (AOB: these were mainly civilians with none or minimal military training, but were on duty due to their extra ordinary skills - or because they weren't pure "Aryans" whom were not entitled to serve in the German Wehrmacht, at all), then living in Paris, who had occasion to meet Mlle de Broglie at parties, had rather ??????? of her" "Are you prepared to work for the German Abwehr or not?" The name of the Sonderführer was ??rrenberg-Gossler.

            From this also rather muddled account by Kraus, I came to the conclusion that there was something not in order, from an Abwehr point of view, with this Mlle de Broglie, and that Kraus had been sent to spy out the land and find out whether and to what extent anything was known to the Abwehr.    I ordered Kraus to ascertain precisely what was going on regarding espionage in the De Broglie circles.    In Order to protect his former fiancé, and present wife, Kraus made further enquiries with the circles concerned.

            The results were serious.    It was absolutely clear that a certain circle of well-known personalities in Paris had organised a spy net, which collected and analysed considerable material.    In de Broglie house in Neuilly, meetings and collecting and shifting of material was taking place/    To what extent Mlle de Broglie overlooked the great danger she was running in doing was not clear.    Nevertheless it was obvious that action would have to be taken right away if it was to get her out of the business, as she had already promised Kraus I would do.    In June or July 1941, amongst others, Courtois and Pierre d'Harcourt were arrested in connection with the affair.    In this connection there were later a few further arrests, but I I do not remember the names as, shortly afterwards, I was transferred from Paris to the Hague, and my successor, Major Feil, continued to work on the case.

            In the following months I had somewhat of ?tussle  with the Ast (Abwehrleitstelle) Paris about keeping my promise to the effect that the arrest of Mlle de Broglie would be prevented.    I met Kraus several times later on in Paris on occasional visits I made more, and socially was friendly with him.  There was, however, no more talk? of espionage or the Abwehr. His wife knows me as Dr. Gerard(s)? and does not know that I had anything to do with the Abwehr or the case.    As far as I am aware Kraus was not kept au fait with the outcome of this espionage matters.

            I have made the above report as far as I am able to recall the details, which took place four years ago.    It is possible that I may have made mistakes about matters which are only of second-rate importance.


KV 2/1729-3, page 36a + 37b   (minute 184b)

                                                                                                                                                Crown Copyright

Extract from "Parliamentary Debates" dated 17.4.45 (AOB: There still not yet existed a ceasefire o the European Continent)

            Oral Answers to Questions.

            German National (Internment).

1.    Mr. Edgar Granville asked the Secretary of State for War why Captain Klause, an officer of the Reichswehr, was permitted to arrive in this country over four weeks ago;    whether he was interned as a prisoner of war; and if he is receiving any special treatment not usually afforded to Nazi prisoners.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Home Security (Miss Wilkinson):

            I have been asked to reply and am informed that there is no prisoner of war whose particulars correspond with those in the Question.    My hon. Friend may, however, be referring to a civilian internee of German nationality named Alfred Ignatz Maria Kraus, latterly am employee in Paris of the the Siemens (Konglomerat). In 1944, after the liberation of Paris, he claimed to have rendered  assistance during the occupation to the Allied cause and offered to join the British Army.    In September 1944 he was brought to this country on insufficient information about him and without proper authority.    As a result of inquiries made it was decided that he was a person who should not be at liberty in this country and he was accordingly interned in October last (1944) as a civilian alien of enemy nationality, and is still interned.    There is no no foundation for the suggestion that any preferential treatment has been accorded to him.

Mr. Granville:  Was this civilian originally a member of the Reichswehr in Paris, and can the right hon. Lady say whether he was brought here by air and whether any disciplinary action was taken with regard to that.

Mr. Wilkinson:    The second part of the supplementary question must be referred to my right Friend the Secretary of State for War.    With regard to the first part, the difficulty is that we are dealing with a person whom we have to assume is the person referred to by the hon. Gentleman, because there is not in our hands any person of the name mentioned in the hon. Gentleman's question.    It would be sufficient simply to say that we have no information, but I am trying to help the hon. Gentleman, and this is the best I can do.  (AOB: not telling the truth!)

            Common Noties 1944/45            Question for Tuesday 17 April 1945.        1198                By Mr. Edgar Granvi???


58.            Mr. Edgar Granvilles - To ask the S. of S. (Secretary of State) for War, why Captain KLause, an officer of the Reichswehr, was permitted to arrive in this country over 4 weeks ago; whether he was interned as a prisoner of war;    and if he is receiving any special treatment not usually afforded to Nazi prisoners.    (Tuesday 17 April).


KV 2/1729-3, page 38     (minute 183a)


Press Cutting.

Date 16?.4.45

Sunday Express


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Please digest the press cutting yourself


KV 2/1729-3, page 40    (minute 179b)Please

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            Copy of letter to Sir? Frank Newman, Home Office Department

            A.C.S. (Mr. Prow).

                    We spoke (Barry - Drew) and advised you that in the opinion of the Security Service. this question could beat be answered by by the Home Secretary.    We have spoken to Sir Frank Newsan?.    We have spoken to Sir Frank Newman who asked us to write to him explaining why we considered that "Captain Klause" was really a mis-description of an Austrian civilian named Kraus (AOB: whom was born in 1908 in Sarajevo)    If satisfied that these two persons were identical, Sir Frank Newsan? seemed seemed disposed to agree that the question should be answered by his Department.

                    At 1A we enclose a copy of a letter which we have sent today to Sir Frank Newsam? and you will no doubt wish to confirm that the Home Office will accept the question.

                    Meanwhile, we have been again ensured by P.W.1 (?) that they do not know of any Prisoner of War to whom the question could possibly refer.

AOB:  A nice example how M.I.5 is (exceptionally) manipulating the House of Commons

                        On this assurance might properly answer the question in an entirely negative sense but we do not think that this course would be advisable as we are informed that the Press are very anxious to follow up this story and a more denial of any knowledge of "Captain Klause" might tend to stimulate curiosity and give the impression that there was something to hide.

Sgd. P.R. Barry?  Lieutenant Colonel

            M.I.5.  11 April 1945 (AOB: thus the state of war was still existing)

KV 2/1729-3, page 41     (minute 179a)

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Approved by D.D.G. (Brigadier Sir Petri?) & D.B. (Major Masterman or Guy Liddell? or Dick White)

PF 600278/B.1.a (= Section of M.I.5)                                                                                                                                            11th April 1945

            Dear Newsan (Home Office),

                    I write you to confirm that we are satisfied that the "Captain Klausen" referred to in Parliamentary question? No. 58 addressed to the Secretary of State for War for answer on the 17th April is without doubt identical with Alfred Ignatz Maria (Freddy) Kraus who arrived in this country illicitly on the 7th September 1944, was arrested and taken to the Oratory Schools on 3rd October and he since the 6th November been held at Camp 020.

                    It is true that the text of the question itself contains many particulars which are clearly inaccurate if applied to Kraus, nor indeed does it contain any information concerning him, with the possible exception of the allegations that he is receiving special treatment, which is in fact applicable.    Nevertheless, the name is very similar, Kraus did arrive in this country in particular circumstances (AOB: brought-in by Captain Lee) and he has not been dealt with in particular circumstances and has not been dealt with as an ordinary prisoner of war.

                    Our reasons for being satisfied on this question of identification may be summarised as follows:

1.        He knew of no Captain Klause who would fit the bill.

2.        For some time the Press have been making an uiries? (queries?)  at the Office in terms similar to those of the Parliamentary question a Captain Klause described as being the son-in-law of Mrs. Reginald Fellowes.

KV 2/1729-3, page 42b

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3.        In the course of the last few days the matter has received a net? of inconsiderable account of Press publicity, and it has been stated in terms in more than one paper that "Captain Klause?" is married to Princess Jacqueline de Broglie, the daughter of Hon. Mrs. Reginald Fellows.

4.        Freddy Kraus is in fact married to Princess Jacqueline de Broglie who, incidentally, has been trying to obtain information  concerning him since his arrival in this country.    This lady is in fact the daughter of Mrs. Reginald Fellowes, although the latter is reported to have repudiated? all knowledge of "Captain Klause? that her daughter was married to such a man.

           The War Office have referred the ??? to us, and for reasons which I outlined to you yesterday we are of the opinion that the matter could best be dealt with by having the question transferred to the Home Secretary.    The War Office have nothing to do with Kraus, and only know of him indirectly in connection with the disciplinary action taken against on Army Officer who was responsible for bringing him here.    It would follow. therefore, that the Secretary of State for ? is not really in a position to give any satisfactory answer.

            Our information is that Fleet Street (AOB: Up to the later 1970s nearly all British Newspapers where printed and published from that location) are aiming at making something of a story on this matter, and you may have noted that the underlying suggestions in some of the publications which have appeared is that Kraus is receiving preferential treatment as a result of his social connections and that, like Kraus?, he may have come here with some peace proposition designed to split the the Allies.    I need hardly to say that there is not a scintilla of truth in either suggestion and he have satisfied ourselves that Kraus, who in the past has been a valuable agent of the German Intelligence service, came to this country not as am emissary of any sort but rather as a rat deserting? a sinking ship.

            My way of answer to the question, assuming? that the ?? secretary? to have it transferred to him, we? would suggest that it should be stated the no-one of the →

KV 2/1729-3, page 43c

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                                                                                                11th April 1945.

name of "Captain Klause" is known, but that there is a German civilian by the name of Kraus who came here illicitly some six months ago, and who, for from receiving preferential treatment, is internet as an enemy alien.    Emphasis upon the ??? of the Press information and in particular upon the fact that it is particularly stale news may possibly tend to discourage further publicity.

                We understand that the Foreign Office are interested in any reply which may be made to this question.   Mr. Cullis who is to to be found in the Main Building at the Foreign Office is handling the matter for his department.

                I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr. ? C.W. Drew of the Army Council Secretariat at the War Office.

Yours sincerely,

H.P. Milmo (M.I.5)

Sir Frank Newsam?, ....

Home Office

KV 2/1729-3, page 56     (minute 111a)

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        To:  Colonel Stephens                                                                                                                                                                    From W.R.H (War Room Section/Division H)

                Camp 020                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mr. Wilson


                    I should be glad if Kraus could be asked whether he knows of a Priscilla Doynel de la Sausserie, born 12.7.1916 British by birth, normally domiciled at 103 rue Nollet, Paris.    This woman has admitted to acquaintance with one Otto Graehener, an Abwehr agent of the Paris Meldekopf of Ast (AOB: Anst? = Abwehrnebenstelle) Angers, who was arrested in August last.    During examination of her activities in Paris she states that in 1941 she was released from internment at Besancon on the false pretext of pregnancy and then met Emil Cornet who was a Belgian living at 28 rue Robert Scott, Brussels, a racing motorist before the war.    He is said by this woman to have got back to Paris from Belgium when the Americans arrived and have stayed with friends in rue St. Pierre, with one Charles Graff.    Priscilla Doynel de la Sausserie was introduced to Cornet by a Canadian  woman with whom she was interned (the latter might be a Canadian girl called Tony de Catalino de la Sausserie to Robert Suel).  Some time after Doynel de la Sausserie's release she returned to live with her husband, Robert, in Paris.     She states that at the end of 1941 she attended several dinner parties give by Suel, Quai dÓrleans, Paris, described as French. aged between 37 and 40.    On one of these occasions she met a German Army Colonel and his wife at a party at Suel's house.

                    There is a probability that the Robert Suel mentioned above is the person referred to in the Kraus interrogation report as an American who introduced Kraus to the Princess de Broglie (Jacqueline).


PF 600278 (Kraus's file reference number)

KV 2/1729-3, page 57 (minute 171?)

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Extract for file PF 600278                                                                                                                                             Name : Kraus Alfred

Original in File S.F. 52/10/21                                                        Serial 2a                                                              Dated :    26.3.1945

        Original from 105 S.C.I. Unit                                                                                                                                Under reference ...

        Extracted on 16.4.1945                                                                                                                                by :  C.M.H.    Section H.4.b.

            105 SCI Unit weekly Progress Report No. 20 for week ending 24.3.1945.

            2.        Important Cases.

                      A)    Kraus 27700/P has seen Coco Dampierre who was giving useful information on Kraus's activities at the time of her arrest.    Report will follow shortly.

                     .    .    .


RAW/KV/2849                                                                                                                                                13th March 1945.




To be continued in due course

By Arthur O. Bauer
