On 13 March 2019


Felix's Transmitter

The story of the Nazi spy in South Africa


By pure coincidence I have last Monday come in touch with Brian Austin, this was triggered by an advice of my friend Phil Judkins; to contact soon Brian Austin.


I did so, and it became apparent that we both were interested in German spying commitments in combination with mostly Afrikaner South Africans.


This combined with German Diplomats of the Embassy in Portuguese Lourenco Marques. Which has been dealt with in my:



Because Brian's focus differs quite much from mines, in this context that I discussed with him whether it is possible to also adding it onto our website?


He agreed and below you can open the PDF hyperlink.


My only contribution is the editing of his original word file with separate photos.



Felix's Transmitter The story of the Nazi spy in South Africa 


By Arthur O. Bauer
