Page initiated on 8 June 2024

Current status: 5 October 2024

Part 2   (since 23 June 2024)

Part 3   (since 29 June 2024)

Part 4   (since 13 July 2024)

Part 5   (since 21 July 2024)

Part 6   (since 28 July 2024)

Part 7   (since 5 October 2024)

Ha 15 K42

On June 1 in Eindhoven Rommert Zonneveld

gave me a present on behalf of Geert Reerds

whom was so kind to donate

his power supply to

our Ha15K42


I collected it in Eindhoven, but have to admit that I have not yet traced the actual Ha15K42 receiver-transmitter.

(AOB: On Sunday 16 June, I was able to re-find our HA 15 K 42 set. The reason of not finding it instantly, was - that the image in my mind differed a bit from its actual shape. Realistically, that is how it goes in life!


This photo was taken in 2016, so just 8 years ago

The Ha15K42 is the set in the middle of this photograph.

The Al unit down on the right-hand side does not belong to this set genuinely; for it is the Power-Supply we describe below.



Typ Ha 15 K 42

Fabrikations Nr. 257 brd (= Hagenuk) Serial number194


The second photo shows the case including the power-supply front panel


Viewing for details - the two upside-down placed electrolytic capacitors must have once been equal to the two capacitors left of them (one marked 'C 13' made by Electronica (likely an Italian brand)


I first have to find out what type of neon-stabiliser valves will fit into the sockets

The two sockets visible and the other two on the left-hand side are all of the type RG12D60 (thus 12 V filament and 60 mA current supply maximal per valve 


The construction is quite neat


The double-phase rectifier type RG 12D60 was quite well known


At least we know now the neon voltage regulator valve size is now known


The kind donator wrote additionally:

Heb sinds 1963 de complete set in mijn bezit gehad afkomstig uit de stelling Nansum net ten noorden van Delfzijl verkregen via de dorpselectrien die waarschijnlijk  bij de bevrijding de bunkers  leeg hebben  gehaald.

 Ben in 1965 gelicenceerd en heb hier voor clandestien met de set gewerkt op 80m, helaas heb destijds de z/o gesloopt voor de mooie afstem mechanieken.

We know now, at least that it might originate from a German defence place north of Delftzijl named: Nansum.

 Has to be continued, but I first have to trace where the Ha15K42 artefact has been stored.

From experience, this might take some time, and some good luck!


(2)  (since 23 June 2003)


On 21 June 2024

Hans Goulooze and I approached the Klooster premises artefacts again.


I luckily found the Ha15K42 set again.

I forgot to take a picture when the set was still mounted inside its box visible in the background.


I could remember that something was missing, which is partially visible on the right-hand side


Not clearly visible from this perspective is the inside coil of this ball-type goniometer, which electrical winding are made of deposited silver conductors (one deposited at the ball and the inner side of the outside ball as well. Also the orange coloured coil is of a conical construction

It looks quite properly build

Possessing a manual or schematic would be very helpful during our Hagenuk survey.


Viewing it from a slightly different perspective


 The module with the black cylindrical quartz is placed where it should about be mounted.

But fore it the module with the two black cylindrical scaled have to demounted; certainly not an easy job to accomplish.


The neon stabiliser is 100 V/15 mA (or 75 V/15 mA)?

The bigger valve is type LS 50 a very nice universal German Luftwaffe type.


Viewing it differently


The device where on the left-hand side a wire is passing through, is a transformer for measuring the antenna current

The Relay on the far left-hand side represents the antenna-relay for switching the antenna on to the receiver or onto the transmitter section.



(3)  (since 29 June 2024)

On Wednesday 26 June 2024 I used the opportunity to take a photograph of the front panel of our Ha15K42 set


Some of the knobs have to be changed, but at least we possess some substance


Hans provided the serial number

Ha 15 K 42

F.Nr. 356   brd (= Hagenuk) 194



We possess already for > 40 years the Ha15K42 box to the Netzgerät

Which since 1st of June we possess ultimately the genuine Netzgerät (Power supply), albeit not yet in an useable order.


(4)   (since 13 July 2024)

On 13 July we have supplemented hand-drawn schematics to the Ha15K42

We kindly got it from

Jørgen Fastner


Dear Arthur,

from your website I have seen that you recently have been looking at the Ha15K42 and are in need of documentation.

In my collection I have a Ha15K42 (without the case but in a very nice condition), and I just found an empty case for the power supply at the HAM-Radio meeting in Friedrichshafen!

I have different photos of the station from the inside and also the spare-part case and the power supply. I have asked several collectors if they know of a manual for the staion, but nobody has it. But I do have some schematics of the station! I think it was made by a salesman in Denmark - Beck Hansen - who did sell this station to radio amateurs. You will find the schematics attacked to this email.


It has been a long time since we have been in contact, and I hope that everything is fine with you.


With best regards,

Jørgen Fastner


Schematic number 1



Schematic 2



Schematic 3

Sender (TX)


Schematic 4





(5)    (since 21 July 2024)


On 20 September 2024 - Hans continued to access the "cut out" frequency calibrator chassis. 


As to access the remains of the "cut-out" quartz calibrator, the entire receiver section on the left-hand side has to be dismantled

Hans was in the beginning not convinced that the small chassis module would really fit in our current set.

He commented the new chassis might originate from a different Ha15K42 version.


As to get matters dismantled, firstly the so-called "Eichtabelle" (calibration table) had to dismantled and removed as well

Please compare the foregoing photo with the one above.

But it will become even quite more complicated.


The tuning capacitordown just attached to the from panel, is of the so-called "Differential type" and typically a Hagenuk favoured technique was to control the signal loudness by tuning the "differential tuning capacitor" (C 17)

Please consider C 17 just on the far left-hand side!  


The upper tuning capacitor equals C 39 ("Rückkopplung") in the foregoing schematic


Quite some mechanical destruction once occurred


Maybe not directly recognisable, the darker grey die cast in the background, is to be replaced instead

Un-expectedly - It entirely fits into Ha15K42 chassis and according frame.

Removing the destructed remains constitutes quite a challenge.  


Hans is holding some of the remains cut off chassis sections

We are aware that some aspects have to be "re-engineered" But we, as experienced restorers are used to do this.


Hans is now holding our genuine part (once obtained, likely by Ebbe Peedersen) at about the area were it should be re-mounted again

For instance, we necessitate angular screw-drivers (90°) but capable to cope with M 3 screws. It is quite evident, that restoring this set is a quite challenging endeavour.


Some impressions


With photographed from a slightly different perspective


(6)  (since 28 July 2024)


On Friday 27 September Hans continued with his Ha15K42 endeavour, in particular, demounting the cut-off remains of the frequency calibrator and replacing this with a module which after all fits perfectly with the existing chassis

The remains of the cut-off calibrator remains is displayed just in front of the replaced calibrator frame.

I must have obtained both our Ha15K42 as well as the separate calibrator frame in the late 1970 or early 1980s.


It is quite evident that the receiver frame section is mechanically quite complex, and Hans is accomplishing a great job!


The yellow cable is interconnecting the receiver input-attenuator (differential tuning) which in Hagenuk concepts (like was also being accomplished in the Ha5K39 concept)  were maintained a volume control and is preventing receiver input over-loading


(7)    (since 5 October 2024)


Hans' aim today was to determine whether the newly integrated calibrator module is designed for a 100 kHz quartz or one in the range of 3 MHz or that like


It proved that it actually has been designed for a 100 kHz quartz crystal.

This 100 kHz value is in accordance with what the schematic is providing.


Remaining is, to what connection the wire which goes from the transmitter into the receiver section on the right-hand side should be attached onto?

Hans was today particularly checking whether the modified wiring is not causing conflicts, which should be, Deo volente, not the case.

Albeit, that he encountered some minor modification where once contact tags had been planned for but now there does no longer exists any according wiring.



To be continued in due course

By Arthur O. Bauer
