Institutes of the Bevollmaechtigter

fuer Hochfrequenz-Forschung



Scanning this file was a rather time consuming job - as each page was reduced previously to the size of about an A 5 sheet and the original copy was in a very poor shape. It necessitated a magnification of 158%. Bring text more or less horizontal caused rather much fine adjustments for each page individually.

How it looked like can be seen in the next screen shot, showing how a page every page was tilting.


It is apparent, that the rectangular window is indicating how it should be presented, but please notice the deviation between the window and the bottom line of the paper copy! 

It may be simple for a few pages though, I had to cope with 215 pages, all having their particular degree of tilting.


Plenipotentiary for high frequency research

Reported by:

W/Cdr. C.P. Edwards    M.A.P.

S/Ldr. W.E.J. Farvis    M.A.P.

Capt. Snowden    M. of S.

Capt. Calin    M. of S.

Lt. Redgement    A.S.E.*

Mr. Hansell T.I.I.C. I guess the famous quartz guy

Capt. Emplin     Br. Army

Mr. Omberg    U.S. Sign. Corps

Mr. Soderman    O.S.R.D.

Capt. F. Borthwick    M. of S.

Mr. S.E. Toulmin    M.A.P.

Lt.Col. R.G. Friend    M. of S.

Major W.H. Maddison    M. of S.

S/Ldr. S. Devons    M.A.P.

Mr. M.B. Gottlieb    O.S.R.D.

S/Ldr. G.C. Barker M.A.P.

* I have met Mr. Redgement during the CHIDE event held at Bournemouth University in 1998, where we both gave presentations on HF/DF aspects


CIOS Items 1 and 7

Radar and Signals Communications


Keywords:    Ernst Lecher Institute; Zentralstelle für H.F. Forschung; Georg Simon Institute; Reichestelle für H.F. Forschung Hamburg; Reichsstelle für H.F. Forschung Schleswig; Ferdinand Braun Institut; Graf Soden v. Fraunhofen ... ; Prof. Knoll .. ; Schloss Pullach .. ; Dr. Pfister .. Dr. Breuninger .. Dr. Wegmann; Dr. Labus .. ;  Irschenberg ... Erica installation .. ; Dr. Gassmann ... Dipl.-ing. Neun ? ..; Dr. Leffeld of Siemens .. ; Gaisberg .. ; Würzburg and Freya equipment ... H2S jamming .. ; Ismaning Komet experimental site Dr. Pfister ... ; Swifting Komet long range navigation .. ; Dr. Crone - Dr. Martin, Dr. Mitzaika - Dipl.-Phys Dessauer - dr. Friedl - Dipl.-ing. Hummrick and Dipl.-ing. Landstorfer; Herzogstand .. ; Prof. Zenneck .. ; Dipl.-Phys. Petersen - Dr. Eyfrig ... ; Dr. Plendl at Rechlin .. ; Telefunken .. ; General Martini .. D.V.L. ... Koet .. Elektra built by Lorenz ..; Sonne .. Dr. Goldmann .. ; NVK Dr. Bachem .. Wullenwever .. Goldwever .. X-Gerät . Y-Verfahren .. Knickebein ... ; EGON - Baldur - Bernhardine - Bernhard - The Germans could never understand why we did not jam Sonne the decided perhaps we were using it (which was true AOB!!); Dr. Knoll worked for Telefunken .. ; Dr. Gundert of Telefunken ... Dr. Hochenberg ... Electricall conducting screens for Cathode Ray Tubes .. Combined fast and slow screens  ... ; Blauschrift Röhre .. Schophony Ltd. .. Projection type CRT, ... Military television systems ..Dr. Thiele now at Liebenstein .. ; Getter Dr. Statz of Telefunken Dr. Knoll .. ; Dr. Espe for Siemens ..; Time-division multiples Dr. Knoll and Dr. Roosenstein .. ; Information of interest .. Dr. Heil .. Dr. Bechmann .. Dr. Weiss RPZ .. Gulden now at Erlangen .. Schott Jena .. ; Telefunken labs at Bad Liebenstein (Prof. Knoll) .. Dr. Thiele .. Dr. Gundert .. Dr. Hachenberg .. ; Cathode ray tubes with rectangular broken ray .. ; Schloss Pullach .. Rotterdan (H2S) .. Corfu = Korfu!! .. ; Sample of Bernhardine tape ...; Puck .. ; Prof. Werner Kluge ..major work had been on the light emitted by a crystal rectifying contact .. he stated that .. Dr. Labus once worked for GE Electric Co at Schenectady N.Y. ....; Dipl.-ing. W. Sparbier and Dipl.-ing. R. Hubner .. ; Bildwandler as a light amplifier Prof. W. Kluge ... ; Erika used 6 identical aerial systems ... ; Dr. Lehfeld S&H Irschenberg .. ; Dr. Crone .. Dr. Martin .. Dr. Mitzaika .. Dipl.-Phys. Dessauer .. ; Sandsknecht .. FFO .. ; Kamm - Rotlaus - ECCM; Codename Libelle and Gloria Dipl.-ing. Battac, Dr. Faulstich .. ; Dr. Schwenkhagen .. ; Dr. Meinhold .. ; Kuhglocke; Marchen (Märchen?AOB) Isegrim -Reinecke - Gnom WaPrüf 7 .. ; Dipl-ing.. Kober  - Dipl.-ing. Stange .. ; Fernlauschegerät 39 ... Luchs .. Pinscher .. Marder .. Wiesel .. Dipl.-ing. Latz .. ; Butterblume .. Infra red ...; dr. Schmude .. Dipl.-ing. Leider .. ; Feldmühle ...; Hisentroll Hisenvert !! .. Prof. Schwenkhagen .. + KUROS .. + KAWAN anti click elemination FuG 16/17 ..    

AND many more subjects! This file is one of the most significant of all Allied reports in the wide fields of electronics.

