Reported By
E.T. Handley, T.I.I.C.
R.W. Rowzee, Min. of Sup.
B.S. Garvey Jr., T.I.I.C.
R.D. Juve, T.I.I.C.
C.C. Monrad, T.I.I.C.
J.E. Troyan, T.I.I.C.
CIOS Target Number 22/6
Miscellaneous Chemicals
It has to be noticed though, that I copied, for practical reasons, only the essential information of this document.
Keywords: Chemische Werke, Hüls represents the latest, and most modern design of German Buna S synthetic rubber operations. The plant has a rated capacity of 4000 ton per month of Buna S .... ; At the present time, the plant is in excellent condition with the exception of minor bomb damage to several units sustained just prior to occupation of the area by Allied Forces. It is estimated that the plant plant could be returned to full operation within two to three months provided that it were supplied with the necessary raw materials. ... ; Hüls is the only plant in Germany which manufacture acetylene by electric arc cracking of hydro-carbon gases. .. Butadiene and Styrene are polymerized continously in emulsion to Buna S ... ;
Chemische Werke Hüls G.m.b.H. Hüls K52/A54 part of the village of Marl, Kreis Recklinghausen .. CIOS Black list target No. 22/6
Messrs. Monrad, Rowzee, Juve, Troyan, and Fennebresque left London April 17, 1945, by special plane and flew directly to Krefeld, Germany ...
Mr. Fennebresque, previously had spent the week of April 1 to 7 at target for the purpose of assessment and preliminary investigation under auspices of C.A.F.T. He left this target the morning of April 20 to assess Leverkusen (22/2) ....
Mr. Hardley left from Paris by truck, the morning of April 17, arriving that evening at Verdun ...
Plant personnel The two managing directors, Dr. Ulrich Hoffmann and Dr. Hans Günther ...Dr. Paul Baumann deputy managing director ... had been in the United States as liaison officer for I.G. Farbenindustrie with Standard Oil Development Co. Consequently, he speaks English fluently ..
Dr. Beckmann, in charge of engineering ..
The following key personnel were interrogated ... Drs. Zobel, Haberl, and Weichert, acetylene manufacture ...Drs. Bub, Haag, Frank, and Saurwein aldoling hydrogenation and butadiene ...
Chemische Werke Hüls is controlled and operated under the direction of I.G. Farbenindustrie. The plant is valued at 500,000,000 RM. It was primarily designed for the production of Buna-S synthetic rubbers ....
Construction of this plant was commenced in 1938 and put into operation in August, 1940. ...
The power plant has a rated capacity of 125,000 kW and a maximum capacity of 175,000 kW ...
Production in metric tons ...
Summary of costs - Hüls RM/100 kg. ...
Summary of Yield 1944 .. Btadiene process ... Aldol BBE catalyst ..
Buna-S, Buna-N ... Schkopau - Hüls - Ludwigshafeb - Leverkusen ...
Total Rubber production in Germany (Metric Tons) 1937 - 1944 ..
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