Carré - Lucas - Brutus & Kiki
Crown Copyright
KV 2/932
Carré Mathilde Lucie
PF 64216
Volume 7
(totally 11 volumes are existing)
Page initiated: 1 February 2021
Status: 24 February 2021
Please notice: that as all my work's purpose is for studying purposes only!
Therefore: do not multiply its content - as on some Crown Copyright is still valid
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 (8-2'21)
Chapter 3 (15-2'21)
Chapter 4 (15-2'21) I just have started with this new Chapter (date 13th February 2021)(therefore you have luck being able to see where I am working next)
Chapter 4a (19-2'21) This continues where Chapter 4 had ended.
Chapter 5 (24-2'21) This continues where Chapter 4a had ended.
Chapter 6 (24-2'21) We will start again after this Brief Historical Summary. Including the conclusion of the KV 2/926 ... KV 2/936 series
KV 2/932-1, page 6 (N2190 ↓↓↓ N2190return)
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7.12.44 Note from Mr. Wilson B.1.b. on information given by Kieffer (Kiki), about Walenty (Brutus) and the Interalliee Organisation. minute 456a
7.12.44 To Major Harmer re Violette, Brutus (Walenty), Kiki & Victoire (Carré) minute 456b
AOB: you might become a bit confused; but Walenty was a Polish officer, he was captured by the Germans on 18 November 1941, albeit here not yet explained, the Germans helped him to 'escape' from a German controlled prison in France. But actually he was already a British M.I.5 agent controlled by section B.1.a; but since his escape he became a double-cross agent and in this respect his cover-name was Brutus. Without going yet in detail, he was one of Britain's most important agents in France!
KV 2/932-1, page 6
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15.12.44 From Home Office, Aliens department re Victoire's contacts in Holloway. (AOB, formerly she was strictly refrained from any outside contacts, rather a nuisance to the Home Office Department) 460a
16.12.44 Copy of letter from S.O.E. in reply to minute 448c
KV 2/932-1, page5
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23.11.44 Copy of letter to S.O.E. mentioning Lucas minute 448c
AOB, we encounter here an aspect - which up to the moment of closure of the foregoing webpage Carre-Victoire-Survey I did not grasp seriously, mainly due to the secrecy maintained by S.O.E.; as Victoire and Lucas for some time were a couple, but Lucas was since 27th April 42, considered to be a PoW in the hands of the Germans.
AOB, the general opinion inside the Home Office, which I, by the way, really admire!, is that (also) alien prisoners should be granted the rights to receive a visitor once a week; which was highly objected by S.O.E. Their arguments weren't fair (partially invented circumstance) - as the nucleus might originate from obsessions, more than reality. As they managed to interrupt visits even of/to a doctor, dentist and that like; all sorts of communications were kept refrained on behalf of M.I.5; whose organisation was executing all enforced sanctions. However, one thing is evident: they never communicated inside the Secret Services their true motives.
KV 2/932-1, page 7 + 6
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27.12.44 Copy of letter from Major Harmer (now at 12th Army Group, formerly Victoire's M.I.5 guiding officer) with appreciation of Brutus (Walenty) (Victoire was once Walenty's cipher assistant; before they had been caught on 18th November 1941) & Victoire case. (by the way, but totally differently judged, were engaged by the German counter-espionage Section III-F) minute 465z
29.12.44 From S.O.E. further to 454a re inmates of Holloway with whom Victoire will be mixing. minute 465a
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4.12.44 To Squadron/Leader Park, S.O.E. in reply to 448s re Victoire minute 454a
KV 2/932-1, page 10
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minute 490
D.B. Through B.1.a. Major Masterman (M.I.5's Double Cross) and A.D.B. (AOB, Dick White?)
We have been informed by S.O.E. that Lucas (once Victoire's lover), their agent who came over to this country with Victoire (27th February 1942) and was captured (late April 1942) by the Germans when he returned (incorrect a few weeks after he had returned) to France alone, is now in Allied hands (this freed from a Stallag). This again raises the question as to whether we should continue to detain Victoire.
At (minute) 440a there is a report of an interview between officers of M.I.5 and Sir Frank Newsam at the Home Office, when the latter agreed that Victoire should remain in detention until our objections to her return to France had cased to apply. These options were:-
(a) On her return to France we would have no control over what the French might do. They would certainly interrogate her, and during the interrogation or trial facts might come to light which would prejudice (bias) the position of Brutus (one of M.I.5's most valuable double-cross agents) as a B.1.a. agent.
Source B.1.a. 27.4.45
KV 2/932-1, page 11
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minute 494
Lucas' arrival has certainly removed one of the reasons for keeping Victoire in detention, i.e. fear that she might do something to endanger Lucas, formerly in German hands. It is also fairly clear, I suppose, now that the Brutus transmitter (somewhere beside a road buried 10 cm deep, near to a signpost) will not be used for the deception of the Germans, and that under present conditions if Victoire were handed over to the French it is not very likely that she could get any information she is anxious to compromise into the German hands. I notice that Marriott's (B.1.b) at 480z is anxious to prevent the Germans discovering details of the Brutus case and our deception technique. There seems to me now very little danger of the Germans discovering these matters, though no doubt Victoire when delivered to the French custody will tell her whole tale to the French authorities. In these circumstances I doubt if there is any good reason for retaining Victoire in custody here any longer. My own view is that though we should consult S.O.E., S.I.S. (both M.I.6) and the deception authorities (XX Committee), we should take the line that in our view the time has come for Victoire to be handed over to the French, and we (M.I.5) assume that they will have no objection to this course. In any case I think we ought to inform the Home Office of the changed circumstances and if the deception authorities object, we can convey their objection to the Home Office.
A.D.B. (M.I.5) Sgd. H.L.A. Hart
KV 2/932-1, page 11 (minute 494d)
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Justifying our current web-page title, albeit in interchanged succession (as Victoire means - Carré her real name)
KV 2/932-1, page 13 (minute 516a)
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30.5.45 To S.I.S. saying Victoire trials should be in camera (AOB, without public attention!) (this was the typical British process attitude, though, France is not comparable with Britain) & re Marco questions 516a
KV 2/932-1, page 13 (minute 521a)
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5.6.45 To S.I.S. reporting Victoire (Carré) now in France and questions to Marco minute 521a
KV 2/932-1, page 37
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Metropolitan Police
Special Branch
4th day of June, 1945
Subject Carré, Mathilde Lucie @ La Chatte @ de Roche
With reference to Home Office letter dated 30.5.45 (ref: C.14657/3) respecting the deportation of Mathilde Lucie Carré .... @ Victoire
At 1--45 a.m. on 1-6-45 at Holloway Prison, I executed the attached Deportation Order (which has been endorsed (sanctioned) as to serve) by reading it over to Mathilde Lucie Carré and handing her a copy. She was then conveyed by police car to Croydon Airport where she was placed on R.A.F. Transport Command Dakota Aircraft No: KG . 569, which left this country for Paris at 12-45 p.m. the same day. A receipt for the body (the person Carré) of the Alien was obtained from Major Luke, M.I.5, the officer travelling to France with the alien, (attached) (handcuffed?).
On leaving the Prison, and the United Kingdom, Mme. Carré was in possession of 15/2½d (fifteen shilings and twopence halfpenny). She was permitted to take 60 lbs. of personal baggage. her property and baggage in excess of this weight has been retained by the Holloway Prison authorities will be accounted for by them to M.I.5, for subsequent disposal (I learned in file KV 2/933 that in 1945 her remaining luggage was still somewhere in depot)
Photographs and fingerprints of the deportee were taken by the Prison authorities and are submitted herewith. I respectfully ask that they be forwarded to Criminal Record Office with a copy of this report.
Sgd. Sergeant ??
Inspector ??
for Superinspector (hence, he himself did not sign it)
KV 2/932-1, page 50 (minute 514a)
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After consulting Captain Liddell I have decided to go over to Paris with Victoire, and passages for both of us have been arranged by Major Johnston? in the second flight on Friday (1st June 1945).
Colonel Robertson (TAR) was not prepared to regard Victoire as being a War Room body (person) since she had not been captured in the field (which would have made her automatically a P.o.W.), but Major Johnston? arranged matters through the War Office. Victoire will go over as a prisoner of the War Office, although this fact will not be made known to her, or for that matter to anyone else.
I have informed Captaine Ponsard that she (Victoire) will be arriving at Le Bourget (in those days the major aerodrome of Paris) on Friday some time between one and three, and he will arrange for her to be suitable received.
I have also informed Trevor Wilson by telephone, and he is expecting me, and will arrange my accommodation.
Victoire's transport to the aerodrome is being arranged by Inspector (?) Garrett of Special Branch (Scotland Yard) (Extension 325)
I therefore should be any slip-up in the reception arrangements for Victoire I am to telephone Commandant Hugon at Trocadero 3279 in Paris; his address Boulevard Suhet.
B.1.a. (M.I.5) (TAR's section) Sgd. W.E. Luke (Major)
30.5.45 (thus the day before Victoire's actual extradition)
Maybe of interest is the explication - as to whom to be considered a War Room person
Please be always aware that the KV 2/xxxx series are actually running in a reversed manner.
Thus with progressing page number we go back in time.
KV 2/932-1, page 52 (minute 513a)
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P.A. Victoire.
B.1.a. (M.I.5) - Major Luke.
I had a cross-Channel telephone call from Trevor Wilson (from Paris) this afternoon. He told me that the French are anxious to take action in the Judicial Courts against Brutus (British (B.1.a) alias for Walenty) cases, and have asked the various parties concerned for permission to do this, which would involve the cases being heard in open court. (this is not what the British had hoped for)
I.S.L.B. are prepared to give their approval, and further to hand over their files to the French. before doing so, however, they have asked Trevor Wilson whether he has any objection from his pint of view, and Trevor Wilson is anxious to know what we feel about it.
I discussed the position so far as was possible on the (insecure) cross-Channel telephone with Trevor-Wilson, and it seems to me that it is virtually impossible for us at this stage to prevent the French from going forward with the cases, and when I suggested to Trevor Wilson that no doubt they would, if asked, safeguard our interests so far possible Trevor Wilson pointed out that no doubt the would, though this would be difficult with the cases being heard in open court.
Trevor Wilson can be got on the telephone through the War Room; his official number is Kleber 4094, and he would like you to ring him at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the whole case being one of some urgency.
(AOB: there was damm urgency, because Brutus, as we later will learn, was one of Britain's most valuable "double-cross" agent in France!)
B.1.a. Sgd. M. Ryde (Major)
KV 2/932-1, page 53 (minute 512a)
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CX/ /C.N. (pointing its origin being M.I.6)
27th May, 1945
Dear Luke (M.I.5) (B.1.a),
Our Paris representative states that Captain Kressman has asked whether there is any need at this stage for cautions handling of the different characters connected with the Victoire case.
If you are not in a position to agree to this view of the ramifications (implications) of the Brutus case, would be good enough to point out in particular any difficulties connected with this affair so that we can caution Kressman.
Kressman also states that he is in touch with Marschal alias Uncle Marco, mentioned in the Victoire case, who has just returned from Germany. Are there any questions you would like to put to Marco?
Yours sincerely,
B.H. Townshend (S.I.S.)
For R.C.S. Barclay
KV 2/932-1, page 66 (minute 506a) (K14) ↓↓ (K14return) (N16) ↓↓↓↓↓ (N16return) (H22) ↓↓↓↓↓↓ (H22return) (L30) ↓↓ (L30return) (M30) ↓↓ (M30return)
(V33) ↓↓↓↓↓ (V33return) ; (V34) (V34return) (B36) ↓↓↓ (B36return)
Crown Copyright
21st April, 1945
Preliminary Interrogation of
Sylvain @ Lucas
(Real Name Pierre de Vomecourt)
(Note: This is a straight forward factual account given by source (Lucas) of the events which he describes - no attempt was to pursue (follow) side-issues)
Source (Lucas) to France, to the Unoccupied Zone, on the night of 1st/2nd April, 1942 (he came from England on a new S.O.E. mission)
He spent fourteen days in the (Vichy controlled) Free Zone discharging various missions, which were the subject of two reports sent to the U.K. Military Attaché at Vichy, and safely received in this country (England) in May 1942 (it went via Genève in Switzerland; but arrived when Lucas had been already arrested by the Germans again)
Having completed his mission in the Unoccupied Zone, source (Lucas) went to Paris, where he arrived on the 16th April, 1942. In Paris he contacted Roger (Rogér) Cottin to find out what had been going on during his absence, and discovered that difficulties had arisen regarding the purchase of the transport company. He also got in touch with the Chef des Mouvements de Resistance and introduced to him Jack Fincken, who was to replace Rogér.
Source (Lucas) took an office in Paris to be used in case of emergency, of which he alone knew the location; this office was never actually used, and source (Lucas) has now forgotten the address.
Communications. (Q16) (Q16return) (P38) ↓↓ (P38return)
As source (Lucas) had still no W/T operator, he had only to rely upon a courier service to the Unoccupied (Vichy) Zone for all communications with the U.K. Arrangements made before his departure for France with regard of dropping operation to take place on the 4th of May, 1942, made it imperative (authoritative) that a courier should leave Paris on the 20th April, at latest, with instructions. Rogér was sent to find a suitable ground, and only returned to source (Lucas) with the necessary information at 16.00 hours on the 20th April. Source (Lucas) wrote out a telegram and a report, signed Sylvain, and despatched them by courier the same evening. At this time source (Lucas) was living in an unoccupied flat belonging to M. Wolters, was was in charge of the transport company.
During the absence of Victoire in the U.K. Claude was left in charge of her (Victoire's "Walenty" successor) organisation and the wireless set (controlled by then by the German Abwehr III-F). Rogér was in the habit of meeting Claude every two days, and had a rendezvous with him on 23rd April (42), at 18,00 hours; Rogér was then to meet Sylvain (Lucas) at 19,00 hours, but he did not keep the appointment. Sylvain (Lucas), therefore, sent Jack Fincken to the bar where Rogér was to have met Claude, in order to find out whether there had been any trouble there; Jack Fincken returned with the information that Rogér had kept the appointment and had left with Claude, and that there had been no sign of trouble. Source (Lucas) was rather at a loss to → (page 67)
KV 2/932-1, page 67
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find a reason for Rogér's disappearance, since he argued that it seemed unlikely that he would have been arrested by the Germans in view of the fact that he was to hand over 100,000 francs to the Polish organisation (which was, of course, German controlled in two days time. Source (Lucas) therefore thought that he might possibly had had a very important prior engagement which he had forgotten to mention, or that he might have been picked up by the French police in a rafle. Having handed over all his papers to Jack Fincken in case of emergencies. Source (Lucas) went to his old rooms which were in the same building as Rogér's rooms, where he waited from 22.00 hours onwards. At midnight, which was curfew time, Rogér had not returned, and source (Lucas) was forced top conclude that something had happened to him. he himself could not leave before the lifting of the curfew at 05.00 hours the next morning; however, at 04.00 hours he decided to risk leaving (stupid!) and worked his way down the street from house to house, till he reached the corner, where he awaited for 05.00 hours and the lifting of the curfew. At about 04.30 hours on the 24th April, 1942, a car arrived at the home where Rogér had his rooms, which source (Lucas) had, of course, just left, and source (Lucas) was unable to wee what happened, but concluded from this that Rogér must have been arrested since any cars that were out at that hour might be presumed to be German.
Source (Lucas) at once despatched Daisy to Lyons with a telegram to say that Rogér had disappeared and it was feared that he had been arrested by the Germans; she (Daisy?) also had instructions to bring back a W/T operator at all costs. He also contacted an inspector at the Surété and asked him to find out if Rogér had been by any chance picked up by the French police.
As his second set of offices, in the Boulevard des Italiens, was known to Rogér, source as a precautionary measure sent messages to all the people using them, warning them not to return. He then went at about 10.00 hours to these offices and removed all papers and documents. Having done this, source (Lucas) thought that he would try out Jack Fincken, whom he did not he did not very well (knew?) and with whom he had a rendezvous in a café already arranged, so he asked him to go to the office and clear them of all incriminating evidence; this Fincken did, - source (Lucas) had left a few maps there for this express purpose - and source (Lucas) states that he was well placed with Fincken's courage. He then arranged for the new office, which was, never used.
After Rogér's arrest, Wolters was warned by source (Lucas) not to return to the Champs Elysees office; he later learned that Wolters had not in fact obeyed these instructions.
Arrest of Source (Lucas).
On 25th April, source (Lucas) had an appointment with Wolters at 12.00 at the Café opposite, where they waited and watched for Wolters to arrive; as fast as they could see, he was not followed. Source (Lucas) and Jack Fincken therefore crossed over and entered the Café des Palmiers, where they joined Wolters. Shortly afterwards four men entered the café, and said "Hände Hoch", German police". Source (Lucas) had a gun in his pocket, but was powerless to resist, as he was → (page 68)
KV 2/932-1, page 68
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and the
four men had drawn their pistols and were covering him at about 1½ m range;
sitting with his arms on the table. Source
Jack Fincken and Wolters were marched out of the café and taken to cars which
were waiting round the corner about 50 metres away. They were driven away,
one in each car to each man, and taken to the Hotel des Terrasse, a
Gestapo (S.D.)
Source (Lucas) later discovered that it was Wolters who had betrayed him. Wolters himself said that he had broken down under torture and given away the rendezvouz at the Café des Palmiers; according to the Germans, however, they did not needed to manhandle him, and the courier who saw him, said that there were no signs that he had been ill-treated; source (Lucas) states that he had not even resisted for 24 hours, as he was arrested at the office in the Champs Elysees (where he had gone in defiance (disobedience) of source's (Lucas') instructions) on the 24th April, and was released to act as stool pigeon at the Café des Palmiers on 25th April.
Cause of the Trouble.
The original cause of the disaster was the arrest on the demarcation Line (the frontier between German occupied France (West and Northern) and the Vichy controlled south-eastern France), of the courier (Rogér) who left Paris on the 20th April, and who was carrying Sylvain's (Lucas') report. He was tortured for three days and eventually mentioned Burdeyron and Dupuy, but did not admit to knowing Sylvain. The contents of the telegram and the report did not enlighten the Germans much, either, but when they were sent to Paris, the handwriting was recognised, and the fact a report in Lucas' handwriting signed Sylvain was found while the Germans were still receiving over Polish W/T messages from London (likely on Victoire's W/T line) signed Lucas, somewhat naturally made them suspicious, and they at once arrested Rogér. Later was offered his life if he would tell the Germans where they could find Sylvain, but he refused. Source (Lucas) was told this by the Germans (Bleicher/Borchers) Having failed to find Sylvain through Roger, the Germans arrested Wolters (whom rented-out some business space at the Champs Elysees) who at once told them all they wanted to know - he was the only other person who had the knowledge to bring about source's (Lucas') arrest.
Imprisonment. (T19) ↓ (T19return)
On arrival at the Hotel des Terrasses, source (Lucas)
and Fincken were taken to different rooms. Source was set upon by eight
Gestapo (S.D.)
men, all shouting at time and asking him questions and knocking him about. He
decided to deny everything and refuse to speak; this, of course infuriated his
persecutors, and in their annoyance they let slip quite a bit of information
which was of interest to source (Lucas). After a time, Bleicher arrived, and
asked source (Lucas) if he were not surprised to see him
the S.D. office, and not in his real Abwehr office).
Source (Lucas)
looked at him quite blankly and denied knowing him or ever having met him; he
did, of course, know him quite well, having met him with Victoire. Bleicher
tried to make source admit to knowing him, but source persisted in sticking to
his story and giving and giving his identity name – even going so far as to say
to his interrogators that anyway there were three identity cards of his on the
table, and if they didn’t like the name he was using, they could take their pick
of the other two! (AOB, Bleicher had the true
reputation hardly using force against those under interrogation)
When they found that they could not persuade him to tell them anything, one of
the original eight interrogators asked Bleicher to let him have source alone
for half an hour, when he would guarantee to break him down. Source who was
sitting on the edge of the table, stark naked with blood streaming down his
face, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible, then remarked very quietly
that they might make him to speak, but that under such conditions they were
unlikely to make him tell them anything that was true. This rather unexpected
seemed to have an effect on them, and they stopped knocking him about. (Maybe
Bleicher’s appearance might have influenced the scene)
→ (page 69) Bleicher
then said that he would be put in solitary confinement with no food for three
days, after which he was quite sure that he would be willing to tell them
anything they wanted to know.
KV 2/932-1, page 69
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… Source (Lucas)
and Fincken were the taken to Fresnes. They were thoroughly searched, and while
Fincken was searched, source (Lucas) who was standing with his fact to the wall,
shackled (bound)
and handcuffed with his hands in front of him, managed to get out of his pocket
and take five morphine tablets which had not been found when he was first
searched at the Hotel des Terrasses; he had originally had a
phial (bottle)
containing cyanide of potassium, but this has been found before he had the
chance to use it. He was then taken to a dark cell and left alone with his
hands handcuffed behind him; he managed, however,, to get his feet through his
hands and get his hands in front again. On the door of the cell was a notice “Ständig
konttrollieren”, which
meant that a guard looked in at him about every half hour. He fell into a
stupor (lethargy)
as the morphine began to take effect, but then, but that were off in time, and
about 20.00 hrs, though he felt very ill, he realised that the morphine –
although five tablets was more than a fatal dose – was not going to work. He
learned afterwards from a doctor that in cases of extreme nervous tension an
overdose of morphine does on occasions have practically no effect. Source (Lucas)
decided something would have to be done. He was in a completely bare (plain)
cell; there were no nails anywhere and he could not break the window, as this
would have attracted immediate attention. He then realised that the Germans had
left him his shoelaces. He undid the metal tag on one of these and began to try
to out an artery in his wrist. This took a long time, particularly as it was
dark and he could not see what he was doing; after about three hours, having
made a large hole in his arm an still not touched the artery, he decided that he
could probably stand up up to anything the Gestapo (S.D.)
could do to him, and began wonder if there were some story he could tell to wink
He therefore stopped probing and started to think out a good tale. This was on
the evening of Saturday, 25th April (1942).
Interrogation. (R19) ↓ (R19return)
By the time that Bleicher came to see him on Monday, 27th April, source had decided upon his plan. He therefore greeted Bleicher in a friendly fashion, as Jean, and said that he was pleased to see him. Bleicher said, “Oh, so you have decided to admit that you know me?” to which source (Lucas) replied, that of course he knew Bleicher, but that he had had to have time in which he decide how much he could tell him, that he had now sorted out? His ideas and was willing to talk to him. He was taken to an interrogation room, where he had a chat with Bleicher and a German Hptm., whose name he cannot now remember, he admitted his identity, and said that he had come to France with the idea of creating resistance groups. He based his story on the ideas of the Armee Secrete and gave absolutely no information on the people involved. During interviews over a period of days, he managed to create the impression that he was an extremely idealistic, but quixotic French patriot, with entirely impracticable ideas. He managed later to send a report to his wife, stating on what lines he was working, as he hoped that this would get back to the U.K. and that the same story would be told by other agents. Unfortunately the report never reached this country (S.O.E. or was Victoire meant?)
In the meantime, the Germans had not succeeded in making Roger give them any information whatsoever.
Bleicher offered to spare source’s life if he would give them the names of his associates, but he refused to do this.
On about the 29th or 30th April, Bleicher mentioned → (page 70)
KV 2/932-1, page 70
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to source (Lucas) later refused to be interrogated, but offered to write a deposition, which he managed, by including a to source that in the report which had been found on the courier (Rogér) who had been arrested on the demarcation line, source (Lucas) had mentioned that Burdeyron had said that he had been partly responsible for derailing a leave train near Caen. Only a few soldiers had been killed, but the Germans had already shot hostages as a reprisal, and proposed to shot 500 more. Source (Lucas) had actually put a large query mark in the margin of the report against this information, as he did not believe Burdeyron’s story at the time. He pointed this out to Bleicher, who agreed but said that all the same Burdeyron had claimed that he was responsible, and that as source (Lucas) was obviously connected with him, they proposed to shoot source (Lucas), Fincken and Rogér among the second 500 hostages.
On the next day, Bleicher came to source and said that he was authorised to make an offer; if he would tell the Germans all about his organisation, he and all his comrades would be treated as PsW (PoW). Source (Lucas) asked for time to think it over, which was granted; when they came back for the answer, source (Lucas) said that he must first of all talk the matter over with Roger (Rogér), as the latter had already refused to save his own life, and that, although source (Lucas) felt inclined to accept Bleicher’s offer himself, he could not answer for Rogér. He was allowed to see Rogér, but the Germans stayed in the room; source (Lucas) therefore told them that he would not speak to Rogér while they were present, and they were left alone. Source (Lucas) was thus able to explain to Rogér his plan, and to brief him on what. When the Germans returned, source (Lucas) said that he and Rogér had decided to accept the offer, but on two conditions: firstly, that the offer should be made to them officially by an officer of the Wehrmacht in uniform and, secondly, that the source’s wife should be allowed to see him and should be told of the offer by source and Rogér. These conditions were accepted by the Germans. On 1st May, 1942, the offer was made to the source (Lucas) and Rogér officially by a Hptm. In uniform who made the promise “on the word of a German officer” (Ehrenwort); and source’s wife was allowed to be present. After this, source (Lucas) and Rogér were left alone for two hours to compile a list of names of people involved.
Source’s (Lucas’) Cover Story.
During the
course of his (Lucas’) interrogation, source had been shown a copy of a report
of the interrogation of? the courier (Rogér) and therefore knew which names were
already known to the Germans; he states that he only included two names which
were not already known to the Gestapo (S.D.),
he was forced to do this to give some semblance of truth to his story, and the
men were so slightly implicated that they were released after being kept Fresnes
from May to October (1942).
Source (Lucas)
states that the task was made easier for him by the fact that he knew, from his
association with Victoire, exactly what the Germans knew, whereas they did not
know that he knew all this, as when he was asked about Victoire, he simply said
that she had broken down under interrogation in the U.K. without giving them any
idea of how much she had given away.
Source (Lucas) was questioned on the organisation by the Kommissar of the Kriminalpolizei, with Bleicher present on occasion. (AOB, I suppose both S.D. and Kriminalpolizei were in France managed by Amt IV) Source (Lucas) pretended throughout not to know Germans, and thus gained time to formulate his answers. Source (Lucas) great many irrelevant details, to extend to cover fifty-two pages. In this deposition he mentioned Abbott and Redding, who he knew had been taken by the Germans on landing, although he did not at that time knew their names.
He tried to place most of the blame on himself and Rogér who were badly implicated anyway, on Miklos (a well respected French advocate), whom he knew to be in the unoccupied Zone, an other man in hospital a few days before, and others whom the Germans could not reach, and to implicate → (page 71)
KV 2/932-1, page 71
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only very slightly all those whom the Germans had already arrested or might be able to arrest.
After fifteen days, the Germans stopped questioning source (Lucas), and began to question others. Source was confronted three times; with the son of Noel, the ambassador, with a farmer from Vaas (X21) (X21return) (where once an operation in the vicinity had been taken place), and with Jaques Fincken, The young Noel was freed in October, and the farmer from Vass was acquitted later.
Source (Lucas)
states that every time he was called out for questioning, he wondered what had
happened and if someone had said the wrong thing; once the whole thing was
nearly blown, when the Germans were questioning Bernstein, about whose
activities they really knew quite a lot. They read out to Bernstein what
purported (claimed)
to be source’s (Lucas’)
interrogation report, but inserted a lot of things that source had not said, but
which they believed to be the facts; they were so near the truth that Bernstein
very nearly broke down and confessed, and had the Gestapo (S.D.)
had the report typed out in French and shown to him, he would have done so; as
it was, however, he could not quite believe that source (Lucas)
would have told them everything, and could not check the German text with what
he was told, and so he held out and denied it.
The Wehrmacht.
In October 1942, source (Lucas) was informed by the Wehrmacht prosecutor that the files on the case had been handed to him, and that fifteen people would be freed, as they were insufficiently compromised, amongst them Noel.
On 7th
December, 1942, whilst source (Lucas)
and Fincken were still in solitary confinement at Fresnes, they were suddenly
taken out to a court-martial. When source enquired of the prosecutor the reason
for this, he was informed that the Gestapo (S.D.)
had discovered evidence which showed that source (Lucas)
had not told them the truth. What had happened was that the Gestapo (S.D.)
had arrested TAR?,
and when questioned, his story did not tally with the told by source (Lucas),
and this had led to further enquiries being made.
On the
second day of the court-martial, they were taken one by one, and source (Lucas)
took his opportunity to protest that they had been promised on the word of
honour of a German officer that if they told all they knew, they would be
treated as P.o.Ws.
he was told that he had not kept his share of the bargain, whereupon he demanded
to be given proof of this, which the Gestapo (S.D.)
were not able to produce. He said that he (Lucas)
thought it would make a very bad impression in France when it became known that
the word of a German officer had been broken, and reminded them that if his wife
knew of the bargain and would have informed all his friends – amongst them some
very prominent people. The President said that he court-martial would have to
proceed, but that he would see the general in Charge of the Paris region.
Source (Lucas)
was later told that the general was in favour of the word of honour of a German
officer being kept and that the matter could be referred to Berlin.
Source (Lucas)
states that the Wehrmacht Prosecutor did all in his power to push their case
against the Gestapo (S.D.),
and that had it not been for his efforts they would undoubtedly have been
condemned; he (Lucas)
also states that the German President of the Court was excellent and
scrupulously fair and exact.
court-martial proceeded proceeded in what source (Lucas)
describes as a very amusing way. He himself was given a chair at the back, and
was always referred to whenever a point was not clear; in this way he was able
to cover up many slips made by friends. The Gestapo (S.D.)
were not represented → (page 72)
KV 2/932-1, page 72 + 73
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Things were made a little difficult at one point by the farmer from Vaas, who persisted in denying everything; source (Lucas) had managed to fabricate a story about black market goods, on which he would have been acquitted, but he carried his denials too far, and refused to admit even that, saying that it must have been another farmer of the same name. Source (Lucas) that if he persisted in this story, enquiries would be made and this would have been fatal. It was particularly fortunate, as the whole thing revolved round the word “marchandises”, which was used by the organisation to designate arms. Bleicher, in his report, had said that the farmer had told him that he was hiding arms, and source (Lucas) had told the court that this was impossible (it was strictly forbidden to mention the word). This was confirmed by the others, who all said they had spoken only of Marchandise. In this way, source (Lucas) managed to throw a certain amount of doubt on the accuracy of Bleicher’s report (which, source (Lucas) was in fact excellent and accurate). He therefore asked to be allowed to have a private interview with the man (whom: Bleicher or the farmer at Vaas?). This was granted, and source (Lucas) able to explain matters to him and tell him what to say, the slip being covered up by saying Bleicher had interpreted the word “Marchandises” in the way he wanted, when it in fact meant just what it said and nothing more.
On 15th December, 1942, the proceedings were suspended, as the court obviously could not acquit them, and had therefore to await the decision from Berlin as to whether or not they were to be treated as P.o.Ws as promised. The Prosecutor told source that he would do all he could to see that the promise given him would be kept, and said that it was a very good thing that he had mentioned his wife and the bad impression that would be made in France.
They were returned to Fresnes, where they were treated much better; they were no longer kept in solitary confinement, but put two and three time? cell, and were allowed to receive visits.
On 13th October (1943) they left Fresnes; the two women were sent to an unknown destination in Germany, and the thirteen men went to Stallag VA, where they were put in cells, but allowed two hours walk in the fresh air every day. This as a definite improvement on Fresnes, where, source (Lucas) had worked out, he had 3½ hours fresh air in eighteen months. Later the party was split up, seven including Rogér Couttin, going to Lübeck, and the rest, including source (Lucas) , to Stallag IV-C.
During the course of his interrogations, source (Lucas) had many conversations with Bleicher. He confirms the fact that Bleicher held the rank of Feldwebel only, and states that this was a very sore point with him. He quite obviously was the brains behind the concern, and source (Lucas) mentioned that on more than one occasion he saw him snatch a telephone from a senior officer in the middle of a conversation and continue the conversation himself.
In the opinion of source (Lucas), Bleicher was very keen on his job and was extremely efficient; shortly after the Peter Churchill affair, Bleicher told source (Lucas) that he was fed up with chasing down and arresting people who, → (page 73)
page 73: afterall were only doing their duty, whilst there were hundreds of criminals and black marketeers who were going scot (set?) free, and the he would much rather track down these latter.
Source (Lucas) states that Bleicher was the only German he came across who knew how to interrogate properly, and that he did not resort to torture unless he could not get what he wanted any other way.
Before the war Bleicher was an agent for a chemical factory, and travelled a great deal.
KV 2/932-1, page 76 (minute 505a)
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PF 64216/B.1.a/HWA (M.I.5.; HWA = H.W. Astor the author of this letter)
12th May, 1945 (thus post war)
Dear Roche (S.O.E.),
Many thanks for your TGR/1682 of the 10th May regarding Victoire (Carré).
We have now informed the Home Office that we can no longer object to the deportation of this lady on security grounds, and have requested them to inform us in good time of the arrangements for her deportation , so that the French may have ample opportunity for arranging to receive her.
Sgd. Hugh W. Astor
Lieut.-Colonel T.G. Roche S.O.E.
KV 2/932-1, page 79
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PF. 64216/B.1.a./WEL
Dear Sir,
I should be most grateful if you would take steps to discover by discreet enquiry whether the detainee Mme. Carré is in the possession of a ring bearing an armorial crown with two bears rampant (widespread) facing each other below.
I am particularly anxious that Mme. Carré should not be aware that the ring is the subject of any interest,
Yours Faithfully,
W.E. Hinchley Cooke
The Governor
H.M. Prison
Holloway, N.7
(AOB, Colonel Hinchley Cooke did not belong directly to M.I.5, but likely to War Room, (or even S.L.A or S.L.B) and may be linked more to judicial implications; as it was he being the Officer who, at Scotland Yard, handed over to Victoire the Order 12(5a) and to take her into custody; on 1st July 1942 (A3) (A3return). He was also heavily engaged in the legal cases against those arrested on 3rd September 1940 near to Lydd (Seeloewe-1)
KV 2/932-1, page 80 (minute 503a)
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P.F. 64216/A.D.E.
H.O. ref: C.14657 11th May, 1945
Dear Rumbelow,
You will remember (he damm will) taking up with us last October the question of the deportation (and not only this!) to France of Madame Carré. After careful consideration, and consultation with other people who were interested, we came to the conclusion that this step, desirable though it was in principle, could not be taken at that time without appreciable danger of detriment (disadvantage) to our interests, and to the interests of individuals whom we were under a clear obligation to protect.
Recent developments in Europe (Germany's unconditional Surrender, on 8th May 1945, at Reims), and particularly in the conduct of the war on what I may call the intelligence front, have now removed these objections to Madame Carré's repatriation, and as I know you will wish to get her out of the country as soon as possible I write to say so at once.
I should perhaps make it plain that we are anxious that Madame Carré shall not be at liberty in this country even for a day. We assume that she will be escorted straight from Holloway Prison to the boat by a police officer, and we shall be very grateful if you would make a particular point of letting us have advance notice, as long as possible, of her impending departure. Could you arrange for a message to be sent, as soon as a decision has been reached, to Astor (B.1.a. M.I.5) of this office (extension 305)
Yours sincerely,
J.L.S. Hale
R.H. Rumbelow, Esq.
Home Office (Aliens department)
10, Old Bailey. E.C.4.
AOB: the Secret Services favour, by the way in vain, was, that Madame Carré should be trialled "in camera"; in other words - without public and their opinions. As they so easily commenced it in Britain, during the war.
KV 2/932-1, page 81 + KV 2/932-2, page 1 (minute 502b) (H4) (H4return) (
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At the request of colonel Warden I attended a meeting on 10.5.45 at which Colonel Maurice Buckmaster (who was the head of the French section of S.O.E.), Lieut.-Colonel Roche, Lieut.-Colonel Warden, Major Soskice (all four S.O.E.) and myself (B.1.a. M.I.5) were present. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the deportation of Victoire, a subject which had already been fully discussed a week earlier at a meeting at St. Ja mes's Street (hence, M.I.5. main address) at which S.O.E. were presented.
Colonel Maurice Buckmaster explained that he thought it desirable to hold a further discussion, as he had vivid recollections of a vow (promise) taken by Victoire to wreak vengeance (revenge) against himself, Major Boddington and Lucas (the latter person I doubt whether this is true, because he was Victoire's lover when he left England at the end of March 1942), in that order, and he feared (rightly! that she might cause him some grievous mischief (trouble). For this reason he was very reluctant that Victoire should be allowed to go free in France, and enquired whether there was any possibility of ensuring her further detention either in this country (again without a legal trial?) or in France.
I told Colonel Buckmaster that it was no longer considered possible to uphold our objections to the deportation of Victoire vis-a-vis the Home Office, and that the Home Office would no doubt require her to be deported immediately. (AOB, it was effected two-and-a-half weeks later on 1st of June 1945) I (Hugh Astor) further pointed out that that in (this conduct?) of deportation it was not legally correct to hand the body (Madame Carré) over to the French authorities, and this was only done in cases of extradition. By the way of reassurance, however, I told Colonel Buckmaster that we had prepared a complete dossier of the case of Victoire, which had already been transmitted (sent) to the French, and Soskice said that the French were preparing to charge her with the denunciation of sixty-four Allied agents; further, that we had received every assurance from the French that Victoire would be kept in proper custody and tried.
I further mentioned that we had arranged unofficially to give the French two day's notice of Victoire's impending departure, so that the French could make the necessary arrangements for her reception. (AOB, it went not his way ultimately) → (KV 2/932-2, page 1)
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The S.O.E. officers present appreciated the position of this office but requested that our approach to the Home Office should be postponed until Colonel Roche had had the opportunity of consulting the Group Captain Boyle on 11.5.45. I agreed to this, and on 11.5.45 I received the O.K. by telephone from Colonel Roche. A letter of confirmation is on its way,
Mr. Hale had already prepared a draft letter to the Home Office, which now been despatched.
B.1.a. H.W. Astor
KV 2/932-2, page 12 (minute 494d)
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From: Major C.H. Harmer. 104/150(25)/132
Rear HQ, 21 Army Group
1st May, 1945
Dear J.C.Masterman,
Thank you for your PF 64216/B.1.a./JCM dated 28th April 1945. I was informed last time I was in Paris that Lucas had returned and I understood that he would probably be coming to France soon, in which case Tom Greene (Victoire's "Uncle Tom") was going to arrange for me to meet him. (the actors involved had all in common, that they speak French language more or less fluently)
So far as the Brutus (Walenty) case is concerned, it does not seem to me that any interrogation of Lucas would serve a useful purpose. The only question we really want answered is whether Lucas was told by the Germans at any time that Brutus was working for them. I should say this is most unlikely, but if Lucas is being seen, it would probably be worth while asking him casually (informally) whether he overheard anything from the Germans about the escape of Brutus from Prison.
From the purely academic point of view, I think Lucas ought to be interrogated to clear up the outstanding question on the whole Brutus - Victoire - Lucas case, namely: the reason for Lucas' ultimate arrest. I suggest that he be questioned about this and that he also be shown the traffic which passed through the Victoire transmitter (in London) between March (42) and July 1942 (the W/T link was blow on the day of Victoire's arrested on 1st July 1942) (B3) (B3return) This is also important in case Victoire indicated through her messages to the Germans that she was in Allied hands and working for them, since this would be another, and probably the most serious, count against her. I do not think it is probable, but if, for example, the Germans told Lucas that Victoire had secretly indicated that she was working for the Allies, he might be able, by reading the messages, to put his finger on the trap word or another method employed.
I think, therefore, that a full interrogation of Lucas about his movements from
the moment he landed by parachute (1/2nd
April 1942 on Vichy controlled, thus, unoccupied soil)
on 9th April 1942 until his arrest and also on his
interrogation by the Germans, is necessary, and that he should be shown the
traffic in its original form.
My views about the disposal of Victoire remain that the sooner she is handed to the French authorities the better. As time goes on, and particularly when the fighting ends, these case will attract a great deal more public attention and if they go to trial, publicity. I think, therefore, that it is in the interest of all of us that Victoire's case be disposed of by the French at the earliest possible moment. I think you would be right to urge the Home Office to return her now.
Yours ever,
Christopher Harmer
Major J.C. Masterman
Box No. 500
Parliamnet Street, B.O.
London, S.W.1
Copy to Home Office, London.
KV 2/932-2, page 13 (minute 494c)
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30th April, 1945. (the very day of Hitler's suicide, in Berlin)
Dear J.C. Masterman,
Thank you for your letter of the 29th April. (P.F.64216/B.1.a/ JCM (Masterman)
I asked Wells to mention to Herbert A. Hart the fact that Lucas is back in this country (ex-Buchenwald?). Lucas had heard (I know not from whom) that Victoire is detained.
He observed to me that he could well understand that the British authorities had found it undesirable to have her at large (did he really?) in this country, but suggested that possibly this consideration no longer applied, especially as, in his opinion, her service to the British cause out weighed her misdeeds.
He went on to suggest that he should be allowed to call upon her and that he might possibly extract information about Bleicher @ Verbeck @ Heinrich from her. I shall deal below with that point.
I told him that the decision to detain Victoire was one taken by the Security authorities and Colonel Maurice Buckmaster, who was present (the guy who feared Victoire's revenge) (D3) (D3return) during our interview, made it clear that this detention had his full support and reiterated the view he has always expressed, that Victoire at large and known to be vindictive, could harm S.O.E. interest and officers.
I promised to communicate Lucas' offer to interview Victoire to the proper authorities, but was was careful to hold out no hope that they would avail (gain) themselves of it.
Lucas went on to say, that as regards Victoire and the French authorities that was another matter that she would to face for herself, and probably stand her trial if she returned to France.
I think it might be a good idea if we had an early meeting on the subject of Victoire covering both your Department and the officers interested in S.I.S.
Bleicher @ Verbeck @ Heinrich is the German Gestapo (S.D.)
official who was responsible for the original arrest of Lucas and the man whom
we have since had occasion to regard with respect for his successful activities
against the Buckmaster circuits.
(AOB, nonsense! Bleicher was connected as a Sdf. (Sonderführer) to the Military Abwehr section III-F (counter-espionage) (Please notice, that the military Abwehr (Intelligence), itself did not possess the power of execution. As illegal matters constituted a criminal affair, the military or regular power was then commenced by the S.D. (Amt IV) outside Germany. (Haven't they learned since the passed five years of wartime experience - what the actual German legal procedures were? The Gestapo operated only within the German Reich; outside it was the S.D. who were in charge. The Gestapo was like a criminal police, think of criminal affairs within a kind of political context)
We are most anxious that he is taken alive in Germany (actually he was arrested in Holland), we should have a full opportunity of learning what he can tell us about his work as there are a number of unsettled problems which only he can be clear up. These include, for example, the truth of the Bardet-Kieffer (? & Kiki) matters now proceeding in Paris and which was discussed during Kressman's visit to London in January (45).
It does occur to me that it would be wise to ensure that any information Victoire can give about this German officer is fully extracted, but in saying this I do not necessarily suggest that Lucas is the proper to do this. (AOB, of course not, as he was made a double-cross agent by Bleicher himself). → (page 14)
KV 2/932-2, page 14
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We have to be somewhat careful in the interrogation of these people who have returned from the concentration camps and not to over-press them in the way of interrogation until they have had some chance to recover: Brutus (Walenty) connection. Perhaps you would like to review the whole Victoire position in the light of the above. If I should not be available, then Wells, on my behalf, could attend the meeting.
Yours ever,
Commander John Senter (S.O.E.)
Major J.C. Masterman
(B.1.a.) (M.I.5)
KV 2/932-2, page 15 (minute 494b)
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H.M. Prison.
Holloway. N 7.
28.4.45 (two days before Hitler's suicide in Berlin)
The accompanying letters written by Carré addressed to Col. Hinchley Cook is substituted for your attention please.
Yours Obedient Servant
D/y Governor I/C
All mail first had to be delivered to B.1.a (M.I.5) office in this case to Mr. Masterman.
KV 2/932-2, page 16
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Translation. (Carré always wrote in French language, and not every Secret Service Servant possessed the skill of handling French papers themselves)
Herewith I attach a duplicate of my letter to the Home Office. The restriction put in force by the Home Secretary since August 1944 go to such length that my life of complete isolation has become an existence without either sense or reason in the face of such stupidities as that which forbids the sending of a simple Christmas Card to a detainee with whom I lived for two and a half years (AOB, the sad nucleus being Colonel Maurice Buckmaster of S.O.E.; even against the Home Office including Lieut.-Colonel Robertson of B.1.a. of M.I.5) (E3) (E3return) or meeting with a saleswoman selling chiffon, or that which I forgot to report to the Home Office: last summer (44) I was allowed to go each day to visit a detainee at the hospital for the same time, this year it is necessary to make protests in this quarter and in that to be permitted - over a period of four weeks - a ten minute interview with a detainee who lived with me and with whom I was in hospital in prison!
You must know that, according to the prison reports there has never been anything either in my character or in my attitude, for rebuke. My views have never altered. My discretion has always been perfect. Latterly again, in connection with the "K" affair (Kiki .. Kieffer?), which has filled the newspapers, no one has been able for an instant to suspect, - even though the newspapers are discussed here! - that I have not only hears the said "K" mentioned - but read the articles about him. No one has ever known anything of what I did and I beg whomsoever it may concern to take up what is here known as "my case".
But since the English women detainees have the right to write to an M.P. to blackena fellow detainee - it has been done to me - I am now allowing an English woman detainee to write openly to the M.P.s about the way in which → (page 17)
KV 2/932-2, page 17
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I am treated according the Home Office Regulations - You must realise that this can go on no longer and that it is absolutely essential that these regulations should be changed: it is really a scandal! and when you consider that this and that detainee, charged with theft or vice, has been released, it is only natural that I am openly maligned (defamed) on the grounds that I the worst of all.
Neither my extreme weariness nor even my anguish (suffering) at what has been done to me, will break my spirit (I am not certain that the word 'not' has been retouched), or make me take stupid or desperate decisions .. or lose all discretion or confidence in connection with the War Office - - but as to those connected with the Home Office prison, I shall no do only that which I please in this state in which I live: since they wish to treat me as a child or as a woman without honour.
Seeing that Paris has now been liberated from nine months, may I ask Colonel , whether it is possible for your influence to change the decision of the Home Office * and to authorise me to to receive news directly from my father, my mother and my brother at least.
With complete confidence in your assistance, I thank you in advance and remain,
Always your devoted,
Ly Carré
* The Home Office considered about Spring 1944 that the current situation in which Carré (Victory) lived as being illegal - according British laws. Also M.I.5 expressed similar views, though again - the dark side prevailed on behalf of Colonel Buckmaster and colleagues of S.O.E.) (F3) (F3return)
KV 2/932-1, page 18
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Holloway Prison
Madame Carré wishes to bring to the attention of the Home Secretary an event which took place this morning.
An employee from the shop Jones (?) Bros. came to the prison to show some materials and underclothes to the detainees. The Governor sent a message to Madame Carré forbidding her to be present at this interview on the grounds that it was forbidden for her to leave the building in which she lived (lives!), Then why is she allowed to go, still, if she wishes to the libary, to the chapel and to the hospital? That certainly entails leaving the building where she lives! And she is accompanied to these various places by a woman warden, as she would have been this morning to meet the employee from the shop!
Last summer she was permitted to have her feet attended to by the pedicure, who did not belong to the prison, outside the building extension. She asked, at Christmas, for permission to write a card to Mrs Kraft with whom she was detained for two and a half years. This was refused.
Following on that restriction and this of this morning, she would be curious and gratified whether these are your exact orders or the narrow and stupid applications of your orders?
On August 15th 1944, the Under Secretary of State for the Home Department informed Madame Carré that, in reply to her petitions of May 6th and May 11th 1944, the Home Secretary would not agree either to her release or to an Advisory Committee.
This was written, but the latter part of the reply to the said petitions was given orally (as not to leave a paper trace for future investigations) by two of his representatives. (she is no way doubting the word of these two persons.) This latter part dealt with the → (page 19)
KV 2/932-2, page 19 + page 20
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prohibition of visits of any sort whatsoever, and correspondence with anyone at all, even with the International Red Cross! (In the Seelowe 1 & 2 file series, this was equally maintained, even in the case of Mr Sjoerd Pons, whose verdict was: Not guilty!)
Why was this second communication verbal and not written?
To prevent the truth coming out one day? Or to make her existence more wretched (despicable)? For no one will believe it when she exposes this complete and inhuman isolation.
One thing is certain: she can no longer put up with the attitude of insult, both direct and insulate with she has met since she has been at Holloway (formerly she started on 1st July 1942 at Aylesbury Prison), an attitude adopted by the magistrates or by the ex-detainees, by the wardresses from whichever quarter they may come, or by the representatives of religious sects.
Even if she were the greatest criminal, she would not be thus treated and hidden away, she would most certainly not!! If, therefore, this state of things exists, is there not, without doubt, some reason for hiding it well?!
Having given evidence of great patience and discretion, with morale never lowered, ordening her live with the maximum discipline, her life and her spirit remain unchanged but, as from today, her patience and her discretion cease to exist. She had always forbidden all propaganda vis-a-vis herself; from now on she will allow anyone who wishes to make any publicity regarding this (illegal) isolation and her health -
She wishes to report to you, also, that since Aylesbury, Miss Baxter has been extremely kind to her and for a years Miss Wilson (deputy Governor) has had her affection and regard. But as from today she refuses all friendly relations with these two people, this is not directed against Miss Wilson or Miss Baxter, - she will regret it proudly - but against the Deputy Governor and the wardress who represent, for her, the Government which imposes these illogical and inhuman restrictions ... above all when one considers that which goes on in the E-Wing of Holloway and is released (?)
Meanwhile, she hopes that a relaxation will come and, in anticipation, she sends her thanks.
M. Carré
AOB: I would like to explain some of the backgrounds; but would like to invite you to a rather explanation of the real Home Office legal concerns; please sit-down and keep yourself alert!
KV 2/932-2-KV-2-931-2, page 4
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This letter was on behalf of Major E.J.P Cussen Home Office
A.D.B. (M.I.5)
Many thanks for letting me see this effusion (declaration) which I am entirely agree is rather appalling. I say so because it seems to be yet another attempt to bludgeon (beat) (Sir) Moylan (H.O.) and the Home Office into a course of action which I am convinced will lead to unfortunate repercussions sooner or later and unless we watch our steps most carefully we are not likely to escape unscathed though S.O.E. (consider mainly meant: Colonel Maurice Buckmaster) themselves may do as they will probably have ceased to exist by the time the storm breaks.
Much of S.O.E.'s letter consist of vague generalities in the form of catch penny phrases and arguments which when examined are either irrelevant or meaningless. Thus they argue because Victoire is a most dangerous woman determined to have her revenge, the proper tactics are to dam up the food of her venom so that it will explode with full force at a moment when it will be most likely to have the maximum effect. In 1940 the public would not have listened to the grievances, imaginary or otherwise, of persons such as Victoire. In 1944 the public are more receptive of this sort of thing than they were but still would have little sympathy for persons who have been working for the Germans. After hostilities cease and peace is restored public opinion will be such that the Victoire story is capable of being whipped up into a major scandal. In my opinion the proper way in which to provide against such an event is not by repression but by allowing Victoire as much rope now as is reasonably consistent with the security requirements of her case.
S.O.E. (among at the nucleus, Colonel Buckmaster) do not appear to appreciate the basic principles governing the conditions under which persons are detained in this country and the vital distinction between the British internment camp and the German concentration camp. As I understand the position it is as follows:
1) Detention under the Defence Regulations and/or Aliens Order is not punitive (disciplinary) but preventative. It is a zealously (fervently) guarded principle of our Constitution that punishment is the monopoly of the criminal courts and it would be both legally and politically impossible for the Home Secretary to justify adverse discrimination to the prejudice of any individual detainee on the ground that because of his past misdeeds he is not entitled to "lenient treatment or consideration of any kind at the hands of the British authorities".
2) The conditions under which persons are to be held in detention and the privilege to which such persons are entitled are strictly defined in White Papers and other officially published documents. Provision is made, inter alia, for free association, sending and receiving correspondence, visits.
3) The above conditions are not statutory and the Home Secretary can, and does in certain circumstances, depart from them. (AOB, was this aspect valid for Victoire?) Before doing so, however, he requires to be satisfied that there are very strong security grounds for depriving the detained person in question of all or any of the above privileges.
(AOB: in most respect this statement at least must have also been valid for Victoire, but, by whatever tricky means S.O.E. pushed their opinion through.)
(AOB: When we reconsider all forgoing documents, for example:- that Victore was informed by two men visiting her and noticing verbally, without any written proof; and all other reflections, we may conclude that Maurice Buckmaster's personal hatred or antipathies versus Victoire did prevail).
Noticing this: the system clearly lacked a - valid British Constitutional legalisation provision.)
I myself admire the legal visions on behalf of the British Home Office; their views and legal arguments are fair, logical and consistent.
KV 2/932-2, page 54 (minute 484a)
Crown Copyright
Mr. Marriott.
I rang Senter last week and asked him if he would be kind enough to call and discuss Victoire with you and/or me the next time he is in this building (St. James Street). I told him that, whilst we were not anxious to release her (Victoire/Carré), we were thinking of finding out from the French whether they wished us to do so urgently. He said that he would write to Paris and find out from his friends over there whether the French wanted herm but I told him to take no action whatsoever in the meantime, as I think Victoire, for better or worse, is our body (M.I.5, B.1.a) and we do not want S.O.E. barging in like bulls in a china-shop. (not quite flattering towards Buckmaster and his colleagues).
W.E. Luke.
KV 2/932-2, page 67 (minute 479b)
Crown Copyright
B.1.a. - Mr. Marriott
In view of the decision to close down the Brutus
transmitter M.I.5., S.I.S. and S.O.E. may wish to remove their objection
to the Home Office implementing the deportation Order against Victoire, in
connection with which I refer you to Victoire Vol. 7 (became
later file KV 2/2/933) serial
443 concerning a meeting held on 8.11.44 at which all three Services (S.I.S.,
S.O.E. and M.I.5) were presented. At
this meeting it was decided, inter alia, that the Home Office should be
recommended to postpone the deportation. The Home Office subsequently
agreed to the postponement (see minute
440a) after Sir Frank Newsome had been told that in the course of interrogation
or trial facts might come to light which (a) would prejudice the position of
Brutus as a B.1.a. agent, and (b) would further endanger the life of Lucas (by
then still in German captivity).
Brutus is no longer a B.1.a. (M.I.5) agent, so the objection (a) to Victoire's deportation is removed, but (b) still applies, and I think that before the Home Office is informed that our objections to her return to France are withdrawn both S.I.S. and S.O.E. (both of M.I.6) should be consulted, and I suggest you call a meeting in the near future,
From a purely administrative point of view it is desirable, I think, that Victoire should be deported, since it is likely that her only remaining permanent stable companion will shortly be released from detention. It should not be forgotten, however, that she or the French Legal authorities may ask for Brutus to be called as a witness at her trial, and if we should not be able to prevent it his appearance might have serious reflections on our whole deception plans. (AOB, pointing at Operation Fortitude, maybe even to be commenced after the hostilities have ceased!)
W.E. Luke
B.1.a. (M.I.5) 20.3.45
To be continued next with KV 2/932-2, page 68 (minute 479a)
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Major Masterman
Mr. Astor
With Astor, I saw Hale on the 14th March in connection with the proposal to hand Victoire over to the French. Although I think it is desirable that the woman should be tried for her despicable offences, it is also desirable that certain precautions should be taken in connection with her trial, and there are dangers in handing her over which ought to be realised.
Hale thinks that the trial would almost certainly be held in camera (AOB, in camera meant without public attendance; this is the way they (in Britain) commence trials - where for instance M.I.5 functions a prosecutor as well as "cooking a case"; but France may have different legal obligations!), but this in itself is not a complete safeguard against the proceedings becoming known to the public, as French ideas of "in camera" do not coincide with our own (meant Secret Services). It is possible that Victoire would be tried at same time as Kiki (Robert Kiffer), another agent of the Interalliee group who ratted (betrayed), and it is known that the latter has already let it known to be the French that Brutus came over here (to England; which is true) here with political mission from the Germans; he may even have hinted - if he knew it - that Brutus came over with an espionage mission.
Victoire is as stupid in some ways as she is clever in others, and although she would be ill-advised to do so, she may insist on calling Brutus (formerly: Walenty) as a witness. If he went over to France it might be necessary for him to disclose all of his activities before and since escaping from the Germans (actually it were the Germans who let him escape!), since he would be under oath. This would not only endanger his own relatives in German hands, but would also compromise our past deception plans, which would would be most regrettable. Therefore I consider that it would be most unwise to allow Brutus to give evidence, but I see no objection to his making a sworn statement over here of the circumstances surrounding his association with Victoire, both before and after the Germans broke up the Interalliee organisation. Hale pointed out that French law was in some ways more simple in matters of this kind than our own laws, and thought something of this sort could be arranged. → (page 69)
KV 2/932-2, page 69 - 70 (minute 479a)
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Another complication is that Victoire may give at her trial a different story story from which Lucas will have given to the Germans when captured by them, and if any publicity were given to the trial this might endanger Lucas, who is (still) in German hands. (this letter was dated 17.3.45, thus indeed still ca. 7 weeks lasting until Germany's surrender on 8th May 1945 at Reims)
Hale suggested that he might see Vaudreuil and put the case to him, but I asked him not to take this step in the meantime, as I hoped that it would be possible for us to have a talk with Harmer on the subject while the latter is on leave. I telephoned asking Marriott if he could get in touch with Harmer with a view to his coming in here before returning to the Continent, but it seems that he is not prepared to do this, and A.D.B. (D.G. White?) does not feel disposed to ask for his leave to be extended in order to enable him to come to this office (in the St. James's Street).
In these circumstances I think it would be as well for Hale to have a preliminary talk with Vaudreuil in the near future. Do you are?
B.1.a. 17.3.45 Sgd. W.E. Luke (Major)
Sine writing this I have seen Harmer in London, and he agrees that whilst there are certain risks in handling Victoire over at this stage, nevertheless it is desirable that we should do so. He thought that the French should agree either to postpone the trial until after the war or else to arrange for it to take place in secret (AOB, implying an unfair trial!). He said that Kiki had disclosed to the French that Brutus had come over to this country (England) with the connivance (participation) of the Germans on an espionage mission and that it would be unwise for us to allow Brutus to be called as a witness at Victoire's trial.
(AOB, in my perception, time and again, they played a kind of "Monopoly", the difference is that Monopoly should be played fair, which we cannot always say of their ongoing considerations)
KV 2/932-2, page 71 (minute 478b)
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From Major C.H. Harmer.
104 S.C.I. Unit,
Main H.Q., 12 Army Group
28th February, 1945
My dear John,
I was very sorry indeed not to see you at the Committee meeting last Friday. I wanted to have a general discussion with you, and hear how everybody was at S.J. I have been meaning to write to you, ever since Ronnie came back to say that I hoped you would be able to come over soon and see how we are getting on.
With regard to the Brutus affair. I was glad to know that you agreed with the plan which I think we worked out together when I was in London. I hear now that they have released the people in France who had the dangerous information, which brings us rather in a full circle back to Victoire. I find it difficult to see quite what the French will be able to do with her now that they have released the other members of her organisation who also collaborated with the Germans. The case of Kiki (Kiffer) is one in point, since he was the first of them to go over to the Germans and give away the rest of the organisation. The fact that he subsequently did good work for the Allies is the identical argument which Victoire will use when it come tp discussing the part she played in getting Lucas out of the country. I do hope that while Vaudreuil was over you made a satisfactory arrangement about Victoire as well.
I shall be in London in the middle of March on leave and I hope you will come and have a drink or a meal with us during that time.
Yours sincerely,
J.H. Marriott, Esq. Sgd. Christopher Harmer.
KV 2/932-2, page 86 (minute 471a)
Crown Copyright
Extract for file No. PF 64216 Name: Victoire
Original in File No. PF 65363 Brutus V.6 Serial (minute) 378a Dated: 13.1.45 received
Original from: Major Harmer 21 Army Group to Mr. Marriott, B.1.a. Under Ref: 104/2106/25/41 dated 8.1.45.
Extracted on: 21.1.45 By JEM. Section R.B.
I have received your PF 65363/B.1.a/J.H. Marriott on 5 Jan 45. So far as the future conduct of the Brutus case is concerned I have stayed my views and it is really nothing to do with me. We must just agree to differ. Similarly the case of Victoire is really nothing to do with me but I am very grieved (suffered) to read the penultimate (last but one) paragraph of your letter. However, I have no doubt that the subject of Victoire will come up in your discussion with Vaudreuil.
KV 2/932-2, page 89 (minute 468a)
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Major Harmer's (he was Victoire's case officer (B.1.a) for most of her stay in London) letter of the 27th December (1944), together with the enclosures. was considered at length by Mr. Marriott, Major Masterman and myself (Mr. Hugh Astor) on 5.1.45.
1. It was decided that the references to Victoire in these documents were irrelevant -
a) because any possible danger from Victoire was now overshadowed by new and much more serious dangers; and
b) because no danger in fact likely to arise owing to the Home Office having readily consented (agreed) to the continued detention of Victoire in this country. Furthermore it was agreed that there was no need to ask
the Home Office to reconsider this matter.
2. With regard to the renewed threats to the security of Brutus (whom was considered by M.L.5's B.1.a a their most valuable agent in France), they can be enumerated (counted) briefly as follows:-
Violette, the former mistress and sub-agent of Walenty (who
after his arrest and German guided escape, received British cover-name Brutus),
was arrested by the F.F.I. at Luneville in the autumn (18th
November) of 1944
She is aware of the fact that Brutus is working for the Germans and is therefore
able to compromise him. Violette herself does not present a security
danger, and she has therefore been released and allowed to return in liberty to
Luneville. In view of the proximity of Luneville to the German frontier
and of the fact that her case must be fairly widely discussed in the
neighbourhood, it is possible that the Germans may learn of her arrest by the
F.F.I. and may assume that she has denounced Brutus
It is worth mentioning that Violette's account of the financial arrangement
existing between herself and the Germans does not tally with Brutus's (Walenty's)
account of this matter, and it therefore seems probable that he may be lying on
this point and will require further questioning.
→ (page
KV 2/932-2, page 90
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b) The greatest danger to the case, however, is provided by Kiki (Lieut.Colonel Kiffer). This man was a former member of the Walenty organisation and was in fact the first man to be betrayed to the Germans in November 1941. he was duly arrested by the Germans, and was compelled (forced) under duress to take certain action which resulted in the arrest of the further members of the Walenty organisation. Kiki himself proved to be a bad hat, being ultimately recruited by the Germans as an agent and coming to this country on their behalf. He returned to France, and has now been arrested by the French on account of his collaboration with the Germans. He is now in the hands of the Police Judiciaire, who are likely to put him on trial in a civil court in the near future. For diverse reasons it has not been possible to obtain from the Police Judiciare a full account a full account of the interrogation of Kiki, but it is known that he has revealed that Brutus's escape from the German (controlled) prison was facilitated by the Germans, and that he was sent to England with a political mission for the Germans. It is not yet known whether Kiki is aware that Brutus also had an espionage mission and that he has been able to maintain contact with the Germans (remember, that the German Army surrendered on 8th May 1945 at Reims). This information must by now be known to a fairly large number of Frenchmen who are not intelligence officers.
c) There are in addition certain other unknown dangers. It is believed that two further members of the Walenty organisation are still in prison in France, one at Marseille and the other at Lille. The cause of their imprisonment is not yet known, nor is it known whether they are aware of Brutus's mission, though this may quite possibly be the case.
d) There is also a slight risk to the security of this case owing to the intrigues and allegations (claims) against → (page 91)
KV 2/932-2, page 91
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Brutus which have recently taken place in Polish circles in this country (England).
It will therefore be seen that security of the Brutus case on the Continent is at present in a bad way. It is perhaps easy to exaggerate the dangers, but, though the cases of a leakage back to the Germans may be small, these must nevertheless be faced. Kiki, and the steps have already been taken to try to postpone the trial against this man, or at any rate to ensure that the trial is conducted in secret by an intelligence organisation. (AOB, here we notice clearly: that in some way or another some of the British M.I.5 personnel consider themselves being legal and qualified judges, for which they lack qualifications, this nuisance is not only limited to this occasion, but possessed an endemic character)
3. There are two courses of the action open to us, depending on whether it is decided (a) to close the case, or (b) to continue to run it.
In the event of (a), it is suggested that Brutus should inform the Germans of the disclosures made by Kiki and some of the others, explaining that they have resulted in a further investigation into his escape. He will explain that in view of this development it is no longer possible for him to maintain his position, and that his best defence would be to make a partial confession of his mission. He will say that he is proposing to tell the British authorities that the allegations against him are true and that he was sent to this country with a political mission to ferment (confuse) trouble in Polish circles; that on arrival in this country (England) he started to carry out his mission, with the result that he was arrested in the summer of 1942. He will tell the British that as a result of this arrest he saw the error of his ways and had been a good boy ever since. He will plead for mercy, referring to his excellent work as Waltey and pointing out that he had been subject to great nervous strain whilst under German arrest. This scheme has the advantage that it will provide cover against any future allegations or publicity which may be made about Brutus's arrival in this country (England) and should prevent the Germans from ever realising that he has been working under control. Furthermore, the possibility or resuming wireless → (page 92)
KV 2/932-2, page 92
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traffic, either from this country or from the set in France is not altogether excluded.
In the event of (b), it would be necessary to explore fully into the situation at present existing in France and to make the necessary arrangements for the trial of Kiki etc. to receive the minimum of publicity. It will also probably be found possible to devise a plan to safeguard Brutus against future denunciations.
4. It was agreed at the meeting that in the event of Brutus becoming blown, the whole of Fortitude would also be compromised and the Germans would become aware of our deception technique. The strategic deception and the "Y" Service etc. would therefore be compromised.
5. In reaching a decision as to whether or not the case of Brutus should be continued (in post war days?), it is therefore necessary to weigh the advantages of the two schemes outlined above. (a) provides complete protection for our strategic deception technique, but would probably result in the loss of a valuable agent. (b) would permit the continued running of Brutus as a high-grade agent for a period of time (post war?), but there would be a risk that he might at any moment become compromised, with the result that not only would the immediate deception plan on which he was engaged be blown, but also the other far reaching consequences described in para 4 above would have effect.
B.1.a. (M.I.5) 9.1.45 Sgd. Hugh Astor
KV 2/932-3, page 31 (minute 456a)
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Mr. Townsend of the War Room informed me today that while they had so far no official report from the French on the interrogation of Kiffer (Kiki) they did not know in strict confidence, that Kiffer had stated that among other members of the Interalliee Organisation who, after arrest, had agreed to work for the Germans was Walenty himself whose real name Kiffer had given. I explained to Townsend the agreement that had been reached about giving full dossier to the French on Victoire and that it had been decided that Major Harmer was to tell the French verbally the position of Walenty (Brutus), but I did not know if this had been done.
I handed to Townsend for transmission (not necessarily W/T but meant conveying) to the S.C.I. Unit in Paris the note I had made of the references to Kiffer (Kiki) in the Victoire and Walenty files. I also explained to Townsend that from information obtained from S.O.E. it seemed clear that after the break up of the Interalliee Organisation Kiffer had managed to get taken on as an S.O.E. agent and had even passed through this country (England) without being identified.
B.1.b. 7.12.44 D.I. Wilson
KV 2/932-3, page 41
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PF 64216/B.1.b 28th November, 1944
Dear Park (S.O.E.),
Thank you for your letter of the 24th November, 1944.
We have arranged with the Home Office that Victoire shall be associated with as few persons as is possible consistent with the Home Office view of humane considerations *, and your assumptions are correct, although I do not at the moment know details of the particular individuals with whom Victoire is likely to be associate.
Yours sincerely,
D.I. Wilson (B.1.b)
Squadron Leader H.E. Park
* Particularly S.O.E. accomplished just the opposite, as they connected Victoire onto 64 persons!
KV 2/932-3, page 49 (minute 447a) (J4) (J4return) (F71) (F71return)
Crown Copyright
dated 20 November 1944
CX/ / *
Dear Wilson, (M2188 ↓↓↓ M2188return)
In connection with Freddy Kraus (KV 2/1727 ..KV 2/1729) case, the following list of members and associates of the Interalliee Organisation who have escaped to the U.K. since the penetration of the organisation by Kraus may interest you.
1. Mme Carré @ Victoire @ La Chatte (G3) (G3return) Arrived U.K. by sea operation on 27.2.42
2. Wlodarczk Janusz @ Maurice
3. Maslowsky @ Massenet Polish W/T operator (who escaped at the event of the German arrest of all members of Walenty's group, because at that very moment he and a colleague were at some floors above in the house; because the Germans did not searched the entire building)
4. Gane, Ferrand @ Mono, Kent, Gautier, Grenier, Garnier?, Ferga, René. French helped with W/T Arrived U.K. 5.10.42
5. Gorce, Henri @ Louis French Arrived U.K. 5.10.42
6. Captain Crerniawski @ Walenty (later @ Brutus) Polish. Arrived U.K. 10.10.42. (PF 65863 KV 2/72 - KV 2/73 the KV 2/4xxx series aren't accessible, because not digitalised)
7. Deschamps, Simone @ Moustice Arrived U.K. 12.10.42
* CX/ xxxxx/ ... series are always pointing at M.I.6 V.B.5. is associated with the according case-officer
KV 2/932-3, page 50 + 51 (minute 446a)
2x Crown Copyright
PF 65363 (Walenty's file)/B.1.a/HWA (Hug Astor)
18th November, 1944
Dear Christopher (once at M.I.5 Victoire's case officer),
As arranged, I have seen our Friend Brutus (Walenty)
and explained to him that the enquiries which the French have been making about
various members of his organisation (Interalliee)
in France have led them to suspect the story of his (German
controlled) from the hands of the Germans,
and that in order to safeguard his own (euphemism;
meant Britain's) interests we have decided
to inform our contact with the French in Paris of the full circumstances of
Brutus's history (really?).
Brutus naturally accepted this decision without a word of protest, but he asked
that when informing the French contact we should emphasize that several members
of his organisation, including some French nationals, are still in German hands,
and that our French contact should therefore confine the information about
Brutus's real escape to himself or to his immediate entourage. I assured
Brutus that our contact was a man of the greatest discretion, and I am only
passing on Brutus's observation at his own request.
I explained to Brutus that Violette (once his mistress and member of Interalliee) had become engaged, but that she was still in love with him. Brutus's immediate reaction was that Violette should be told to marry her fiancé, and he is writing a letter to Violette explaining his own marriage to Moustique (Mme Deschamps, Simone). I hope to transmit (send) this letter to you shortly for delivery to Violette.
Whilst talking to Brutus I reminded him of his visit to Violette at Luneville in 1942 and casually asked him whether he had advanced her any money or whether financial affairs had been discussed. Brutus replied without hesitation that no such subject had arisen. I did not wish to become too deeply involved in this conversation, but I said that Violette had mentioned that Brutus had lent her 5,000 francs, but Brutus said that she must have been confused, as he was not in possession of any such sum. He said that the money might have been advanced by one of the Germans accompanying him without his knowledge. I am prepared to accept this explanation and very much doubt whether Brutus had any knowledge that the Germans were making a regular payment to Violette.
As I expect you already know, the Twenty Committee (XX Committee among concerned with aspects of Double-Cross), and the Home Office have accordingly agreed that the deportation of Victoire should be postponed.
Yours sincerely,
Hugh Astor (B.1.a)
AOB, we have already learned that Brutus was B.1.a. most prominent agent in France, because he was exploited in the matters with Operation Fortitude; my query: did Brutus knew about all this; or was the game played without Brutus's knowledge?)
KV 2/932-3, page 55 (minute 443a)
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L.R.C. (Lt.-Col. H.J. Baxter.
I enclose a not on Kiki @ Desire (Desiré) @ Robert Kiffer who seems, in all probability to be identical with Jean Lucien Kieffer, and also a letter from S.O.E. about this man. I have sent a copy of the note to S.O.E. I suggest that these documents and the R.P.S file dealing with Jean Lucien Kieffer should be be made into an R.B. file and, if you agree with this course, perhaps you would suggest R.B. that, when this file is made, a note should be put in the Victoire and Walenty files drawing attention to the new file's existence and to the fact that in future papers dealing primarily with Kiffer will not be abstracted to the Walenty and Victoire files unless they contain information of great importance bearing upon those two cases.
D.I. Wilson
B.1.b.?RPS/Q/398 16.11.44.
KV 2/932-3, page 56 (minute 442a)
Crown Copyright
Note for the Victoire file and the Walenty file.
I saw Commander Dunderdale, S.I.S., yesterday and informed him that the Home Office had agreed to Victoire remaining in detention in this country until we could state that all our objections to he being deported had ceased to apply. (Hence, injustice and inhuman arguments remaining on behalf of M.I.6) Commander Dunderdale agreed to inform the Poles. he confirmed that when he and Major Harmer had last seen Colonel Gano, the latter had agreed that Colonel Paillol should be told about the activities of Walenty since he escaped (facilitated by the Germans) to this country (England; but continued to operate @ Brutus on behalf of the British, but in some way still for the Germans), but that such information should not be put in writing (leaving open to deny all, in due course). He confirmed that Major Harmer would speak to Colonel Paillol about this on return to Paris and that in due course a full dossier about Victoire, making no references to Walenty's (thus Brutus!) activities since he escaped (facilitated by the Germans), should be handed to Paillol's representatives in London.
B.1.b/DIW → D.I. Wilson (M.I.5)
KV 2/932-3, page 57
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Dear Rumbelow (H.O.),
Will you please refer to your letter to Robertson (TAR of B.1.a), C.14657/3 of 28th October, regarding Mme. Carré.
As I have already to you verbally, I saw Sir Frank Newsam yesterday and explained to him that certain developments in this case have made the release of Mme Carré, for deportation out of the question at the present time. Sir Frank agreed with us that she must stay inside (Holloway Prison) and we have promised to review the position at some later date.
Now that the "bridge-party" (those involved in operation Fortitude?) has been broken up, however, we would have no objection to Mme Carré being allowed to mix with other inmates at Hollowy, but we should prefer that her contacts are as few as possible. (in contrast to still S.O.E. throughout most of the wartime period (H4) (H4return))
Yours sincerely,
R.H. Rumbelow, Esq.,
Home Office (Aliens Dept.)
10, Old Bailey, E.C. 4.
KV 2/932-3, page 67 + 68 + 69 (minute 432a)
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Since the full report on this case was prepared a number of persons named in the report have escaped and have been interrogated to see if they could add to the story. These further sources have added to no great extent to our knowledge of the facts, but they confirm that Victoire's own account is in the main accurate on dates and events, but also confirm that she attempts to give a twist to the facts where she thinks it is possible to cast on to others the blame for that part of the break-up of the organisation for which she was responsible.
The most important further evidence comes from Walenty (@ Brutus in U.K. Secret Service) since his escape (German facilitated) to this (England) to this country. Walenty believes that the information which enabled the Germans to arrest him in the early morning of 18th 11.41 was obtained by them through Kiki, who is also sometimes referred to as Desiree and whose real name is Robert Kiffer (Jean Lucien Kieffer). It was through Kiki that the Germans got on to Christian @ Christian Orsival, whose real name was 2/Lt. KrotkI. There had hitherto Christian been some doubt whether the Germans could could have got on to the trial of Walenty through Christian because Maurice had stated that he had seen Christian on 17.11.41. (just the day before their arrest at Luneville). After discussions the matter further with Walenty Maurice agrees that he was mistaken was mistaken in the date, and that he last saw Christian on 16.11.41. Walenty gives the following account of the activities of Kiki prior to the beark-up of the organisation. Some time before Walenty visited London in October 1941 he gave general instructions to the heads of the coastal sections, including Kiki, to try and make contact with fishermen with a view to their running a mail service to British submarines. Soome 14 days before Walenty went to London Kiki reported to Walenty that he had established contact with a fisherman at Granville south of Cherbourg, who would leave and pick up mails on a small island. Kiki was instructed to concentrate on developing these arrangements. Kiki knew of the arrangements for Adam to return to England at the beginning of November 1941, and presumably Kiki was not in the hands of the Germans at this time because Adam was allowed to go carrying important mails. On 14.11. Kiki did not leave the usual periodical report at the post-box, but he met Michel (Claude Jouffert), through whom he sent a message requesting that Walenty should get in touch personally with Kiki. Walenty sent Christian to meet Kiki at the latter's hotel between 1400 and 1500 on 16.11.41. Christian came back with a report about arrangements with the fisherman which Valentin (Walenty) considered vague to be of any use, and he therefore sent Christian back with further questions. This was still on the afternoon of 16.11.41, and Walenty reminded Christian that he expected him at the meeting on the evening of 16.11.41 when they were expecting a B.B.C. message on the anniversary of the organisation. Christian, however, failed to come to the evening meeting, and was presumably arrested in the late afternoon of 16.11.41.
When Walenty was arrested by a man who, from his description, must have been Bleicher, Bleicher remarked: "I have been looking for you for six weeks. I am the fisherman from Cherbourg". Walenty (not yet having the alias of Brutus) is still not clear how the Germans got on to Kiki, but there can now be little doubt that the chain which led to Walenty passed through Kiki and Christian. The Germans might have got on to Kiki from notes found in the possession of Jean, an agent in Sector J who had been arrested some date before 11.10.41 in Tours. Jean could not have talked freely to the Germans or many other would have been arrested at an earlier stage, e.g. Jean could have given away Tudor and Adam. Walenty also mentioned that one Biernacki, who worked Schwerbel of the S.D. ??? to the existence of a letter with Walenty had brought back to London in October 1941 for Mme. Bratkowska, but he does not think that can have led to his arrest because precautions were taken to prevent any information that might hace been obtained by Biernacki leading back to Walenty. In any event Schwerbel's organisation does not seem to have taken part in the break-up.
Violette has been questioned since the liberation of France (say from September 1944 onwards), but has not yet been fully interrogated. She confirms that Christian missed the anniversary party on 16.11.41, and that the Germans got on to Walenty through Kiki and Christian. Violette denies Victoire's charge that she gave away → (page 68)
KV 2/932-3, page 68 + 69
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Yole, Miklos (a respect French advocate) and Robert Poulain. She claims not to have known them, so that it would have been quite impossible for her to have given away even if she had been completely turned round. In fact it seems unlikely that she did more for the Germans than to help them with cyphering.
Mono, Moustice (J4) (J4return) [Moustique] (decarded 28 Dec 1954 - means, in my perception: watch-card had been removed and destroyed; often a sign of a respected foreign, non-hostile, individual) and Louis escaped owing to the warning by Maurice passed by Max to Moustique who warned Mono, who in turn warned Louis all on 18.11.1941. Mono states that about 20.11.41 he learnt at Café Palette that Victoire had been there with Germans and had picked up reports. Louis, who after being warned by Mono on 18.11.41 hid at his mother's house, reports that on 22.11.41 his mother was visited by two men who left a message that he was to get in touch with Victoire. In view of the warning he made no effort to do this but made his escape. It should perhaps be mentioned that Mono, whose real name is Fernand Gane, is also known as Kent having adopted that alias when he took over Section K in September 1941, and the earlier report is in error in describing Mono and Kent as separate individuals. The individual referred to in the earlier report as Georges, who at the time of the arrest was sharing with Maurice the flat over Walenty's, is not one of the the agents mentioned in Appendix B as using the name Georges, but is identical with Volta.
Miklos also arrived in this country (England) after the report on Victoire was vade out. Victoire and Walenty got in touch with Miklos late in 1940 on the introduction of Philip Autier. Miklos states that in June or July 1941 the Comtes Dampierre (Dampièrre?) introduced Kraus to Victoire, Victoire having been given the papers that Kraus for Mme. Dampierre. Miklos was told by Victoire on some date before 2.12.41 that Walenty had been arrested. He confirms that Victoire had every opportunity to warn Miklos that she was by that time acting for the Germans, but she did not do so. The introduction of Lucas to Victoire immediately after Christmas 1941 was done by Miklos at the request of Lucas. Miklos denies that he mentioned Lucas (K4) (K4return), even in disguised (camouflaged) terms, when he spoke to Victoire on the telephone prior to the meeting. Miklos states that the attempt to arrest himself took place at 6.30 in the morning of 16.1.43 (Victoire arrived on 24 February 1942, together with Lucas in London). he spent a few days in Paris warning others before going on to make his escape. Miklos had introduced Victoire to Victoire one Henri Boussel (or Bousselle) @ Petit Henri, an employee of the Chemin de Fer du Nord who, according Miklos was one of the first to denounced by Victoire. He blames her also the fate of Passager (NT = not known/carded), who was Boussel's chief in the railway. He blames Victoire for denouncing Count Dampierre and also Marchal (Oncle Marco), whom Miklos had met through Victoire. Miklos states that Victoire produced to him a photograph which he identified to her as being Colonel Michel, known to his organisation as Fabrice, and later Miklos discovered that Victoire must have obtained this photograph from the Germans. (B22) ↓ (B22return)
The exact circumstances of Lucas' arrest remain obscure, although certain information has been received from Paul Leon Pierrat (KV 2/937-KV 2/938) who seems to have been known on occasions as Noel and on others as Leon (his true first names: Paul Leon). This was clearly led to some confusion as Leon was also used to denote another member of Lucas' organisation, Leon Walters. There is some suggestion that Pierrat had done certain work for the Germans both before and after he was connected with the downfall of that organisation (18.11.41?). Pierrat was an unimportant member of Lucas' organisation, his principal contact with which was Rogér Cottin (AOB, Lucas had been caught on 24 April 1942 when he passed the frontier between Vichy France and occupied France, and caused Lucas' ultimate arrest by the Germans), who for this purpose used the alias Albert. Pierrat had been introduced to Lucas at the end of 1941, and in January 1942 Lucas introduced Pierrat (Pièrrat?) to Victoire. Pierrat, however, seems to know very little about Victoire as he mistakenly describes her as a member of a Polish saboteur group. Pierrat states that he met Lucas two or three times in Paris after Lucas from England (1/2 April 1942, he landed by parachute in Vichy France) and immediately before the absence of Pierrat from Paris, which seems to have lasted from April 15th - 27th 1942 (on the latter date was Lucas arrested by the Germans). At 11 on the morning of 27.4.42 Pierrat received warning that Rogér Cottin had disappeared, and he moved away from his flat. he says that on 29.4.42 he received a message from the friend who was then occupying his flat that Sylvain (Lucas' new alias since he returned from England in April) was waiting for him, but in view of the warning he had received he thought this must be a German agent and not Lucas himself. (correct!) He therefore went into hiding and gives a not very acceptable of this. On the 6th or 8th May 1942 Pierrat heard indirectly from → (page 69) Leon Walter through René Bonnèt that Leon Walter had been arrested for 24 hours and interrogated by the same Lieutenant who had driven Lucas to the Landing ground (this would presumably mean Bleicher) (AOB, partially incorrect, because the real event went differently, please notice: (L5) (L5return). Pierrat assumed from the short duration of Leon Walter's arrest that he had been released in the hopes that he would lead the Germans to other agents. It had been suggested that Pierrat might have been the coureir (courier) who had been sent could not have been Pierrat. Lucas' brother, who used the Alias Gauthier has stated that he met Lucas in Unoccupied France (=Vichy France) on Lucas' return from England, and that he, Gauthier, went on to Paris in advance of Lucas and told Leon Walter of Lucas' return. Gauthier had later been told by his wife that Lucas had told her that Leon Walter had denounced Lucas, but there is as yet not direct evidence of this. Miklos could throw little light on Lucas' arrest, but he had heard from Philip Autier that Lucas, Leoin and two others had been arrested in a café.
8.11.44 D.I. Wilson (M.I.5.)
KV 2/932-3, page 7 (minute 432z)
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6.9.44 (not yet two weeks before Paris had been liberated) Minute of file.
When this man (Pierrat Leon Henri) was detained in decem1945 M.I.5. stated that he was thought to have been an important enemy agent in France. Born in 1908 he was associated in 1934 with Croix de feu and in 1935 was chief editor of Le Flabeau, the newspaper of that organisation. In 1940 he found employment with the Vichy Ministry of Youth but soon resigned and left France in March 1943 (Vichy France had been occupied by the Germans in November 1942, due to the Allied landing in Algeria on 8th November, since entire French territory became under German jurisdiction) (hence, he left France under the German occupation) for North Africa via Spain.
The grounds for thinking that from 1940 to 1943
he had acted as a penetration agent in France were based on statements by two
French refugees that Pierrat had been responsible for the arrest by the
Gestapo (weren't the British
Secret Services not smarter an recognising the apparent inaccurate word
'Gestapo' whereas the S.D. was actually in charge?)
of certain Allied agents. Pierrat himself stated that he had been employed
by one Lucas (wasn't it by then Silvain?),
an official of the French Résistance Movement, to cultivate acquaintance with
the Gestapo (S.D.)
in order to provide information, and, through such information, [protection for
the résistance movement. Lucas himself when in London early in 1942,
reported that his brother, who was associated with him in his work for the
French résistance movement, did not trust Pierrat and it is a fact that Lucas
was arrested by the Germans shortly after his return to France
on 1/2nd April 1942. Thereafter his organisation ceased to function and
the deduction drawn by M.I.5. was that this disaster was the result of
denunciation by Pierrat.
JEM H.4.c (I must admit that I never encountered this section before)
KV 2/932-3, page 79 (minute 425a)
(X33) (X33return) including the maps
(please consider also further down the maps following etc!)
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Telegram to Major Dykes, 106 S.C.I. Unit, SHAEF, Paris.
1. Please inform Harmer of contents of this telegram.
2. Brutus (Hubert's) transmitter is alleged (assumed) to be concealed 5 metre from a kilometre stone on Route Nationale 3 repeat 3 between Paris and Meaux.
3. Kilometre stone is marked 2.3 km from Claye and 12.4. from Meaux.
4. Transmitter is said to be in a ditch under a mark in the grass and to be buried 10 cms deep.
5. Transmitter is not repeat not to be unearthed until further notice, but you may inform 212 (XX) Committee (Double-Cross, concerning double-cross operations) of its existence but you should not allow discussion as to possibility of its being used.
6. Reference Violette. We remind you that in October 1943 Brutus received a message stating that she seemed, owing to their (German) dealings with her, to have deduced that Brutus was working for the Germans. Brutus replied protesting at Violette having been allowed to make this deduction, but there is no reaction, and it is therefore not clear whether the Germans really blew Brutus to her or not.
AOB, I was intrigued, by the notice on Route Nationale 3 (N 3)
Guide Michelin 1933
Rout Nationale N3 runs from Paris to Meaux and from there further to Châlons-sur-Marne
As to get an idea from the distance at some degree of scale, please notice next brief map of Meaux
Guide Michelin 1933
Given is 14 km to Paris, albeit that somewhere in this Guide Michelin of 1933 is also provided 15 km (I suppose to the periphery of Paris)
By the way, much is emphasising on places for enjoying lunch or dinner.
I therefore would suppose that the distance to the outer border of Paris and the village Claye might be considered towards Châlon-sur-Marne.
This excursion is only meant as a means of as to how the environ then was.
KV 2/932-3, page 81 (minute 424a)
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With reference to your discussion, the arrest of Violette seriously complicated the case of Brutus, as on several occasions Brutus has asked the Germans to pass on messages of goodwill (he formerly had a relation with her) to Violette, as a result of which Violette was able to deduce that Brutus was communicating with the Germans. The following exchanges of messages are relevant.
On 21.10.43 Brutus received the following message (I suppose in London):
"Violette is very well. Because of our (the Germans) dealings with her she seems to have deduced that you are fighting on our (the German) side. her friends are also well".
On 26.10.43. Brutus replied (from London):
"Many thanks for the news, but I am very much displeased that Violette should have guessed the real situation because I fear any involuntary indiscretion which might destroy all my efforts. I should therefore like to send her a personal letter in French via Antonio. She should change the envelope in Lisbon, Do you agree?" (AOB, likely accomplished at the KOP office in Lisbon)
I think it important to discover at an early date the exact circumstances in which Violette was arrested, and the degree to which she is known to have collaborated with the Germans during recent months, so that we can assess the danger of the Germans learning of her arrest. (AOB, we have jumped in time, currently France was liberated - say since September 1944) If this danger is considered to be great, then I think it would be necessary for Brutus to take the bull by the horns, and I suggest the following plan.
Brutus should report in a frenzy of anxiety that S.I.S. have told him of the capture of Violette and asked him to assist in that part of the interrogation which concerns the break-up of the Walenty organisation. (AOB, Walenty was an alias, and when he was captured, and escaped deliberately facilitated by the Germans his new alias became Brutus) Brutus will remind → (page 82)
KV 2/932-3, page 82
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the Germans of their message telling him that Violette knows that he is working for the Germans, and will ask to what extent she had been taken into the Germans' confidence and whether she is still likely to collaborate with them. He will point out that the charge against Violette at the present time concerns her collaboration with the Germans in 1942, and he can point out that his own position is so strong that he can easily justify this action in the eyes of the British. When he meets Violette, however, he will put his cards on the table and recruit her as a sub-agent. Before attempting to recruit here, however, Brutus will have to receive an assurance from the Germans that she is likely to fall in with this suggestion.
The above is, of course, only a brief outline and would require considerable elaborations. If Violette is recruited she can either work as a sub-agent through Brutus sending chicken-food from France, or possibly she can run entirely independent of Brutus and direct to the Germans. If the latter course is adopted it should be possible to devise a means whereby even Violette subsequently becomes blown it would not react against Brutus.
B.1.a. 20.10.44 sgd. Hugh Astor (M.I.5)
AOB, one can see how they continued playing their imaginational Monopoly games. Also this time in vain.
As you always should bear in mind, the KV 2/xxx file sequences are always running in an reversed order. Hence, progressing the page-number consequently means - going backwards in time. Their 'fantasy games' are besides reality; because Brutus constituted B.1.a's most valuable agent in France, and therefore no risk may be taken)
KV 2/932-3, page 89 (minute 419z)
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(L16) ↓↓ (L16return) (M14) (M14return)
CIC Interrogation Centre Third United States Army
7 October 1944
Memorandum for the Officer in Charge:
Subject: Borni, Renee alias Violette.
On 4, 5 and 6 October 1944 this (Violette) agent in conjunction with Lt. Bernert, BSM French liaison officer, interrogated René Borni, nee Petitjean, alias Violette, who had been sent to this office (Interrogation Centre) by CIC Det 79th Div on 30 Sept 1944. Subject (Violette) was arrested by F.F.I., Luneville on 29 Sept 1944. Personal data: born 6 May 1919 at Epinal last permanent address: 6 rue Boffrand, Luneville; widowed; husband Borni, Ernest, died 18 Jan 1939, at Metz; one daughter at present living with grandparents, Borni, Joseph, 43 rue Drogon, Metz.
Subject (Violette) is suspected of having acted as a German espionage Agent.
The interrogation revealed the following:
a) Subject (Violette) was educated in Strassbourg (Straßburg), College des Jeunes Filles, Place de Cathédral, where she graduated in 1934. Subject remained with her parents at 16 rue St. Barbe, Strassbourg, until her marriage on August 1937 (sic). She then moved to Thionville, where she stayed about 6 months, and finally to Metz to her parent-in-law, where her husband died 19 Jan 1939. Subject returned to Strassbourg where she found employment as a cashier in a department store, and at the outbreak of the war she moved to Luneville, where her mother lived and made her home at 6 rue Boffrand from September 1939 on. At the beginning of 1940 her daughter went to Metz to her grandparents in Metz. Czerniawski came to subject (Violette)
b) In spring 1940 Subject (Violette) made the acquaintance of Romand Czerniawski (later alias Walenty), a captain in the Polish Air Corps, who was attached to the intelligence section of the Polish general staff. Subject (Violette) became engaged to Czerniawski. In June 1940 Czerniawski was made prisoner of war by the Germans and escaped in the beginning of July 1940. → (page 90)
KV 2/932-3, page 90
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Czerniawski came to subject (Violette) in Luneville and stayed with her for one week. She then gave him a bicycle and the papers of her deceased husband, and Czerniawski left in civilian clothes for Paris to resume his work in the intelligence service. According to Subject Czerniawski came to subject (Violette) Czerniawski on his way to Paris stayed one night in the house of the mayor of Vitry le Franois. Czerniawski sent Guy, an agent, to Subject Czerniawski came to Subject (Violette) Borni, Renée, in May 1941 to persuade her to come to Paris and share his work, after several written invitations had failed to bring a favourable response. Subject (Violette) contemplated (anticipated) the officer, and upon the return of Guy (the officer) on 24 June 1941 Subject (Violette) left with him for Paris.
c) Upon the arrival in Paris Subject (Violette) was met by Czerniawski and lived with him at 5 rue Colonel Moll, Paris. Subject (Violette) and Czerniawski changed address frequently and their last residence was 8 Villa Leandres, chez Mme. Bavette. (F22) (F22return)
d) Subject (Violette) became active in the intelligence organisation, Valentin (Walenty??) Interallie (Interallié?), of which Czerniawski was the chief. her work consisted of putting the messages in code, the code number work being 1897 1911 13, and the book used, a Polish dictionary. The messages were sent to London, War Office, Room 52 (052?) pertaining to information re concentration of German troops, loading of ships, trains and barges, political information, eventual targets for the RAF. According to Subject (Violette) the organisation had about 50 agents. Subject (Violette) recalls the aliases of the following persons of Valentin Interalie:
Theo, agent in the Brittany sector.
Coco, agent
Mannot, agent
Moustque, agent (in Walenty's file)
Adam, English agent (Mitchell Roger, S.I.S)
Pamela, an English woman who decoded in London
Marco, agent
Poussin, alias for Subject (Violette), who also had the alias Violette
Victor, agent
Maurice, W/T operator, a Polish officer
Poussin, alias Carré, alias Borni, alias Bene Vernon for Czerniawski → (page 91)
KV 2/932-3, page 91
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Georges, W/T operator, a young French aviator who also drew maps etc.
Rostov, who acted as courier between London and Paris.
Guy, agent and La ChaChatte, chiffreuze whose real first name was Lilli (Ly) (M5) (M5return) (AOB, Lilli wasn't maintained in England she signed her first name with: Ly)
e) According to Subject (Violette) the house Villa Leandre was rented under her maiden name, Petitjean, from Mme. Bavette. Subject (Violette) stated that her salary for Interallie was 15,000 francs per month and that she received extra gifts, clothes, from Czerniawski.
f) Subject stated that the organisation Valentin Interallie had W/T stations in Marseille with the call name Tudor.
g) Subject (Violette) stated that the messages ordinary started "La Chatte Communiqué" but that in case of emergency "Victoire Communiqué" was to be used.
h) On 18 Nov 1941 the Germans detected the office apparently through the telephone number they found in the notebook of a captured agent of Interallie. According to Subject (Violette) the two W/T operators escaped (Maurice and Georges) while Subject (Violette), Czerniawski and La Chatte were detained and brought to the GFP (Geheimefeldpolizei = Secret military police) 610 Hq at Avenue de l'Opera. (According to Victoires statement: these two men were at some floors higher up in the building, and the Germans did not search the entire premises; they could escape via the roof)
There they were interrogated briefly and Subject (Violette) was taken to Santé prison, Czerniawski to the prison in Fresnes, while La Chatte (Carré / Victoire) was liberated (soon). La Chatte (Victoire) was at once willing to talk and gave away the organisation and the code. According to Subject (Violette) many documents fell into the hands of the Germans.
i) Subject (Violette) stated that the GFP 610 making the arrest and handling the case consisted of the following:
Borchers, Erich, Hptm. commanding officer
Bleicher, subordinate of Borchers, but Bleicher was the best one.
Tritch (Tritsch or Tritz)
All for wore civilian clothes. but belonged to Abwehr section III-F (counter-espionage) → (page 92)
KV 2/932-3, page 92
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j) According to Subject (Violette) she was mistreated in the Santé. She was stripped naked and beaten by a German matron after which Borchers interrogated her. At the second interrogation by Borchers, about ten days after her arrest, Subject (Violette) was whether she was willing to cooperate with the Germans. Borchers told her that La Chatte (Carré - Victoire) had talked and was working for the Germans. He confronted her with the code number which La Chatte (Victoire) had betrayed and made her think that all secrets of the organisation, Valentin Interallié, had been discovered by the Germans. (S7) (Subject (Violette) refused to accept the offer and stayed in the Santé until the end of February 1942. She became sick, and in March 1942 she was transferred to Villa le Petit Prieure, 1 rue Prieure, St. Germain-en-Laye. (S7return)
k) Subject (Violette) stated that Bleicher, Probst, Tritsch and La Chatte (Carré-Victoire) had installed themselves in the Villa le Petite Prieure and that La Chatte (Victoire) had become the mistress of Bleicher and was working-heartily with the Germans. She corresponded with the London office using "Victoire Communique" as the beginning of her messages. (how did Violette knew this all so certain?) Subject (Violette) who was kept in a room of the upper floor of the house, claims to have found a message sent by La Chatte (Victoire) to London: "Victoire communiqué" Valentin (Walenty) avoir arreste. Moi la Chatte travailler en sommeil avec un pose emitteur isole. Acvoir retrouver quelques agents. Signed la Chatte.
L) According to Subject (Violette) La Chatte was sent to London, and she returned. She did not return from a second trip which she was supposed to have made later. (AOB, it is quite clear that her information came from hear-say as well as poor fitting matters together) During the absence of La Chatte Subject (Violette) was asked again to work for the Germans and threatened with imprisonment in a German fortress if she refused. Subject (Violette) stated that she had no other choice but to accept. her task was to put in code messages that Bleicher gave her. She worked under the supervision of Probst. According to Subject (Violette) she put the following messages in code:
1) "Victore communique"La Chatte etre partis pour donner renseignement. Signed Victoire" (AOB, when was this sent? most likely all untrue, as she was in London or even kept in captivity!)
2) "Victoire communiqué: nous savons par agent tres sure que Valentin (Waltey now known a Brutus) etre interne a Fresnes ... (Then she gave geographical coordinates of Fresnes prison) signed Victoire"). (When this would have been sent, than all had in blown in German held and England!) (O5) (O5return) Albeit that I copied only their final message, all messages have been recorded in the foregoing file series. Violette did not tell the very truth! → (page 93)
KV 2/932-3, page 93
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3) Victoire communique: Avoire trouve un ame de Valentin qui etre Lorrian. Avoir propose une some de 250,000 francs pour faire evader Valentin Lávocat de Kosecki, Champ Elysees sén charger. signed Victoire".
Subject (Violette) further stated that she had to code similar messages and other referring to the effect of the bombardement of the Renault works at Le Pec le Vezineh. According to Subject (Violette) London replied except for a short interruption of the transmission for two days. Subject (Violette) claimed that she worked all in about 10 days putting messages in code at 1400 hours and at 1600 hours each day.
m) Subject (Violette) stated that at the end of March she visited Czerniawski at the prison of Fresnes accompanied by Borchers. While shaking hands with Czerniawski (Walenty) she gave him a note explaining everything that happened - the role La Chatte (Victoire) was playing in the German organisation, her own work and the names of the agents who had been arrested by the Germans. (AOB, I expect that Czerniawski was already in some contact with Bleicher, as not long thereafter he 'escaped' though facilitated by just the Germans!)
On 14 April 1942 Subject (Violette)
was released to Luneville and out under surveillance of the DKreiskommandantur
there. (AOB, this may sound strange, but happened also with some others like in: and'44.htm
all in the Paris area) She had to report regularly once a day for three
months. Subject (Violette)
was not allowed to talk about her experience in Paris with anyone, and if
questioned by the Kommandantur she was to refer to GFP # 610 in Paris.
Subject (Violette)
stated that she remained in Luneville from that time on until her arrest except
for a short trip to Nancy and a trip to Paris (see supra?).
o) On 6 August 1942 Czerniawski arrived in Luneville in a car, accompanied by two men whom Subject (Violette) did not know and who did not speak to her at all. (Czerniawski had apparently escaped with German support) Czerniawski spent the night with her, and they exchanged their experience with each other. next morning Czerniawski (Walenty → becoming Brutus) left for Paris, and gave her as his address 43 rue des Ecoles. He was now using the (German) alias of Vernon, René. Subject (Violette) corresponded with Czerniawski, who remained in (line missing) which Subject interpreted as meaning going to London. Subject (Violette) claimed that she has not heard from Czerniawski since then.
p) While in Luneville Subject (Violette) explained her financial → (page 94)
KV 2/932-3, page 94
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situation to Czerniawski: i.e. that she lost her savings at 75,000 while the
office of the Valentin (Walenty?)
Interallie was raided (18
November 1941).
Czerniawski gave her 5,000 francs then and promised to send her 3,000 francs
regularly until the end of May 1944 (accomplished
via the Germans).
The money was usually sent in a plain envelope, the money wrapped in white
paper. On two occasions a typewritten note was attached that had
conventional greetings and signed Edgar. Subject also stated that
Czerniawski told her to write to Gaby 43 rue des Ecole (l'Écoles)
in case of difficulties (a
German 'mailbox').
Once the note attached to the money was signed Gaby.
q) During the winter 1943/44 Subject (Violette) made the acquaintance (M6) Emile Arnold, a decorator of Luneville, to whom she is engaged. Subject (Violette) told Arnold her experiences with Valentin (Walenty) at Villa Petit Prieure. Arnold, who had been arrested with Subject (18 November 1941), corroborated (supported) her story to that extent. (M6return)
r) Upon the insistence of Arnold Subject (Violette) and Arnold went to Paris in the beginning of February 1944 to break relations with Czerniawski (Walenty - since British agent Brutus). Subject had written to Czerniawski under the alias Gaby, 43 rue des Ecoles, to make an appointment to see him. She received a note: "Je vous attends le Café de la Paix heure prevue". In the Café de la Paix she did not see Czerniawski and thus phoned 43 rue des Ecoles. Since Czerniawski was not in, she left a message for Gaby, whom she believed to be Czerniawski. She told him about the situation and her desire to break with Czerniawski.
s) At the end of Feb 1944 Gaby, whom she described as 1.60metres tall, about 45 years of age, having grey-blue eyes, and grey hair, long nose, foreign accent, perhaps Algerian, came to Luneville to persuade her to return to Paris and resume her old work with Czerniawski . Subject (Violette) refused because she did not want to her fiancé, M. Arnold, and had enough of that type of work.
t) Subject (Violette) stated that she and Arnold were instrumental in rescuing 9 English and Canadian aviators who had parachuted in the vicinity of Luneville. → (page 95)
KV 2/932-3, page 95 (last page of this series)
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u) Subject (Violette) further stated that about two weeks before the liberation of Luneville she heard over the BBC that the whereabouts of Probst was wanted. In this connection she related that Probst was befriended with the Parisian singer André Pasdoc, 150 rue Legendre Paris (17) and with M. Bourquin, 17 Blvd. Rochechouart, Paris. According to Subject (Violette) Probst is a native of Cologne (Köln), Germany.
v) While at Luneville Subject (Violette) had to act as interpreter for the Kreiskommandantur upon the insistence of M. Francais, the mayor, and Mme. Schmidt, the secretary to the mayor. Her job was of short duration because she was suspected of being a non-Aryan. Her duties at the Kommandantur consisted of interpreting for applicants for a Lissez?-Passer?
Conclusions: The names appearing in this report were checked with the Research Section, CIC, TUSA. Through the card re: Probst it is evident Probst was engaged in the liquidation of an allied intelligence organisation (Walenty's Interalliee), and the names mentioned by Subject (Violette), especially Borchers, Bleicher and Tritsch support her connection of having worked for such (German) an organisation. In the course of the interrogation it became evident that Subject (Violette) has coded for the German GFP (de facto incorrect). Subject (Violette) was unable to give plausible evidence for her release from the German prison. The role of Czerniawski (Brutus) after his (German facilitated) escape or release is obscure. It is recommended that Subject (Violette) be referred to Twelfth Army Group for further interrogation, verification of her story through sources in the U.K. and? final disposition.
Otto Wirth
Agent, CIC
This is the end of the entire KV 2/932 series.
AOB, my first following approach will be getting an impression on the content of the KV 2/933 series.
It might, however, favourable to proceed with the Walenty/Brutus series KV 2/73 - KV 2/73, which also contains materials on Arnold, Victoire, Violette and others.
After some brief considerations, digesting the first two pages, it is evident that we should continue on our current path and continuing with the KV 2/933 series.
Crown Copyright
We are viewing at the jacket to KV 2/933
PF 64216
The advantage of the PF serials are, that it all starts with such a dossier-number even before the First World War; and one can still search with this serial number.
It striking advantage, is, that the National Archives Index will show you all connected files; which not necessarily are in a succession series (blocks).
KV 2/933-1, page 2 (list of minutes)
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Last date in Volume 7 (KV 2/932) was 17.6.45 at serial 524a.
29.6.45 Copy of letter from Capitaine Ponsard enclosing report by Lucas at (minute) 527a 525z
2.7.45 From S.O.E. attaching copy of report on Jean Pierre Moulin @ Rey 525a
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9.7.45 Camp 020 (Interrogation camp for mainly PoWs, not really a holyday resort. A tough place to stay!) report on interrogation of Bleicher (the very successful Sdf. of Abwehr III-F in Paris) on the "Interallie" Affair (Walenty). 529a
17.7.45 From Capitaine Le Man WR/DSDoc (WR = War Room) attaching reply from D.S. Doc Paris to ... 530a
20.7.45 From S.I.S. (M.I.6) referring to (minute 521a) in Volume 7 (KV 2/932) re Victoire (= Carré) and Oncle Marco (= Marchall) 531a
20.7.45 Copy of (Camp) 020 Report on information given by Bleicher re various S.O.E. organisations. 531b
23.7.45 Note from Mr. Wilson (W.R.C. 4A. to Major Luke B.1.a (M.I.5) minute 532a returning Lucas' statements - see 527a
23.7.45 Copy of 020 Memorandum attaching statement by Bleicher about arrest of Lucas. 532b
24.7.45 To Major Harmer giving answers to questions put to Oncle Marco with reference to Victoire.
AOB: in my perception, enough points of interest to continue on this path.
Let us therefore continue our ongoing - intriguing - Survey
KV 2/933-1, page 3
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19.9.45 B.1.a (Main section of M.I.5) Memo covering telegrams from Arnold (M6) (M6return) and note from Brutus, re denouncement of Violette by Victoire. 535a
22.9.45 To M.I.5 Paris re 535a (the foregoing minute), giving case for Violette. (quite widely discussed in the forgoing Chapter 3) 536a
27.9.45 Copy of letter from SLB3/Paris (to my experience: SLB3 in England was in some way concerned with Alien criminal prosecution) in reply to (minute) 536a (foregoing minute) 536b
4.10.45 From M.I.5 Paris further to 536b 537z
11.10.45 Note from B.1.a to D.B. re Victoire, Violette and Brutus 537a (these names are just what this Survey is about)
15.10.45 Copy of Declaration by Brutus (M.I.5's most important double-cross agent in France) and Victoire (both stayed/lived regularly in England) 537b
19.10.45 Copt of B.1.a. note re Brutus' declaration re Victoire (Carré) and Violette.
AOB: in my perception it we have got some impressions what the essential minutes are about
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C.4.a. (This section might once have belonged to the W.R. C4 (War Room section C4)
With reference to minute 569, as our records to not show whether the sentence of death of Madeline (Mathilde) Carré was carried out (it was apparently not as she passed away in 2007!) I have asked S.I.S. (M.I.6) if they can let me have this information, and I suggest that we take no action regarding the H.O.S.I. (Home Office Suspect Index) entry until we have their reply.
B.2.c. 13.2.1950 D.M. Quin (quite some new names are appearing)
KV 2/933-1, page 9 (minute 574a)
AOB: the author of the following very very interesting summary, is making a systematic mistake. He considers that Brutus' cover-name existed all the time. Which, in my understanding, is incorrect, because Armand Czerniawski carried up to, say, 18th November 1941, the cover-name Walenty; Brutus was the cover-name M.I.5 gave him - when he became a double-cross agent, during the course of 1942; working for both: the German Abwehr and the British Secret Service. He might have operated before 18th November 1941 for S.I.S. (M.I.6), though - after his escape, facilitated by the German Abwehr, he was sent on a mission to England - and via whatever means - became engaged in Britain's most secret Operation (what Brutus concerns: guided by B.1.a - M.I.5):
Misleading the Germans strategically, as to lead them off the true "Overlord" (landing in France) preparations.
Whether Brutus had knowledge of - his personal importance in the Strategic Warfare - I don't know; in my perception, not necessarily.
This essential endeavour concerned Britain's most valuable secret: Operation Fortitude; which, has to be noticed, had a far wider scope, than Brutus' only.
Brutus, in the role of a double-cross agent, now on behalf of the Germans - had to obtain information about Britain's Strategic planning.
In this context we have to understand Brutus' significance.
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On 28.2.42 there arrived in the U.K. a remarkable woman agent: Mathilde Lucie (or Lily) Carré, nee Belard, variously known as Victoire of the Cat (La Chatte). Her case was later to receive the maximum publicity *, although her arrival is not mentioned in the Curry History (1) or in the record of Camp 020 (2). Nor is there a reference to her in the Masterman Report though for several months she worked as a B.1.a. double-agent. Yet Mathilde Carré referred hereafter as Victoire was a highly successful agent, firstly on behalf of the Allies (Walenty Organisation up to 18 November 1941), secondly on behalf of the Germans, and thirdly - apparently - once more on the British side. The reason for official silence about her arrival is that she came to England, not by parachute or as a refugee like other spies, but was brought over by the Royal Navy in company with one of S.O.E.'s most important Resistance organisers: Pierre de Vomécourt @ Lucas (O7) (O7return). Moreover their escape from occupied France was aided and facilitated in every way by (Abwehr) III-F of the Ausland/Abwehr.
Victoire was born on 30.6.08 at Creusot, France, of a respectable middle-class family, and received a good education. In September 1933 she married - somewhat against her family's wishes - a young school teacher with whom she settled in Algiers, where he had an academic post. The marriage was particularly successful and there were no children owing to madness in her husband's family. At the → (page 10)
* At least three books have been published about the case: Gordon Young's "The Cat with Two faces" (Putman, London, 1957), Michael Soltikow' "The Cat" and Erich Borcher's "Colonel Henri's Story". There have also been a number of press stories and at least on radio programme (BBC 10.12.57), etc. etc.
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out-break of war, when M. Carré (Victoire's husband) was called back to the Army, Victoire left for Metropolitan France when she did a short nursing course. When France fell she was working in a hospital somewhere in the region of Orleans and made her way, with some refugees, to Toulouse (laying in the non-occupied - Vichy controlled France). There her story really begins.
One evening when she was sitting in a café she picked up (or was picked up) by a young Polish officer Major Roman Czerniawski, later better known as Armand Walenty (this fact was in 1942 noticed on a BBC transmission for France (P7) (P7return), and later still to receive from B.1.a. the cover-name Brutus by which he will henceforth be referred to. Throughout October they were seldom apart. His French was poor and she coached him in the language. No doubt they soon became lovers (there is some dispute about this) although Brutus already had a mistress, Renée Borni, of whom he was very fond. She, poor girl, had the disadvantage of living some way far off in Luneville while Victoire was on the spot.
Brutus, whose story recorded elsewhere, (AOB, here the author is in error: as Walenty was facilitated by the Germans to escape, he arrived later in England and became an B.1.a agent with the cover-name Brutus) had been an Intelligence officer with the Polish Forces and was determined to carry on the fight with a Polish organisation in Marseilles, who had started to operate under the cover-name Tudor and were already in contact with London (SIS) (AOB, the story described actually dealt with Walenty, who was actually was the identical person, but his guiding Secret Service section was in Brutus case not M.I.6; but B.1.a. M.I.5). He now suggested to Victoire who professed to share his wish to go on fighting the war, that she should join him in building up a new Allied network. This idea appealed enormously to one of her temperament and she soon came to picture herself as the "Mata Hari" of the Second World War". She threw herself enthusiastically into the task of recruiting agents for the new réseau which they christened Interallie (Interallié?). They moved to Paris in November 1940, and there the network really took shape. → (page 11)
KV 2/933-1, page 11
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his way to the capital Brutus (actually
Czerniawski alias Walenty)
paid another visit to Marseilles for briefing and to fix his communications; and
Victoire, for some reason never fully explained, went to Vichy. There she
got into contact with members of the Deuxième Bureau and offered to work for
them; it is by no means clear that these officials were pro-Allied or
pro-Gaullist. Indeed, although she disclosed to them the aims of,
and her connection with, Interallie she was introduced
to reveal to Brutus (who
by then did not yet carried this alias;
that she had a Vichy mission. She was given some basic training in
secret writing, etc. They also provided her - later - with several agents,
including Jaques Labourot @ Jackie and Richard d'Harcourt, also a man known as
Duvernoy (Wirtz). While in Vichy Victoire acquired her nickname of La
Chatte which was used as her cover-name in the Interallie organisation (as
well as on her Abwehr personal card
(Q7) (Q7return).
It was inevitable that the larger share of the "recruiting campaign" which they
now launched should fall to Victoire as Brutus
still spoke poor French. However, a number of his Polish friends joined
him in the enterprise, notably Lieut. Bernard Krutki @ Christian, at one
time on the Polish staff with Brutus
a commercial artist named Wladimir Lipsky @ Observateur, and his 17-year-old
daughter Cipinka; Stanislas Lach @ Rapide who acted as a courier for the group;
Lucien Rocqugny @ Paul, an ex-lecturer at the University of Warsaw (Warschau)
and journalist; and (much later) Janusz Wlodarcyk @ Maurice, who became the
principal W/T operator; and a great many others. Among the principal
French men was and women presumably by, and through, Victoire, were René
Aubertin @ Rene, a childhood friend of the Belard family (thus
Victoire's/Carré's family)
and an ex-Tank Officer; who, in turn, brought in the distinguished scientist
Marco Marschall (born Kawavic) @ Oncle Marco; Charles Lejeune @ Boby Roland, a
Police inspector who was chief organiser of the Paris (R) Sector and his wife,
Mireille, a concierge who ran one of
→ (page
KV 2/933-1, page 12
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original post-boxes, and was a great friend of Victoire's; Claude Jouffret @
Michel, another dear friend who proved to be less than satisfactory;
the Hugentoble couple who came from Alsace-Lorraine; he, under the cover-name
Richard(Noeud) obtained information from the Germans, while his wife, another
concierge, ran a post-box, both were devoted to Victoire. Two other
prominent Frenchmen in the network were René Legrand @ Yole, who supplied
information on sea-transport under cover of collaborating with the Germans; and
Maitre Michel Brauly @ Miklos, a (well
respected) a lawyer of
Polish extraction, who was in touch with a number of other underground
organisations, and who gave Brutus
and Victoire their first start in Paris. Other important members members
of Interallie were Fernand Gane @ Mono and his mistress Simone Deschamps @
Moustique (she became
later Czeniawski's /Walenty ? Brutus legal wife),
head and second-in-command of Sector A; Robert Gorbinot or Gorriot @ Bob-Edgar,
head of Sector E; Robert Kiffer (Kieffer)
@ Kiki, head of Sector D, and his mistress Mme Buffet @ Denise; Henri
Gorce @ Louis, a friend of Mono and Moustique's and an agent of Sector L;
Francis Tabat @ Marcel, a friend of Victoire's who acted as a W/T operator;
George or Gaston Lurton @ Jean, head of Sector J; Theophil Burlot @ Charles, a
sub-agent in Sector C, whose head was Coco (name unknown); there were
many, many others - the network and its ramifications ran well into three
figures but those named play principal parts in its tragic break-up.
Getting to work in Paris Brutus
had set up the Réseau in an almost military fashion, dividing the country into
zones or sectors, appointing a head agent for each sector, who was the free to
recruit agents and collect military information in his (or her) own way.
This intelligence was then coordinated by Victoire and Brutus
and and sent weekly to Marseilles (up
to November 1942 in the Vichy controlled zone of France)
for onward transmission to London. For a year they flourished, sending
back a steady stream of good and reliable reports on the German order of battle
and troop movements collected by the various sectors and collected in Paris. → (page
KV 2/933-1, page 13
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An event
now took place which although it may seem trivial among all this valuable
activity probably had a considerable bearing on what followed. By this
time Brutus
and Victoire were living
together "only as brother and sister" and Brutus was importing various
girl-friends, some of whom took much part in the organisation and whom Victoire
tolerated. But early in 1941 he (Walenty)
made a vital mistake of sending for Rene Borni (Violette).
He established her as his resident mistress, gave her the cover-name Violette,
and employed her as a cipher clerk. Naturally in her position as the "Chief's
girl" she soon came to have a good deal of influence in the organisation - to
Victoire's extreme displeasure. The two women became violently jealous of
one another which led to a number of repercussions.
The inner ring in Paris - the "headquarters" as it were - considered of the two
women: Violette and Victoire, Brutus
himself, Christian, René and Oncle Marco, etc. Paul Studied press reports
and handled propaganda; Rapide remained both a courier and a
news-gathering agent; Observateur collected information on French industry;
Maurice ran the W/T side, operating the main set himself (now
from Paris to England)
, and supervising the running of the two others. Naturally both jobs and
personnel altered a good deal during the year and Victoire's circle of agents
widened considerably. She also made contact with a number of other réseaux.
One of these was a grouped round an S.I.S. (M.I.6)
agent, (xxx M.I.6
usually deleted names)
@ Eve, and consisted among others of the Comte and Comtesse de Dampierre, and
Austrian engineer named Freddy Krauss (KV 2/1727 .. KV 2/1729) and her old Vichy
contact Richard d'Harcourt. It was probably through the latter that Victoire was
into their orbit. D'Harcourt, together with Eve, was arrested in the
summer of 1941, but Dampieres and Krauss remained free. In August another
S.I.S. agent Mitchell
Roger @ Adam
was put in touch with Brutus
Walenty through the
Tudor group (Marseilles)
in → (page 14)
KV 2/933-1, page 14
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Marseilles: he remained in contact with them until he left France in the first week of November. Throughout his time there was a very close to, and able to observe, what might be called the inner ring, and he was subsequently able to give valuable evidence about this group and their problems.
In October Brutus
made a to London. In his absence (according Adam) trouble flared up
between Victoire and Violette, since both considered themselves his deputy in
the network. Naturally Victoire believed she had an (intellectual) prior claim
and this canot be denied; on the other hand Violette was not only closer
to Brutus
but she seems also to have been a younger and prettier girl and very
popular with other members of the group - notably with Maurice, the W/T Chief,
and with Adam (Roger
Mitchell) himself.
There was a further intrigue involving Mono (Gane
Fernand) and Moustique
(Simone Deschamps)
, which was brought to Adam's (
Roger Mitchell's)
attention by Boby-Roland. When Brutus
got back (October 1941),
however, at the end of October, he attempted to take a firm grip on the network.
He also made plans for moving house since he believed that it was unsafe to stay
too long at any one address. He and Violette took temporary accommodation
in a flat below the one which Maurice had installed the principal W/T set, and
in which he too lived (with
On 16.11.41 the Interallie organisation completed its first year's
operation (AOB's
Credo: never have a full year anniversary, remember the 101th day of 1
year and three-and-a-half week; or that like)
and a "birthday party" was held for some of it's (their)
main agents. Victoire, Brutus
Violette, René Michel and Maurice were among those present; Christian was a
notable absentee. They listened to a congratualatory message via the BBC,
and Victoire and Violette had a row over who should serve drinks. They
were not disturbed. On the same day Brutus Walenty had
sent his own message to London: "Le jour de notre anniveraire je transmet
au nom de l'organisation notre maxime de combat - Tous les jours se par tous les
moyens contre les Boches. "Vive la Liberté". Two → (
page 15)
days later Interallie had ceased to exist.
KV 2/933-1, page 15
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On 18 November 1941, at 5.30 in the morning, the Gestapo (S.D.)
(maybe this time GFP
the Geheime Feldpolizei)
broke into the flat were Violette and Brutus
were asleep and arrested them. Maurice and a friend (George,
both W/T operators),
who were sleeping (at
the) above, heard the
noise and escaped over the roofs; the former the former eventually got to the
unoccupied (Vichy)
zone and thence to the U.K. These
started a chain of events, which in th end embraced practically every member of
Interallie, and in which Victoire was primarily concerned. Nor did the disaster
stop there: it led to the break up of Overcloud and, perhaps more important, the
penetration of Autogiro. (AOB,
I never encountered these two latter names before)
It must be said, however, that the first 'break-in' was not the fault of
Victoire. The chain of events started when Denise (Mme Buffet) got into
conversation with a near neighbour of of hers in Cherbourg, a docker, and asked
for information. This man repeated details of the approach to a German
corporal in a pubm and the latter duly reported the story as " a case of
suspected espionage" to his superiors. (Abwehr)
Abt. III/F in Paris was notified and Hptm. Erich Borchetrs was sent to Cherbourg
to deal with the matter. He needed someone local to act as an interpreter
as, like Brutus
his French was poor; to help him to make the necessary enquiries and arrests he
took a Field Security Police (GFP,
sergeant (Sdf.),
Hugo Bleicher (the
smartest of all), who
happened to be on duty that afternoon. The two Germans found, arrested and
interrogated the loquacious docker who was able to give information: Madame
Buffet, he said, was undoubtedly working for an important Allied intelligence
network. He believed her immediate boss was a man he knew as Kiki (really.
Kiffer was actually a Lt. Colonel),
who came down by train once a month to fetch the information Buttet had
collected; this man was not due until the beginning of the enxt month (November
Meanwhile, while waiting for Kiki's arrival. Borchers and Bleicher arrested the
woman and in her possession → (page
KV 2/933-1, page 16
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found not
only notes of information collected but also a full list of her subagents, who
were immediately rounded up. On 3 November Kiki (Kiffer) arrived and, with the
aid of the obliging docker who went to the station to identify him as he got off
the train, he was arrested. Bleicher, who was to prove a genius
at interrogation, managed to persuade him to collaborate. The three
men - Borchers, Bleicher and Kiki - left for Paris; the latter insisted that he
did not know the name or whereabouts of the Chief of the network. However
he revealed the address of one of the post-boxes and, with his help, a trap was
set which caught not Brutus
but Christian (Krupki). The latter was certainly no collaborateur and
revealed nothing. However, Kiki was put in his cell with him as a stool
pigeon and managed to extract the vital name and address ... The arrest of
and Violette followed.
There is some dispute about what happened next. The most probable version
is that for some reason of her own Violette denounced Victoire.
Both Bleicher and Victoire agree on this story - Violette denies it.
Whether it was for reasons of pure jealousy - because she thought that Victoire
was the traitor - or whether she was trying to buy better terms for herself
and/or Brutus
is is not discoverable. But the result of her action was to prove totally
disastrous. Victoire made up her mind to transfer services to the Abwehr,
as soon as she possibly could do so. Her (Victoire's)
motives are quite clear: to save her own neck, and to get even with those she
regarded as traitors, not so much Interallie, as to herself.
Everything that Victoire did was always done wholeheartedly. According to Bleicher, he did not see Victoire himself until the day after the arrest, but was told that she had immediately asked to see "Le Chef" (Bleicher himself). When he saw her the following day she informed him she was prepared to give away the entire organisation, and this was → (page 17)
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even before conditions had been discussed. (Naturally Victoire's version is somewhat different!) Whatever the truth of the matter - and it must be pointed out that by the time he (Bleicher) statement Bleicher had nothing to lose (AOB: not well known, but in someway exploited then, is, that at the closure of the War all Abwehr members had been considered as Criminals of War, like was the SS; however, not very long thereafter, this was reduced to the status of regular PoW) whereas Victoire was fighting for here life - it was not long before the two of them started out on an orgy of arrests.
The timings are interesting. According to all accounts, Victoire was kept in prison on the night following her arrest and taken next morning for interrogation to the Hotel Edouard VII, where she was, according to herself, given "a very good breakfast". (AOB: the very many successes of Bleicher have been often due to sound tactics) By 11 a.m. she and Bleicher were in the Café Pam-Pam where they were joined by Duvernoy (Wirtz), one of her Vichy contacts, who gave her the Vichy order of battle before he was arrested by Bleicher. She then telephoned "Oncle Marco" (Marschall; born Kawavic) and made an appointment to join him and René at a café that evening. According to her story, her mother had urged her to meet him (Onle Marco) because he was "very worried about her". Both men were later to deny this; according to them she rang up and asked Oncle Marco to meet her urgently, and she made no attempt then, or at the café, to war him or her childhood friend René that the enemy were within earshot.
Victoire and Bleicher lunched at a restaurant where one of the post-boxes was located - but it was empty. Then they went on to Lejeune's flat where Victoire introduced Bleicher to Mireille as "a fiend" (AOB, for those acquainted with the foregoing Carré file series that Bleicher spoke perfect French language, albeit with a seemingly Belgian accent); the latter talked freely and, at Victoire's request, handed over the money she had been hiding for Interallie. Bleicher then arrested the astonished woman. Next the three of them drove round the Paris Police stations until they found Mireille's husband, Boby-Roland, and he too was arrested. It was then time to keep the appointment she had made to join Oncle Marco and René. Not only did she not warn her two dearest friends, → (page 18)
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she drew the German's attention to some forged identity cards that Oncle Marco was carrying concealed in a book. There was one more family to betray before her first day's "work" was accomplished; this was the Hugentoblers (Noeud Richard). They were just sitting down to their evening meal when Bleicher forced his way in (Victoire had supplied him with their address), holding Victoire's arm, and arrested them both. Madame Hugentobler begged and beseeched (asked) Victoire to intercede (intervene) for her, that she might not be dragged away from her small baby and young daughter, but in vain. That night she hanged herself in her prison cell. Victoire went out to dinner at a smart restaurant with Bleicher, Borchers and two other members of the Abwehr was taken back to their luxurious villa, and finished the evening in bed with Bleicher.
It can hardly be claimed that Victoire was unwilling partner in the liaison since she took Bleicher to lunch with her parents next day, before going on with him to arrest Rapide (Stanislas Lach). Since Lach was known to be a tough character, she went ahead to try and persuade him to give her the address of the Tudor Organisation in Marseilles, but he was suspicious and refused; Bleicher then came on the scene and arrested both Rapide and his wife.
During the next few days other arrests followed, and each capture led to the discovery of clues to other agents, which were ruthlessly followed up. Victoire herself took part in a number of these, though not all. She acted as a decoy in the sad case of Paul, who was said to be more than half in love with her; a note from him allegedly found in her handbag, took her with Bleicher to his flat where she obtained entrance for them. Paul (Rocquigny) was dragged out and taken away; later, in a concentration camp, this small, aristocratic Pole was literally beaten to death. In his appartment was found the address of → (page 19)
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Observateur and, once again, it was Victoire who led Bleicher and his minions (followers) to the address and obtained entrance for them: Lipsky and his daughter were both arrested. She was then instrumental in the arrest of Franck (name unknown) who was head of Sector F and, through him, Fernand Gane @ Mono? one of of his sub-agents; she (Victoire) was also led directly to the arrest of Coco (name-unknown), head Sector C, who was subsequently shot. Yves (name-unknown) was another of her victims, as was Marcel Kleber & Kent, head of Sector K. The latter saw her at the Fresny (Fresnes?) Prison and believed that she too was under arrest and therefore pretended not to recognise her - but this did not stop her shouting out a positive identification of him. Following the arrest of Kent, came that of Irenee II (name-unknown), head of Sector I and one of his sub-agents Isadore (name unknown) who, in all good faith, told Victoire of a planned meeting of free agents on 6 December (keep in mind - that the first arrest happened on 18th November 1941). Once again La Chatte acted as the decoy and a number were arrested, including Bob-Edgar (Robert Gorbinot or Gorriot) who had on him the details of the S.O.E. (SOE) Overcloud Organisation which was subsequently wiped out. Further arrests followed, until all but a handful of the main agents of Interallie, together with their sub-agents, had been rounded up.
Not quite all members of the réseaux went into the net - in spite of the best
efforts of Victoire and Bleicher. The W/T operator Maurice (Wlodarczyk),
who had escaped over the roofs (the two
W/T operators including George, were at the time at a higher situated floor,
which was not considered by the Germans)
at the time of the original arrest of Brutus
was able to warn several fellow agents, including Mono (Gane) and Moustique
(Simone Deschamps)+. All these three were able to escape and
finally reached the U.K. but not in time to stop further damage being done by
+ Who ultimately married Brutus (Czerniawski).
KV 2/933-1, page 20
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One slightly ironic twist to the nightmare story of Victoire's multiple betrayals may just be worth recording. Having done her worst to Interallie she now turned her attention to other possible victims. She remembered the Comte and Comtess Dampierres and the Austrian "Freddy Krauss (KV 2/1727 ..KV 2/1729) who had been part of the circle around SIS agent Eve and the Vichy man Richard d'Harcourt, both under arrest since July (1942). She now denounced the rest of the group to Bleicher later she explained that she thought "Freddy" was a traitor and had denounced the other two agents; this was a well-estimated trick of Victoire's, i.e. to project her own guilt on someone else (preferably Violette). Plans were made to wind-up the network, but this time the elaborate trap set by Bleicher somewhat misfired, The Comte and Comtesse were arrested, together with Krauss, But the latter proved to be a penetration agent run by another branch of Abt. III-F, and Bleicher was reprimanded for being to zealous (enthusiastic).
The Germans had now started a new ploy (trick).
Having gathered in all three W/T sets they proposed to "turn one round".
Victoire, Violette, Bleicher, Borchers and several others were moved into
a large villa in St. Germain, nicknamed "The Cattery" last address was
installed, and with the enthusiastic help of Victoire, and the less willing
cooperation of Violette (AOB, when this is
true, then Violette's story recorded in September 1994 in Paris is, untrue or at
least incorrect) (S7)
(S7return) who was kept in the attic while her rival (Victoire)
enjoyed the amenities (comforts)
of two lower floors), the Abwehr started on their course of deception. (AOB,
the maintained some of Walenty W/T channels with England's Secret Service)
The first message to London went out on 29 November and explained that
Brutus Walenty
and Viollette had been arrested but that she (Victoire)+
had escaped and was carrying on with her own W/T operator, Marcel (Tabat)++.
→ (page 21)
- - -
+ This was the first time that she had actually used this cover-name. She had always been known in Interallie as La Chatte or Michelle. She suggested to the Germans that she needed a new pseudonym and chose this herself.
++ This man (Tabat), a friend of Victoire's , had worked for a short time as a W/T operator for Interallie but had been dismissed as unsatisfactory. He was now traced, arrested, and turned round.
KV 2/933-1, page 21
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It seems that at first, at any rate, London was completely spoofed by the "new" Interallie and messages were exchanged almost daily. Although the Abwehr, advised by Victoire, kept to routine traffic (raising in particular the agents' perennial (persistent) cry of "send me money"), they did claim two successes. (1) When the Battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were preparing to put at sea in (11/12) February 1942, a famous French Resistance leader was putting out urgent warning from Brest. But at the same time a series of messages in a contrary sense emanated from the Cattery (Victoire?) to the effect that the ships were too badly damaged to be moved. In the past the shipping information supplied by Interallie had been exceptionally good and it seems probable that the Admiralty preferred to accept these comfortable and reassuring messages rather than believe the urgent warnings being sent by "Colonel Remy's agent". (AOB, bringing back into the North Sea of Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen was a rather successful top secret German endeavour. For it, the Germans maintained strict W/T discipline and the application of Enigma traffic was prohibited. In the event the two ships, together with the Prinz Eugen, escaped through the Channel. (2) before the raid on the port of St. Nazaire, London is alleged to have asked for details of the port installations and thus alerted the German defences; although this raid was counted a success the casualties were very heavy.+
- - -
+ It should be stated that both these claims are put forward in "The Cat With Faces" (pp. 105-110). The authorities for the battleships story are given as a book by Renault-Roulier "On m' appelait Rèmy" which gives a detailed account of the warnings sent out by his agents in Brest (no doubt true) and an interview given to the Daily Mail in January 1953 (please bear in mind: that all secret decodings were still considered Top Secret, and only were peu à peu revealed since 1974!) by Erich Borchers who claimed that Victoire messages sent out at the same time offered conclusive evidence that the three ships were too damaged to leave their berths (dubious). The second story is even less convincing. Victoire and Lucas (see below) were in London (28th February 1942 (though she left Paris first I suppose on the 11th or 12th February (T7) (T7return) ; Victoire had to stay and Lucas returned to France on 1st April 1942) before the St. Nazaire Raid (they must have left Paris about the day of the Channel-Dash took place) took place and by that tiime Victoire was acting as a triplle-cross agent under control of M.I.5. A search of the traffic still existent (AOB, message transcripts still contained within the PF 64216 Volume 6; running from 17th November 1941 up to 1st July 1942 within KV 2/931-4, page 25 - 45) (the page numbers have changed, since it got new serial numbers; this particular one KV 2/931) (however) no trace of either story. (AOB, after the war many files have been weeded and sometimes embarrassing materials had been removed; therefore one cannot rely fully whether something exists or not). But see "The Cat With Two Faces", p 131 FN. → (page 22)
KV 2/933-1, page 22
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Two more Victoire's contacts who were only marginally connected with Interallie
were betrayed by her (Victoire).
The first was the French business man, Yole (Legrand), who the Germans had
believed to be a collaborateur. Victoire, now a trusted Abwehr agent, went
alone to his office,, her lawyer, with her arm in a sling, and persuaded him to
write down some convoy information for her; he was arrested on that
evidence later in the day. She tried a similar trick on Miklos (Maitre
Brault) (a well respected advocate)
and the man who had done more than anyone else to help her and Brutus
launch Interallie. The Germans, however, were aware (?through Victoire)
that he had numerous contacts with other Réstistance movements, and forebore to
arrest him - in hopes that he might lead them top further discoveries.
They were amply rewarded for their foresight, for through Miklos, Victoire led
them to Lucas (with whom she would
ultimately go the England).
Pierre de Vomecourt @ Lucas (U7) (U7return) was a naturalised British subject of French birth and parentage, who (together with his two brothers) was to become one of the greatest Resistance leaders. He was educated (partially) in England but returned to France to complete his studies and then went into busyness. At the beginning of the war he was attached as a liaison officer to a British regiment, and was evacuated with them in 1940. He then applied for confirmation of his naturalisation (which had originally been taken out by his mother when he was a child). This was granted by the Home Office on 14.10.40 and he immediately joined S.O.E (SOE) - then in an embryonic state - and after training, was parachuted back into France with a W/T operator whom he subsequently lost. At the time he came into contact with Victoire he had several sub-agentsand many contacts in both zones (Vichy France and Occupied France) according to M.R.D. Foot he could on call resisters (p.175) and other sources put the figure considerably higher, he was considered by S.O.E. (SOE) as an organiser of the highest importance. Besides, → (page 23)
KV 2/933-1, page 23
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there had recently been a spate (wave) of arrests, quite apart from Interallie, and Lucas's network Autogiro was one of the few survivors. But it lacked a means of quick communication with London, since all that Lucas had as a means of getting in touch with base was by courier to the US Military Attaché in Vichy (an SIS link, incidentally not an SOE (S.O.E.) one) and thence via Switzerland (Genève) to the U.K. It was in these circumstances that Miklos introduced him to Victoire on 26.11.41 as he Miklos believed that she still had a W/T link with London (de facto true soon on 19th November).
(Q18) (Q18return) ; (X21) (X21return) (E21) ↓↓↓↓↓ (E21return) (X34) ↓↓↓ (X34return)
There is a good deal of disagreement between the stories of Victoire, Lucas and Miklos as to how the matter was fixed up. What seem certain is that they met. And that Victoire, who was by this time more or less free to come and go as she pleased, reported the meeting and its purpose to Bleicher. Lucas wanted three things: he wanted to return to the U.K., he wanted a W/T set and an operator, and he wanted - inevitably - funds. After the first meeting with Victoire he had to go to Chartres for a possible pick-up (Vaas?), which failed to materialise. To be continued at →
Albeit not gone in details, from the Carré-Victoire-Survey we know that a failed attempt took place at Vaas; the notice of Chartres, made me look for the location of Vaas again.
It is reasonable that Vaas was the place, it also had been designated as what after considering Google was noticed as:
Quoting (V7) (V7return) (KV 2/927-3,pp45-46: On 30.3.42 I spoke to Victoire (who was then already for some time in England) about this and she filled in various details. She confirmed that at the time of the Vaas operation neither Lucas nor Benoit knew that she was controlled by the Germans. She said that she was driven there by the Germans. She said that she was driven there by Bleicher (KV 2/2127-KV 2/164 – KV 2/165 – KV 2/166) and a German chauffeur and that she presented these two being two friends of hers, Bleicher being a Belgian who was absolutely loyal to the Allied cause. Afterwards they all went to a farm where Bleicher and the chauffeur went to sleep and Lucas and three other men and herself were all in the house with them. This first attempt failed
To be continued at → So on return to Paris he (Lucas) got in touch with her again and handed over a long message detailing his needs, with catchwords authenticating it. SOE (S.O.E.) were delighted to hear from him (Lucas). Naturally the Abw. too were delighted with the turn of events, and Victoire was given a free hand to deal with it. She and Bleicher moved out of the Cattery into a luxurious Paris flat and she demanded, and was given, an assistant: Michel (Claude Joufet), now given the new cover-name Claude, to help her in keeping touch with Lucas and his organisation. Lucas used the controlled set for his messages for about a fortnight before he came to suspect that it was under supervision. An attempt was made to arrest Miklos who, however, managed to get away; he alerted Lucas to the possibility that Victoire was playing them false. Miklos went off to Vichy (non occupied zone of France) from → (page 24)
KV 2/933-1, page 24
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where a warning was sent to London on the possibility of the "Polish link" being unsafe.
There were other reasons for suspecting Victoire; she produced papers that the organisation required too quickly, and the papers themselves were too good to be forgeries; she asked Miklos to identify a photograph of a friend of his which it was later proved she could only got from the Germans, etc. Lucas took the remarkable course of asking her if this suspicion was true, and she confessed to him that it was! Not that she didn't make a good story of it ... according to her elliptical (indirect) version a number of the betrayals were brought about Violette - she was "forced" to do this and that - Bleicher read her diary - followed her - listened to her telephone calls - and all the rest of it. The facts remained; she was Bleicher's mistress; she had collaborated with the Germans to the fullest extent; she had betrayed (or at the very least failed to warn) a number of old friends; and she had "blown" Autogiro. The orthodox course for Lucas to take was to liquidate Victoire then and there and himself disappear. He later had admitted to have so doing, but realised that as she was due to meet Bleicher shortly there would be insufficient time to warn those of his agents who had met her and were therefore known to the Abwehr. Instead he decided on a bolder course: he would "tu"rn" La Chatte yet again. And this precisely what this extraordinary man was able to do. Although for the rest of the war she was regarded with considerable suspicion nothing was ever come to light to show that after her "re-conversion" she ever went back on her Allied allegiance (loyalty). (AOB, is also reflecting the tough treatment she encountered during her time in England)
It is not entirely clear at what point they became lovers+ norm one must add, who seduced (scored) whom. Bleicher says → (page 25)
- - -
+ The date 3.2.42 is suggested but this seems to late.
KV 2/933-1, page 25 + page 26
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that "she soon had Lucas completely under her thumb" but surveillance in London appeared to prove the exact opposite.
After Victoire's "confession" to Lucas and her emotional declaration that she "wished to redeem (convert) herself and work again for the Allies, he concocted (invented) a story for her to carry back to Bleicher.
She was to report that he (Lucas) had suddenly become confidential and revealed his plan to her. He, Lucas, wished to return to London for a fresh briefing and on his return would call a meeting of all the Heads of the
Resistance; he might even bring back a British general to meet them. The story was, he conceded, thin, but it was the best he could think of. Victoire went off to tell it to Bleicher, and Lucas held a consultation with two
his principal agents, Benois (Benoit)
(Ben Cowburn) and Rogér (Rogér Cottin). Both agreed to go along with what he was
doing. The next day Victoire returned in triumph, to say that
Bleicher accepted the story and
"was delighted". he agreed to Lucas' return to London but the details would have to be discussed at a higher level and with the Gestapo (S.D.). (AOB, that even in those days it was still not understood that the Gestapo,
did not operate outside German territories; however, the S.D. was in Germany internally and abroad the actual executer!) This in any rate gave Lucas time to summon his brother from the unoccupied (Vichy) zone and
give him full details to transmit to SOE (S.O.E.), thus scotching (ending) the dangers of the controlled set.
Meanwhile the plot thickened. There were complications about Victoire's notional network, first through an SIS (S.I.S.), then through Lucas. Of getting money for Lucas and his organisation. Of making various arrangements for a pick-up, first by air (Vaas) (W7) (W7return) and then by sea and then by air again. Northing worked out. At the end of January Lucas proposed to Victoire that she should accompany him to London. This plan had several advantages: if she was genuinely playing fair with him ((which he believed she was) it would save her from the Germans' wrath (fury) when they discovered her treachery to them; if, on the other hand, she was still committed to the → (page 27)
KV 2/933-1, page 27
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Abwehr, she could be kept where she could do no more harm. The story would be that she went as a committed Abwehr agent to collect information about the higher echelons of British Intelligence, who she would meet
Lucas, and anything else she fwould
find out; in addition the Germans could monitor the pick-up and so again
valuable information about methods and techniques. It is perhaps
noteworthy that Lucas did not
warn SOE (S.O.E.), either through the Polish link or Vichy, of the treat that was in store for them.
Once more the Abwehr rose to the bait. The air between Paris (transmitter
was Abwehr controlled) and London was full
of messages about the arrangements for the pick-up It had been
decided that Benois
Benoit should return with them to the U.K.
leaving the gallant Roger to carry on the double deception in France. On 5
February Lucas suggested Moulin de la Rive (X7)
(X7return) as a suitable place for a sea pick-up (which
it was not really), which was agreed by
London on the 7th. On the 11th Victoire, Lucas and Benois
left by train, escorted, unseen, by members of the Abwehr. The latter were most
anxious to arrest Benoit
who, Victoire assured them, was only going to help the embarkation. The
Germans had made a number of arrangements to facilitate the matter (like
withdrawing the shore patrols etc.) nevertheless the whole operation was a
disaster (not the Abwehr had to be blamed!).
The sea was (too)
rough, the boats sent ashore by the destroyer were too small and capsized when
Victoire and Benois
Benoit tried to embark with their
suitcases and worst of all, London had either not received, or not acted upon,
the warning sent out via Vichy; they had sent over two W/T operators and their
equipment as requested in Lucas' first message via the "Polish link". (AOB,
the latter I doubt, as they encountered these two men, but they were real
strangers) (AOB,
secondly, according to Victoire the Germans
forbade her the leaving of Benoit!)
These two men + were put ashore and in the melee when the dinghies capsized the whole party, together with an Royal Navy officer+,
- - -
+ G.W. Abbott and G.C.B Redding, The naval officer was an Australian officer named Black. (AOB, the officer, as he was warring uniform was hence made PoW. The two men (W/T operators) in civil closing were captured, but I do not know about their faith)
KV 2/933-1, page 29
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who had come ashore to help embarkation, were
left wet and furious on the beach. The latter (officer) being in uniform
promptly gave himself up as a prisoner of war; the two W/T operators trekked
inland where they were arrested next day; and Lucas, Victoire and Benois
after another fruitless trip to the shore the following night, took the train to
Paris. Extensively reported in: (Y7)
On the way Benois
dropped off and eventually made his way to the U.K., via Spain, via Spain,
taking yet another message of the warning to the US Military Attaché , in Vichy
on the way. (AOB, he ultimately went to
Lisbon, from where he arrived in England)
Back in Paris (They retuned to Paris again; after the two approaches at the beach of Le Moulin de la Rive both failed; first time due to the climatically circumstances, the second time no ship turned up) fresh plans on the night of 20th/14th, but the couple; lost their way and went to the wrong beach; it is not until the night of 26/27th that, to quote M.R.D. Foot, "the wandering couple, the German (facilitating) spectatorsm the MTB, and calm water all forgathered at the right beach (Point de Bihit), and the collection went off without a hitch. (Z8) (Z8return) The next day Lucas and Victoire were in London.
Naturally interrogations were the order of the day. Victoire was questioned by M.I.5 and SIS (S.I.S) officers on whom she made an excellent impression. SIS (S.I.S.) "supplied certain facts which are all to the credit of Victoire. The first of these is that she has been working as an SIS (S.I.S.) since the late summer of 1940 and has done remarkably good work. Secondly the fact regarding the arrest of Miklos are as stated by herm namely he managed to escape into unoccupied (Vichy) France ... " Her MI 5 interrogator (Christopher H. Harmer), later her case officer, noted "Victoire herself created a favourable impression. She without any doubt very intelligent and gives appearance of being sincere and speaking the truth". He concluded his report "I was very much struck by her personality and on this afternoon's interview would certainly accept here as genuine". La Chatte had done it again! (AOB, the actual history went entirely opposite!) → (page 29)
KV 2/933-1, page 29
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In all fairness it must be pointed out that she had arrived in the U.K. under protection of a man known to be a great Resistance leader who, as it were, vouched (guaranteed) for her. She came with all the
glamour of one who had "been in the field" for a long time. This was not negligible factor at the time and always made a deep impression on those officers who had not shared the experience. Only her won version of the
break-up of Interallie, as slanted in her "confession" to Lucas was known. Above all Victoire was, and remained, a superb liar. Both SOE (S.O.E.) and SIS (S.I.S.) had their own axes to grind; the former, frankly, did not
what she might or might not have done so long as they could keep their great agent, Lucas, happy; he (Lucas) was installed in a flat with herm they were lovers, and, Lucas insisted, she was a reformed character. SIS
(S.I.S.) had certainly had a good deal to do with Interallie, though it was not "their" organisation; of course they did not want to believe that one of "their" agents was guilty of betraying the network. The M.I.5 officer, who
should perhaps have had a cooler judgement, was more deceived (betrayed).
SOE (S.O.E.) wished to keep the London end of the Victoire link going (AOB, up to the 1st July 1942, after Victoire had been arrested on instigation particularly Colonel Maurice Buckmaster of S.O.E.); who really hatred Victoire intensively, and acted this way up to the bitter end in May 1945, breaching in the meantime: Home Office Legislative arguments!) ( this latter link will prove what quite dirty methods were maintained; even M.I.5 and the Home Office knew what actually went wrong, but hatred prevailed!), both to cover those agents left behind (especially Roger Mitchell @ Adam, Brick) (AOB, Roger landed in England on 1.3.42), and to enable them to return both Lucas and Victoire to France in due time) (Victoire went "home" to France on 1 June 1945!) Some doubts about Victoire had begun to creep in. At a meeting of representatives of the three Services, the SIS (S.I.S.) said virtuously that neither his Service nor the Poles wished to make use of a "tainted" (contaminated) source, and they were prepared top hand the case of the lady over to the Security Service.. This change of heart had been largely brought through SIS (S.I.S.) agent Roger @ Adam (= Mitchell) who had read her interrogation reports and had expressed his disbelief in her story. (AOB, notice: that all must have happened after Lucas had left for France again on 1/2nd April 1942) He (Roger) was known to be a partisan of Violette and dislike Victoire , so his → (page 30)
(AOB, please bear in mind: both Victoire first - and thereafter - Violette became the mistress of Walenty, the Polish leader of Interallie, who later got the M.I.5 code-name Brutus. There, apparently, existed an animosity between both women. In my, AOB's perception, the handlings on behalf of Victoire versus French people, might have had its nucleus in the the "affairs" between: Victoire-Walenty and thereafter Walenty-Violette)
KV 2/933-1, page 30
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opinion had to be carefully weighed; nevertheless a little of the glamour had certainly worn off. There was, as it happened, news of Maurice (the W/T operator who had escaped the round up) (AOB, because - the and his colleague stayed at the German raid some floor up in the building, which the Germans neglected to consider as well). He was in Lisbon and awaiting a priority passage and should be able to throw some light on the matter. (AOB, at that moment Victoire was still clean; her 'turn around' took place after she was taken to interrogation by the Germans) SIS (S.I.S.) were also looking again at the circumstances of the arrest of her agent Eve (above page 5: which pages 5, there is no sign at pages 5 within this series) who was a known contact of Victoires and had been betrayed.
Various other meetings were held over the next few days. Lucas and Victoire were asked (thus all before 1st April!) a number of questions - and their answers did not always coincide. He (Lucas) was trusted completely and provisionally (temporarily) by MI5 (M.I.5.). Victoire was now the subject of grave doubts in all three Services (SOE, SIS and MI5). The Poles, too, were not pro-Victoire, pointing out that it was all very well to be "forced" into collaborating but that 24 hours was not a very long time to hold out. Also it was now generally recognised that her pathological jealousy of Violette (AOB, likely caused by the rejected sentiments in regard to Walenty versus Violette) made her totally unreliable - whenever she could blame her rival for an act of treachery which she had herself committed she did so. (AOB, I do not understand this statement; love affairs often are causing unrealistic thoughts and feelings; Victoire was not a great exception) her MI5 (M.I.5) case officer (Christopher H. Harmer) wrote sadly: The impression Victoire made on me at the second meeting was not as good as the first. .." SOE (S.O.E.) too had changed their attitude. At a meeting on 11.3.42 Brigadier Gubbins (A9) (A9return) told the the other two Services that "in no circumstances can Victoire accompany Lucas back to France". SIS (S.I.S.) were gloomy about the prospect of keeping the transmitter going if she did not go back but agreed to try. (AOB, they actually kept it running up to the day when Victoire was arrested on 1st July 1942). (see the closure message (B9) (B9return) ) In fact the Poles were operating the London end of the W/T link but SIS (S.I.S.) were the channel to the Polish Intelligence. Various personality clashes were occurring daily. Victoire felt neglected and had started to complain that she was not consulted enough: she had also started asking questions about people's "real" names and demanding to study the early Interallie reports. (AOB, these started within the British KV 2/... series on 17th November 1941, just the day before the Interallie had nearly integrally been captured by the Germans) Frankly → (page 31)
KV 2/933-1, page 31
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she was becoming a nuisance. It was, however, agreed on all sides that it was impossible to intern her as this might upset Lucas who was already showing signs of displeasure about the British treatment of his protegé. Victoire had also conceived one of her tremendous hates against various SOE officers, while still getting on quite well with the representatives of MI5 (M.I.5.) and SIS (S.I.S.). →
(AOB, the author of this summary, isn't aware of all the implications, or is masking what really took place. In my understanding her furious mood against SOE, was focussed upon one person in particular: Major / Colonel Buckmaster, under whom felt France. He really didn't behave well up to final days of the hostilities on the Continent. Let us jump to again to a part of: KV 2/932-1, page 81 but now dealt with on 10.5.1945!
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Quoting partially from KV 2/932-1, page 81:
Colonel Maurice Buckmaster explained that he thought it desirable to hold a further discussion, as he had vivid recollection of a vow taken by Victoire to wreak vengeance against himself, Major Boddington and Lucas, in that order, and he feared that she might cause him some grievous mischief. For this reason he was (still) very reluctant that Victoire should be allowed to go free in France, and enquired whether there was any possibility of ensuring her further detention either in this country or in France.
AOB continuing: what these men of SOE (S.O.E. accomplished was scandalous! All efforts were to make her life unbearable. Even the Home Office had to interfere, and also M.I.5 sometimes doubted the legality of the measures taken against Victoire. This was not a normal campaign, but an ongoing personal offence against a detainee personally!
→ To keep the triple-cross link going indefinitely was clearly impossible, but it was agreed that every effort must be made to run it long enough to give protection to Lucas's return to France. To this end it was arranged that Victoire herself should be asked to collaborate on drafting the messages, thus giving them an authentic touch while also giving her a feeling that she was being usefully employed; care would have to be taken that she did not slip in a code-word to alert the (German controlled) Paris end.
On 1.4.42 Lucas left London to return to the dangers of occupied territory. Victoire's parting with him was described as "not particularly friendly". →
(AOB, it is too simple to jump over what did really occur: It was decided, in my perception quite understandable, to let leave Lucas, once her lover, to return to (her) France; whereas she was forced to remain in England. I consider also - that the loss of her "in love" engagement with Walenty - who favoured Violette instead; call it jealousy, more or less similarly happened when Lucas left London, and she had to stay there. In both cases, she lost her lover. Maybe due to her particular personality (character) - her response is, call it: hatred against what caused her loss. In Walenty's case - she tried to destroy the sphere where Walenty belonged to; and in Lucas' case - whom was actually an S.O.E. agent and she held this latter Secret Service section responsible, with all accompanied feelings. This, is, of course, only a hypothesis.
→ And her subsequent behaviour regarding him shocked her MI5 (M.I.5.) case officer (Christopher H. Harmer), who noted "She has behaved in a way towards him which even if there was no other reason would convince me that she is completely out of her own advancement and accordingly unworthy of any real long-term trust". Nevertheless she appeared to be cooperating wholeheartedly in the matter of the Victoire transmitter; all incoming messages were shown to her and she drafted suitable replies. Traffic was mainly concerned with the payment of agents - real or notional - and the efforts the Germans were making to extract money for the release of Brutus. etc. (AOB, I don't know whether on that time Walenty was known as Brutus, because Walenty → Brutus weren't yet guided my B.1.a (M.I.5))
After Lucas left it was arranged that Victoire should spent a few day in the country with U.35. →
(AOB, U35 was actually Ustinov, the father of the later famous Peter Ustinov. However, I encountered him also in the Vera case (PDF: KV 2/15-3 and KV 2/16; Chapter VIIIa, page1 (quoting:
"Vera had had the opportunity of a kind of Holiday (February ’42), which was spent in the house of the family Ustinov (U.35), in Gloucestershire. British Intelligence, of course, does not provide prisoners Holidays, but for this occasion it was exploited as an experiment, in a friendly, quasi neutral, environment; and meant for un-stressed interrogations/interviews. It was managed in a way, that it all looked coincidental, which it wasn’t really. Amusing, in my perception, were the practical considerations taken, and actions planned, for the case of a German invasion; in respect to Vera".
AOB, Ustinov was an A.D.B. (D.G. White) acquaintance, and sometimes employed for special occasions. I have encountered him in quite many files, my personal judgement about him:- he was not too smart, with strange - often most unrealistic- ideas. Why he might have been engaged: maybe because he spoke French and German language? He possesses a country house in Gloucestershire, away London - from Prison life such as in the case of Vera - or simply London.
→ She much enjoyed the trip though it is doubtful if she would have done so had she been privileged to read the report he afterwards put → (page 32)
KV 2/933-1, page 32
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in about her. He didn't, he wrote, believe a single word she said and, indeed believed wrongly that she alone was responsible for the break-up of Interallie. (AOB, this is in-line with my foregoing comment: that U35 isn't too smart; to express it mildly) As for her motives these did not resemble patriotism, idealism or decency but were purely venal (corruptible). Money appeared to be the dominating factor in her life. "As you know, she is fond of dancing. The dance she likes best is round the golden calf". (AOB, please bear my foregoing comments on the person U35/Ustinov in mind; he is a really not too smart person)
(AOB, the next quoting is also of dubious quality, as I discovered who the next quoted person was: Mrs S. Barton, her house-keeping maid, who was on the pay-list of M.I.5)
AOB: I don't want to waste my time too much longer, by quoting second-class not qualified persons. Those who would like to notice it: (D10) (D10return)
Towards the end of April plans were made for MI5 (M.I.5.) to take over the operating of the transmitter from the Poles, who were finding the heavy burden of the traffic being put over by the Service more than they could cope with. The original idea had been to run the deception only long enough to cover Lucas' return to France. he had asked, however, that it should be carried on as long as possible, as he expected to get back to the U.K. in a few weeks time and then return again to France taking Victoire with him. Whether the Services concerned S.O.E. (SOE) with the case would have permitted this plan in view of the general atmosphere of the distrust (and dislike) which was growing up around her, was never put at test.
On 2 May SOE (S.O.E.) informed MI5 (M.I.5.) that they had received a message from what they described as the "Lucas Station" saying that Rogér (not British Roger Mitchell @ Adam) had been missing since 23 April and that Lucas was searching for him; also the courier "from Lucas to England" had been arrested. The news about Rogér was only confirmation of a message received on 25.4.42 on the Victoire transmitter telling of his arrest. Things had obviously gone seriously wrong in → (page 33)
KV 2/933-1, page 33
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France and the position remained obscure in London until about 21st of the month (May) when it was decided that there is sufficient evidence to show that Lucas, too, had been arrested. The question now arose as to what should be done with Victoire. (Were they actually waiting for such an opportunity?) Nobody could be quite sure that she was still loyal to the Allied cause as she was more than a little disgruntled (unhappy) about the treatment in England (I would say: home brew); she was already changed allegiance twice and was fully capable of doing so again. MI5 (M.I.5.) were not - in view of their investigations in to the case - prepared to advise her re-employment as an agent in France (AOB, I can agree with this) even had the SOE (S.O.E.) or SIS (S.I.S.) desired such a thing. Several other alternatives for the future were put forward. One was an elaborate scheme for letting her go back to the Germans, taking with her phoney questionnaires and information, to act as an unconscious deception agent; another was to let her stay on in the U.K. doing nothing but supported by the Services concerned (it was turned down out of hand); (AOB, I may say, that we went well deep in the foregoing papers in the: case, an haven't found any trace of the so-called foregoing notices; might these detailed facts been weeded between, say 1947 and 1957? I haven't encountered it!); a third was to pay her a lump sum and turn her loose as an alien to take employment where she could find it; the least, and favourite, was simply to intern her for the duration (of the hostilities). At a meeting between the three Services on 9.6.42 the latter course was decided upon after considerable discussion (We may thus assume that there were several opinions around). S.O.E later wrote to confirm that from the point of view of their (Major Buckmaster's) department's security "she should be under maximum control until the end of the war". And added, for (their) good measure. "We have proof that Victoire is utterly unscrupulous, and we (Major Maurice Buckmaster mainly) feel (is feeling a prove?) that she would not hesitate to use, in the most obnoxious (horrible) manner, and information which she acquired as to the methods of the Intelligence Services. → →
AOB, I would like to go deeper into the hatred campaign commenced by Major Maurice Buckmaster and his companions.
Please be prepared for what was the legal state of affairs, and by huge pressure on behalf of S.O.E. (SOE) to get matters illegally bended
Quoting from KV 2/932-2, page 4: Bear in mind this was a statement on behalf of the Superior Home Office!
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Many thanks for letting me see this effusion (outpouring) which I entirely agree is rather appalling. I say so because it seems to be another attempt to outpouring Moylan (Home Office) and the Home Office into a course of action which I am convinced will lead to unfortunate repercussions sooner or later and unless we watch our step most carefully we are not likely to escape unscathed though S.O.E. (SOE) themselves may do so as they will probably have ceased to exist by the time the storm breaks.
Much of S.O.E.'s letter consists of vague generalities in the form of catch penny phrases and arguments which when examined are either irrelevant or meaningless. Thus they argue that because Victoire is a most dangerous woman determined to have her revenge the proper tactics are to dam up the food of her venom so that it will explode with full force at a moment when it will be most likely have the maximum effect. In 1940 the public would not have listened in the grievances imaginary or otherwise, of persons such as Victoire. In 1944 the public are much more receptive of this sort of thing than they were but still would little sympathy for persons who have been working with the Germans. After hostilities cease and peace is restored public opinion will be such that the Victoire story is capable of being whipped up into a major scandal. In my opinion the proper way in which to provide against such an event is not by repression but by allowing Victoire as much rope now as is reasonably consistent with the security requirements of her case.
S.O.E. do not appear to appreciate the basic principle governing the conditions under which persons are detained in this country and the vital distinction between the British internment camp and the German concentration camp. →
→ As I understand the position it is as follows:
AOB: The next paragraph is also essential and reluctantly considered by M.I.5 (MI5) and S.I.S. (SIS) as I have experienced in quite more cases in the past!
1) Detention under the Defence regulation and/or Aliens Order is not punitive but preventative. It is a zealously guarded principle of our Constitution that punishment is the monopoly of the criminal courts and it would be both legally and politically impossible for the Home Secretary to justify adverse discrimination to the prejudice of any individual detainee on the ground that because of his past misdeeds he is not entitled to "lenient treatment or consideration of any kind at the hands of the British authorities".
2) The conditions under which persons are to be held in detention and the privilege to which such persons are entitled are strictly defined in White Papers and other officiall published documents. Provision is made, inter alia, for free association, sending and receiving correspondence, visits.
3) The above conditions are not statutory and the Home Secretary can, and does in certain circumstances, depart from them. Before doing so, however, he requires to be satisfied that there are very strong security grounds for depriving the detained persons in question of all or any of the above privileges.
AOB, here S.O.E. made use of. But, it was a constant battle between the requirements on behalf of Major/Colonel Buckmasters (French) section and the legislation status of the Home Office.
It culminated in spring 1944 on behalf of B.1.a (M.I.5) that even T.A. Robertson (TAR) wrote down the he was not accepting the future consequences of S.O.E.'s ongoing 'hatred' actions to forbade Victoire elementary rights; such as visiting a doctor or undergoing an eye test outside the Prison, of course all being guarded. Not saying, that they kept Red Cross letters from her, even one on behalf of Lucas! In one word disgusting.
Let us see what TAR on behalf of M.I.5 has written down:
KV 2/931-2, page 5 minute 408
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I do not think there is any real necessity to have a discussion about the case as I feel that all that really remains to be done is now to decide who shall be held responsible for the looking after the case in the furure.
It is a case which was I have previously said is going to cause this office considerable trouble for some time to come. (AOB, meant: the harsh - hatred - ways over the years (1st July 1942 - 1 June 1945) I personally feel that it should be handed to someone with a proper legal background who will ensure that the office (A.D.B./ B.1.a) is not in any way committed more than can be helped when Victoire is released from prison after the war. Following on from this, I think another consideration is that whoever deals with the case should be an Officer who will probably be remaining in the office after the end of hostilities.
A.D.B. 15.5.44 T.A. Robertson (TAR)
AOB, the above two documents truly reflect the irregular measures on behalf of Maurice Buckmaster's S.O.E. section and the way due to this, was handled (treated) during her detentions in Aylesbury Prison and Hollow Prison. Even the Governors weren't always content with the ways Victoire had to be treated; against the Home Office regulations.
AOB: I stepped in a bit extensively, as I consider it necessary in the context of the foregoing summary; let us therefore continue again:
KV 2/9331-1, page 33 continuing → →
The actual procedure for the arrest of Victoire took some little time to arrange; (AOB: some problems arose due the the fact that the Home Secretary was out and couldn't simply be approached, as they wanted the most possible legal backing) but a strong was eventually made out against herm and, on 26.6.42 a 12(5A) Order was made/ On 1.7.42 she was seen by Colonel Hinchley Cooke at Scotland Yard was served the Order; → (page 34)
KV 2/933-1, page 34
The next link is jumping to the prompt schedule prepared by M.I.5 (J12) (J12return)
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she was then arrested by the Police (at
Scotland Yard on 1st July 1942) and taken
to Aylesburt Prison, where she was put in a wing with other special category
prisoners; Stella Londsdale, My Erikkson (Swedish
and in some respect also victim of hatred!),
Mrs Kraft and the Duchess de Chateau-Thierry. There she stayed for
the duration of the war; → (AOB:
Apparently the author isn't aware of the true
file-series content; in early 1943 Victoire and the others had been transferred
to the Holloway Prison; what wonders me:
is, that at Holloway there was also kept
Vera Erikson
→ writing her "memoirs" (which were actually taken away from her) and addressing a stream of letters to all and sundry who she thought could help her to get a fresh hearing of "her case". (AOB, I get the strong impression, that the author of this summary has studied this metier only very briefly. Her stream of letters were all kept from being conveyed onto the addressees, with some minor exceptions!)
→ Over and over again she plead that after her "conversion" by Lucas she had worked loyally for the Allies, and wrote bitterly of her companions (in her prison) as pro-Nazi women with whom she had nothing in common.
Meanwhile several of the Interallie agents who had escaped, notably Maurice, Mono and Moustique, reached the U.K. and in the autumn Brutus (by then likely still known as Walenty, because he became engaged with B.1.a of M.I.5; since then he was known as Brutus) himself arrived. The information supplied by them, however, did not come up to expectations and it was not until after the Liberation of France that the full story of Victoire's sins (immoralities) came to light. →
(AOB: again the author sadly is not painting a complete story, whether deliberate or not I don't know; but the author neglected facts remain that: Lucas and Walenty were turned around by Bleicher as well. Their aims will differ from that of Victoire, but still. Walenty before his alias was Brutus, he was released by the Germans; as to give it a cover - the Germans initiated an escape, as to de-couple Walenty from the Germans. But just Brutus, was to operate just within the 'gap'; for M.I.5 (B.1.a) he was their most valuable agent - whereas for the Germans (Bleicher) he (Walenty/Czerniawski) was their man in England)
→ In March 1944 both Miklos and Lucas's brother, Phillipe de Vomecourt @ Gauthier, were interrogated about her (Victoire) but could only add to the general suspicions; and it when the members of Interallie who had survived the war in concentration camps and prisons started to re-appear that the story could be fully pieced together. Bleicher himself was arrested in Amsterdam in May 1945 and sent to Camp 020, where his evidence filled in the last gaps in the Victoire saga. Speaking (Bleicher) of her (Victoire) behaviour when she was collaborating with him, he said that "was she instable in her treachery and was prepared to denounce her nearest and dearest". In all his experience he had never seen anyone who betrayed her friends with such cynicism and Zest (enthusiasm). The depositions of René and Oncle Marco, who both returned, were equally damning (critical).
Victoire was kept in internment in the U.K. until the termination of hostilities (AOB, incorrect: she was kept in captivity up to the morning of 1st June 1945, whereas hostilities ended on 8th May 1945) Partly at the urgent request of → (page 35)
KV 2/933-1, page 35
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S.O.E. who feared what she might reveal about them; partly to protect Brutus who had been one of M.I.5's most successful double-cross agents; and also to Lucas who was remained in enemy hands (in a PoW camp) until April 1945. →
(AOB, here we notice what the Home Office considered about the S.O.E. arguments against Victoire: Much of S.O.E.'s letter consists of vague generalities in the form of catch penny phrases and arguments which when examined are either irrelevant or meaningless. Maybe not appropriate for a Services historian or whatever his function was, to quote from tough internal disagreements between the the Home Office who actually were in charge of the British Prisons and the vague but hatred driven S.O.E (Maurice Buckmaster's) arguments. There is another matter we should take notice of: Lucas left England in the night of 1/2nd April 1942 and was captured by the Germans since late April 1942. Victoire's knowledge about S.O.E. was more than 3 years old; the only matter she could speak about is her ill treatment due to Buckmaster and his colleagues of S.O.E.; and in this respect she definitely could speak with expertise! It was just this latter expertise they would like to suppress as long as possible!)
→ On 1.6.45 Victoire was escorted across the Channel (onboard a Dakota aeroplane) by an MI5 (M.I.5) officer and handed over to the French authorities who in due time put her on trial.
There was a long delay in collecting the evidence and her case did not come to the Court until 3.1.49. Violette was tried with herm both women being accused of the crime of "intelligence with the enemy"; other members of of Interallie were also awaiting trial for collaborating, among them Kiki and Bob Edgar. The actual charge against Victoire concerned only 35 of those whom she had denounced out of the total of 80 or 90 arrested by Bleicher. The evidence against her was overwhelmimg but several people came forward to defend her. Two members of the Vichy Deuxieme Bureau testified that they believed that she had been loyal to them, and her mother made a tearful appeal for her daughter. Lucas gave evidence to the effect that though she had betrayed him in the first place, he believed that subsequently she had cooperated loyally with him during the period of their association. This evidence probably saved her neck because, though she was found guilty and sentenced to death, she did not go to the guillotine. In May 1949 the death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment and, despite many protest from Résistance circles, even this sentence was, some years later (1954), further commuted. She was released in the summer of 1954. Counting her time as an internee in the U.K., she had been in prison for 12 years. .
- - -
For Lucas' arrest in more detail: please notice: (K14) (K14return)
Note 1. Although there was always a query hanging over the cause of the arrest of Lucas until his return at the end of the war, it should be noted that Victoire was not to blame. She had not managed to pass a warning to the Germans via the transmitter (controlled on behalf of M.I.5 (MI5). When Lucas went → (page 36)
KV 2/933-1, page 36 Continuing
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Note 1 continuing
Back to Paris he found himself short of equipment and other things necessary for his (S.O.E.) task. He therefore sent a courier into the unoccupied (Vichy) zone who was arrested at the demarcation line in a routine check. Papers this messenger (Rogér) was carrying finished up on Bleicher's desk and he recognised de Vomecourt's handwriting over the signature of Sylvain. He realised that Lucas had returned clandestinely and (Bleicher) moved into the arrest all the members of the group that he knew about starting with Rogér (he was the one caught on the demarcation-line). The latter gave nothing away. However Bleicher had better luck with a Belgian subagent named Leon Wolters, in whose house Lucas was living. More or less unwillingly he led Bleicher to a rendezvous he had with Lucas; the latter was then arrested. It was not the least remarkable achievement of that truly remarkable man, Lucas, that he withstood all rough treatment and blandishments and then persuaded the to treat himself and his captured agents including the officer Black and the two W/T operators Abbott and Redding as officer prisoners of war. They were tried by court martial and sent to Colditz. (The famous officers PoW camp, where many nationalities were collected) (albeit, that also a notice exists about Stalag near Stuttgart) (L14) (L14return)
Note 2.
Violette was also found guilty with Victoire but as it was thought that there were strong extenuating (moderating) circumstances in her case, she was given a recommendation for mercy. She was sentenced to two years imprisonment. As she was ill and had come into court on a stretcher, she was immediately released to return to hospital.
Note 3.
This Note is mainly based on the nine volumes of the PF 64216 (now kept with the KC 2/926 ... KV 2/936 files) Carré, but extra material (full names, etc) have been taken from "The Cat with two Faces", which is described B.M.R.D. Foot as "an accurate account of Victoire's career"; it is itself largely based on the record of her trial. Material about Lucas comes largely from Foot's own book "SOE in France". I can fully reference any statement that I have made if required.
AOB: I accomplished our huge Survey fully based on the genuine Secret Services documents, since about 2002 and up available to the public.
Intermediate Reflections
What should be follow first?
Continuing the PF 64216 related file series KV 2/933-1 and 2; up to the end of KV 2/936?
I would like to continue it this way first.
However, another question might arise:
The length of our current html web-page.
After due consideration, I tend to the idea of continuing first as long the rest og KV 2/933-1 and 933-2
But it does make sense to start with the new Chapter number 6
Times are changing; as well new names; but old subjects as well; but dirty games aren't over; like wolves who have smelled once blood:
KV 2/933-1, page 38 (minute 543a)
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In view of s.I.S. letter of 21.4.50 at 572a, I rang (name deleted, typical for M.I.6) who agreed that no advantage would be gained by retaining Carré on H.O.S.I. (Home Office Subject Index)
B.2.c/ND (= Nadia Dabell) (new for me is B.2.c.) 26.4.50.
I would have preferred to skip these kind of reference; but its content is, in our context relevant: 000
KV 2/933-1, page 39
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CX/ xxx/xxx dated 21st April, 1950
Dear Miss Dabell (M.I.5),
Mathilde Carré:
Please refer to your letter PF 64216/B2C/Q of 13.2.50.
Our representative xxxx (usually delete by M.I.6) tells us that Mathilde Lucie Carré @ "Micheline" @ "Victoire" @ "La Chatte", born 30.6.1908 at Le Creutsot, (Saone & Loire) whose address is given as 14, Avenue des Gobelins, Paris, was condemned to death in January 1949 by Cour de Justice du Departement de la Seine, but that this sentence has been commuted to life-imprisonment with hard labour (witch did not mature!).
Yours sincerely,
name obligatory deleted by M.I.6)
KV 2/933-1, page 50
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M.O.1 (S.P.) The War Office,
Rom 532, Southern Rotunda,
18/19 Monck Street
London, S.W.1
NGM/3830 8th September, 1947
Lt. Col. T. A Robertson (TAR),
Box 500,
Parliament Street B.O.,
London, S.W.1.
Dear Tar,
You will recall that a week or so ago we discussed the latest moves in the Victoire case. Maurice Buckmaster (S.O.E.) (Victoire's fears hatred enemy) now tell me that he has informed Victoire's lawyer, a Monsieur Queyrat, that he will not be in London in, the second half of September when Queyrat had proposed to visit him, and that, in any event, he could give him no help with the case. Buckmaster very kindly supplied Queyrat with my office address, and this gentleman has now announced his intention paying me a visit to discuss the case when he comes to London towards the end of the month (September 1947). (AOB, clearly Buckmaster the dark genius against Victoire who gave his most effort to harm Victoire wherever he could!) I do not feel at all happy seeing the man, because my knowledge of the Victoire affairs is pretty sketchy and, in any case, I am rather doubtful it would be proper for an official interview to be granted for this purpose as I see from my files that when Victoire was released from (British) detention and deported to France a fairly full dossier of the British case against Victoire was handed to the French with the intimation that from then on any further proceedings were exclusively a French domestic matter. (AOB, this would have implied a fair status of knowledge, but with Buckmaster problematic (hatred) obsessions - we may expect that the full truth might not have been conveyed on to the French) Even should it be held that Queyrat should be given information from British official sources, I doubt whether S.O.E. is the correct Department to do this, (of course not, as they were the nucleus of the many problems) and in order that I may know what sort of reply to make to Queyrat when, he approaches me officially (which he has not yet done) I should be grateful for your advise.
(AOB, all is the consequence of once Buckmaster's unfair (hatred) attitude against Victoire)
KV 2/933-1, page 53
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This enquiry is being made to ascertain the circumstances under which Mme. Carré was arrested and imprisoned' and to discover legal steps necessary to release her from prison in France; her lawyer has appealed to me in this, her fifth year (Victoire was imprisoned under Home Office Order 12(5A) on 1st July 1942), of incarceration, and I shall do all in my power to help her.
Kindly send your answer to:-
32, Upper Brook Street.
London, W.1.
12th June '47 (Sgd) R.V.L. LLoyd.
(AOB, my query: by what means did they possess a copy of LLoyd's letter; was he still watched upon, such as telephone taps and/or were his letter intercepted, existing censorship?)
KV 2/933-1, page 64
I have had my doubts whether or not I should use this Graphic chart, also due to its poor drawing quality For those who have followed our route from the start of the Carré-Vitoire-Survey up to this point, it might enlighten your understanding a bit.
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Armand we as being Walenty, real name Armand Czerniawski
Of course: Victoire and La Chatte is concerning Carré
Please notice that Lucas entered the scene via Deuxieme Bureaux (French Intelligence Service) in Vichy and Miklos.
KV 2/933-1, page 66 We enter now the days of the preparations of Prosecutions against Violette and others
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Observations regarding the Case of Mme. Renée Borni (Violette)
It is understood that the French legal authorities are considering the advisability of arraigning Mme Renee (Renée) Borni (Violette) on a charge of intelligence with the enemy, and that the substance of the charges would be:-
(i) That she was equally culpable (responsible) with Mme. Mathilde Carré in collaborating with the enemy and giving information which led to the arrest of a number of the persons working in a resistence organisation which had its leader Armand Walenty, (Wing Commander Ramon Czerniawski).
(ii) That Mme. Renee (Renée) Borni was solely and directly responsible for the arrest of forty or fifty such persons, including Mme. Carré herself.
(iii) That Mme. Renee (Renée) Borni disclosed to the Germans the code which had been used by Walenty's Organisation and thus enabled them to continue transmitting messages to the British Intelligence Authorities, and that she herself acted as cypher clerk.
The British Intelligence Authorities have had ample opportunity by means of the interrogations of several members of the Walenty's Organisation (Interallie) of assessing the culpability (liability) of Mme. Renée Borni and of comparing it with that of Mme. Carré, and have reached the conclusion that although Mme Borni did undoubtedly collaborate to some extent under duress, the service which she rendered to the British Authorities prior to her arrest and the limits which she herself was able to place on the extent of her collaboration would justify the French Authorities in taking a merciful view of her actions immediately following her arrest at Germans hands.
In order to substantiate (corroborate) these conclusions it is convenient to qualify them, and explain them under the headings which form the basis of the charges against Mme. Renée Borni.
(i) Whilst there is no direct evidence to prove that Mme. Borni supplied the Germans with the name and address of Mme. Carré, and she herself under earlier interrogation denied having done so, the evidence of Bleicher the German Abwehr Officer (one source designate him he was an Uffz. (N.C.O.), (I myself, AOB, would not be surprised that he was possessing the status of a Sdf. Sonderführer, this ranking existed in various designations: G, Z, K, B ) who was instrumental in making the arrests, may be considered to provide very strong evidence as to her guilt in this respect. Having said this, however, the limit of her betrayal has been reached. There is strong evidence from many sources that Mme. Borni betrayed no other member of the organisation and it is a fact that agents known only to her: M. Defly for instance, head of the Sector H, and M. Martin head of Sector G, both wanted by the Germans but both unknown to Mme. Carré, escaped arrest. Mme. Carré on the other hand collaborated wholeheartedly with Bleicher from the moment of her arrest (18 November 1941), to the extent of becoming his mistress and acting as a decoy for the capture of the remainder of the Organisation. Bleicher under interrogation records that Mme. Carré was "instable in her treachery, prepared to denounce her nearest and dearest" and adds that in all his experience he had never seen anyone who betrayed her friends with such cynicism and zest (enthusiasm).
AOB, I would like to close this defensive contribution on behalf of Mme. Renée Borni as we have delt with this before: → (L16) (L16return)
The next reference puts a slightly different light on the question:
KV 2/933-1, page 69
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Original in PF 65363 (= KV 2/72 - KV 2/73 on Walenty Brutus)
Major C.P. Hope, M.I.5 Liaison, Paris
trough Lt. Colonel Cussen, S.L.B.3 (AOB, has something to do with prosecution)
Brutus (formerly Walenty) recently received a letter from Mr. Margain, who is apparently Violette's advocate, and I enclose a copy of the letter and as Violette was his closest collaborateur while he was running Inter-Alliee (Inter-Alliée) Organisation in France prior his arrest (on 18 November 1941) by the Germans, I do not feel that we can reasonably prevent him from writing something to her lawyer on her behalf. A copy of his reply, which will be sent within the next two days, is enclosed and although there is no objection to your showing the letter to Colonel verneuil unofficially, I feel that it would be rather unfair to arm the prosecution with the information which Brutus has produced in her (Violette's) defence. That she collaborated to some extent cannot be disputed but in spite of Victoire's statement, which was confirmed by Bleicher, there seems to be considerable doubt as to whether Violette did in fact betray Victoire's address. (AOB, there was a competition between Victoire and Violette; fist was Victoire Walenty's mistress she was proceeded later by Violette!)
B.1.a. (M.I.5) 17.12.45 signed W.E. Luke (Major)
KV 2/933-1, page 72 (minute 547a)
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AOB: It might becoming boring time and again dealing with Victoire and Violette (The British Secret Services clearly have a preference for defending Violette, albeit often with lacking sound evidence, only because they have a clear antipathy against Victoire)
Brutus (formerly Walenty) has received the attached letter from Monsieur G. Margain, who is Violette's advocate. Brutus is most anxious that Violette (she was Walenty's mistress) should not be convicted and wishes to do everything he can, short of appearing in court, on her behalf to establish her innocence. (AOB, how could he know certainly what had happened when he was kept in German captivity; more than a sort feeling?) Both Victoire and Bleicher, who is now in French hands have stated that Violette gave away to the Germans Victoire's address, which lead to her address with its disastrous results; but Brutus is firmly of the opinion that Violette's position was revealed by someone else (is this a valid argument?) and wishes to write a letter to Violette's advocate answering many of the queries which he (Mr G. Margrain Violette's advocate) has put forward. A copy of his proposed reply is attached. I have seen Colonel Cussen and D.B. and both have agreed that it would be difficult for us to refuse to allow Brutus to reply, especially when it is remembered that he is anxious to return to France with his wife "Moustique (Simone Deschamps)" and his position over there would be rendered most difficult if he done nothing to establish the innocence of Violette, who was his principal lieutenant in the Inter-Alliée Organisation. In the circumstances we all agree that he should be allowed to reply but that I should send copies of the advocate's letter and of his reply to Hope in Paris, who may wish to show them to Colonel Verneuil. I shall be grateful if you will read through the two letters and let me know whether you would like any alteration to be made in the one which Brutus proposes to send. (AOB, digesting the last remarks, then we get the impression Brutus/Walenty is kept as a kind of prisoner!)
B.1.a. 17.12.45 Sgd W.E. Luke
(AOB, may it be: that Brutus/Walenty feels a bit guilty against Violette - that he married to another woman instead - of Violette, in the meantime?)
(AOB, in other words, both women might have their blames against Walenty)
KV 2/933-2, page 6 (minute 538b)
AOB: A very good example of Secret Service historical manipulations:
I think our plan should be to get Lucas to the War Office (Room 055) and ask him in a friendly way what it is he wants to know. We could tell him (and Brutus agrees with this suggestion) that Brutus had telephoned (a lie!) to ask why his statements had not reached the Judge d' Instruction and had disclosed that he had received the information that they passed on from Lucas. This will give us a reason for interviewing Lucas which will not place Brutus in too unfavourable a light.
(AOB, concerns this the nation so proud of fair-ply connected with their friend? No! It is a dirty game manipulating their best friends, though played by honourable Majors and/or Colonels!)
B.1.a. 9.11.45 Sgd W.E. Luke
KV 2/933-2, page 12 (minute 537a)
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In B.1.a. we have always opposed Brutus' (Walenty) return to France because if he were sub-poenaed? as a witness he might, under cross examination, have to disclose that he was a controlled German agent in this country and his disclosure would have endangered our deception technique. I still think that any publicity (and this is what we feared) regarding his activities as a double agent should be avoided if at all possible, but we cannot indefinitely prevent Brutus, whose wife is French, from returning to France.
major Hope has suggested that at this stage we might take the S.T. into our confidence and I think there is something to be said for this view, since it might prevent unwelcome complications in the Victoire and Violette trials, and would, as the same time, strengthen Hope's position vis-à-vis the S.T. The whole case is, however, an exceedingly complicated one which I do not think Hope understands; I must confess in fact that some of its ramifications bewilder me, in spite of the fact that I have carefully read through all files
KV 2/933-2, page 15 (partially) (minute 536b) .
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M.I.5. (Major Luke, B.1.a. through Lt. Col. Cussen, (S.L.B.3)
to your letter of 22 September 1945. I have been able to obtain the following information about Violette. The DGER here are investigating the case of Victoire in conjunction with S.T. who are holding her as a prisoner. They have informed the S.T. that Brutus got away to England and is dead. The S.T are, therefore, casting around for Brutus' contacts so as to check Victoire's admissions. Furthermore, the D.G.E.R. have placed the S.T in possession of the statements of Bleicher who is, I understand identical with Verbeek (Verbeck). This man's statement does, of course, threw a rather ugly light on Violette, and the S.T. have discovered that she spent some six weeks coding for the Germans in a villa at St, Germain.
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3. In spite of the D.G.E.R. recommendation ( and this is not surprising considering the relations existing between the two (French) services) the S.T., after interrogating Violette, arrested her. They have apparently up till now not formulated and charge against her, but in view of Bleicher's statement, there is, I think, no doubt that they have probably extracted some information from her which will enable them to proceed against her.
4. I am proposing to take this matter up with the S.T. in the near future with the help of Lt. Col. Brooman-White who is here at the moment, and I will try and do what I can to present them our views (which were pro Violette, even when they never saw her personally; and apparently most damaging to Victoire's fate). It is, of course, clear that we cannot intervene in the case as we have handed Victoire over to the French and the matter has become an internal French concern. The only justification on which we can act is, of course, the safeguarding of Brutus' (Walenty) activities (Brutus = Walenty and he had before the wind-up on 18 November 1941, a relation with Violette) as a D/A and, while this is a thing that we can frankly discuss with the D.G.E.R, is is not a matter which can be gone into with the S.T.
5. At all events I have hopes that I shall be able to examine any statement that Violette has made and keep some from of watching brief in the case so that, in the event of any undesirable references to Brutus (Walenty) coming to light, I can ask the D.G.E.R. for assistance.
6. I would like to point out that this will not concern a guarantee covering up Brutus' activities as, if the S.T. get in to it through an interrogation of Violette, they may choose to disregard the D.G.E.R.'s advice. In fact the D.G.E.R. have been most cooperative with us convincing at the subterfuge (trick) that Brutus is dead. The S.T. have accepted this statement as that there is no chance of Brutus being directly involved, but it will be much harder for the D.G.E.R. to attempt to restrain the S.T. from making the necessary investigations in to Brutus' background which they may consider the necessary investigations into Brutus' background which they may consider necessary to complete their case against Victoire and/or Violette. (AOB, First was Brutus/Walenty the lover of Victoire; then the latter was disposed off and instead he went over to join with Violette)
7. I will write to you again as soon as I have any further information.
Paris sgd. Major C.P. Hope
M.I.5. Liaison Section. 27. September 1945
KV 2/933-2, page 16
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The only information which has come to light since that date which affects the case Violette, and which is admittedly of considerable importance, is Bleicher's statement that she disclosed the identity of Victoire, and it may be that the French, fully cognisant of all her work, good and bad, are determined to proceed against her. From our point of view this will be unfortunate because there is little doubt that she knows something about Brutus' position as a double agent and may produce this information in her defence as an excuse for having accepted payment from the Germans after he had come over to England.
(AOB: please be aware: that Brutus/Walenty was also a German agent and paid by them; at the same time Brutus was M.I.5's most important double-cross agent in France!)
Major C.P. Hope, M.I.5 Liaison Section Paris. Sgd. W.E. Luke Major
KV 2/933-2, page 17
Crown Copyright
I would like to invite you to consider also the US ↓↓ (CIC) interrogation report of September 1944; as to get a better understanding then M.I.5's a bit distorted M.I.5 arguments pro Violette (a tears-jerker)
Dear Peter,
I telephoned you yeasterday afternoon to inform you that Brutus had received a
telegram from the fiancé of Violette saying that she hat been put in goal in
connection with the Victoire trial. According to the telegram Victoire has
accused her of intelligence with the enemy (Germans).
This has upset Brutus very much as Violette was his closest collaborator when he
was running the S.O.E. Inter-Allie (Interalliée)
Organisation in France towards the end of 1942
(18 November 1941!)
when she did excellent cypher work and was also, let it be said, his sleeping
companion). (AOB, it has to be said also:
that Victoire did valuable work, also cypher work for Interalliée!)
(The story painted is a bit apparently
incomplete (distorted): as before Violette came in, Walenty's
bed companion had been Victoire!)
After his arrest (18 November 1941) she was interrogated by Bleicher, a German (counter) Intelligence Officer who is now in our hands (maybe them on interrogation in Camp 020), who says that she gratuitously informed him that Victoire was also working in the Interalliée organisation. We know also that she subsequently collaborated with the Germans to the extent of encoding and decoding cypher messages for them in connection with the Interalliée transmitter which Victoire was running under German control. The extent of her collaboration cannot, however, be compared in any way with the whole hearted cooperation which Victoire gave to the Germans.
It may be true that Violette under pressure gave away Victoire's name although
we have only Bleicher's word for this*,
and that again, under pressure, she performed certain unimportant duties in
connection with the coding of messages after her arrest, but the good work she
did for Brutus Walenty (as
did Victoire and longer since 1940)
while he was running Interalliée organisation was such a nature (similary
did then Victoire) that certainly we find
it easy to forgive her for her subsequent defection. I am assured too, by
Brutus, that had it not been for her efforts on his behalf he would never have
been allowed to "escape" to this country**
and to have carried out his most successful for double-crossing the Germans.
* Bleicher's words had to be believed; as Bleicher had not much to lose after the war.
** Brutus / Walenty is at least painting an incorrect story! He: 'Czerniawski/Walenty/Brutus' had other motives. By virtually cooperating with the Germans he could achieve more than being in a goal and thereafter a trial which might have ended up in a death-penalty. But, maybe the files on Bleicher may bring more; which I, Deo volente, would like to approach after this entire series have been gone through. But, when Brutus stayed as a German spy in England, and communicated via a separate W/T with the German controlled W/T station, he now-and-then asked the Germans to pass-on his greetings to Renée Borni (Violette); By the way, Violette got money via intermediation of the Germans payments up to spring 1944. What I do not know - is what Brutus'/Waltenty's German code/cover name was. The British Secret Services tended to create in respect to Violette a "tears-jerker"; with the only intention: hearting Victoire maximally.
AOB, another matter should be recognised also: Brutus was more or less M.I.5's prisoner after the closure of hostilities in Europe - as his letters were intercepted, his acting in France was feared, and discussions took place whether they could allow Czerniawski (Walenty/Brutus) to be permitted to go to France!
KV 2/933-2, page 20
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Copy. Original in P.F. 65363 Walenty (KV 2/72 - KV 2/73 on Walenty - Brutus)
"Cher Commandant,
j'ai recu hier et aujourdh'ui deux telegrammes au sujet de Violette envoyes pas son fiancé. J'ai respondu hier par un telegramme et je vous prie beaucoup de fair voitre possible.
Malhheureusement je suis oblige partire pour 2 jours en dehors de Londre. Je serais de retour jeudi matin et je vous telephonerai immediatement.
Mes meilleurs amities,
(signed) Czerniawski (W/C) (= Wing Commander)
KV 2/933-2, page 21
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Copy of telegram from Paris dated 15.9.45.
(Original in PF 65363 Walenty)
Wing Commander R. Czerniawski, Polish Air Force, 1 Princes Row, London S.W.1.
Violette aretee depot Nancy pour sa levee d'ecrouve pendant interrogatoires du proces de La Chatte (Victoire) qui accuse Violette intelligence avec ennemi Violette souffrante priere de faire urgence repondre Tribunal 1er instance Paris Juge Inst. Fougeres.
KV 2/933-2, page 28 (minute 532b)
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Copy for PF 64216 (Carré-Victoire)
Original in PF 600861 Bleicher
Internal Memorandum.
from: S/Ldr. Beddard To: Colonel Stephens (leader Camp 020)
Bleicher @ Verbeck.
With reference to B.1.w (Mr. Wilson's) (stood the B.1.W for Wilson?) memorandum of 19.7.45. Bleicher has again been interrogated on the circumstances of Lucas' arrest and the subsequent conditions agreed upon between him and Bleicher.
Extracts from Lucas' written statement (N16) (N16return) were read to Bleicher and he was warned that other sources confirmed that he had not told the full story of this affair.
He was particularly asked to describe the treatment which Lucas received after his arrest, and he was questioned as to whether the names of agents which Lucas gave him were already known to the Germans. Finally he was told to write a full statement of the case as known to him, from the date of Lucas' arrest (24 April 1942).
As agreed verbally with Mr. Wilson on 23.7.45 two signed copies of this statement in his (Lucas') original French are attached to this memorandum.
As will be seen from this statement, Bleicher is prepared to agree that Lucas may have received some tough handling before his, Bleicher's appearance on the scene, but he cannot be made to admit at any time that he personally condoned or was in any way responsible for the ill treatment of prisoners (Bleicher did not himself used force against prisoners). This is in fact his chief claim to consideration at our hands. In this particular instance he has gone so far as to confess that in a sudden fit to temper at Lucas' denial of having met him before, he smacked Lucas' face. However he states that he afterwards apologised to Lucas for his unique breach of etiquette on his part.
As regards the names given him by Lucas, Bleicher maintains that unless Lucas had given a considerable amount of valuable information, he would never have been able to arrange such "generous" terms for him and his agents, and he denies that the threat of shooting hostages for Cean sabotage affair never used by him to force Lucas' hand.
Bleicher seems to have genuine admiration for Lucas and his attitude may be summed up as follows: "Lucas, in very difficult circumstances, did the best he possibly could save the lives of the members of his organisation. He could not have done more, and it is a pity that he should try to justify his actions by falsifying the facts."
It is felt however that Bleicher's own version of some aspects of the story should be treated with reserve, in view of his previous reticence (reserve) upon many points which have come to light through Lucas' Statement.
TEB/OC 23.7.45 sgd. T.E. Beddard S/Ldr.
KV 2/933-2, page 35 and 41 partially (minute 531b)
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Internal Memorandum.
Nobel II Affair (P16) (P16return)
Q (question) 22. Does Bleicher know if Wolters (Q16) (Q16return) (about 24 April 1942) was badly treated in order to make him betray Lucas, or did Wolters readily consent to betray him without much pressure?
A (answer) 22. According to Bleicher Volters (Wolters) was never badly treated. He was arrested in Lucas' office at the Lido, Paris. Bleicher does not believe that he spent even one night inn prison, and was prepared to betray everyone, whilst protesting that he personally was not really involved in the organisation. In return for a promise of personal safety, he betrayed Lucas.
Bleicher says he had never seen such a coward, and that he wanted to give all sorts of gratuitous information. He was allowed to take a job in a transport business, and Bleicher says he took no more interest in him.
KV 2/933-2, page 42 (still part of minute 531b)
Very essential in the constant erroneous mentioning the Gestapo as police executor by British servants, of course, Bleicher states here correctly:
Crown Copyright
Bleicher claims to have only second-hand knowledge regarding this organisation, of which the arrests and subsequent handling were the work of the S.D.
Not essential in our context, but copied because of the police implication.
He says that during the summer of 1943, when visiting the B.d.S. (Befehlshaber des Sicherheitdienstes) (S.D.) the general topic .....Bleicher says nearly all the 'French Section' agents had been arrested and were working for the S.D.
KV 2/933-2, page 53 (minute 531b) jumping further to a for us relevant subject:
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Q.8. What exactly was the part played by Micheline (Victoire) in the Lucas (Pierre de Vomecourt) affair? What were the circumstances of Lucas' arrest?
A.8 Micheline (Carré/Victoire)made the acquaintance of the Vomecourt @ Lucas through a certain Brault, a lawyer in the American Chamber of Commerce in Paris.
Lucas was in need of a transmitting set to send his messages to the War Office (S.O.E.) in London. By January 1942 Micheline had Lucas completely under her thumb and they joined forces, taking an office at the Lido, where they worked together.
Bleicher was introduced to Lucas and his assistant, Rogér (Couttin), as a Belgian friend of Micheline's. (Bleicher does not believe that Lucas ever supposed a double-cross, or that Micheline gave Bleicher away to Lucas before leaving for England) (AOB, this may match in the Vass context in January 1945 (Q18) (Q18return) ) The statement that Victoire did not gave Bleicher away to Lucas, is a bit doubtful, when we follow Lucas' story when he encountered Bleicher after his arrest on 24th April 1942: (R19) (R19return) )
KV 2/933-2, page 54 (minute 529a) actually continuing Bleicher's interrogation report of Camp 020
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An agent of Bleicher's, Jouffret @ Claude (S19) (S19return), was introduced to Lucas, Rogér and Volters (Lucas' secretary) and it was agreed that Claude should replace Micheline (Victoire) during the latter's absence. In reality Claude acted as liaison between Rogér, Volters.
Bleicher heard of Lucas' secret return to France in the following way: one day at his office Major Schaefer gave him a few sheets of paper, saying that they had been found on a courier caught on the Demarcation Line (border between German occupied en un-occupied (Vichy) France). It was an agent's report containing messages to be sent off from the (Vichy) Zone Libre. One sentence read:
"H.B. is still living at the same address, but he is sleeping out. I will find him one of these days".
Bleicher recognised this as Lucas' (hand) writing and knew that H.B. referred to himself.
Immediately through his agent Claude he made a rendez-vous with Volters, who on being arrested confessed everything and on conditions of being given his freedom, betrayed Lucas and Rogér at a rendez-vous in a café in Paris. Bleicher was not present at the arrest, whishing to remain in the background.
Lucas next day gave Bleicher all his organisation (T19) (T19return), on condition that the numbers should be treated as prisoners of war (PoW) and sent to PoW camps. This arrangement was ratified by Col. Reyle and the promise was kept.
Bleicher personally gave Lucas' wife 50,000francs so that she could support herself and (her) three children.
KV 2/933-2, page 54 cont.
Crown Copyright
Q 9. What exactly was "Violette's part (Renée Borni) after her arrest? What services did she render? What did she reveal which could have led to the arrest of agents of the group? Did the Germans in fact pay Violette 3,000 francs a month and why exactly? Was she working for them, or was it merely to keep the promise made to Armand? (AOB, this shows that the one who prepared the questions had no knowledge of the successive events! Armand (Czerniawski - Walenty later Brutus) was only in the course of 1942 becoming engaged with the Germans; but the episode shortly after 18 November 1941 is the period the question was playing!)
A.9 Renée Borni @ Violette directly after her arrest revealed to Bleicher all she knew about the organisation, and denounced Micheline (Victoire), of whom she was very jealous.
Violette took Bleicher to the office three minutes' walk from the Villa Leandre, where Micheline worked, and gave all the details necessary to the effect of her arrest. Bleicher states that since Micheline was prepared to give away the entire organisation he had no further need of other assistance. However, Violette who had always? (before Violette entered the scene Victoire did also the same coding-decoding) decoded and decoded messages for Armand (Walenty), declared that she was prepared to do the same work for the Germans and she was consequently installed at the Katzensteg at St. Germain, where Micheline was also working, and continued decipehering messages from November 1941 to March 1942.
KV 2/933-2, page 55
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To cover minor expenses (she was free to go by herself to St. Germain, or in accompany with the N.C.O. (Uffz.) Propst she was paid Frs. 3,000 a month. By April Propst had himself learned ho to encode messages and Bleicher was anxious to get rid of Violette, who was becoming more trouble than she was worth.
Major Kaizer and others spent much of their time making love to her and the situation was getting out of hand. Major Kaizer had proposed that Violette should work for him in some not very clearly defined capacity, and Bleicher at this point stepped in and told her (Violette) that in recompense for her past services she might return to her parents Luneville, and this arrangement was finally agreed upon. This had nothing to do with the promises made to Armand (Walenty) and which, in fact, occurred much later.
Bleicher states, however, that after his (Armand Walenty) from Fresnes (prison) (the Germans played it such - that they facilitated an occurrence where Walenty was 'so-called' escaped but actually he was set free), and before leaving for the (Vichy controlled) Zone Libre, Armand (Walenty) went to Luneville to see Violette.
(AOB, please bear in mind: That the British endeavour - supporting Violette was to a great extent driven by their main aims - to heard Victoire as much as possible. And Violette once had lived with Armand-Walenty-Brutus together)
Crown Copyright
Carré, Madame Mathilde Lucie
KV 2/934
PF 64216 ←
A PF serial number is valid for all related file series
This file series contains all sorts of materials, such as Victoire's letters never forwarded etc.
KV 2/934-1, page 23
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Original and copies of report prepared by Victoire with the approval of the Germans and brought over here by her
AOB, I only chose one, without preference.
KV 2/934-1, page 40
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Summary of Traffic of Service interest from 28.2.42 - 31.3.42
Counting from the Victoire's first day in London up to the day before Lucas should return to France
The transmitter was Victoire's line on the other end controlled by the German Abwehr
London was asking Walenty's re-established organisation; though now Abwehr controlled.
5.3.42 London asked for information about bombing of the Renault factory.
5.3.42 Agent reported that the Renault works had been almost completely destroyed, that 20,000 people had been thrown out of work and that it would be several months before the factory was rebuilt. (AOB, bear in mind that it was in the interest of the Germans, who were supplying this information, to paint matters a black as possible!) Many hits had been scored on the Salmson works and as a result of great destruction at the Farman works, 20,000 had been thrown out of work. A petrol tanker on the seine had also been bombed and sunk. As a result of the foregoing public opinion was beginning to turn against England while de Brinon had made an anti-British speech during which he had said that not only had England deserted France in her fall but that she was now bombing the civilian population. The casualties amounted to 700 killed and 2,000 wounded.
12.3.42 London asked for details of the bombing of the Matford works at Poissy and of the bombing of the Bethune and district.
17.3.42 Agent reported that it had been learnt by a fisherman at Dinan that a mine-layer had laid a mine barrage between 2 and 4 degrees along the coast from North East to South West at a distance of about 15 sea miles from the islands. The fisherman had learned this in a tavern at Dinan from German sailors who had come from St. Malo and who had laid the barrage.
21.3.42 Agent reported that the Ford workshops at Poisey had been hit by ten bombs and considerably damaged with the result 500 men were out of work. There were no casualties.
24.3.42 Agent reported that he had observed a few days before that the Germans had installed anti-aircraft guns round the Matford works.
Please be aware: that the German controlled reply on English questions after British their bombardments; it is evident that the Germans execrated the apparent damage, as this would re-visiting less necessary!
The last two series KV 2/935 and KV 2/936 are for us not relevant as the fore last deals mainly with payment or not when Victoire staid in the Holloway Prison.
The last file series (6 sub-sections) covers the memoirs of Carré, which, by the way were taken from her and had not returned to her; I doubt this was legally!
We have gone through the entire series between KV 2/926 up to KV 2.936
Out next aim is to study Bleicher's files, of which I have so far digested a poor quality single one.
Our disadvantage, there apparently seem to exist new series in the KV 2/4xxx ranges, which, sadly aren't accessible digitally.
I suppose to name our next subject key: Carré-Bleicher-Walenty
By Arthur O. Bauer