Six Papers on Television

FIAT 865

Office of Military Government for Intelligence (US)


19 August 1946


Prof. Dr. Fritz Schroeter

at the request of

Lt.Col. R.H. Ranger

Signal Corps

Technical Industrial Intelligence Branch

U.S. Department of Commerce

Field Information Agency, Technical


Keywords:    .. Prof. Schroeter has been a leader expert of facsimile television developments, he was obviously the man to contact to prepare reports on the advance ideas; Code Modulated Telephony, Multiplex Code Modulated Telephony ... ; Prof. Dr. Fritz Georg Ernst Schroeter, age 59 is a high ranking scientist ,, He graduated at the University of Berlin in 1909 ...; Electron-beam-comutator .. Blue coloured recor on white KCl-screens ..., Kinescope-tubes flat screen Definition 1500 lines, with 2000 scanned lines; Direct permanent recording on KCl-screen-tubes (con.Nr.2). Transmission of 400 w.p.m. with 10 kc band-width. Surprisingly good definition in the record.

KCl-screen-tubes used in connection with pantographtransmitters. Excellent results promise full success of completing a radio broadcast-set by a simple KCl-screen-tube ... ; 1000 lines-pictures (Karolus-Lab's C.d.C.-Lab's) 1000 lines-film-scanner (Karolus combining the "Mechau"-film-projector with  the inertial-screeb ... ; New Scanning Method for Television ... ;  .... Kleine Phasenfehler des uebertragenen Fernsehsignals, hervorgerufen durch den Rauschpegel, koennen sich infolge ... ; Phase Modulation for Television On decimeter-wave channels feeding the modulators of television-broadcast-transmitter frequency modulation (FM) is superior to amplitude-modulation ... but inferior to phase-modulation (PM) ... ; Uebertragung von Fernsehbildern mittels Phasenverschiebung von Impulsen. Fuer die Zuleitung der Bildsignale zu den Modulatoren von Fernseh-Rundfunksendern werden in zunehmendem Maße Dezimeterwellenkanälen benutzt. Hierbei hat sich gezeigt, dass unter gewissen Voraussetzungen Frequenzmodulation (FM) wesentlich vorteilhafter ist als Amplitudenmodulation (AM). Vom Standpunkt ... ;    Channeling by The Time Division On A Wide Band Carrier. Among the needs of television, the development of decimeter=wave-beam channels is one of the most important .... time-dividing-method ... The electron-beam-comutator .... ; SEE page 21 Isn't the top circuit not like the one used in early Tektronix oscilloscopes? claimed to be invented in Britain, but wasn't it common knowledge? .... Verteilungssystem fuer Breitbandnachrichten ... Zur Verbesserung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Zentimeter- und Dezimeterwellen-Linien mit grosser Frequenzbreite ... ; Verfahren von G. Krawinkel ... ; Code Modulated Telephony .... ; Vorrichtung für störfreie elektrische Fernübertragung.. Zeitmodulation (ZM) ...; Multiplex Code Modulated Telephony ... ; Multiplex Telephony ... ; Prof. Dr. Fritz Schroeter formerly Director Laboratory Telefunken Berlin Evacuated to Bad Liebenstein and now at Heidenheim Germany... 

