Please notice: this webpage is containing many good quality photos. Consequently, causing a heavy data download. Please be aware that your internet connection is allowing a vast data download.


January 1930*

*The italic text is representing the genuine Dutch caption language. They apparently used the old grammar writing. Although, a new spelling was introduced about mid 1930s. Though, after the end of the war in 1945 it was fully implemented in daily writing.


Radio-Zendstation Dajeuh Kolot

Bandoengsche Hoogvlakte Java


Viewing the Dajeuh Kolot (Dajeuhkolot) area before the station construction planning begun about 1930



Please be patient, Klaas Dijkstra was a very dedicated photographer and was approaching his task in an artistic way

He took many photos on behalf of the Dutch Indies PTT. Particularly related to the activities around projects where the Radio Laboratory of Bandung was engaged to.



This photo definitely is providing an artistic, maybe dramatic, view on the surrounding of this site; binding the heavy tropical rain clouds with the current landscape

Considering the projected daylight shadow - we might viewing towards the southern mountains. Maybe belonging to the same group as where 'Gunung Malabar' belongs to.



Hard to imagine what soon is to be commenced



Maybe not well understood from the previous photo - the building in the background actually is a covering roof over a small bridge


Photos series taken on 25 February 1933


Overzicht van het terrein genomen vanuit de toegangsweg bij de bocht - 25 Februari- 1933



Het graven van de dwars-kabelgoot - 25 Februari 1933 -



Het metselen van de linker kabelgoot - 25 Februari 1933 -



Het nog onder-water staan van de rechtsche kabelgoot. - 25 Februari 1933 -



Series taken on 22 March 1933


Proefbelasting - 22 Maart -



Graven van één der fundatieputten. - 22 Maart 1933 -



Metselen van de dwarskabelgoot. - 22 Maart -



Rechtsche kabelgoot reeds gemetseld. - 22 Maart 1933 -


Series taken on 4 May 1933


Fundatie's en grote kabelgoten. - Begin Mei 1933 -



Fundatie peilers. - Linkerkant gebouw. - 4 Mei 1933 -



Dwarskabelgoot gemetseld. - 4 Mei 1933 -



Fundatie peilers. Rechterkant gebouw. - 4 Mei 1933 -



Uitzetten fundering machinekamer. - 4 Mei 1933 -



Photo series taken in August 1933


Radio Zendstation in aanbouw, vanuit het Oosten gezien. - Augustus 1935 -



Photo covered by the same caption previously



Zenderzaal in aanbouw. - Augustus 1933 -



The previous caption is also valid for this photo



Radio Zendstation in aanbouw, vanuit het Noord-Oosten gezien. - Augustus 1933 -



Radio Zendstation in aanbouw, vanuit het Westen gezien. - Augustus 1933 -



Gezicht op de machinekamer, gezien vanaf platform der cellen. - Augustus 1933 -



Eerst aangekomen materiaal. Het afkappen van een stuk kabel als monster. Opname bij stroomcentrale. - Mei 1933 -

Viewing this above photo, you just can see Carlswerk on the big cable bobbin in front. To my knowledge the German Carlswerk belonged to: Felten & Guilleaume in Cologne. A well known cable manufacturer.



Photos taken on 19 June 1933


Overzicht Hoofdgebouw. - 19 Juni 1933 -



Overzicht linksche gedeelte Hoofdgebouw. - 19 Juni 1933 -



Fundatie peilers machinekamer. - 19 Juni 1933 -



Fundatie's en grote kabelgoten. - Begin Mei 1933 -



Photo taken in March 1934


Gezicht op machinekamer, gezien vanaf platform der cellen. - Maart 1934 -



Het opzetten der 90 M. antennemasten. - Maart 1934 -



Radio Zendstation - Dajeuh Kolot. Maart 1934 -



90 M. antennemasten in aanbouw. - Maart 1934 -



Please notice the foregoing caption



Kijkje over het platform der cellen en op de machinekamer (links). - Maart 1934 -



De toegangsweg loopt onder één der 90-meter antennemasten door. - Maart 1934 -



De Zenderzaal. - Maart 1934 -



Kijkje over de gehele lengte van een kabelgoot, waarin tevens de 4" toe- en afvoerleidingen liggen voor het koelwater der Zendlampen van de 80 k.W.-Zenders. (Maart 1934)



Radio Zendstation - Dajeuh Kolot. Overzicht-foto van het emplacement met toegangsweg tot het stationsgebouw.



Radio Zendstation - Dajeuh Kolot. Een der 90 M. antennemasten, op het laagste gelegen gedeelte van het terrein, in aanbouw.

The local 'tani' is working on his 'padi' field, in Indonesia known as 'sawah' . This is even today a common view on Java. Dajeuh Kolot, as is Bandung,  belong to the province of West Java. (comment AOB)



Radio Zendstation - Dajeuh Kolot. De laatste mast-onderdelen worden met de lier naar boven geheschen.

This photo is without a date, but we may assume that it was taken in early 1936, noticing the wet 'padi' fields.



Slamatan Oct.'36



Slamatan Oct'. 1936



Photo taken during the Slamatan.

Considering Klaas Dijkstra's book we may assume the second person, viewing from left to right, being Ir. Willem F. Einthoven Cpr. en Clab. Maybe on the far right-hand side Techn. Ambt. v.d. Linden. Left of him, maybe, Ir. Jansen

However, according Klaas Dijkstra - the European staff did not favour this 'superstitious' ritual.



Hoofdgebouw en Machinegebouw.



Zenderzaal 7 - 3 -'37



P.M.C. met oude dedieningstafel



Nieuwe bedieningstafel P.M.C.

PMC was the call-sign of a particular transmitter service, normally belonging to a kind of wireless service.



3 kilo watt zender



Voorzyde hoofdgebouw


You might perhaps wonder why there apparently were no photos taken in the year 1935, maybe the first part of 1936 too. My estimation: this is because Klaas Dijkstra was having his tropical leave (staying somewhere in Europe). Which periodically was due every 7th  year and lasted, I believe, 7 months including the voyage per passenger liner. The intervals being sometimes a bit delayed owing to current obligations. That Klaas was in Europe about this period is known from his book Radio Malabar.


I have decided to split the reproduction of this album, as what follows are mainly matters concerning utilities. Integrating them into this current webpage is disproportional.


Maybe of some interest is the next poor slide taken somewhere in the 1980s, which shows clearly that many of the mid 1930s transmitters and antenna switches survived at least 5 decades since. Nowadays, only the main building structure of the station building remains. Albeit, divided in several small room sections. Technically nothing of the old days is left; with two tiny exceptions - above a gate the main 6000 volt-meter and, according Antoon Steenbakkers a station clock.

With some imagination the typical transmitter construction can be recognised.

Dajeuh Kolot utility webpage is to be prepared in due course 



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